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Unit 1

Introduction to Ayurveda

Definition of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India that is all about keeping our bodies and
minds healthy. It teaches us how to balance our lives by taking care of our bodies, eating the
right foods, and keeping our minds calm and happy.

Ayurveda believes that each person is unique and has their own special way of being healthy. It
divides people into three groups called doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas show us
how our bodies work and what we need to do to stay healthy.

To stay healthy, Ayurveda tells us to eat good food, use special herbs and plants for healing, do
exercises like yoga and meditation, and keep our bodies clean. It also reminds us to live in
harmony with nature and listen to what our bodies need.

Ayurveda is a wonderful way of taking care of ourselves and staying balanced. People all over
the world use it to feel good and live healthier lives.
Aim of Ayurveda

The aim of Ayurveda is to help people stay healthy and balanced. It teaches us how to prevent
getting sick and how to feel good in our bodies, minds, and hearts. Ayurveda wants us to live in
harmony with ourselves and with the world around us.

By following Ayurveda, we can learn how to keep our bodies strong, our minds calm, and our
spirits happy. It tells us to listen to our bodies and understand what they need to stay healthy.
Ayurveda also reminds us to be kind to nature and take care of the Earth.

The main goal of Ayurveda is to help us live our best lives, without getting sick and full of
energy. It shows us how to have a balanced life, eat healthy food, and use natural remedies to
stay well. Ayurveda wants us to know how to take care of ourselves and be happy and healthy.
Subject Matter of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is all about staying healthy and feeling good. It teaches us how to take care of our
bodies, minds, and spirits. We learn about different ways to stay well and prevent getting sick.

In Ayurveda, we learn that each person is unique and has a special body type. We discover how
to eat healthy foods, exercise, and rest properly. Ayurveda also tells us about using natural
remedies made from plants to feel better when we're not well.

The main things we learn in Ayurveda are how our bodies work, what makes us sick, and how to
stay healthy. It also teaches us to live in harmony with nature and make choices that are good
for ourselves and the world around us.

In short we can say that Ayurveda is about staying healthy, taking care of ourselves, and making
good choices to feel happy and well.
Salient Features of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a special way of looking at health and taking care of our bodies.

Here are some important things to know about Ayurveda:

a) Ayurveda treats the whole person - It considers our body, mind, and spirit as connected
parts of who we are.

b) Each person is unique - Ayurveda understands that everyone is different and has their own
needs. It gives personalized care based on what each person needs.

c) Balance is important - Ayurveda teaches us that when things are balanced inside our
bodies, we stay healthy. It's like keeping all the parts of a machine working well together.

d) Natural remedies are used - Ayurveda uses things from nature, like herbs and oils, to help
us stay healthy and feel better when we're sick. These natural remedies work well with our

e) Prevention is key - Ayurveda believes in stopping sickness before it happens. It tells us to

eat healthy, exercise, and manage stress to stay well.

f) Our minds affect our bodies - Ayurveda knows that our thoughts and feelings can affect our
physical health. It's important to take care of our minds too.

g) It's about our whole lifestyle - Ayurveda gives us advice on how to live our lives in a
healthy way. It tells us when to sleep, how to eat, and how to have good relationships.

h) Ayurveda is an ancient wisdom - Ayurveda has been around for a very long time and has
been passed down from older generations. People all over the world still use it to stay healthy.

These are the important things to know about Ayurveda. It helps us understand how to take care
of ourselves and stay healthy in a natural way.
Concept of health according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, being healthy means more than just not being sick. It means feeling
good in our body, mind, and heart.

Here are some important ideas from Ayurveda about staying healthy:

a) Balance of Doshas - Ayurveda says our bodies have three energies called Vata, Pitta, and
Kapha. When these energies are balanced, we stay healthy. If they get out of balance, we can
get sick.

b) Good Digestion - Ayurveda thinks it's important to have good digestion. When we eat food,
our body needs to digest it properly to get all the good stuff and get rid of the waste. Good
digestion helps us stay healthy.

c) Removing Toxins - Ayurveda knows that our bodies can have harmful things called toxins.
These toxins can build up and make us sick. Ayurveda teaches us ways to remove these toxins
and stay healthy.

d) Mind and Body Connection - Ayurveda understands that our mind and body are connected.
When we feel happy and calm in our mind, it helps our body stay healthy too. It's important to
take care of both.

e) Personalized Care - Ayurveda knows that each person is different. What works for one
person may not work for another. That's why Ayurveda gives personalized advice for food,
lifestyle, and treatments to keep us healthy.

f) Preventing Sickness - Ayurveda wants us to prevent getting sick instead of just treating it
later. We can do this by taking care of ourselves, like eating healthy food, doing exercises, and
taking time to relax.

g) Natural Healing - Ayurveda believes that nature has many things to help us stay healthy. We
can use herbs, natural remedies, and therapies to help our body heal itself.

h) Being Aware and Making Good Choices - Ayurveda wants us to pay attention to our body
and mind. By being aware of how we feel and making good choices, we can stay healthy and

Ayurveda teaches us that health is about balance, being aware of our bodies, and taking care of
ourselves in a natural way. It's important to listen to our body, eat good food, exercise, and stay
Unique features of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a special kind of medicine that is different from others.

Here are its unique features:

a) Looking at the whole - Ayurveda sees a person as a whole, including their body, mind, and
spirit. It knows that these parts are connected and affect each other. So, it doesn't just treat the
body but also thinks about feelings and thoughts.

b) Personalized care - Ayurveda knows that everyone is different. It gives special treatments
based on each person's body type and health problems. What works for one person may not
work for another.

c) Balance and harmony - Ayurveda believes that being in balance is important for good
health. If our body's energies are imbalanced, we can get sick. Ayurveda helps bring balance
using different ways like food, habits, herbs, and therapies.

d) Natural remedies - Ayurveda likes using natural things like plants, herbs, and oils to help us
get better. It believes that nature has everything we need to stay healthy. Sometimes, Ayurvedic
doctors give special herbs and mixtures for specific health issues.

e) Preventing sickness - Ayurveda thinks it's better to stop sickness before it happens. It tells
us to do healthy things like eating good food, exercising, managing stress, and taking care of
ourselves. This way, we can stay well and avoid getting sick.

f) Mind and body connection - Ayurveda knows that our thoughts and feelings affect our
bodies. If we are sad or stressed, it can make us sick. So, Ayurveda teaches us to do things like
meditation, yoga, and mindfulness to keep our minds and bodies happy and healthy.

g) Ancient wisdom - Ayurveda is a very old kind of medicine. People have been practicing it for
thousands of years. It has lots of knowledge passed down from ancestors. Ayurvedic books and
teachings help us understand our bodies and how to be healthy.

These special things make Ayurveda a special kind of medicine that cares about the whole
person, uses natural things to heal, and helps us stay balanced and well in our bodies, minds,
and spirits.
History of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that started in India a very long time ago. It is one of
the oldest systems of medicine in the world.

Long ago, wise people in India discovered Ayurveda through deep meditation. They passed on
their knowledge to others over many generations.

In old Indian texts called the Vedas, there are hymns and verses about healing and herbal
remedies. These show some of the earliest ideas of Ayurveda.

As time went on, people organized and wrote down the knowledge of Ayurveda in special
books. These books explained how to diagnose, treat, and use herbs for healing.

During the time when Buddhism was popular, Ayurveda grew even more. Buddhist scholars
helped expand medical knowledge and made Ayurveda an important part of their monastic

A special time called the Gupta period was a golden age for Ayurveda. People made many
advancements in medicine, surgery, and using plants for healing. They wrote new books and
even started universities for Ayurveda.

After the Gupta period, Ayurveda faced some challenges and lost some importance. But people
still practiced it in different parts of India. Later, new ideas influenced Ayurveda from the Islamic

When the British came to India, they didn't value Ayurveda as much and thought their own
medicine was better. But Ayurveda was still passed down in families and practiced in rural

In the 20th century, people wanted to bring back the importance of Ayurveda. They started
colleges and institutions to teach it, and they integrated Ayurveda into the healthcare system of
India. Now, Ayurveda is recognized as an official system of medicine in India and is practiced
and respected all over the world.

Ayurveda's long history shows how it has survived and remains an important way of
understanding and healing our bodies.
Introduction to major texts (Susrut Samhita and Caraka Samhita) and Authors
(Susruta and Caraka) and Astang Hradayam

There are three important books in Ayurveda written by three wise people - Susruta, Caraka,
and Vagbhata.

Susruta wrote a book called Susruta Samhita. It's like an ancient guidebook for surgery. It tells
us about how people in the past did surgeries, what tools they used, and how they treated
different health problems.

Caraka wrote a book called Caraka Samhita. It's like a big book about general medicine. It talks
about how to diagnose illnesses, how to treat them, and how to stay healthy. It also teaches us
about balancing the energies in our bodies to keep us well.

Vagbhata wrote a book called Astanga Hridayam. It's a combination of the other two books. It
covers lots of topics like medicine, surgery, treating kids, and even poisons. It's written in a way
that's easy to understand and learn from.

These books are really important in Ayurveda and have lots of information about how to take
care of our bodies and stay healthy. But it's always best to learn from experts and professionals
who understand Ayurveda well.
Astanga Sangraha of Vagbhata

The Astanga Sangraha is a special book about Ayurveda written by a wise person named
Vagbhata. In this book, Vagbhata collected a lot of ancient medical knowledge and practices. It
talks about different areas of healthcare like medicine, surgery, taking care of children, and
helping women when they have babies.

The Astanga Sangraha is divided into six sections, and each section talks about different things
related to health. It explains the important ideas of Ayurveda, how to figure out what sickness
someone has, and how to treat different diseases. It also tells us about using herbs and
medicines for healing and gives advice on how to live a healthy life.

Vagbhata's Astanga Sangraha is a very important book for Ayurveda. It is written in a way that is
easy to understand, even though the ideas can be complex. Many students and doctors of
Ayurveda study this book to learn more about how to help people stay healthy. It is a valuable
resource for people who want to learn and practice Ayurveda all around the world.
Unit 2

Basic Principles of Ayurveda

Trigunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

Trigunas are like special qualities or energies that exist in everything around us, including our
feelings, thoughts, and the food we eat.

There are three types of trigunas:

a) Sattva - Sattva is all about being pure, balanced, and feeling good inside. When we have a
lot of sattva, we feel calm, happy, and clear in our minds. It's like having a positive attitude and
being kind and wise. Sattva is the best quality because it helps us grow and become better

b) Rajas - Rajas is about being active, full of energy, and excited. When we have a lot of rajas,
we feel motivated and eager to do things. It's like having a lot of enthusiasm and wanting to
achieve our goals. But if we have too much rajas, we might become restless, stressed, or too
attached to things.

c) Tamas - Tamas is about feeling lazy, dull, and lacking motivation. When we have a lot of
tamas, we might feel slow, confused, or not very interested in doing things. It's like being in a
sleepy or heavy state. Tamas is not a good quality because it stops us from growing and making

The goal is to have more of the sattva quality and less of rajas and tamas. We can do this by
practicing things like meditation, being mindful, eating healthy food, and making good choices in
our lives.

These qualities can change depending on what we do, think, and the environment around us.
So, it's important to try and have more of the sattva quality to feel happy, balanced, and have a
clear mind.
Pancamahabhutas: Akasa (Space), Vayu (Air), Teja or Agni (Fire), Jala (Water) and
Prthvi (Earth)

Pancamahabhutas are five basic elements that are a part of everything in the world. They are
Akasa (Space), Vayu (Air), Teja or Agni (Fire), Jala (Water), and Prthvi (Earth).

Let's understand what each of these elements represents:

a) Akasa (Space) - Akasa is like the empty space where everything exists. Just like we need
space to move around, all things in the world need space to exist. It is connected to sound
because sound travels through space.

b) Vayu (Air) - Vayu is like the air that we breathe and feel when the wind blows. It represents
movement and energy. We need air to breathe, and we can feel it on our skin.

c) Teja or Agni (Fire) - Teja or Agni is like the fire that gives us light and heat. It represents
transformation and warmth. Fire helps us digest food and gives us energy. We can see the light
and flames of fire.

d) Jala (Water) - Jala is like the water that we drink and use for many things. It represents
fluidity and cohesion. Water is important for our bodies, and it helps us stay hydrated and clean.
We can taste the different flavors of water.

e) Prthvi (Earth) - Prthvi is like the solid ground we walk on and the soil that plants grow in. It
represents solidity and stability. Earth supports all living beings, and we can smell the scents of
the earth.

These five elements, Akasa, Vayu, Teja, Jala, and Prthvi, are in everything around us. They
combine in different ways to create the world we see. Ayurveda teaches us that balancing these
elements in our bodies and the environment is important for being healthy and feeling good.
Tridosas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Tridoshas are like three superhero energies in our bodies according to Ayurveda. They are
called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Vata is the superhero of movement and change. It helps us breathe, move our body, and feel
things through our nerves. When Vata is balanced, it makes us creative, flexible, and full of
energy. But too much Vata can make us feel anxious, restless, and irregular.

Pitta is the superhero of digestion and transformation. It helps us break down food, use energy,
and keep our body temperature right. When Pitta is balanced, it makes us smart, brave, and
have a good digestion. But too much Pitta can make us angry, irritable, and too hot.

Kapha is the superhero of stability and structure. It helps us stay strong, stable, and protected.
Kapha keeps our body lubricated and helps us have a calm and caring nature. When Kapha is
balanced, it makes us calm, compassionate, and have a strong immune system. But too much
Kapha can make us feel heavy, slow, and congested.

Each of us has a unique combination of these superhero energies, which affects our health and
personality. Ayurveda teaches us to keep these energies balanced by making good choices in
our food, lifestyle, and daily routines.

It's important to learn from experts and professionals when we use Ayurveda principles. They
can guide us to be healthy and happy superheroes.
Saptadhatus: Rasa (fluid), Rakta (blood), Mamsa, Meda (fat), Asthi, Majja and

Saptadhatus are like seven special parts or materials inside our body. They are Rasa (fluid),
Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (marrow), and Sukra
(reproductive fluid).

Let's understand what each of these parts does:

a) Rasa (Fluid) - It is like the water in our body. It helps keep us hydrated, nourishes our cells,
and carries important things like food and oxygen to different parts of our body.

b) Rakta (Blood) - It is like the red liquid that flows through our body in tubes called blood
vessels. Blood brings oxygen, food, and hormones to different parts of our body. It also helps
fight against germs and keeps our body temperature right.

c) Mamsa (Muscle) - Muscles are like strong tissues in our body. They help us move, run, jump,
and do all sorts of activities. Muscles make us strong, stable, and help us stand tall.

d) Meda (Fat) - Fat is like soft padding or insulation inside our body. It protects our organs and
helps keep us warm. Fat also gives us energy and helps make some important substances in
our body.

e) Asthi (Bone) - Bones are like the hard parts that make up our skeleton. They give our body
structure, shape, and support. Bones also help make new blood cells and store important

f) Majja (Marrow) - Marrow is like soft stuff inside our bones. It makes special cells that help
fight diseases and make our immune system strong. Marrow is really important for our body's

g) Sukra (Reproductive Fluid) - This special fluid is only found in boys and girls as they grow
older. It is important for making babies and growing into adults. It helps with fertility and making
changes like growing hair and other signs of becoming an adult.

These seven parts work together to keep our body healthy and working properly. It's important
to take care of them by eating well, staying active, and getting enough rest.
Trayodasagni: Jatharagni (gastric fire), Saptadhatvagni and Pacabhatagni

Trayodasagni means three types of digestive fires in Ayurveda. They are Jatharagni (gastric
fire), Saptadhatvagni (tissue fire), and Pacabhatagni (waste fire).

Let's understand what each of these fires does:

a) Jatharagni (Gastric Fire) - Jatharagni is like a fire in our tummy that helps us digest food. It
breaks down the food we eat into smaller pieces and takes out all the good stuff our body needs
to grow and have energy. When Jatharagni is working well, we feel full and happy. But if it's too
weak, we might have trouble digesting food, and if it's too strong, we might always feel hungry.

b) Saptadhatvagni (Tissue Fire) - Saptadhatvagni is a fire that helps our body make and take
care of its different parts. It takes the good things from the food we eat and turns them into
blood, muscles, bones, and organs. When Saptadhatvagni is balanced, our body grows well,
gets strong, and can repair itself when needed.

c) Pacabhatagni (Waste Fire) - Pacabhatagni is like a fire that helps us get rid of things our
body doesn't need anymore. It burns and breaks down waste materials so we can get them out
of our body. When Pacabhatagni is balanced, we can get rid of waste properly. But if it's not
working well, we might have problems like constipation or diarrhea.

These three fires work together to help us digest food, make our body strong, and get rid of
waste. When all the fires are balanced, we feel healthy, have lots of energy, and our body works

To keep these fires in balance, we should eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and have a good
routine. Taking care of our digestive fires helps us stay healthy, grow well, and feel good.
Trimalas: Purisa (faeces), Mutra (urine) and Sveda (sweat)

Trimalas are the three types of things that our body gets rid of. They are poop (faeces), pee
(urine), and sweat.

a) Poop (Faeces) - Poop is the solid waste that comes out of our body when we go to the
bathroom. It's the stuff that our body doesn't need from the food we eat. It's made in our
intestines and comes out as stool.

b) Pee (Urine) - Pee is the liquid waste that our body gets rid of when we use the bathroom. It's
the filtered waste from our blood. It contains water, salts, and other things our body needs to
throw away. It's made by our kidneys, and we pee it out through our bladder and a tube called
the urethra.

c) Sweat - Sweat is the fluid that comes out of our body when we get hot or exercise. It covers
our skin and helps us cool down. Sweat contains water, salt, and some waste products that our
body wants to get rid of. It helps our body stay at the right temperature and removes toxins.

Our body needs to get rid of these three things to stay healthy. To make sure we eliminate them
properly, we should drink enough water, eat foods that have fiber (like fruits and vegetables),
and stay active by playing and exercising. These things help our body work well and keep us
Unit 3


Kaycikitsa (General Medicine)

Kayachikitsa, also known as Kayakalpa or general medicine, is a branch of Ayurveda that helps
people with different diseases and problems in their body.

In Kayachikitsa, special doctors called Ayurvedic physicians take care of people's health. They
try to make the body, mind, and spirit balanced and healthy.

Here are some important things to know about Kayachikitsa:

a) Understanding Health and Disease - Kayachikitsa teaches that being healthy means
having a balanced body. When something goes wrong and we get sick, it's because our body is
not in balance. Ayurvedic physicians study different things to understand why people get sick.

b) Finding Out What's Wrong - Ayurvedic doctors in Kayachikitsa have special ways to figure
out what's wrong with our bodies. They may check our pulse, look at our tongue, and ask about
our symptoms and medical history.

c) Treating the Problem - Kayachikitsa has many ways to help people get better. Ayurvedic
doctors use herbal medicines, tell us what to eat, suggest changes in our lifestyle, and give
therapies to clean our body. They also teach us how to manage stress.

d) Managing Diseases - Kayachikitsa helps people with long-lasting or sudden diseases.

Ayurvedic doctors make special plans for each person to treat the main cause of the disease,
reduce symptoms, and make life better.

e) Staying Healthy - Kayachikitsa teaches us how to prevent diseases and stay healthy. They
tell us how to live a good lifestyle, eat healthy food, and make routines that keep our body

f) Looking at Everything - Kayachikitsa knows that everything in our body is connected. It's
important to take care of our body, mind, and spirit for complete healing.

Taking care of our health means understanding our body, making good choices, and getting the
right help when we need it.
Kaumarabhrtya (Pediatrics)

Kaumarabhrtya is a special type of medicine that helps kids stay healthy and grow well. It is a
branch of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine. Kaumarabhrtya doctors take care of
babies, children, and teenagers to make sure they are healthy and happy.

Kaumarabhrtya doctors focus on different important things:

a) Taking care of babies - They help moms and dads take care of newborn babies. They give
advice on breastfeeding, what to eat, and how to keep the baby healthy. They also help with
common baby problems like coughs, colds, and tummy troubles.

b) Helping kids grow - These doctors check if kids are growing well physically, mentally, and
emotionally. They make sure kids reach important milestones like walking and talking at the right
time. They help with any problems or delays in development.

c) Treating illnesses - Kaumarabhrtya doctors help kids when they are sick. They treat
common problems like coughs, colds, and tummy aches. They also help with chronic illnesses
that only affect kids.

d) Giving good food advice - These doctors tell parents what food is best for kids to eat. They
give advice on healthy diets, vitamins, and eating habits. This helps kids grow strong and stay

e) Protecting against diseases - Kaumarabhrtya doctors make sure kids get vaccines to
protect them from diseases. They give shots that help kids stay healthy and avoid getting sick.

f) Preventive care - These doctors help parents learn how to keep their kids healthy. They
teach kids about good hygiene, like washing hands and taking baths. They also encourage kids
to exercise and play to stay healthy.

Kaumarabhrtya doctors use natural treatments like herbs, healthy diets, and lifestyle advice to
help kids. They understand that each child is unique and needs special care. Parents should
always consult these doctors for their child's health and work together with regular doctors when
Salyatantra (Surgery)

Salyatantra is like a special branch of Ayurveda that focuses on surgeries. It is all about treating
people who have problems that need an operation.

In Salyatantra, Ayurvedic surgeons, who are like special doctors, use special tools and
techniques to perform surgeries. They know a lot about how our bodies are built and use that
knowledge to fix things when they go wrong.

Here are some important things about Salyatantra:

a) Surgeries - Salyatantra is all about doing surgeries to fix different problems in our bodies.
This can include fixing broken bones, treating wounds, removing tumors, and other problems
that need an operation.

b) Wound Care - Ayurvedic surgeons are also experts at taking care of wounds. They use
special techniques, like using herbal medicines, bandages, and special dressings to help
wounds heal properly and prevent infections.

c) Anesthesia - During surgeries, Salyatantra doctors make sure that patients are comfortable
and don't feel pain. They use different techniques to make sure the patients are asleep or
numbed during the surgery.

d) After Surgery - After the surgery, Salyatantra doctors take care of patients to make sure they
heal properly. They give medicines, teach how to take care of wounds, and suggest the right
foods to eat and things to do for a good recovery.

e) Trauma - Salyatantra also deals with injuries caused by accidents, like broken bones or
injured muscles. The doctors use both surgery and other methods to help fix these injuries.

f) Reconstruction - Sometimes, Salyatantra doctors also do surgeries to fix parts of the body
that are damaged or missing. They can help repair and restore these body parts.

Ayurvedic surgeons in Salyatantra are really skilled and know a lot about our bodies. They use
their knowledge and special techniques to make sure surgeries are safe and help people feel

It's important to remember that Salyatantra surgeries should only be done by well-trained and
experienced Ayurvedic surgeons in the right medical settings to make sure everything is done
safely and patients get the best care possible.
Salakya - Tantra (Ent. and Ophthalmology)

Salakya Tantra is a special part of Ayurveda that helps people with problems in their head, eyes,
ears, nose, throat, and neck. Ayurvedic doctors who specialize in this branch know a lot about
these parts of the body and how to treat their diseases.

Here are some important things about Salakya Tantra:

a) Ear Problems - Salakya Tantra helps with ear problems like infections, hearing loss, and
ringing in the ears. Ayurvedic doctors have treatments to make these problems better and
improve ear health.

b) Nose and Sinus Issues - This branch takes care of problems with the nose and sinuses, like
stuffy nose, sinusitis, and allergies. Ayurvedic treatments can make it easier to breathe and
keep the nose healthy.

c) Throat and Voice Disorders - Salakya Tantra can help with throat problems like sore throat,
tonsillitis, and voice problems. The treatments aim to make the throat feel better, reduce
swelling, and improve the voice.

d) Eye Care - Salakya Tantra specializes in taking care of the eyes. It can help with different eye
diseases, eye problems like not seeing clearly, and eye strain. Ayurvedic doctors use special
eye drops, therapies, and lifestyle tips to keep the eyes healthy and treat eye conditions.

e) Head and Neck Disorders - This branch also looks after problems in the head and neck. It
can help with headaches, facial paralysis, neck problems, and other similar issues. The
treatments aim to reduce pain, improve blood flow, and make you feel better overall.

f) Diagnostic Techniques - Ayurvedic doctors in Salakya Tantra have special ways to examine
the eyes, ears, nose, throat, and related parts of the body. They use tools and check your pulse
to understand what's happening and find the right treatment.

The treatments in Salakya Tantra include herbal medicines, therapies, cleaning the nose with
water, doing eye exercises, and suggesting lifestyle changes that are good for you.

It's always best to talk to a doctor whenever having specific concerns about health. They can
help in order to feel better and take care of the head and sensory organs.
Bhuta Vidya (Psychiatry Medicine)

Bhuta Vidya is a branch of Ayurveda that focuses on understanding and helping people with
mental health problems. Ayurvedic doctors who specialize in this field study how the mind works
and how our feelings and actions can affect our mental well-being.

Here are some important things to know about Bhuta Vidya:

a) Understanding Mental Health - Bhuta Vidya helps us understand mental health and what
can affect it. Ayurvedic doctors learn about our thoughts, emotions, and how we behave to
figure out if there's something wrong with our mental health.

b) Diagnosis - Ayurvedic doctors use special ways to figure out if someone has a mental health
problem. They look at how we talk, behave, and how we look to understand what kind of
problem we might have and how serious it is.

c) Treatment Approaches - Bhuta Vidya takes a whole-person approach to mental health.

Ayurvedic doctors use different methods to help people with mental health problems. They
might give special herbal medicines that can make us feel calmer and more balanced. They
also suggest changes to our daily routines, what we eat, how we exercise, and they might even
talk to us to help us feel better.

d) Lifestyle Recommendations - Bhuta Vidya teaches us that how we live our lives can affect
our mental health. Ayurvedic doctors give us advice on what we can do every day to take care
of our mental well-being. They might suggest things like having a regular routine, eating healthy
food, exercising, and doing meditation or yoga.

e) Counseling and Psychotherapy - Sometimes, Ayurvedic doctors talk to people to

understand their feelings better and help them develop strategies to deal with their problems.
They might use different techniques to talk about our emotions and thoughts and find ways to
make us feel better.

f) Stress Management - Bhuta Vidya knows that stress can affect our mental health. Ayurvedic
doctors teach us ways to manage stress, like doing meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises.
These practices can help us relax and feel more balanced.
Visa Vijnana (Toxicology)

Visa Vijnana is like a special branch of Ayurveda that helps us understand poisons and what
they can do to our body. It teaches Ayurvedic doctors about different types of poisons, like those
from plants, animals, or man-made things. They learn how to identify these poisons and what to
do if someone gets hurt by them.

The important things they learn in Visa Vijnana are:

a) Types of Poisons - They learn about different poisons and how they can harm our body.

b) Prevention - They teach people how to stay safe and avoid getting poisoned. They talk
about things like poisonous plants and chemicals that can be harmful.

c) Diagnosis - They learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of poisoning and figure out
which poison caused it.

d) Treatment - They learn different ways to help someone who has been poisoned. They might
make the person throw up or use special medicines to get rid of the poison.

e) Detoxification - They know how to help the body get rid of poisons by using special herbs,
therapies, and foods that support the body's natural cleansing processes.

f) Bites and Stings - They learn how to help people who have been bitten or stung by
venomous creatures like snakes or insects. They know what to do to make them feel better and
reduce the harm.

g) Public Health - They also teach people about poisons and how to stay safe. They help in
emergencies and work to keep everyone healthy and protected.

If someone gets poisoned, it is very important to get help from doctors or poison control centers
right away. They know how to treat it and make sure the person is safe.
Rasayana (Rejuvenates)

Rasayana is a special way of taking care of your body and mind to help you feel strong, healthy,
and full of energy. It is like giving yourself a fresh start and making sure you stay happy and

Here are some important things to know about Rasayana:

a) Rejuvenation - Rasayana helps your body and mind feel fresh and renewed. It brings back
your energy, strength, and vitality.

b) Longevity - Rasayana helps you live a long and healthy life. It teaches you ways to slow
down the aging process and keep your body working well.

c) Herbs and Foods - Rasayana uses special herbs and foods that are really good for your
body. These natural things give you the right nutrients to stay healthy, boost your immunity, and
make you feel good.

d) Lifestyle Practices - Rasayana teaches you some habits and activities to keep your body
and mind in balance. Things like exercising, meditating, sleeping well, and managing stress help
you feel better.

e) Mental Health - Rasayana cares about your mind too. It teaches you ways to reduce stress,
think clearly, and have a good memory.

f) Preventive Care - Rasayana is about preventing problems before they happen. It shows you
how to eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and take care of yourself to stay away from

g) Personalized Approach - Rasayana understands that everyone is different. It gives you

advice based on your age, health, and how you live. It's like a plan made just for you.

By practicing Rasayana, you will have more energy, stay strong, and be happy. It's important to
talk to a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner who knows about Rasayana to get the best advice and

Rasayana is all about taking care of yourself and feeling great. It's never too early to start
practicing Rasayana and enjoy a healthy and happy life.
Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac)

Vajikarana is a practice in Ayurveda that helps people take care of their feelings and needs
related to love and attraction. It is about making sure you feel happy and satisfied in your

Here are some important things to know about Vajikarana:

a) Feeling Good - Vajikarana helps people feel good and have a healthy love life. It focuses on
things that can make you more interested in love, have more energy, and enjoy it even more.

b) Having Healthy Babies - Vajikarana also helps people have healthy babies. It makes sure
that the parts of your body that help make babies are working well.

c) Special Plants and Foods - Vajikarana uses special plants and foods that can make you feel
more loving and help your body work properly. These natural things can make you more
interested in love and keep you healthy.

d) Living Well - Vajikarana suggests ways to live that can make you feel good. It might mean
exercising, managing stress, sleeping enough, and eating healthy foods.

e) Feeling Good Inside - Vajikarana knows that feeling good inside is important for love and
attraction. It suggests things that can make you feel less worried, more confident, and closer to
the people you love.

f) Everyone Is Different - Vajikarana understands that everyone is different. It gives advice

based on what you need and what makes you happy.

It's important to remember that love and relationships are about caring, understanding, and
respecting each other.

Taking care of your feelings and being respectful and kind to others is very important in
Unit 4

Important Medicinal Plants and their based on Ayurveda

Medicinal Plants in Susruta Samhita: Tulsi, Haridra, Sarpaghanda, Ghrta Kumari,

Guggulu, Brahmi, amala, Aswagandha, Arjun, Haldi, Neema Plant, Jamun, Pudina

Susruta Samhita, an ancient book about medicine, talks about plants that have special powers
to help our bodies.

Let’s understand about some of these plants:

a) Tulsi (Holy Basil) - Tulsi is a special plant that can fight germs and help us breathe better. It
also helps with our digestion and makes us feel good.

b) Haridra (Turmeric) - Haridra, or turmeric, is a yellow spice that is really good for our bodies.
It can make our immune system stronger, help our tummies work well, and make our skin

c) Sarpaghanda (Indian Snakeroot) - Sarpaghanda is a special herb that can help us feel calm
and sleep better. It can also help with feelings of worry and certain problems with our brain.

d) Ghrta Kumari (Aloe Vera) - Ghrta Kumari, or Aloe Vera, is a plant that can make our skin
feel better if it's hurt. It can also help with problems in our tummy and make us feel good inside.

e) Guggulu - Guggulu is a special sticky stuff that comes from certain trees. It can help reduce
inflammation in our body and make our heart and joints healthy. It can also help us if we want to
manage our weight.

f) Brahmi - Brahmi is a special plant that can make our brain work better. It helps with our
memory, thinking, and makes us feel less stressed and worried.

g) Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) - Amalaki, or amla, is a special fruit that is really good for us.
It makes our immune system strong, helps us digest our food, and makes our hair and skin

h) Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha is a cool plant that can help us feel calm and less stressed. It
gives us energy, makes us feel better, and helps our body work well.

i) Arjuna - Arjuna is a special bark that comes from a tree. It can make our heart strong, control
our blood pressure, and help our blood move properly in our body.

j) Haldi (Wild Turmeric) - Haldi, or wild turmeric, is a yellow spice that is really good for our skin
and tummy. It helps us heal if we have a wound and makes our digestion work well.
k) Neem - Neem is a tree that has leaves that are good for our body. It fights bad germs, helps
our skin be healthy, and keeps us strong.

l) Jamun (Indian Blackberry) - Jamun is a yummy fruit that is good for us if we have a problem
with our blood sugar. It helps control it and keeps us healthy.

m) Pudina (Peppermint) - Pudina, or peppermint, is a plant that can make our tummy feel
better if it's upset. It also freshens our breath and helps us relax.

These plants are really special and can help us stay healthy. But it's important to talk to
grown-ups or doctors who know about these plants before using them for any health problems.
They can tell us the right way to use them.

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