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Taking into account the situation which TeaLand is currently facing, they have

decided to hire the services of a specialized consultancy in CSR, and they

assign the project to you.


1. Analyze the starting situation: make a complete, synthesized and

visual analysis, and design a SWOT matrix.

2. Formulate realistic goals to achieve with the CSR Plan.

3. Create a Stakeholders Map: in this section we ask you to design a map

classifying the groups of interest.

4. Develop a Strategic CSR Plan: this is the most important exercise of

the final project, and therefore the one with the most academic weight.

5. State which CSR measurement tools you are going to propose for

6. Final thoughts: make a final consideration in the form of an evaluation

and conclusions about CSR at present.

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Question 1.

Analyze the starting situation: make a complete, synthesized and visual

analysis, and design a SWOT matrix.

TeaLand S.A. is a medium-sized company at the top of the Tea market

industry, this success stems from the quality of the tea they offer as well as their
excellent and careful Marketing campaign. They have been in the market for
approximately 20 years, with exponential growth in their first 15 years. TeaLand
is however not known to take good care of its workers, which was evident from
the negative feedback provided on a job satisfaction that was leaked to the
media resulting in loss profits and the company failing to meet its last fiscal year

The highlights from the survey are as follows:

 Based on the long hours required to work this has prevented the
employees from having a healthy balanced work and personal life.
 Employees low wages and salaries have demotivated the staff and left
them feeling unappreciated.
 Employees have expressed that there is no room for career
advancement within the company.
 There is also an absence of training to improve employees skills and
personal development.
 Customers’ love and satisfaction of the brand has been negatively
impacted by the lack of an ecological tea option, which has also resulted
in its competitors gaining ground in the market.

What is a Swot Analysis?

According the Skye Schooley, a SWOT analysis is a compilation of your

company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The primary
objective of a SWOT analysis is to help organizations develop a full awareness

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of all the factors involved in making a business decision. Below is a SWOT
matrix based on TeaLands current business affairs.

Strengths Weaknesses
 Tea Land S. A. currently obtains  There is limited
supplies/products from the main opportunities for career
tea producing companies development within the
 Suppliers are from six different  The staff are working
countries extended hours
 The company have an amazing  The company do not train
marketing team their staff on a regular basis
 They have over 20 years’  Staff are struggling to have
experience in the market a balance work and
personal life
 They sell through various  Employees are feeling
medium; in bulk, bags as well as demotivated
cold tea as a soda
 They distribute to supermarkets,  Tea Land S. A. employees
companies and the hospitality are being paid low wages
and catering industries
 The company fails to
distribute ecological tea.
Opportunities Threats
 Develop and implement programs  There are new companies
and activities to help motivate from European, American
and build the morale of the staff and Asian countries selling
similar brands and offering
competitive prices
 Create a partnership and build a  Employee dissatisfaction is
relationship with the community destroying the company’s
within which it operates such as reputation
adopting an organization.
 Promote internally instead of just  The lack of ecological
hiring externally varieties of teas
 Offer ecological variety of tea  Whistle Blower leaking
options to the customers in the confidential information to
market the media
 Implement training programs to  Undertake social activities
assist with the personal and programs within the
development of the staff community in which Tea
Land operators

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 Rebuild trust with consumers and
maintain customer satisfaction

Question 2.

Formulate realistic goals to achieve with the CSR Plan.

Assessing the recent development with Tealand S. A., the below is a

comprehensive list of measures that will be undertaken to rebuild the
company’s brand and image.

 TeaLand will be collaborating with the local community college to provide

training for their employees to be certified in different skills development
 Training will be provided internally to ensure new and existing staff are
knowledgeable about the products and services offered.
 The company will shift its focus to promoting from within to fill vacancies
before advertising externally to foster greater employee satisfaction.
 There will be a reclassification of the current wages and salary packages
being offered to the employees.
 TeaLand will also be looking at adopting an organization such as a
school in the community to sponsor in a gives back program.
 To regain the trust of the public and its employees Tea Land will be
looking at activities to engage staff and boost morale. Activities such as;
book clubs, mentor/mentee programs, birthday clubs, employee of the
month, quarterly awards programs as well as inter team and department

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Question 3.

Create a Stakeholders Map: in this section, we ask you to design a map

classifying the groups of interest.

Firstly, let’s define who are internal and external stakeholders?

Every organization has its stakeholders irrespective of its structure,
purpose, size and purpose. A stakeholder can be defined as an individual or a
group that has a genuine legitimate interest in a company. A corporate
stakeholder is a person or group who can have an impact on the actions of a
business. Internal stakeholders are the units within a business such as;
employees, managers, the board of directors, and investors. While external
stakeholders refers to individuals and units that are not within a business itself
but who have an impact on the business performance specifically its
consumers, regulators, investors and suppliers. The below diagram depits
TeaLands stakeholders

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Page 16
Question 4.

Develop a Strategic CSR Plan:

Collective corporate social responsibilities has never been more

imperative as nowadays citizens demand responsible business behavior from
organizations and their leaders who are fully aware of how critical social
responsibility in sustainable growth and performance excellence and to reduce
their carbon footprint on the environment.

The market value of a company and customer satisfaction have a direct

correlation. CSR is therefore instrumental in appeasing the consumer, as their
value cannot be taken for granted. To streamline TeaLand into a more socially
responsible company, they will be undertaking the following steps to ensure that
they bridge the gap and foster a good relationship with its consumers, the
community and most importantly its staff.

 Socially sustainable and environmentally conscious investments

 Focus on Organizational policies that help the environment
 Community Outreach programs
 Charity Programs
 Employee Training programs
 Goal setting – Short, Medium and Long Term to affect consumers and

Firstly, we will be undertaking socially sustainable and environmentally

conscious investments. The company will be collaborating with local
stakeholders such as the local government bodies to adopt a park in the
community to plant trees, install physical structures such as swings, gyms,
slides, running and cycling trail. As return on this investment, TeaLand will be
able to host company events at the park without rental cost of a venue as well
as a memorable plague could be place on the entry column to the park in honor

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of TeaLand. This would be visible to all visitors of the park who would see the
work that TeaLand is doing in the community.

Secondly, TeaLAnd S.A. will be introducing organizational policies that

will benefit the environment. The suppliers of its teas will be required to offer the
compost from producing the tea to be packaged and used for the treatment of
plant disease and for plant nutrition and growth promotion. Instead of disposing
in the environment. Another avenue would be to ban the use of plastic bags and
use reusable alternative solutions when distributing its products to its suppliers.
This measure will eliminate the effects that non-biodegradable plastic have on
our environment.

Thirdly, Community Outreach program will see the executive leadership

of the company volunteering within the community to assist with the after school
programs at the community center. They will be donating books, stationary
items, toys, and food items to assist with the care of the members who will
utilize the community center. The management team will also volunteering their
time in offering vocational skills based on their area of expertise to members of
the community and even staff of TeaLand who would like to participate.

TeaLand S.A Charity Porgrams will focus on the local community such as
offering scholarships and education grants to the children of employees or
persons within the community in which TeaLand operates. This philanthropic
venture can also benefit TeaLand as a charitable Tax-Exempt gift. They can
collaborate with these students from their Primary Education right through to
Tertiary level education. The scholarship recipients can also one day become a
part of TeaLands workforce.

Finally, employee-training programs will create a knowledgeable labour

force for TeaLand, which will positively influence the company’s efficiency and
productivity resulting into increased profitability. Skilled and well-trained
employees are valuable assets to a company. The company can easily promote
from within and employees have a greater chance at upward mobility.

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Question 5
State which CSR measurement tools you are going to propose for

Tea Land S.A will need to implement the below CSA measurement tools:

 Employee recognition program to express gratitude to the employees

that will enable the staff to feel valued and appreciated.
 Ongoing training to new and existing staff at the various levels within the
organization to foster upward mobility Catering to employees emotional
needs through career advancement
 Institute engagement activities with the aim of building staff morale
 Capturing employees satisfaction levels through quarterly surveys
 Paid incentive programs
 Book Clubs, Birthday Clubs or Mentor/Mentee programs
 Glean customer feedback and maintain positive relationships
 Employee health benefits free of charge to each worker
 Subsidize health benefits to dependents of the employee.

Employee recognition program to express gratitude to the employees-

According to Cindy Ventrice in “Make Their Day!: Employee Recognition that
Works are those that are both memorable and meaningful. It should stand out in
the employee’s minds. People want to feel valued and appreciated by their
leaders. They want to feel like they exist and that they make a difference.
TeaLand S.A. will therefore be making a more deliberate effort of ensuring that
the employees all feel like they matter.
Consequently the employees will be apart of the decision making process to
come up with the activities that the company will use to celebrate the
employees, as well as outreach programs for the community. A key and integral
part of the employee recognition program is to ensure the leaders of the
organization are a part of recognizing each employee’s contribution to the
organization where it is heartfelt. Therefore, Senior Managers will need to know
the names of staff that are making steady progress and improving on their
opportunity areas. They will also publicly recognize and award these

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employees. This will in turn result in employees feeling appreciated and valued
leading to a happier and more productive staff compliment for the organization.

Ongoing training will be done for new and existing staff at the various levels
within the organization to foster upward mobility. TeaLand providing Training
and development to its employee is crucial; as it will improve, the knowledge
based of the employees that result in great returns on investment. The
employee who receives the necessary training will be better able to perform in
their job. They will have a greater understanding of their responsibilities within
their role. These employees will in turn be more competent and help TeaLand
holds its position as a leader and strong competitor within the industry. Staff
morale and satisfaction will improve as they become challenged and supportive
of the organizations goals.

Institute engagement activities with the aim of building staff morale. The staff
morale is crucial as it affects TeaLands success. The level of engagement
determines the morale of the workers, which is a direct co-relation between the
levels of output from the staff. TeaLand can surprisingly increase the
engagement levels of its staff by having team building exercises that creates
time for the management and the employees to socialize and get to know some
of the vital means to improving TeaLand. Employees will feel like the managers
care about them and their well-being. Self-initiative will also keep the employees
motivated if the feel that there is an environment where they are encourage to
take on initiatives. The employees will feel empowered to see what the
organization needs and works towards achieving those organizational goals.

Instituting Book Clubs, Birthday Clubs or Mentor/Mentee programs, TeaLand

will have employees feeling engaged at different levels as there are various
forums to engage the different employees. Birthday clubs can be a monthly
party to celebrate employees born in that particular month. Managers will attend
to celebrate with the staff as well as provide birthday cards to the workers. The
mentor/mentee program will target those aspiring to a different role within the
organization. Leaders can provide on the job training to a direct report who can
one day step into that role if needs be.

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As it relates to maintaining a positive relationship with the community,
TeaLand will launch a series of public campaigns to regain the public trust as
well as maintain its customer base. To achieve this several forums will be
utilized such as engaging its suppliers and customers with questionnaires and
surveys to assess the company’s products and service satisfaction level. This
information will be used to make the necessary changes to improve the services
and products provided to the market.

As indicated earlier Employee Health benefits will be provided along with,

subsidize cost for the employees’ dependents once the employee successfully
completes their probationary period. Allowing employees to feel valued and
develop a sense of stability within their job.

Question 6

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Final thoughts: Make a final consideration in the form of an evaluation and
conclusions about CSR at present.

Given the current state of affairs for TeaLand S.A. will be embarking on
several initiatives to regain the public trust. The leadership and management of
the organization will lead this initiative. The below objectives outlines the
measures that will be implemented to foster better working conditions for the
staff as well as regain public trust ensuing the survey leak on employee

 In an effort to foster a better work and personal life balance, the company
will provide more flexible workweek schedules that gives employees the
ability to spend more time with their families. This will foster happier
employees who will in turn be more productive.
 A new incentive structure will be implemented to ensure associates are
appropriately incentivized on a consistent basis.
 With the new training structure being successful, employees’ knowledge
base will improve leading to more knowledgeable and competent
workers. These qualified workers will be able to boost TeaLands
productivity and profitability but also improve upward mobility for staff
within the organization.
 Capitalizing on community outreach the employees will train at the local
community college, along with other internal trainings for the staff. For
example On-the-job trainings. Building a competent and diverse
workforce for TeaLand.
 As it relates to efforts for rebuilding public trust, employees will formulate
the committee that will be tasked with coming up with ideas and activities
to reach out to the wider community as TeaLand works on being more
socially responsible. The company will adopt and sponsor the local
community centers providing after care programs to children as well as
vocational classes to adults who are unemployed. These programs will
foster development of skills for the members of the community and will
assist with recreating TeaLands image in the community.

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 The marketing team will look at collaborating with local distributors in
offering samples to customers in their stores as well as offer discounts on
certain products to customers. This will attract new customers and keep
existing customers loyal to TeaLand. This is one way where TeaLand can
also have customers feeling valued and appreciated.
 To foster a greater level of teamwork within the organization the
managers and employees will be encouraged to work together on
outreach activities for the community. Spending time together will create
a bond and build a relationship among the staff.

The Hallmark of Corporate social responsibility is when a company and

the community in which it operates can find a mutually beneficial
relationship. Internal and external stakeholders benefits as the company will
benefit from lower cost structures, increase loyalty and brand image, greater
productivity from staff, retaining valuable and skilled labor force, greater
capital investments and giving back to the society all in one breath.

The best way for TeaLand to connect with customers and retain business
is through corporate social responsibility campaigns. These campaigns will
focus on TeaLand showing a human side of the company through local and
national charitable contributions geared at appealing to humanity and the
works being done by TeaLand in society.

TeaLand has certainly recognized how important socially responsible

efforts are to their employees, customers and stakeholders they will be
focusing more on the CSR strategies highlighted. Specifically starting with
the local community through adoption of the community center offering after
school care to the children of the community that includes children of their
own staff. The staff can volunteer on their rest days or with their new flexible
working hours to assist staff at the center to care for the children. These
measures will go a long way in rebuilding TeaLand market position but more
importantly its brand and image as a more socially responsible organization.

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