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AI & ML in Mechanical Engineering

Unit-4: Machine learning approach for Engineering Design


Engineering decision making is a hierarchical process that progressively refines designs.

Simulation, optimization and Machine Learning help engineers in making design decisions.
Simulation is an analysis tool that accurately predict the consequences of design decisions by
eliminating the need for expensive proto typing. eg: Finite element models are used in structural
analysis, mechanistic simulators are used to simulate manufacturing processes and IC engine
simulators are used to evaluate competing engine designs. The optimization techniques are used
in engineering synthesis and ML are used in group technology classification to machine
operation planning.

In the early stages of design, all the parameters are not fully specified. Most simulators are not
useful at early stages as they require all the parameters to be specified and are very detailed. Also
simulation models are designed to make accurate predictions at the expense of speed. The
optimization requires several iterations through simulator, but is computationally too expensive.
Different design goals are not always known before optimization, single objective optimization
approaches are not suitable.

Adaptive and interactive modeling system provides decision support throughout the design
process for multiple and competing goals of multi objective optimization problems.

Model formation and use:

Fig. shows 2 phase process of creating and using models.

Model formation, predict the performance of a product / process based on decision parameter
values. The models are based on empirical data that uses ML and statistical regression algorithm.
Input to model formation process is database, consists of vectors of input and output attributes.
The data can be generated from mechanistic models through simulation or obtained directly from
experiments or online data.

At any stage of design, the engineer can set objectives regarding accuracy, formation time and
execution speed as per requirement. A modeling strategy then determines which learning
methods to use during model formation. The choice of strategy depends on both the modeling
objectives and problem characteristics.

Model utilization uses the models and multiple objective optimization techniques to produce
optimal designs with respect to the designer’s objectives. Optimization finds a point in the
decision space that meets pre specified constraints and maximizes an objective function defined
over the decision space. Multi objective optimization gives the user a set of non dominated
decisions with respect to the multiple objectives, without the user specify the relative importance
of the objective function beforehand.

The models from the first phase are the input here, and are selected based on the design stage,
desired accuracy and availability of resources. The objective in an engine design problem are
maximized power output, minimum specific fuel consumption and maximized power/weight
ratio. The design strategy specified how the different design objectives are achieved at different
stages of design.

The nature of the output of this phase depends on the stage of the design. During the early stages,
the engineer can get general trends, using these, the engineer can progressively refine the design.
The final output is the complete design specification.

Adaptive and interactive modeling systems (AIMS):

AIMS have 2 components used during model formation and use. Competitive Relation Learner
(CRL) and Induce and Select Optimizer.

CRL recursively split the input space and fit each region with an appropriate model. It uses
multiple model representations and learning algorithm and multiple decomposition (splitting)
algorithms. It produces hybrid representations by managing the competition between multiple
algorithms. (a) the learning algorithm used are (i) mean algorithm returns constant average
output vector for each subspace of input region (ii) exemplar algorithm picks ‘n’ closest points in
input space and return average of corresponding ‘n’ output vectors (iii) classical statistical
regression including linear, quadratic, log and exponential (iv) back propagation, a modified
gradient descent model. (b) The decomposition divides the design space into sub spaces, so that
more accurate models can be formed in each sub space, later evaluated by optimization
algorithm. The decomposition algorithms are (i) distance based algorithm splits each input
dimension into ‘n’ evenly spaced regions (ii) population based algorithm splits into ‘n’ evenly
populated regions (iii) arbitrary hyper plane algorithm uses hyper planes with optimized
orientation. This design allows us to add other algorithms easily to system. The best inductive
strategy, a combination of learning and decomposition algorithm is selected.

Induce and select optimizer: It is an iterative process involving 3 steps: selection, evolution and
induction. In selection, random selection of decision from CRL’s space and evaluate it by
applying the objective functions. IN induction, the sets of decisions and corresponding objective
scores generated during selection and evolution phases are used and selected based on
performance. Novelty bias selection considers unexplored regions of decision space and
performance bias selection considers optimal regions. Global optimization strategy is effective.

During model formation, CRL form models from simulation/experimental data, decompose the
decision space and form models in each space. The ISO evaluates these models and decide to
divide decision space further until no further gain in objectives. In model utilization phase, using
models induced during model formation, ISO finds optimal parameters. In this case, the ISO uses
the induced model itself as evaluation function.
Apply AIMS to engine design: engine design simulator, simulation and example generation:

a) Diesel engine simulator: It is used to analyze engine geometries, operating cycles (2

st/4st.), insulation strategies (water/air cooled), system configurations (turbo charging).
The system consists of compressor, turbines and inter cooler. With multi cylinder diesel
reciprocator model, the simulation treats the cylinders, the intake manifold, exhaust
manifold as connected open system for transfer of mass, enthalpy and energy (heat and
work). The contents of each system are represented as a continuous medium with uniform
temperature and pressure at all times. Gas properties are calculated assuming ideal gas
behavior. The 4 stroke cycle is treated as sequence of continuous processes: intake,
compression, combustion & exhaust. To predict mass flow through intake & exhaust
valves, the system uses 1-D, quasi steady adiabatic flow equations. The compression
process include ignition delay period, combustion is modeled as a uniformly distributed
heat release process.
b) Simulation and example generation: The engineer start the design process by selecting a
subset of decision and performance parameters and their ranges based on experience.
AIMS generate large number of examples by randomly pickig the oints in the decision
space. The decision parameters are stroke to bore ratio, injection timing, mass of fuel
injected/cycle, compression ratio, engine speed, no. of cylinders, displacement volume.
The performance parameters are Brake Horse power and brake specific fuel consumption.
The number of examples used in forming a model has an important effect on model’s
accuracy and time required. Prediction accuracy is calculated based on the root mean
square value of predicted and actual values. The optimization process involves formation
and evaluation of different model. Model formation time is linearly related to no. of
c) Model formation: After generating models, engine sets the modeling objectives
(accuracy, execution time) and choose modeling strategy including learning and
decomposition algorithm. More accurate models (> 95 %) take longer to execute.
Generating examples and creating models are performed by selecting the simulation
ranges and sets modeling objectives.
d) Model Utilization: The designer set the range of decision variables and design objectives
as maximum brake horse power and minimum specific fuel consumption. AIMS returns
the non dominated sets of points w.r.t these 2 objectives.

From the above figure, the best brake power is within 580 KW where s.f.c is less.

From the above figure, further refinement can be done by varying no. of cylinders. The engines
with 5 or more cylinders produce required horse power while maintaining low fuel consumption.
Next the cylinder stroke & bore parameters, stroke to bore ratio & displaced volume
AIMS as support tool:

a) Model comprehensibility: AIMS uses neural net representation to provide accurate

models. The role of logic representation in producing more comprehensive models should
be investigated.
b) Intelligent simulation: Generating random examples before forming a model and based
on predictive accuracy, additional examples are generated in specific regions of design
space where further refinement is necessary for improving the effectiveness of model

ML has an important role in engineering decision making. Integration of classical statistical

techniques, traditional ML methods and new optimization algorithms provides a flexible
frame work for decision making during various stages of design. By providing a means to
produce fast models with reasonably high accuracy, this methodology enhances interactive
design analysis as well as adaptive control of engineering system.

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