Anarchism Chronology

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Chronology of Anarchism and Propaganda by the Deed

1848 Revolutions and nationalist insurrections in France, Germany, Italy, and

Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte wins French presidential election.
1849 Karl Heinzen, Murder.
1851 Coup d’etat by Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, takes title of Napoleon III.
1858 Felice Orsini throws a bomb at Napoléon III. Executed by guillotine.
1861 Attempted assassination of Wilhelm I at Baden in Germany.
1866 Shots fired at Otto von Bismarck, prime minister of Prussia.
1870-1 Franceo-Prussian War. Defeat of France and unification of Germany.
1871 Paris Commune: Around 25,000 killed in ‘Bloody Week’; Another 28,000
1873 Economic Crisis. Army crushes anarchist inspired strikes in Spain.
1874 Italian authorities defeat uprising led by Bakunin.
1877 Insurrection in Benevento. Villages of Letino and Gallo taken without a
struggle. Tax registers burned. Money from tax collector distributed.
1878 Emil Hoedel attempts to assassinate Kaiser Wilhelm I.
Dr. Carl Nobling shoots himself after failing to assasinate Wilhelm I.
1878 Giovanni Passanante, an anarchist, attacks King Umberto of Naples.
1879 Pyotr Kropotkin launches the periodical La Révolte in Switzerland.
1880 Pyotr Kropotkin, The Spirit of Revolt.
1881 March: assassination of Tsar Alexander II by the People’s Will.
1882 A young worker assassinates an industrialist following a strike in Roanne
Bande Noire descretates wayside crosses and houses of worship in central
France. Suppressed.
1884 Johann Most publishes The Science of Revolutionary Warfare.
Executions in Spain of alleged anarchist peasants.
Murder of the Mother Superior of a Mareille area convent by anarchist
Louis Chaves.
Bande Noire reappears in central France, calling itself anarchist and using
1886 March: Anarchist Charles Gallo throws a bottle of vitriol at the
stockbrokers and clerks below, and then wildly fires three revolver shots
at them. No one hurt. Sentenced to 20 years’ hard labor
May 3, 1886: demonstration in Chicago demanding shorter working day is
fired on by police.
At Haymarket Square Chicago, a bomb is thrown at police when they
attempt to disperse a demonstration. Bomb kills one. Police fire wildly
killing more.
1892 Alexander Berkman shoots Henry Frick, a wealthy Pennsylvania
industrialist who had used strikebreakers to deal with workers at his steel
plant (resulting in ten deaths).
1892 March: François-Claudius Koenigstein (Ravachol) bombs the home of a
judge and a government attorney who prosecuted and sentenced anarchists
to prison. No one killed.
April: Café where waiter turned in Ravachol is bombed by Théodule
Meunier. Two dead. Meunier had prevoiusly bombed the Lobau Barracks
(a site of massacres of Communards).
Nov: Emile Henry leaves bomb at the offices of Carmaux Mining
Company. Explodes at police station, killing 5.
1893 September: Assassination of Spanish General Arsenio Martinez Campos
by Paulino Pallas (executed).
November: Anarchist bombing of Liceo Opera House in Barcelona.
Dozens injured and over 30 deaths to avenge execution of Paulino Pallas.
Government responds with mass arrests.
December: Auguste Vaillant, a French anarchist, hurls a nail bomb from a
balcony at the Chamber of Deputies in Paris. No one is killed. Vaillant is
Dec: First two of the “lois scélérates” passed by French government.
1894 Feb: Emile Henry throws bomb into the Café Terminus. 20 injured, one
dead. French anarchist Martial Boudin makes an unsuccessful attempt to
destroy the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England, with a
March: Bomb detonated outside Italian parliament. Kills two.
May: Bombing of Italian ministries of justice and war.
July: Third of the “lois scélérates” of French government.
1894 Jean Pauwels, a Belgian anarchist, accidentally blows himself up at the
Madeleine Church in the heart of Paris while transporting a bomb.
June: Assassination of French President Marie-François-Sadi Carnot by
Italian anarchist Sante Caserio.
1896 Bomb thrown into Corpus Cristi procession in Barcelona, killing 12 and
wounding 35.
1897 Spanish Prime Minister Antonio Cánovas del Castillo is shot and killed by
an Italian anarchist.
1898 Luigi Luccheni, an Italian anarchist, kills Empress Elizabeth, the wife of
Franz Joseph, emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
1900 Umberto I of Italy is shot and killed by the anarchist Gaetano Bresci.
Bresci is sentenced to hard labor and is later found dead in prison.
1901 Assassination of U.S. President William McKinley by Leon Czolgosz.
Czolgosz is electrocuted.

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