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Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:

Objectives of this class:

1) Student is able to write sentence(s) using their 5 senses.
2) Student is able to write engaging essay.

In writing, you are assessed based on 4 scales:

Content, Communicative Achievement, Organization, Language


Communicative Achievement
Uses the conventions of the communicative task to hold the target reader’s attention and
communicate straightforward ideas.

Sample of Part 2: Note Expansion:

You should spend about 35 minutes in this part.

In about 120 words, write an essay about a robbery that you witnessed.
You may use the notes below to help you.

From teacher’s point of view, majority of the students are able to construct a good essay. But
what makes their essay stand out from the majorities?

Hence our focus for this class is to “upgrade” your essay by adding in the concept of 5

What are the 5 senses that we possess?

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Page 2 of 8 Copyright © iScore 98 ® 2020
The morning sun shone gently on my skin (TOUCH) as I entered Youth Park. Although it was
still early, there were already people jogging and cycling (SIGHT). A group of old folks was
practising Tai-Chi (SIGHT) and moving along with the slow music (SOUND). There was gentle
breeze blowing on my face as I strolled along the dusty tracks. Leaves rustled above me and a
pair of birds were chirping (SOUND) nearby. I took a deep smell of the morning dew (SMELL)
which made me feel relaxed and at peace. I stopped by at the café nearby after the morning
(101 words)
Now take a look at the text below:
Try to describe this photo!
DATE: Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH]
Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:

1a) List down the 5 senses in the box on the left.

1b) Describe what you see from this picture based on the sense written.

An Evening on the Beach

5 senses Description
Sight Evening:



Hear Waves:


Touch/ Feel Sand:


Smell Sea breeze:


Taste Drink:

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Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:

Instead of: We were drinking cocktails by the beach while watching the beautiful sunset.

Construct sentence(s) using the 5 senses techniques for the picture above.

Let’s think!
What tense should we use to describe an incident/ event?

____________________________________________________ (Past tense)

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Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:

2a) List down the 5 senses in the box on the left.

2b) Describe what you see from this picture based on the sense written.

A Fire Incident

Think about what and

who you may
encounter at the scene

5 senses Description
Sight What:


Hear What:


Touch/ Feel What:


Smell What:


Copyright © iScore 98 ® 2020 Page 5 of 8

Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:

Instead of: Last weekend, I witnessed a fire accident nearby at the corner of Hamilton Street.

Construct sentence(s) using 5 senses techniques for the picture above.

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Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:
3a) List down the 5 senses in the box on the left.
3b) Describe what you see from this picture based on the sense written.

A birthday party

5 senses Description
Sight What:


Hear What:


Touch/ Feel What:


How’s the ambience:

Smell What:

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Description Writing Technique: 5 senses [COACH] DATE:
Taste What:
Chicken –
Meal –
Drinks –

Instead of:
Last week, I attended my friend’s birthday. I arrived at her house at around 5pm. I passed her a gift
when I met her.

Construct sentence(s) using the 5 senses techniques for the picture above.

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