GEC 07 Finals 22-23

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Southern Luzon State University


Lucena Campus
Lucena City


Final Examination

Name: Maravilla, Saina Mae R.

Last First M.I.
Course and year: BTVTEd- FSM 1-A Date: 01/18/2023
mm dd yy

Test 1. Classify what type of art are the pictures below. Write C if it is classical, write M if it is Modern
and PM if it is Postmodern. 2 pts each

1. ____C_____

2. ___C____

3. ____C_____
4. __M_____

5. ___M____

6. ___PM_____

7. ___PM_____
8. ___M___

9. _PM_

10. ___C______

11. _M__
12. __PM___

13. ____C_____

14. ____C_____

15. ____C_____
Test II. Answer the following questions comprehensively. 10 pts each

16. What are the characteristics of classical art?

- In classical art, the art forms focus on humanistic elements. It encompasses the cultures
of Greece and Rome. Including innovations in painting, sculpture, decorative arts,
painted pottery, murals, and architecture, Classical Art pursued ideals of beauty,
harmony, and proportion. The type of art in classical employs idealized figures and
shapes, and treats its subjects in a non-anecdotal and emotionally neutral manner.
Colour is always subordinated to line and composition. In classical art, the figure looks
perfect, bodies are active, nude or draped in togas, heroic figures, people in everyday
life, and little or no perspective.

17. What are the types and styles of classical art?

- The style of classical art refers to the ancient Greek and Roman period. Its style is
described as the use of simple, clean lines and forms to create human-like figures and
objects. It is more realistic and includes the representation of movement. The type of
art in classical includes painting, sculpture, decorative arts, murals, and architecture.

18. How important is modern art in your culture?

- With the knowledge of modern art, people can express more of their feelings through
different or unique forms of art where they can freely demonstrate and describe their
feelings and thoughts without inhibitions. It is important in our culture because there
we can reflect our ideas, feelings and perspectives. Through modern art, Filipinos can
express themselves in a way that is safely observable for others. It is a mean of personal
19. What makes postmodernism art unique?
- Post modern art became unique in a way that it can be done through different styles
such as collage, assemblage, montage, bricolage, text as a central element,
appropriation, and simplification in art pieces. Post modern art does not stay with
specific characteristics as the entire movement was about discovery and rejecting what
has come before.
20. What is the importance of postmodernism in education?

- Postmodern art rejected the traditional values of modernism, and instead embraced
experimentation with new media and art forms including intermedia, installation art,
conceptual art, multimedia, performance art, and identity politics. Using these new
forms, postmodernist artists have stretched the definition of art to embrace the idea
that “anything can be art”. Since we are now in a modern world, these ideas and
concepts of postmodernism art are more applicable in education to create new forms of
art according to someone’s own creative imagination.

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Program Chairperson, BTVTED

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