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Standardization Process Form

1. Each teacher is expected to provide 1 assessment and 1sample of high, mid, and low-marked student to 1 standardizing teacher.
2. The standardizing teacher should make note of their score.
3. The original teacher will talk with the other standardizing teacher to evaluate the scores given and summarize findings.
4. If the assessment does not use all the criteria, please write N/A in the appropriate box.
5. When this form is complete, attach the assessment and samples, and submit to your SST.

Original teacher: ______________________________________ Standardizing teacher: _____________________________________

Subject: ______________________________________ HOD: _____________________________________

Grade level: _____________ Date: ______________________ (dd/mm/yy)

Type of assessment: ______________________________________

Title of assessment: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Sample Criteria Standardizing Original Comments
teacher score
Teacher score teacher score (Are any of the criteria confusing or difficult to assess? Could the assessment rubric be improved?
3 Do you have any questions for your HOD?)




Sample Criteria Standardizing Original Comments

Teacher score teacher score (Are any of the criteria confusing or difficult to assess? Could the assessment rubric be improved?
2 Do you have any questions for your HOD?)

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