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Combinational Design

Sukree Sinthupinyo
Department of Computer Science

Thammasat University

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 1/25

Minimal Two-level Forms
● Example
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
● Two-level Minimization
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
● Prime Implicates Minimal Two-level Forms
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

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Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Consider the four-variable function z1 (a, b, c, d) which is
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
defined as 1 if and only if at least two of its inputs are 1
● Two-level Minimization
■ The input combinations that make z1 = 1 are 0011, 0101,
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
0110, 0111, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111.
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms ■ z1 = Σ(3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
The K-Map Method ■ z1 = Π(0, 1, 2, 4, 8)

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 3/25

Minimal Two-level Forms

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ We can express z1 from the previous slide as
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
● Two-level Minimization
z1 (a, b, c, d) = ab + ac + ad + bc + bd + cd
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
■ Five fewer gates in an AND-OR implementation and the AND
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms
gates are much smaller because their fan-in is reduced from
The K-Map Method
four to two.
■ We can turn into NAND-NAND realization

ab + ac + ad + bc + bd + cd = (ab)(ac)(ad)(bc)(bd)(cd)

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 4/25

Algebraic Minimization

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Minimization Theorem
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
Let E be any Boolean expression and x a variable; then
● Two-level Minimization (a) Ex + E x̄ = E and (b) (E + x)(E + x̄) = E
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 5/25

Algebraic Minimization

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Minimization Theorem
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
Let E be any Boolean expression and x a variable; then
● Two-level Minimization (a) Ex + E x̄ = E and (b) (E + x)(E + x̄) = E
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
■ Example
● Prime Implicates
◆ z2 (a, b, c) = Σ(0, 1, 2, 3, 7) = āb̄c̄ + āb̄c + ābc̄ + ābc + abc
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

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Algebraic Minimization

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Minimization Theorem
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
Let E be any Boolean expression and x a variable; then
● Two-level Minimization (a) Ex + E x̄ = E and (b) (E + x)(E + x̄) = E
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
■ Example
● Prime Implicates
◆ z2 (a, b, c) = Σ(0, 1, 2, 3, 7) = āb̄c̄ + āb̄c + ābc̄ + ābc + abc
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method ■ We’ll get

z2 = (āb̄c̄ + āb̄c) + (ābc̄ + ābc) + abc
z2 = (āb̄c̄ + āb̄c) + (ābc̄ + ābc) + (ābc + abc)
z2 = āb̄ + āb + bc
z2 = (āb̄ + āb) + bc
z2 = ā + bc

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Two-level Minimization Problem

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Given a Boolean function z(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), determine an
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
SOP and POS expression E for z that (1) contains the
● Two-level Minimization minimum number of product terms (in the SOP case) or sum
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
terms (in the POS case), and (2) is such that no expression
● Prime Implicates for z containing the minimum number of terms has fewer
● Minimal Two-level Forms
The K-Map Method

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 6/25

Prime Implicants

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ Let p(x) be a product term. If for the function z(X), the
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
● Two-level Minimization for all A such that p(A) = 1, z(A) = 1
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
■ Every product term that appears in an SOP expression for z
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms
is an implicant of z.
The K-Map Method ■ For example, ab, bc, and ab̄c are all implicants of z4 , where
z4 = ab + bc + ab̄c
■ Other implicants of z4 that do not appear in the above
expression are its remaining three minterms ābc, abc̄, and
abc, the nonminterm ac, and others.

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Prime Implicants (cont.)

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ An implicant p of z is called a prime implicant if any product
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
term obtained by deleting a literal from p is not an implicant
● Two-level Minimization of z.
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
■ For example, the implicant ab is a prime implicant of z4
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms
because neither of the terms a or b obtained by deleting a
The K-Map Method
literal from ab implies z4

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Prime Implicates

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ A sum term s that satisfies the relation
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
for all A such that s(A) = 0, z(A) = 0
● Two-level Minimization
■ is called an implicate of z
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 9/25

Minimal Two-level Forms

Minimal Two-level Forms

● Example
■ In order to obtain a minimal two-level implementation of an
● Minimal Two-level Forms
● Algebraic Minimization
n-variable function z, we need to determine the smallest set
● Two-level Minimization of prime implicants (or implicates) whose sum (or product)
● Prime Implicants
● Prime Implicants (cont.)
specifies z.
● Prime Implicates
● Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

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Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

● Karnaugh Maps
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
The K-Map Method
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 11/25

Karnaugh Maps

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ A K-map for short is a modified truth table intended to allow
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
minimal SOP and POS expressions.
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
■ First described by Maurice Karnaugh of AT&T Bell
● K-maps for up to Four Laboratories in the 1950s.
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization ■ One map cell corresponds to a row in the truth table.
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
■ Also, one map cell corresponds to a minterm or a maxterm
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
in the boolean expression.
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
■ A cell that contains a 1 is referred to as a 1-cell; a cell that
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map
contains a 0 is a 0-cell
■ Every 1-cell of K-map corresponds to a minterm of z.
Similarly, every 0-cell corresponds to a maxterm of z.

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Cell Grouping

Minimal Two-level Forms

■ The group of 2k 1-cells or 0-celss on the K-map for z will be
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
clustered together.
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
■ The largest groups correspond to the prime implicants or
● K-maps for up to Four implicates of z
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 13/25

K-maps for up to Four Variables

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ The figure shows K-maps for two-, three-, and four-variable
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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K-maps for up to Four Variables (cont.)

Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

● Karnaugh Maps
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 15/25


Minimal Two-level Forms ■ Identify all prime implicants of z by encircling appropriate

The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
maximum sized groups of 2k 1-cells of M , where 1 ≤ k ≤ n
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
■ Select a minimum set of prime implicant groups that contain
● K-maps for up to Four or cover all 1-cells of z. Where several such sets exist, select
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization one that has the lowest total connection (literal) cost.
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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Prime Implicant Identification

Minimal Two-level Forms

■ A product term is represented on a K-map by a group of 2k
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
1-cells, called a product group
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
■ The product groups contain n − k literals.
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
■ A prime implicant is a product group that is not contained in
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
amy larger product group.
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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One-Cell Groups

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ 1-cells define a prime implicant that is also a minterm of z.
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
■ Expressed as a product of n = 4 literals
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 18/25

Two-Cell Groups

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ Formed from a pair of 1-cells.

The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
■ Each such pair is specified by a product of n − 1 = 3 literals.
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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Larger Groups

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ Prime implicants might be formed by groups of four or eight
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
1 cells.
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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Prime Implicant Covers

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ Once all prime implicants of the function z are known, the
The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
problem is to select a suitable subset α of these prime
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
implicants whose OR-sum specifies z.
● K-maps for up to Four
■ In K-map terms, the cell groups that form α is said to form a
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization prime implicant cover of z.
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups ■ If α is a cover with the minimum numober of prime
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups implicants, and also has the fewest literals among all such
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants covers, the α is a minimal cover of z.
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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Essential Prime Implicants

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ A prime implicant is said to be an essential prime implicant

The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
if and only of it convers some 1-cell or minterm mij that is
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
not coverd by any other prime implicant of z.
● K-maps for up to Four ■ The first tep in finding a minimal cover is to identify all
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization essential prime implicants.
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

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Petricks’ Method

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ Systematic, nonexhaustive way of finding minimum price.

The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
■ Consider the following four-variable function
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables z1 (a, b, c, d) = Σ(1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
■ Three minterm M = {m1 , m2 , m3 } and four inessential prime
● One-Cell Groups implicants P = {P1,3 , P1,5 , P5,13 , P3,11
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
■ Covering proposition:
● Essential Prime Implicants A cover C of M by P must contain P1,3 or P1,5 to cover
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont) m1 , and it must contain P1,3 or P3,11 to cover m3 , and it must
● Five-Variable K-Map
contain P1,5 or P5,13 to cover m5 .

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 23/25

Petricks’ Method (cont)

Minimal Two-level Forms ■ From the previous slide, we can write:

The K-Map Method
● Karnaugh Maps
● Cell Grouping
C =(P1,3 + P1,5 )(P1,3 + P3,11 )(P1,5 + P5,13 )
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
C =P1,3 P1,3 P1,5 + P1,3 P1,3 P5,13 + P1,3 P3,11 P1,5 + P1,3 P3,11 P5,13
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization + P1,5 P1,3 P1,5 + P1,5 P1,3 P5,13 + P1,5 P3,11 P1,5 + P1,5 P3,11 P5,13
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
C =P1,3 P1,5 + P1,3 P5,13 + P1,3 P3,11 P5,13 + P1,3 P3,11 P5,13
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers + P1,5 P1,3 P5,13 + P1,5 P3,11 + P1,5 P3,11 P5,13
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont) ■ Hence, three possible minimal covers of M = m1 , m3 , m5 :
● Five-Variable K-Map
{P1,3 , P1,5 }, {P1,3 , P5,13 }, and {P1,5 , P3,11 }

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 24/25

Five-Variable K-Map

Minimal Two-level Forms

The K-Map Method

● Karnaugh Maps
● Cell Grouping
● K-maps for up to Four
● K-maps for up to Four
Variables (cont.)
● Minimization
● Prime Implicant Identification
● One-Cell Groups
● Two-Cell Groups
● Larger Groups
● Prime Implicant Covers
● Essential Prime Implicants
● Petricks’ Method
● Petricks’ Method (cont)
● Five-Variable K-Map

Sukree Sinthupinyo, January 7, 2007 Combinational Design - p. 25/25

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