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1 LXImage

Chapter 2.3.1 LXImage

LXImage is the default image viewer for Lubuntu.


To open a picture press File ‣ Open File, Control + O, or press the button that looks like an
upward pointing arrow. To open a directory full of images press Control+D or File ‣ Open
Directory. If you do not like the picture press Del or File ‣ Delete. To open a new window of
LXImage press Control +N or File ‣ New Window. To view the properties of your image by
File ‣ File Properties. To view your recently viewed pictures File ‣ Recently Opened Files. To
clear your recently opened files Files ‣ Recently Opened ‣ Clear. To reload your file after you
save it again press Control +R, press the circular arrow button, or File ‣ Reload file.

To have LXImage open the next file in a folder press Right arrow and to view the previous
image press the Left arrow. To open an entire directory File ‣ Open Directory or press
Control +D. To save the file as something press Control+Shift+S, the downward
pointed arrow with an I on it, or File ‣ Save As. To save the file with the same file name press
Control+S or File ‣Save. To rename a file press F2 or Edit ‣ Rename.

If you wish to print a picture after viewing it from the File ‣ Pint or press control+ p to
bring up a print dialog. To change the printer change the Name field. To toggle viewing more
options for printing press the Options button. To change how many copies of an image you
want to print change the Copies field. To collate the pages to print check the Collate
checkbox. To reverse the order printed check the Reverse button. To exit the window with a
keyboard shortcut press the Escape key.

If you want to upload a picture to share it online File ‣ Upload or press Control + U and a
new window will pop up with a drop down menu to show where to upload the picture to. To
actually upload the file press Start . The URL of the image will then show up from after it is
finished uploading. You can then copy the URL by selecting the text and then pressing
Control+C or pressing the Copy button.

To rotate an image to the right press the circular arrow that points to the right, press R, or go
to Edit ‣ Rotate Clockwise. To rotate counterclockwise use the circular arrow pointing to the
left, press L, or Edit ‣Rotate Counterclockwise. To zoom in on a picture press the icon with a
magnifying glass with a + symbol on it, View ‣ Zoom In, or press control + +. To zoom out
press the button of a magnifying glass with a - symbol in it, View ‣ Zoom Out or press
control + -.

To change the order of pictures in a folder select View ‣ Sorting and select how you want
images sorted.

To flip your image on the vertical axis press V or Edit ‣ Flip Vertically. To flip your image on
the horizontal axis press H or Edit ‣ Flip Horizontally. To change the image to a different size
Edit ‣ Resize and a dialog box will show up. To see how large your image currently is in pixels
view the Current size dialog. To change how wide the image is change Width column in the
New size row. To change the height of the image under Height and change to the desired
size. To change which size your image is in percentage change the field with % under
Width . To allowing stretching the image while resizing it uncheck the Keep aspect ratio
To see how big an image is on the bar at the bottom Size will tell you the size in pixels of an
image. To see where the current image is saved read the path in the Path field.

To copy an image to the clipboard you can Edit ‣ Copy to Clipboard. To paste an image to the
clipboard Edit ‣ Paste from Clipboard. To copy the path of an image to the clipboard Edit ‣
Copy Path.

To view the next picture on your image press the right arrow, space, or page down and
conversely to view the previous image press the left arrow, Backspace, or page up.
You can also scroll between different pictures with the mousewheel or by pressing the right
and left pointing arrow buttons on the toolbar. To jump to the first picture press home or Go
‣ First File. To jump to the last picture press end or Go ‣ Last File. You can also go to the next
or previous files with Go ‣ Previous File or Go ‣ Next File.

To view thumbnails of the current directory you can toggle thumbnails by pressing T or View
‣ Show Thumbnails and thumbnails will show at the bottom with a scrollbar at the bottom of
the window to view the whole folder. To open the thumbnail of a picture in a another
program such as one to edit that picture right click Open With and select the program you
want to edit with or you can do this by File ‣ Open With. To rename an image after viewing it
right click on the thumbnail select Rename and type the filename for the picture you want. To
move a file to the trash can right click on it and select Move to Trash.

To view the picture entirely press View ‣ Fit or the button with a vertical and horizontal arrow
and a folded over bottom right corner. To return your image to its original size View ‣ Original
Size or press the 1 toolbar button. To show an outline around the image press O or View ‣
Show Outline. To toggle showing information about the settings on the camera View ‣ Show
EXIF Data.
To view the picture as fullscreen press f11, right click Fullscreen, double click on the image,
or View ‣ Fullscreen. To exit fullscreen double click the image, press F11, or right click
Fullscreen again. To have a slideshow of you pictures in your current folder View ‣ Slideshow
or right click and select Slide Show. Once you start the slideshow on the toolbar a play pause
button will appear on the toolbar or you can stop the slideshow by right clicking and selecting
Slide Show.

To close LXImage press Control+w or File ‣ Close.


To show annotations controls View ‣ Annotations Toolbar or right click and select
Annotations Toolbar. To edit your images with LXImage there are several buttons on the right
hand side of the toolbar. To draw and arrow press the button that looks like an arrow click
once where you want the arrow to start and then drag the direction you want the arrow to
point and click it where you want the arrowhead to be. To draw a hollow rectangle left click
on the button with a hollow rectangle and click and drag to the size of the rectangle you
want. To draw a hollow circle annotation press the button that looks like a hollow circle. To
draw numbers on your pictures press the 3 button. To stop drawing annotations press the
button with a circle with a slash through it.

 Warning

Annotations in LXImage cannot be undone with an undo functionality. Also you will not
be prompted to save your unsaved annotations when closing LXImage.


To change preferences in LXImage Edit ‣ Preferences. The General tab has settings for
recent files, thumbnails, and trash. To cancel your changes press the Cancel button. To not
generate thumbnails for really large images change the Thumbnailer size limit field. To change
how big thumbnails to use change the Thumbnail image dimensions field. To apply your settings
and exit the preference dialog by pressing the OK button.
The Window tab manages how the window appears. To show the thumbnails dock by
default check the Show thumbnails dock by default checkbox and choose where it is to the right.
To show metadata about your pictures by default check the Show Exif data dock by default
checkbox. To toggle showing the menubar check/uncheck the Show menubar by default
checkbox. To toggle showing the main toolbar check/uncheck the Show main toolbar by default
checkbox. To show the annotations toolbar by default check the Show annotations toolbar by
default .
The Image tab has settings for how LXImage displays images. To change the background
color in a window press the button next to Normal background color and then a window will
pop up showing your color choice. To change the background color when fullscreen press the
button next to Fullscreen background color and the same color picker window will appear. To
change how long it takes for a each slide to change change in a slideshow change the Slide
show interval (seconds) field. To show the image outline by default check the Show image outline by
default checkbox. To fit images when navigating check the Fit images when navigating
checkbox. To smooth images when you zooming check the Smooth images on zooming
The Shortcuts tab has settings for changing keyboard shortcuts in LXImage. To see what a
shortcut will do read the General column. To change a shortcut double click on the Shortcut
column and press what you want the shortcut to be. To reset keyboard shortcuts to default
press the Default button.

Lubuntu ships with version 1.3.0 or LXImage.

How to Launch

To launch LXImage from the menu Graphics ‣ LXImage or run


from the command line. The icon for LXImage is an orange landscape scene of a sunset.

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