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Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

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Dynamic characterization of a slow-moving landslide system – Assessing the

challenges of small process scales utilizing multi-temporal TLS data
M.J. Stumvoll a,⁎, E.M. Schmaltz b, T. Glade a
ENGAGE – Geomorphological Systems and Risk Research, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Federal Agency for Water Management, Institute for Land and Water Management Research, Pollnbergstraße 1, 3252 Petzenkirchen, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Slow-moving landslides play an important role in both theoretical slope evolution and practical landslide
Received 28 July 2020 hazard and risk research. Related dynamics therefore are of major interest, including the investigation of
Received in revised form 15 May 2021 surficial changes. Yet, very slow process rates impede their quantitative analysis over short time periods,
Accepted 24 May 2021
the actual change not uncommonly lying within the error margins of the respective methodological ap-
Available online 28 May 2021
proaches. This study aims in investigating the surface dynamics of a small, retrogressive, slow-moving
(cm-dm/a) earth slide-earth flow system in the Flysch Zone of Lower Austria via multi-temporal, high-
Slow moving landslide resolution terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data. 7 epochs covering a 10 years' observation period were uti-
Morphological mapping lized to apply both detailed morphological mapping and the computation of digital elevation models
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) (DEMs) of difference (DoDs). Data was analysed to 1) determine and delineate (recently active) process
Flysch Zone areas, 2) to describe their characteristics, rates and tendencies comparatively via mapping and DoDs - but
Lower Austria also 3) to assess the applicability of TLS regarding vegetation cover and to 4) evaluate the added value of
this comparative approach when it comes to interpreting landslide dynamics on such detailed scale. Two
small Subsystems of the respective landslide, I (~3300 m2) and II (2100 m2), exhibit the highest activity
within the observation period. Results show 1) areas of changes in surface height correspond with changes
in the distribution and characterization of morphological landslide features, indicating landslide activity.
2) Both Subsystems exhibit different results regarding the magnitude of changes in surface height (DoDs)
and feature assembly (mapping), but show similarity regarding the frequency of both changes in surface
height and feature evolution, identifying them as rotational and translational process types interrelated
with the main landslide system. 3) Findings suggest TLS based DoD computations to be able to detect real
surface change on detailed scale (0.05 m raster, ±0.05 error range, 0.05 m steps) in areas of optimum con-
ditions regarding vegetation cover, but also that 4) real surface change could be assessed in areas of less op-
timum conditions (±020 m error range, 0.20 m steps) where real surface change was overshadowed by
changes in vegetation cover via comparatively analysing both DoD and mapping results.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction Dunnicliff, 1995; Jaboyedoff et al., 2013; Whiteley et al., 2019 to

name a few only), as well as their long-term behaviour. Sub-
Slow moving landslides on soil mantled slopes depict an impor- surface investigations are expensive in both material and mainte-
tant component in hillslope development – a role only seldom rec- nance and only seldomly cover more than a few years (see e.g.
ognized (Crozier, 2010). They, too, can play a major role when it Bednarczyk, 2018), whereas the investigation of surficial changes
comes to harming living beings, habitats and human constructions is becoming more feasible due to an increasing availability of
(Glade et al., 2005). Major interest lies in understanding both re- (free) data and the respective hardware and software (Kniess
cent surficial and sub-surface dynamics, a task which is tackled et al., 2014). Yet, regarding slow processes of only a few
with a variety of different techniques (Corominas et al., 2014; centimetres to decimetres a year, the quantitative analysis of surfi-
cial changes and their interpretation still depicts a large variety of
challenges. Device, time of acquisition, initial data resolution,
⁎ Corresponding author at: ENGAGE – Geomorphological Systems and Risk Research,
multi-temporal data registration, data errors and gaps due to
Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy, University of Vienna,
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria. landcover (changes) and anthropogenic overprinting as well as
E-mail address: margherita.stumvoll@univie.ac.at (M.J. Stumvoll). the temporal scale of observation determine the accuracy of the

0169-555X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

data and interpretation, respectively. The slower the process, the a) What data accuracy can be achieved for both singular and multi-
more accurate the data needs to be and, respectively or the longer temporal TLS observations? Where are sources of error and how
the observation period. do they propagate throughout data post-processing?
In the last years, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) became a well- b) Which quantitative statements can be made about local landslide
established technique for the observation of land surface changes, dynamics via DoD calculation? Can the DoDs depict real surface
especially regarding mass wasting processes (Abellan et al., 2016; changes?
Jaboyedoff et al., 2012; Telling et al., 2017). In landslide monitoring, c) Which statements can be made via detailed, multi-temporal mapping
TLS is applied to generate high-resolution digital elevation models of morphological landslide features on the basis of the TLS data? Both
(DEMs) and DEMs of difference (DoDs) by multi-temporal data (see e.g. as stand-alone technique and as addition to DoD calculations?
Mukupa et al., 2017; Travelletti et al., 2014). High spatio-temporal resolu- d) Which qualitative statements can be made on the classification of this
tions entail a sophisticated procedure of data processing. However, pro- landslide in comparatively analysing multi-temporal mapping and
cess rates are hard to quantify by multiple TLS observations for the case DoD calculations? What are the related implications for this landslide
of slow-moving landslides. Due to a large variety of uncertainties in data and the utilization of respective techniques on similar sites?
acquisition and post-processing, actual change not uncommonly lies
within the error margins of the respective methodological approaches.
The various challenges that come with the acquisition of TLS point clouds, Data was analysed to 1) determine and delineate (recently active)
their spatial registration and filtering (see e.g. Barbarella et al., 2017; process areas, 2) to describe their characteristics, rates and tendencies
Schürch et al., 2011), cause the generation of related DoDs to be complex comparatively via mapping and DoDs - but also 3) to assess the applica-
(Corsini et al., 2013) and the quantification of process rates to be limited bility of TLS for this kind of processes, especially with respect to vegeta-
to no less than a few centimetres per observation period (Corsini et al., tion cover and to 4) evaluate the added value of this comparative
2013; Prokop and Panholzer, 2009). In their study, Prokop and approach when it comes to interpreting landslide dynamics on such de-
Panholzer (2009) pointed out that it was not possible to determine move- tailed scale.
ment rates of <0.05 m per observation period when monitoring slow
moving landslides. Similar precisions were achieved by Kasperski et al. 2. Study area
(2010) and Hsieh et al. (2016). Whilst previous studies using TLS focused
on improving the detection of slow processes (e.g. Abellán et al., 2009; The study site is located in Konradsheim, Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs in
Corsini et al., 2013; Travelletti et al., 2008), multi-temporal TLS observa- Lower Austria (Fig. 1a). The slope under investigation is part of the
tions – especially of slow-moving earth slides with vegetation cover - re- Redtenbach catchment (~10 km2; Fig. 1b), draining the Redtenbach val-
main a challenge (Abellán et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2019; Prokop and ley from west to east, with a height difference of 655 m. The south-east
Panholzer, 2009). facing Hofermühle catchment (~0.15 km2) drains into the Redtenbach
Quantitative data on active landslides spanning a temporal (Fig. 1c). The Hofermühle catchment can be considered exemplary for
scale of more than a few years such as the mentioned TLS observa- others within the Redtenbach valley as well as similar catchments in
tions and studies are still fairly rare, especially on local scales. Ex- the Flysch Zone regarding both natural conditions (geological and cli-
tremely short observation periods impede the reliability of results matic prepositioning), recent artificial and anthropogenic overprinting
when it comes to data correlation, analysis and interpretation. To (landuse and changes in hillslope hydrology) as well as complex land-
overcome this temporal restriction with respect to the evaluation slide process behaviour. It was therefore chosen as long-term monitor-
of landslide dynamics, detailed (geo)morphological mapping can ing site to better assess these kinds of complex dynamics.
support the interpretation of quantitative observations (Bishop The upper part of the Hofermühle catchment is located on a rather
et al., 2012; Knight et al., 2011). Large-scale (geo)morphological shallow part of the hillslope ranging from 5°–20° and is used as pasture.
mapping – also in the sense of mapping landslide features In the lower third of the catchment, the slope increases significantly to
(forms) based on morphometric aspects - is commonly applied in 15°–30° and up to 45° and is covered with forest and shrubs. The re-
landslide research (Glenn et al., 2006; Whitworth et al., 2011), cently most active part with regard to land sliding is indicated in
but rather seldom for multi-temporal data (see e.g. Amanzio Fig. 1d. Different types of processes are interrelated; the upper part ex-
et al., 2019; Anders et al., 2013). The consideration of multi- periences earth sliding processes with slow but steady process rates
temporal information in form of consecutive DEMs is commonly (~mm-cm/a). Respective materials concentrate in the Hofermühle tor-
used for the compilation of landslide inventories (for a very con- rent, having led to sporadic but fast earth- to mudflow processes
cise review on landslide inventory mapping see Guzzetti et al., down to the Redtenbach valley bottom in the past already (Kotzmaier,
2012; Reichenbach et al., 2005) or for landslide description and in- 2013; Sausgruber, 2013). Two predominantly active zones within the
terpretation (Wolter et al., 2016; Zanutta et al., 2006). Few studies area shown in Fig. 1d, the Subsystems I and II, are analysed in more de-
focus on the generation of detailed, large-scale geomorphological tail in this study.
maps, including the mapping of morphological features (Griffiths The study area is situated in a very complex geological transition
et al., 2011; Parry, 2011; Seijmonsbergen and De Graaff, 2006). zone of Helvetic, Penninic and Austroalpine (Oberostalpin) tectonic
Even less focus on a multi-temporal mapping on this scale and on units (see Fig. 1a). Whereas the southern part of the Redtenbach catch-
consecutive changes of one individual landslide (e.g. Wolter ment is dominated by formations of the Austroalpine (transition to the
et al., 2020). northern calcareous alps; dolomite, marls and calcareous marls), the
However, the benefits of a combination between highly-resolved northern part consists of Helvetic and Penninic formations (Flysch and
TLS based DoDs and a compilation of detailed maps focusing on the de- Klippen Zone; clays, marls and sandstones) (Schnabel, 1999; Schnabel
tection and mapping of geomorphic features and feature changes were et al., 2002; Thenius, 1974). The Flysch Zone is exceptionally prone to
largely disregarded so far, in particular with respect to interpreting the shallow and deep sliding processes, which has been highlighted in mul-
development of slow-moving landslides. tiple studies (Petschko et al., 2013; Schwenk, 1992; Steger et al., 2020;
This study aims in investigating the surface dynamics of a small, Tilch, 2014 to name only a few). This is due to the high clay content
retrogressive, slow-moving (cm-dm/a) earth slide-earth flow sys- and the weathering grade of the respective lithology. In combination
tem in the Flysch Zone of Lower Austria via both multi-temporal de- with the lithological preconditions, extreme rainfall and high snow
tailed mapping of morphological features and DoD computations melt rates have been identified as the main triggers of slope failure pro-
based on high-resolution TLS data. The following research questions cesses in the Flysch Zone of Lower Austria (Schweigl and Hervás, 2009).
were tackled: Being situated at the northern fringe of the northern to eastern

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Fig. 1. Location of study site and areas of investigation. a) Location of the Redtenbach catchment within the geological transition zone of Helvetic, Penninic and Austroalpine units in the SW
of Lower Austria, Austria (geological map after Weber (1997)). b) Location of the Hofermühle study site within the Redtenbach catchment. TLS scan positions and direction are indicated in
blue. c) Hydrological catchment of the Hofermühle torrent. d) Main areas of investigation, defined as Subsystems I and II. Relief shadings in a–c) are based on a Austrian 10 m DEM (BMDW,
2015) and a 1 m ALS-DEM (NOEL GV, 2009), respectively. Relief shading in d) is based on a 0.05 m TLS-DEM (2019-12-05) generated for this study. Orthophoto in c) is provided by the
Federal State Government of Lower Austria (NOEL GV, 2011).

calcareous alps, the study area exhibits mean yearly precipitation rates Reports, on-field investigation and personal communication with
of ~1195 mm; highest monthly mean precipitation sums are found in local authorities proved the Hofermühle catchment to be heavily influ-
summer (May to August ~526 mm, July having highest mean sums of enced by anthropogenic overprinting. The Hofermühle catchment is
~148 mm). Mean monthly temperatures below zero can be found De- largely covered by grassland used for cattle farming in the recent
cember to February, including snowfall and frost; highest mean years (Fig. 1c). The area is getting mowed approx. 3 times a year, facili-
monthly temperatures are reached June to August. Mean yearly temper- tating the application of TLS. The route of the Hofermühle torrent is
ature is between 7.0 °C and 9.1 °C (period 1900–2019; Histalp data from framed by trees and bushes on both sides. Tree stocking and density in-
Waidhofen a. d. Ybbs, Auer et al. (2007)). crease in the lower and steeper part of the catchment. Coniferous trees

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

mark the orographic right, having been used for reforestation after land- provided in Riegl LMS (2020)). After quality check and data pre-
slide events end of the 1970s (Sausgruber, 2016). Deciduous trees make processing, 6 of the 15 campaigns (epochs) have been used for this
up the orographic left. Artificial drainages and water basins have been study (Table A1). The scan positions are located on the opposite valley
installed by the locals throughout the last 30 to 50 years in an attempt side in a height of ~637 m (EAST) and ~654 m (WEST) (see Fig. 1b).
to stabilize the area. Whereas, the exact position and age as well as The upper part of the study area is in ~1100 m, the lower part in ~550
the condition of most of these drainage systems apart from those re- m distance from both scan positions. For details on time of acquisition
cently installed is unclear (personal communication with local farmers). and other specifications, please refer to Table A1.
Consequently, these anthropogenic overprints have a considerable im- With regard to initial point cloud resolution, an angular distance of
pact on the land cover and the slope hydrology, which are both of 0.004° is used for both horizontal (Phi [°]) and vertical (Theta [°])
major importance when it comes to hillslope development in associa- point spacing for most scans. This corresponds with the findings of
tion with landslide processes (Papathoma-Köhle and Glade, 2013; Lichti and Jamtsho (2006), who suggest the point spacing resolution
Schmaltz et al., 2017; Sidle and Bogaard, 2016; Sidle and Ochiai, 2006; to be based on 86% of the beam diameter (0.12 m in 1000 m distance,
Sidle et al., 2006). refer to Riegl LMS (2020)). Higher resolution may result in a blurry rep-
Verbal communication gave evidence to past activity in the upper resentation of finer details as the foot print of the laser beam of two
part to the orographic right of the torrent by the end of the 1970s neighbouring point measurements overlap (Buckley et al., 2008; Lichti
(Sausgruber, 2016). The respective area got drained. In 2011, slow slid- and Jamtsho, 2006). 0.004° angular distance provides the highest possi-
ing processes started in the area to the upper orographic left of the tor- ble resolution (~0.055 m mean point distance) with only minimal laser
rent (see Fig. 1c, d). In 2013 processes increased in both speed and beam footprint overlap for the mean distance (~800 m) between main
dimension, leading to the development of earth flow processes, most study area and scan positions. Further information on the angular dis-
likely initiated by heavy rainfall events. No explicit precipitation data tance of the point spacing parameters, as well as the corresponding
is available for these events (Sausgruber, 2013); yet, respective interre- point spacing in [m] in 1000 m distance from the scan position are pro-
lations are tackled in recent research. vided in Table A1.
The site was surveyed by the Geological Department of the Federal 5 reflector targets (cylinder, 0.10*0.11 m) were installed on 2018-
State Government of Lower Austria (NOEL GV) as well as by the Torrent 06-06 and their position measured with a high definition GNNS (Leica
and Avalanche Control (WLV) Lower Austria West. The overall possible 1200; APOS real-time position correction via SIM card; uncertainty for
active landslide area was estimated to cover approx. 0.05 km2 both x and y lower than 0.015 m; EPSG: 32633). Reflectors were only
(Sausgruber, 2013; Sausgruber, 2016). In 2018/2019 a dam was used for coarse geo-referencing of the TLS campaigns.
installed by the WLV at the outlet of the Hofermühle torrent, in Decem- For the registration of the TLS-point clouds, existing transfor-
ber 2019 7 shallow trenches were excavated across the area of the 2011/ mation matrices of all scan positions were removed initially. TLS
2013 events (Fig. 1c) to drain surficial water. No further remedial mea- campaigns with reflector targets available were used for coarse
sures were taken. registration. Coordinates of the 5 reflector targets enabled a global
registration. The 2009 ALS point cloud data was re-projected (BEV,
3. Material and methods 2020) and used as static base data. All TLS scan positions with no
reflector targets available were manually registered onto one of
The following research strategy was applied. Between 2015 and the coarsely and globally registered TLS positions. In order to pre-
2019 the study site was continuously surveyed with TLS. Including pare the data for fine registration using the Multi Station Adjust-
ALS data from 2009, the observation period covers a total of 10 ment (MSA - ICP-Algorithm (Besl and McKay, 1992) implemented
years. After registration, point cloud data - 7 time steps in total - in ©Riegl RiSCAN Pro), the point cloud density of all scans was tran-
was used to generate both mesh and raster-based DEMs. Models sitionally reduced using a 0.5 m octree filter (cf. Table A1) and the
were used to compute DEMs of difference (DoDs) as well as differ- standard vegetation filter. From these strongly homogenized point
ent standard GIS-based raster analyses (slope, curvature, clouds, Plane Patches (minimum 3 points per plane; maximum
hillshade, contour, hydrology). Detailed morphological mapping standard deviation 0.05 m) were generated. All scan positions
(1:1000) based on the raster analysis of the first epoch 2009 was were registered and fixed stepwise on to the ALS data. The individ-
utilized to determine the main landslide area. Within this area, ual MSA computations consisted of 5 iterative steps (cf. Table A1).
two Subsystems of recently most active process behaviour were The fine registration accounted for a registration accuracy of
delineated and the respective areas mapped on very detailed ~0.0124 to 0.0233 m standard deviation for the final MSA step
scale (1:200) regarding landslide features for each consecutive (0.0233 m onto the ALS data; highest TLS standard deviation
epoch. Mapping results were interpreted qualitatively for the dif- 0.0174 m).
ferent epochs with the aid of quantitative statements, including If available, 2 scan positions of one epoch were combined. Origi-
the DoDs (surface and volume displacement) calculations as well nal point clouds of all epochs were filtered using a 0.05 m octree fil-
as surface profiles. ter. Vegetation cover was filtered using RiSCAN Pro Terrain Filter. To
improve this step, the 2009 ALS data was used as base data for each
3.1. Available data sets of the 6 TLS point clouds. With this approach the selection of non-
ground points was highly effective, only minor manual refinement
We use a 1 × 1 m DEM from an airborne laser scanning (ALS (EPSG: was needed. The point clouds were triangulated (mesh) and used
31256)) survey in 2009 (NOEL GV, 2009) for both the registration of the for DoD computation. Additionally, DEMs were generated from the
TLS data and for data analysis. An Orthophoto from 2011 was also pro- TLS-point clouds with a raster cell size of 0.05 m. A linear interpola-
vided by the Federal State Government of Lower Austria (NOEL GV, tion method was used to fill gaps. The point clouds were further
2011) and used for the morphological mapping of the 2009 epoch. An resampled to a cell size of 0.10 m and 0.50 m. These were used for
expert's report of the WLV (Sausgruber, 2013) was used to validate further analyses regarding the morphological mapping and profile
the interpretation of the 2009 data. generation.

3.2. TLS observations and data processing 3.3. Mapping of morphological features

Between 2015 and 2020 15 TLS campaigns were conducted with a To avoid confusion, the term “morphological mapping” is applied
Riegl VZ 6000 terrestrial laser scanner (hardware specifications are here to describe the procedure of mapping landslide features such as

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

scarps and steps on the basis of morphometric slope analysis and inter- As the scale for mapping was lower (~1:1000) than for the TLS data
pretation. Pre-processing of the DEMs as well as a morphological map- (~1:200), individual relief features were summarized and defined
ping procedure was performed for each of the 7 epochs from 2009 to as stepped or undulating.
2019. For the ALS data, raster calculations were based on 1 m raster After mapping of these features, recently active process areas were
size. In contrast, different raster sizes were used for the TLS data sets. defined for each epoch. Mapping of the 2011/2013 active area (main
These spatial calculations included multidirectional hillshades (0.05 m landslide) was only done in detail for epoch 1 and this area is excluded
raster), contour lines (0.50 m interval for 0.05 m raster), curvature (ver- from mapping and calculations due to dense vegetation and DEM uncer-
tical/horizontal for 0.05 m, 0.10 m and 0.50 m raster), slope (for 0.05 m, tainties in epochs 2 to 6. For epoch 7, artificial changes were mapped in
0.10 m and 0.50 m raster; 8 classes), slope breaks (1.00 m interval), this area.
multiple flow direction and accumulation (0.50 m raster) on the hydro-
logically corrected DEMs.
The procedure for mapping on a scale of 1:25,000 suggested by Leser
and Stäblein (1978) was adapted. Classes and symbols were modified to 3.4. Quantification of changes in surface height
map landslide features on a higher scale of 1:200 (TLS) to 1:1000 (ALS)
including the following feature classes: Seven epochs were used for the computation of DoDs or volume
change, respectively. The calculation was performed in RiSCAN Pro
• changes in slope curvature (vertical: concave and convex), (mesh-based) for consecutive epochs as well as for the whole pe-
• scarps, steps and banks (category: scarp, step, bank; type: main, riod of observation (2009–2019). The respective point cloud
minor, artificial, assumed), areas were triangulated and mesh-based differential models
• single forms (depression; bulge), were generated for each epoch utilizing the Surface and Volume
• areas of stepped or undulating relief (category: stepped, undulating), calculation. The main landslide area was excluded from all DoD
• process areas (category: landslide, fluvial; type: depletion, transport, calculations in both Subsystems due to vegetation-based data un-
accumulation). certainties. Rectangular columns with a grid size of 0.05 m are
used to compute the volume between two epochs and a hypothet-
Mapping of the entire Hofermühle catchment (Fig. 1c) was per- ical plane. The differences of these two volumes are subtracted to
formed for epoch 1, whilst detailed mapping focused on Subsystems create Cut and Fill volumes and were further calculated consider-
I and II for all consecutive epochs. GIS raster calculations were used ing an increasing threshold value step of 0.05 m (I) and 0.20 m
to differentiate between changes of slope (close succession of paral- (II), respectively. Values between ±0.05 m (I) and, respectively
lel slope contour lines), steps (abrupt changes in slope) and scarps or ±0.20 (II) were considered as data noise, in order to minimise
(steps alongside consecutive alterations in both convex and concave related subsequent errors in the interpretation of the DoDs. Due
changes in slope). Scarps are understood to be in clear relation to a to intensive data noise (grass cover, shrubbery) and insufficient
sliding process (breakout niche) whereas steps do represent all fea- point density, 2 epochs of Subsystem II were not used for DoD
tures a) related to sliding which cannot be defined as scarp and calculation.
b) not being related to sliding and being more distinct than a mere For Subsystem I, two slope profiles were generated each for epochs 1
change of slope. A height difference of more than 3.00 m (ALS) or to 7 utilizing a 0.10 m raster cell size. For epoch 1 (ALS data, originally
0.50 m (TLS) over 0.50 to 1.00 m horizontal distance was considered 1.00 m cell size), raster data was interpolated to match the TLS profile
to differentiate between main and minor scarp or step. Distinct graph steps. The surface roughness of the slope profiles was computed
forms of connected convex and concave changes in slope with the root-mean-square height (RMSH) method (Shepard et al.,
emphasising smaller depressions or bulges were described by the 2001) as an indicator for (initial) surface displacements along the pro-
class ‘single forms’. ‘Surface roughness’ was used in epoch 1, only. file line.

Fig. 2. ALS and TLS raster data (epoch 1: 1.00 m cell length, epochs 2–7: 0.05 m cell length) used for morphological mapping in Subsystem I (a–g) and Subsystem II (h–n).

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Fig. 3. Hofermühle catchment and main study area containing Subsystem I and II. a) Morphological map for the entire catchment (based on epoch 1, 2009). Detail of morphological map
containing Subsystem I and II for epoch 1, 2009 (b) and epoch 7, 2019-12-05 (c). Legend symbols and structure are adapted following Leser and Stäblein (1978).

Fig. 4. Morphological map for the consecutive epochs 1 to 7 (a–g) of Subsystem I. Features of the preceding step are indicated in light grey. Landslide process area [main] is only displayed
for orientation in b–g.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

For data analyses and compilation of figures, we used © Riegl RiSCAN landslide process activity. For Epoch 1, active sliding processes
Pro Processing Software, © ESRI ArcGIS Pro and the following Python are predominant at the orographic left close to the Hofermühle
(Version 3.8) packages: numpy (1.16.5; Oliphant, 2015), pandas torrent. Two distinct shell-shaped main scarps can be identified
(0.25.1; The Pandas Development Team, 2020), matplotlib (3.1.3; at 604 m (upper) and 588 m (lower) over lengths of approx. 28
Hunter, 2007). m to 30 m (Fig. 3b). Areas between those scarps are defined as
landslide depletion, transport and, where convex, accumulation
4. Results zone. The respective area is henceforth specified as main landslide
area (see process area: landslide [main] for 2019 in Fig. 3c). Two
4.1. Computation of DEMs Subsystems I and II were defined around the upper and lower
main scarp, including nearby undulating terrain. Consecutive fea-
The interpolation of the TLS point clouds allowed the compilation of ture mapping focused on these Subsystems. The main landslide
raster grids with a cell length of 0.05 m. Shaded reliefs of the respective area was not investigated further due to low TLS ground point
DEMs are displayed in Fig. 2 for both Subsystems. Whilst Subsystem I is density with the exception of epoch 7, where mitigation measures
clearly visible for each epoch (Fig. 2a–g), some epochs in Subsystem II of the WLV improved TLS ground point density (Fig. 3c, see also
show areas where raster interpolation is lumped by the existing vegeta- Fig. 1c).
tion cover, comprised by shrubs and trees. (Fig. 2h–n). Epochs 3 and 4 Subsequent TLS-based time steps starting with epoch 2 (2015-
therefor were not used for DoD calculation, since unacceptable error 11-19) cover a total period of 1477 days, with 301 (epoch 2–3),
rates can be expected for these areas (Fig. 2j,k). 693 (epoch 3–4), 97 (epoch 4–5), 104 (epoch 5–6) and 282 days
(epoch 6–7) between the individual surveys, respectively. The ac-
4.2. Morphological mapping and changes tive landslide area distinctively shifted upslope in epoch 2 (and
the subsequent records) compared to the reference data set from
Morphological feature mapping of epoch 1 identifies fluvial and 2009 (epoch 1). Whilst a detected step feature in upslope direction
landslide processes to be predominant considering the entire wa- of Subsystem I depicted the upper limit of the active landslide area
tershed. The fluvial processes include incision (mid and upper in epoch 1, it appears as main scarp with an active area and minor
part), bank erosion (lower part) and artificial drainage (Fig. 3a). scarp features situated above in epochs 2 to 7 (compare Fig. 4a
Clearly distinguishable step and scarp features mark the areas of with Fig. 4b–g). The recorded development of this area between

Fig. 5. Morphological map for the consecutive epochs 1 to 7 (a–g) of Subsystem II. Features of the preceding step are indicated in light grey. Mapping within the landslide process area
[active] was only performed for epochs where there was adequate TLS surface information, see Fig. 2h–n.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

epochs 2 and 7 indicates the development of a new head scarp and, 4 (Fig. 5d) with a shift of 0.10–0.40 m in upslope direction and fur-
respectively or retreating of the main scarp in upslope direction ther developed in the subsequent epochs (Fig. 5e–g) with upslope
throughout the entire observation period. Moreover, it is shifts between 0.20 and 0.40 m. The number of mapped features to
recognisable that the development of the main scarp subsequently the east of the active zone subsequently increased from epoch 2 to
follows minor scarps or steps (cf. Fig. 4e–g). The number of mapped epoch 7 (Fig. 5b–g), indicating increased disturbances of the land
steps and minor scarps increases at the upper limit of the active surface. The accompanied in-field mappings reveal furthermore
landslide area of Subsystem I from epoch 2 onwards, whereas the that most of the features indicated as steps from the TLS-survey ap-
active landslide area itself expands continuously throughout the pear to be small cracks or fissures that continue to increase in
observation period (epoch 2: 1310 m2 ; epoch 7: 1570 m 2, respec- length to the east of the main scarp. No reliable mapping informa-
tively). This becomes particularly apparent in epochs 3, 6 and 7 re- tion on this scale is available within the area delineated as active.
garding both the spatial extension of the active zone and the Only for epochs 5 and 6 the movement of deposited mass material
number of detected morphological features in the upslope part. emanating from the main landslide scarp was detectable and is
Surficial disturbances are also reflected by the high alternation reflected by alternating steps and slope breaks in the active area
and number of detected convex and concave slope breaks, which (Fig. 5e, f).
is predominantly visible in the mapping of epoch 7.
Similar to the observations of Subsystem I, the detected features
observed in Subsystem II show a retreat of the main scarp in upslope 4.3. Changes in surface height
direction (compare Fig. 5a with Fig. 5b–g). Subsystem II indicates a
considerable extension of the active landslide area, particularly to Considering elevation differences excluding noise (<0.05 m and
the east, measuring additional 15 m in width and 45 m in length >−0.05 m) a negative volume (Cut) of 93.68 m3 and a positive vol-
for epoch 7 compared to the reference data set of epoch 1. This is ume (Fill) of 64.37 m 3 was detected between epochs 1 and 2 for
amplified by a partly retreat of the main scarp, initiated in epoch Subsystem I (Fig. 6a). The highest negative elevation difference

Fig. 6. Changes in surface elevation between consecutive epochs (a–f) and the entire observation period (g) for Subsystem I. Change of surface elevation is displayed as maximum (positive
or negative) height difference [m] for each period, excluding values between - 0.05 and 0.05 (noise). Additional class between ±0.05 and ±0.10m to improve visualization of very small
changes. Features of the latest step are indicated in light grey.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Fig. 7. Changes in surface elevation between consecutive epochs (a–f) and the entire observation period (g) for Subsystem II. No DoD calculations for epochs b) 2–3 and c) 3–4. Change of
surface elevation is displayed as maximum (positive or negative) height difference [m] for each period, excluding values between ±0.20 m (error range). Details of epoch 2–5 (d) are given
in h) and i), displaying change of surface elevation excluding values between ±0.05 m (error range applied for Subsystem I, see Fig. 6). Additional class between ±0.05 and ±0.10 m to
improve visualization of very small changes. Features of the latest step are indicated in light grey. Please note the different scales.

between these two epochs is >0.30 m. Negative volume differences to TLS ground point density and coverage. Similar to Subsystem I,
concentrate in the upper third of Subsystem I, with a spatial exten- main changes in surface height appear between epochs 1 and 2. De-
sion of approx. 18 m to 37 m in cross- and upslope directions. The pletion is concentrated within the area defined as active via map-
eastern downslope part of Subsystem I indicates an area with pos- ping. Considering only changes higher than ±0.20 m, these
itive volume differences. Much lower values of elevation change changes account for a positive volume of 40.97 m 3 and a negative
are observable between epochs 2 and 3 (Fig. 6b) with minor settle- volume of 214.62 m 3 (Fig. 7a). DoDs for epochs 2–3 and 3–4 were
ments predominantly in the active area along the detected minor neglected due to TLS data gaps. An enlargement of the active pro-
scarps (minimum of −0.10 m). In contrast, the changes between cess area to the east between epochs 2 and 5 (Fig. 7d) is supported
epochs 3 and 4 (693 days) increase again (Fig. 6c), likewise to the by a negative volume change of 72.48 m3. The negative trend seems
changes detected between epochs 1 and 2 (approx. 2400 days). to increase between epochs 5 and 6 (negative volume of 74.94 m3,
General changes are rather negligible for all subsequent epochs Fig. 7e) and to be reversed between epochs 6 and 7 (positive vol-
(Fig. 6d–f), with only minor positive and negative elevation ume of 50.20 m 3 , Fig. 7f). In total, 293.44 m 3 negative and 34.43
changes. However, the difference between epochs 5 and 6 m 3 positive volume change was calculated for the entire observa-
(Fig. 6e) exhibits the material displacement by a smaller landslide tion period, the displacements ranging from +0.60 to −1.60 m
that occurred within this period with approx. 4.70 m in length (Fig. 7g). Whilst these changes would be visible, too utilizing an
and ~1.50 m in width. For the entire observation period a total neg- error range of ±0.05 m, changes in vegetation cover (grass) super-
ative volume of 193.17 m3 (cumulative 182.23 m3) and a total pos- impose real surface change. This especially becomes evident con-
itive volume of 76.52 m 3 (cumulative 88.57 m 3 ) was calculated sidering epoch 2–5. Utilizing an error range of ±0.05 m enables
(Fig. 6g). to reflect real negative surface changes relating to feature changes
Subsystem II was analysed similarly (Fig. 7). A higher error to the east of the main scarp, which could be determined via map-
range of ±0.20 m and a respective step size was applied due to ping (Fig. 7h). On the other hand, the same error range would sug-
both higher magnitudes of change and higher uncertainties due gest positive surface change in the lower part of Subsystem II,

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Fig. 8. Slope profiles 1 (a–c) and 2 (d–f), for location of profiles see Fig. 4g in Subsystem I. Profile graph (exaggeration of 2) with detail (a, d), changes in elevation (b, e) and the respective
surface roughness (c, f) is given for epoch 1 (2009) and 7 (2019-12-05). Intermediate and consecutive epochs are represented by colour intensity (blue: negative elevation change; red:
positive elevation change). Profiles are based on raster data with a cell size of 0.10 m for both TLS data and ALS data (interpolated from 1.00 m raster cell size) for each epoch.

which is actually only due to grass cover (Fig. 7i). No features were For Subsystem I two slope profiles of 69 m in length (for location
mapped here, no real change appeared. see Fig. 4g) were generated for each consecutive epoch 1 to 7 (Fig. 8).

Fig. 9. Cumulative surface displacement (a) and surface displacements including the difference of Cut and Fill (b) for all days from the first TLS record 2015-11-19 for Subsystem I. Ranges
indicate the change of values when different thresholds are considered for noise.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Both profiles go from north to south through the active process area maps and DoDs, yet with restrictions and differing accuracy. A ras-
defined in Fig. 4 and the changes in surface elevation presented in ter resolution of 0.05 m based on initial angular point cloud spac-
Fig. 6. ing of approx. 0.055 m could be achieved for the areas of main
The first profile (Fig. 8a) shows negative changes in elevation interest. Whilst this seems reasonable for Subsystem I, the resolu-
(blue) between epoch 1 and epoch 7 (highlighted by solid lines). tion of Subsystem II was less harmonious due to a flatter incident
The changes for each epoch in between are represented by in- angle (Barbarella et al., 2017; Schürch et al., 2011) and less ground
crease or decrease in colour intensity. The respective negative point density due to vegetation cover and shadowing (see also
changes for the entire period go up to ~0.50 m in the upper and Fig. 2).
up to >2.00 m in the lower part (details see Fig. 8b). Roughness The most important limiting factor of data accuracy for the main
calculations for the profile section indicate that the area of depos- study area is the vegetation cover. For areas of higher and denser
ited mass shows a high surface roughness (Fig. 8c), suggesting a vegetation (trees, bushes), TLS data coverage and ground point den-
high frequency of redistribution of soil material. Regarding the sity were inadequate for high-resolution DEM generation. The data
negative changes in surface elevation, a similar result is visible could not be utilized to investigate the main landslide area, which
for the upper part of profile 2 (Fig. 8d). At profile distance of 40 therefore was neither mapped nor calculated regarding surface
m the negative values change to positive values of up to 0.40 m changes. Yet, even the grassland cover of Subsystems I and II im-
(Fig. 8e) followed downslope by negative values of 0.20 m. In con- pede data accuracy. The upslope part (Subsystem I) is used as pas-
trast to profile 1, distinctive changes of surface roughness are ture and mowed three to four times a year. Even with freshly cut
rather negligible (Fig. 8c). grass a certain factor of uncertainty remains, as grass cover could
As indicated in the analysis of elevation changes of the active area still be as high as 0.05 m. To further provide an acceptable data qual-
in Subsystem I and the corresponding slope profiles (cf. Figs. 6, 8, re- ity for our purposes, TLS campaigns used in this study were sorted
spectively), the largest changes in elevation can be detected when out very carefully regarding the time of acquisition. Thus, most
periods are considerably longer between two subsequent records – data sets were acquired in the months with low or sparse vegetation
due to accuracy only considering TLS data (19-11-2015 to 05-12- cover (November to February) and where deciduous trees are with-
2019, epochs 2 to 7) (Fig. 9). The highest changes for Cut are detect- out leaves. Still, whilst Subsystem I was observable very well from
able for epoch 3 with a decreasing trend for the later epochs 4 to 7. In either scan position (Fig. 2a–g), Subsystem II could only be detected
contrast, changes for Fill show slightly increasing trend from epoch 2 sufficiently when using both (Fig. 2h–n, see Fig. 1b and Table A1).
onwards. Epochs 3 and 4 depict exceptions regarding the date of recording.
Due to exceptionally high and enduring air temperatures and
5. Discussion drought (cf. Hiebl et al., 2019), grassland cover in epoch 4 was
dried out or partly not visible, which remarkably increased the
5.1. TLS-DEMs application and the value of a comparative methodological ground point density of the respective TLS-records (Fig. 10a), at
approach least for Subsystem I.
Regarding the error range of only ±0.05 m applied for the DoDs of
Ground point information and density of the 6 TLS campaigns Subsystem I, artificial changes could be utilized to confirm this
used in this study facilitated the generation of both morphological threshold to be valid via field experience. Epochs 5 to 6 (Figs. 4f,

Fig. 10. a) Main study area captured from scan position EAST on 9th August 2018 (epoch 4). b) Subsystem I, displacement of material visible in epoch 6 (Figs. 4f, 6e) recorded on 3rd August
2019. c) main study area including indication of b) and simplified landslide scarps. d) Subsystem I, route of excavator wheel ruts, recorded on 5th December 2019 (epoch 7; Figs. 4g, 6f).
e) Subsystem II, depletion zone including simplified landslide scarps, recorded on 8th March 2019. f) Subsystem II, step feature (Fig. 5g) detectable in upper right part of photograph,
captured on 5th December 2019 (epoch 7), landslide scarps are indicated by white dotted line.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

6e) show a small modification in both feature and surface elevation For Subsystem I, the location of a new main head scarp 15 m
changes in Subsystem I. Field observation confirmed a small dis- above the initial one was already detectable as step feature in
placement of material of appropriate expanse and height (Fig. 10b). epoch 1. The related elevation difference can clearly be recognized
Field work and trench digging in fall 2018 (Fig. 10c) is detectable in in Profile 1 and 2 (Fig. 8). The area upslope showed undulating re-
the DoD from epoch 4–5 (Fig. 6d). De-forestation and mass trenching lief in epoch 1. In epoch 2, scarp and step features had developed
in the main landslide area due to mitigation measures of the WLV out of the more distinct slope curvature changes. Even though
(Fig. 1d) were conducted with a walking excavator. Wheel ruts of the features are not as pronounced as in epoch 7 and their individ-
up to 0.10 m in depth could be retraced in the field (Fig. 10d). They ual orientation differs, together they already indicate the shell-
are clearly distinguishable via the negative elevation changes in shaped course of a new possible head scarp. The location of these
Fig. 6f, in unnatural knicks and deformations of existing scarp and features corresponds with a negative change in surface elevation
step features both in mapping (Fig. 4g) and in slope profile analysis (depletion) recognisable in the upper parts of Subsystem I in
(Fig. 8d). Fig. 6a, indicating a retrogressive development of the initial head
The downslope part (Subsystem II) only gets partly mowed. scarp. The area in the lower right section of Subsystem I is marked
Within the active landslide area high grass cover of up to 0.20 to by a positive change in surface elevation (Fig. 6a). This accumula-
0.30 m is customary within the vegetation period and gets pushed tion is recognisable, too via mapping of a parallel sequence of both
down by snow in winter. This exceptionally becomes evident convex and concave vertical slope curvature changes (Fig. 4b). The
when comparing the DoD calculations for epochs 5–6 and 6–7 mapping sequence shows the tendency of development for the
(Fig. 7e,f). Whilst there is a negative change in surface height be- area of accumulation, yet is not as distinctly recognisable as
tween November 2018 and February 2019, a positive change is cal- depletion-related features. Taking the entire observation period
culated from February to December 2019. Field observations into account, mapping suggests the upper and lower right part of
proved the negative change of up to ~0.80 m for epoch 5–6 to be Subsystem I to be most active and, respectively or increasing in ac-
partly due to pressed down grass (see also Fig. 10c,e), therefor tivity. This is in line with the DoD analyses (Fig. 6). Interpretation
probably partly having happened in the preceding period already. of these changes indicate Subsystem I to be defined as separate,
The positive change for epoch 6–7 on the other side is mainly due retrogressive rotational earth slide orientated northwest-
to fresh grass cover and smaller bushes (being responsible for pos- southeast. The increase in scarp feature length (widening) over
itive values of up to 0.40–0.60 m). The approx. height of this cover the years suggests an enlargement of the surface of rupture – a dis-
was adopted regarding the respective error range (±0.20 m) of the tinct characteristic of multiple, retrogressive rotational landslides
DoDs in order to depict real surface change (see Fig. 7). Unfortu- (Cruden and Varnes, 1996; Dikau et al., 1996). The landslide foot
nately, this poses a major problem: This error range suffices for is partly confined, as there is no clear surface of rupture visible. De-
the active process area of Subsystem II due to high magnitudes of pletion of the upper part is rather mirrored in a compressed, bulg-
changes in surface height (up to −1.60 m, see Fig. 7). It is possible ing area at the foot (see Hutchinson, 1988 in Cruden and Varnes,
to detect areas of depletion and to make statements about the dy- 1996). Comparing the sum off Fill and Cut values for each consecu-
namics, regardless the low scale. Applying the same error range tive period, each period with the exception of epoch 6–7 is
to Subsystem I would have made the calculation and interpretation characterised by a total negative volume balance. A cumulative
of respective DoDs impossible due to the much smaller magnitude total difference of −93.66 m 3 was calculated for 10 years. This
of changes in surface height (max. of ~±0.50 m in 10 years (Fig. could be transferred into a hypothetical yearly balance of −9.40
6a), changes of less than 0.20 m in the intermediate epochs (Fig. m 3 year −1 ; material is partly accumulating in the depletion zone
6b–f)). What is more, an important development of Subsystem II of the main landslide area, therefore leaving Subsystem I. Develop-
– the increasing distinction of a step feature forming from the tip ment of the main head scarp between epochs 1 and 2 suggest a re-
of the main scarp towards east – is unrecognisable when using an treat of approx. 15 m in 6 years (2.5 m year −1 ) (Fig. 4a). After
error range of ±0.20 m (Fig. 7h). In other parts of Subsystem II, Cruden and Varnes (1996) and Dikau et al. (1996), the velocity
even outside of the active area, changes of ±0.20 m are most likely could be classified as slow. Taking the development of the upper
due to grass (Fig. 7i, see also Fig. 10f). new scarp features into account and assuming ~45 m in 10 years
This problem affirms the strength of combing DoD calculations (Fig. 4g) suggests a rate of 4.5 m year −1 , therefore still classified
with morphological mapping, especially on this scale and for this as slow. Yet, these rates are a crude simplification as they are clearly
type of landslide processes. Only in interpreting the changes of represented by different periods of activity (see also Fig. 9), includ-
landslide feature location, distinction and development being dis- ing the initial activation of the main landslide in 2011/2013, and by
covered via detailed mapping, real changes in surface height calcu- different parts of the affected mass. Additionally, the retreatment
lated via DoDs can be determined by applying appropriate error of the scarp cannot be equated with the entire landslide, including
ranges of “no change”. DoDs would not have sufficed and the inter- the main area. Cruden and Varnes (1996) pointed out, that rates of
pretation of changes, especially when comparing both Subsystems, movement can differ within the landslide mass. Internal distortion
would have been much more inaccurate. The case has been made of the material as well as the observation period itself further impede
that, even though the same TLS data was used for both mapping statements regarding overall landslide velocity.
and DoD calculation, the mapping could help distinguish real sur- Regarding Subsystem II a major change that becomes evident
face change for this type of process and conditions. via mapping is the shift of the main scarp by 15–20 m between
epochs 1 and 2, indicating a different development than within
5.2. Characterization of landslide dynamics Subsystem I (Fig. 5a). Formerly being situated within the main
landslide body, half of the main scarp shifted upslope and changed
The landslide events described in chapter 2 for the years 2011 its form from shell- to V-shaped, whilst the other half is not
and 2013 are evidently distinguishable in the extreme change of recognisable any more. This suggests the main scarp detected in
feature distribution and characteristics between epochs 1 (2009) 2009 to be younger than the one in Subsystem I for the same
and 2 (2015-11-19) (Figs. 4a, b, 5a, b), as well as in the related year. Hence, both subsystems appear to be disconnected from
morphometric changes (Figs. 6a, 7a) for both Subsystem I and II. each other yet connected to the main landslide and, respectively
Subsequent epochs indicate a deceleration of process rates and, or relying on different slope hydrological influences. Additionally,
respectively or more subtle dynamics on different parts of the area the propagation of the head scarp in Subsystem II does not follow
affected. the slope direction. The adjacent area to the east gets increasingly

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

disturbed in the consecutive epochs (Fig. 5b–g). The successive areas shadowed by these when it comes to slow, respectively small
development of a step feature next to the head scarp could suggest processes investigated here.
further enlargement of the active area to the east, which could also - For grass covered areas, the time of TLS data acquisition is extremely
be proven via DoD calculation (see Fig. 7h); yet, this step feature relevant. Mowed pasture in spring after snow cover and without
would not have been recognisable only via DoD calculations due vegetation shadowing are optimum conditions.
to differing error thresholds with respect to Subsystem I. Subsystem - Initial mean TLS point cloud resolution of 0.055 m justifies an ini-
II shows no clear feature distribution typical for rotational sliding. In- tial DEM raster resolution of 0.05 m, which is mandatory to dis-
terpretation is hampered, of course, as the lower part of the respec- play changes on this process scale. Yet, small changes in surface
tive system could not be investigated via mapping. Between epochs height of less than ±0.05 m still need to be ruled out in areas of
1 and 2, a total negative volume of 214.62 m3 was calculated. Whilst optimum TLS ground point acquisition due to low grass cover
this depletion can clearly be recognized in the DoDs even consider- changes (Subsystem I) and changes less than ±0.20 m in areas
ing an error range of ±0.20 m (Fig. 7a), the style of depletion is of high grass cover changes (Subsystem II) to capture real surface
different. Rather than showing a clear surface of rupture, the change.
displaced mass shows a broken-up characteristic, not following a - Surface height changes on a 0.05 m step scale could be validated
distinct shell-shaped head scarp – speaking for translational sliding via artificial changes and field experience (Subsystem I) and rep-
(see Hutchinson, 1988 in Cruden and Varnes, 1996). Additionally, resent real surface change. High grass cover changes superimpose
there does not seem to be a clear accumulation zone in form of a small, real surface changes (Subsystem II) typical for slow-
toe or foot; material rather gets broken up further downslope until moving landslides.
it meets with the main landslide mass. Taking the entire observation - Morphological mapping and DoD calculations are based on the
period into account, a total negative volume balance of −260 m3 was same data – but the interpretation of mapped features is required
calculated, which can be transferred to −26 m 3 year −1 – therefor to evaluate DoD results. Information on real surface change in
~2.5-times as much as Subsystem I. The evolution of the main scarp areas of high grass cover would be lost if DoDs and mapping re-
between epochs 1 and 2 suggest displacement of material of ~15– sults are not analysed comparatively.
20 m in ~6 years, therefore ~2.5–3.3 m year−1 – which is similar or
even less than in Subsystem I. However, as with Subsystem I, the
Based on the methodological aspects the following conclusions can
retreatment of the scarp cannot be equated with the entire landslide
thus be made concerning landslide characterization:
mass, especially due to the development of the scarps' shape (see
also Fig. 5b,d).
- The complexity of the Hofermühle landslide is reflected by two of its
Taking the entire observation period of 10 years into account, the re-
Subsystems. Whilst Subsystem I can clearly be defined as rotational
spective Subsystems both showed differing behaviour when it comes to
earth slide, Subsystem II rather shows characteristics of translational
both the process magnitude and type of landslide feature distribution.
sliding. Even though both exhibit different magnitudes regarding
What they have in common is the time or frequency of dynamics.
surface height changes and feature appearance, therefore
Both showed major changes between epochs 1 and 2 as well as smaller
supporting their individual categorization, they too show a similar
changes between epochs 2 to 5. From epochs 5 to 7, only minor changes
magnitude of changes regarding feature development and a similar
appear – considering the influence of snow and vegetation for Subsys-
frequency of process activity. This supports the implication of their
tem II as discussed in chapter 5.1. It can be assumed, that both Subsys-
interrelation with the main landslide (earth slide – earth flow); the
tems were activated simultaneously or shortly after the events of
differing spatio-temporal scale of these interrelations represents
2011/2013 due to loss of material and related instabilities. The subse-
the complexity of the entire landslide.
quent deceleration of process rates after 2015 and, respectively or the
- Results indicate landslide activity to have been highest between
more subtle dynamics on different parts of the area affected are typical
2009 and 2015; rates have subsequently decelerated since then.
for complex landslide behaviour (Cruden and Varnes, 1996). Towards
This speaks a) for the initial initiation of the Subsystems to be
deciphering respective behaviour, results confirm the necessity of
based on two major events in 2011 and 2013 and b) for an adaption
long-term data acquisition and of detailed process assessment via
of the entire system in the following years. Yet, recent dynamics
high-resolution, multi-temporal investigations – as well as the strength
could be detected and speak for ongoing landslide activity.
of this comparative approach. Respective characteristics of feature de-
- Mapping of landslide features enabled an improved interpretation of
velopment could be used as indicator for future landslide development
process dynamics for and in-between TLS epochs; only the approach
– for both local processes and similar study locations, which needs to be
utilized in this study was able to detect respective complex
investigated in future studies.

6. Conclusions
The findings of this study indicate that a comparative analysis of
An area affected by complex, slow moving landslide processes was both highly resolved DoDs and morphological mapping based on con-
investigated via multi-temporal, large-scale morphological mapping as secutive, TLS based DEMs not only improves and facilitates the interpre-
well as DoD calculations. The respective analyses are based on high- tation of slow-moving landslide dynamics; it enables the detection of
resolution, multi-temporal TLS and ALS data, covering a total period of real surface changes even in areas where TLS ground point density
10 years. Seven epochs were mapped in detail (scale of 1:200) for two would not facilitate the detection of DoD based changes on a scale typ-
Subsystems with DEMs of 0.05 m (TLS) and 1 m (ALS) raster resolution ical for slow-moving landslides in the first place. Additionally, it is sug-
regarding landslide feature development. Consecutive mesh-based DoD gested that this approach could improve our perception of process
computations were performed on a 0.05 m grid size, excluding changes development in areas which are going to be affected by the retrogres-
in elevation between ±0.05 m (Subsystem I) and ±0.20 m (Subsystem sive landslide in the next years. It is further suggested that results, re-
II) as noise. spectively the approach could be transferred to similar sites; this will
The results led to the following conclusions regarding methodologi- be investigated in future studies. Additionally, recent research is focus-
cal aspects: ing on both the analysis of sub-surface properties, including geotechni-
cal parameters and groundwater fluctuations, as well as the impact of
- With respect to landcover and process rate, TLS data accuracy did
precipitation to investigate the dispositional and triggering factors of
not suffice to investigate densely vegetated parts (trees/bushes) or
former, recent and possibly future process behaviour.

M.J. Stumvoll, E.M. Schmaltz and T. Glade Geomorphology 389 (2021) 107803

Declaration of competing interest provisioning and project support (NoeSLIDE), and the Torrent and
Avalanche Control Lower Austria West, especially Eduard Kotzmaier, for
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial providing internal reports, additional information and project support
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- (MillSLIDE). The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Earth Sciences,
ence the work reported in this paper. Geography and Astronomy at the University of Vienna for financial
support to purchase relevant field equipment. The authors further kindly
Acknowledgements thank the land owners, particularly Johannes Oberbramberger and family
for their enthusiastic support of and interest in our work. Sincere thanks
The authors express their gratitude to the Federal State Government of to the colleagues of the ENGAGE working group at the University of Vienna
Lower Austria, especially Joachim Schweigl and Michael Bertagnoli for data as well as all students involved in field work.

Appendix A

Table A1
TLS data used for this study. Original data: information on initial point spacing ([deg] and in 1000 m distance] for both Theta and Phi. Estimation on footprint size in 1000 m distance and
related point overlapping (positive value: no/negative value: yes) and the respective negative or positive distance left between two footprints [m]. For MSA: information on strongly ho-
mogenized point count and the number of plane patches used for MSA. Registration via MSA: information on search radius [m], the max. tilt angle [deg], the min. change of error 1 and 2
[m] and the outlier threshold, the standard deviation and the corresponding number of plane patches for each MSA step. Final Data: final point count of each epoch after terrain and octree
filtering for the areas of Subsystems I and II (see Fig. 1d).

Scan campaign [Epoch] 2015-11-19 2016-09-15 2018-08-09 2018-11-14 2019-02-26 2019-12-05


Original point count [points] 22,402,659 15,779,708 133,771,132 94,219,274 55,050,408 34,731,439 46,844,829 49,251,773 29,060,415 36,916,201
Original data

Theta [deg]
0.009 0.157 0.016 0.279 0.003 0.052 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.003 0.052 0.004 0.070 0.003 0.052 0.003 0.052
Point spacing in 1000m distance [m]
Phi [deg]
0.004 0.070 0.003 0.052 0.001 0.017 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070 0.004 0.070
Point spacing in 1000m distance [m]
Footprint in 1000m distance [m]
0.120 0.019 0.120 0.080 0.120 -0.034 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.034 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.034 0.120 -0.034
Theta overlapping (+ no/- yes) & respecve spacing [m]
Footprint in 1000m distance [m]
0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.034 0.120 -0.051 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025 0.120 -0.025
Phi overlapping (+ no/ - yes) & respecve spacing [m]

Point Count aer Octree 0.5 and Terrain Filter [points] 7,991,592 6,803,084 24,775,036 2,712,401 1,222,940 1,090,666 781,373 896,863 933,784 672,645

Extract plane patches (3, 0.02, 20,-15) [points] 118,002 167,698 377,290 107,179 41,019 56,482 33,368 44,395 61,251 32,553

msa I (4/ 4/ 1000000/ 0.01/ 0.005/ 2)

0.096 105,971 0.205 665,780 0.080 107,548 0.069 104,221 0.058 185,812 0.057 183,889 0.057 249,092 0.064 263,384 0.065 225,829
Standard deviaon [m] / plane patches
msa II (2/ 3/ 1000000/ 0.001/ 0.0005/ 2)

0.049 19,171 0.060 55,089 0.111 303,001 0.049 66,096 0.043 63,956 0.039 112,718 0.040 113,424 0.038 155,638 0.042 159,554 0.042 134,072
Standard deviaon [m] / plane patches
via MSA

msa III (0.5/ 3/ 1000000/ 0.0001/ 0.00005/ 2)

0.037 1726 0.026 7912 0.037 40,625 0.025 12,151 0.024 11,010 0.024 18,274 0.025 17,945 0.024 24,180 0.026 24,688 0.024 19,825
Standard deviaon [m] / plane patches
msa IV (0.5/ 3/ 1000000/ 0.0001/ 0.00005/ 1)
0.025 1424 0.017 6692 0.024 33,206 0.017 10,226 0.016 9287 0.016 14,957 0.017 15,313 0.017 21,182 0.018 20,757 0.017 17,458
Standard deviaon [m] / plane patches
msa V (0.2/ 2/ 1000000/ 0.0001/ 0.00005/ 1)
0.023 132 0.011 689 0.016 2993 0.015 986 0.013 875 0.014 1426 0.013 1426 0.014 2041 0015 1825 - -
Standard deviaon [m] / plane patches

Point Count Subsystem I [octree 0.05m] 242,363 596,562 420,615 490,154 327,833 502,763

Point Count Subsystem II [octree 0.05m] 35,734 123,070 37,022 97,791 72,263 107,297

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