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SPEAKING PART 1: Chủ đề Study

Vocabulary Highlight
1. Assignment = homework
2. Workload: khối lượng CV (và học tập)
3. Admission: ghi danh
4. Facilities and equipment: trang thiết bị và cơ sở vật chất
5. Teaching quality and methodology: phương pháp và chất lượng giảng dạy
6. Student care: chăm sóc học viên / học sinh
7. Job prospect ~ career path: con đường sự nghiệp thăng tiến
8. Promising: đầy hứa hẹn
9. Top-notch: tối tân, tiên tiến ~ innovative ~ groundbreaking ~ cutting-edge ~
leading edge ~ state-of-the-art~ modern
10. Outstanding: nổi bật, xuất sắc ~ superior
11. Available ~ approachable dễ tiếp cận, có sẵn
12. Gain more job / employment opportunities: có nhiều cơ hội nghề nghiệp
13. Land a decent job = get a good job
14. Stand a good chance of promotion: cơ hội thăng tiến tốt

15. HCMC is the melting pot with a nice blend of people.
16. Prestigious universities: /presˈtɪdʒ.əs/ những trường đại học danh tiếng
17. This major is a big trend with the increasing number of people devoting
themselves to later on.
18. Being a/an …. is my well-established family tradition, and I’d like to follow in
my ancestors and parents’ footsteps.

Sample Answers:
1. Are you a student or do you work?
Yes. I’m currently a junior at HCMUTE, short for HCM city University of
Technology and Education) which is one of the top prestigious schools in the nation.
My major is Automobile technology engineering. I’ve been studying there for four
years and I have to say I really love it; the admission is incredibly competitive (đầu
vào cực kì cạnh tranh) so I do take a lot of pride (tự hào) in being a student here.
2. What kind of work will you look for after you graduate?
In the near future, I hope to find a stable job that suits my personality. If I was
able to do that abroad, it’d be even better. I am a person who enjoys technology
(working with all different kinds of people), so I’m thinking about either a job in …
Manufacturing or automobile factory. They would be very intriguing (=interesting).
3. What do you like best about your university/course/major/study?
The thing I find most enjoyable about my university is the fact that most of my
teachers are middle age. Some say middle-aged teachers have a lot of experience,
which may lead to satisfactory learning outcomes (kết quả học tập không thỏa
mãn). Beside that, they will give us many valuable lessons in work and different real-
life situation after graduation.
4. What do you dislike about your university/course/major/study?
Well, this is a tough question. there are several things that I’m not fond of. For
example, the thing that really frustrates me (làm tôi bực mình/ thất vọng) is the huge
amount of homework and assignment (công việc/ bài tập). They are quite
overwhelming (quá tải) every now and then (thỉnh thoảng).

1. Where is your hometown?
I was born and grew up in Quang Ngai which is a provincial /prəˈvɪn.ʃəl/ (cấp tỉnh)
city located in the central of VN. However, due to my career, I have to move to HCM,
which is a melting pot with a nice blend of people, and as a result, I would have more
job opportunities in the future.
2. What is your hometown like?
As I’ve mentioned above, it’s a small area in central of VN. it’s covered with many
green spaces and rivers, which can provide the people living there a healthy
environment. moreover, the people are incredibly hospitable /hɑːˈspɪt̬ .ə.bəl/ (mến
khách). When a stranger visits their house, he or she would be treated with the best
things they have..

3. What is there for a foreigner to do or see in your hometown?

There are many activities to choose from, as the facilities in this place are well-
developed. Tourists can choose to go visit attractions like the Thien An Mountain or
the My Khe beach, or they can choose to try out street food which is one of the most
recommended activities to do in Quang ngai province.
4. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
Yes, in the past, my hometown used to be a remote area. However, since the reform
(cải cách) and the open-door policy (chính sách mở cửa), profound
transformations (Thay đổi sâu sắc) have taken place in my hometown. With
economic development booming (bùng nổ), people’s living standards have been
greatly improved.
Part 3
3. How have people’s ways of finding a job changed?
Well, people used to find a job in some traditional and conventional (truyền thống) ways,
like sending résumés to companies, being recommended by some acquaintances /ə
ˈkweɪn.təns/ (người quen), or looking for job vacancies (chỗ trống) in newspapers or on
noticeboards (bảng thông báo).
But now, things have changed, because of the proliferation (=development) of the Internet,
people’s way of seeking (kiếm) jobs has been greatly transformed (thay đổi); job hunters
are more likely to go online for help, like posting their CV on some recruitment (tuyển
dụng) websites
4. How have people’s ways of studying changed?
Well, in the past, people used to study in some traditional and conventional ways, such as
attending a class and listening to teachers' lectures or studying by reading books.
But now, things have changed, because of the proliferation /prəˌlɪf.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ (phát triển)
of the Internet, people’s way of studying has been greatly transformed; an increasing number
of learners are studying on the Internet or through distance education (học từ xa), and there
is also a tendency for today's students to study in different countries.

1. What kind of housing do you live in? / Do you live in a house or a flat?
 I’ve been living in a rental house with friends... for the most part of the last 2
 It’s a one-story house
 Gain better access to various up-to-date (tân thời) facilities such as shopping
malls, and recreation /ˌrek.riˈeɪ.ʃən/ centers (trung tâm giải trí).
 I can grab (bắt, chụp, túm) anything I need with ease in just a few minutes.

2. What is your favorite room?

 Living room: because it’s airy (thoáng khí) and spacious with 2 windows ->
so, family bonding time can take place in the living room where we can enjoy a
harmonious /hɑːˈməʊ.ni.əs/ atmosphere. We often watch TV and share ups and
downs in our a day.
3. What would you change about your home? (Conditional sentence)
If + past simple, would / could / might + infinitive verb.
 Because My bedroom is rather cramped ->so i would love to enlarge it and
make it more airy and spacious
 I Wish to have a garden to every household needs a green space, not only
because it is aesthetically /esˈθet̬ .ɪ.kəl.i/ (thẩm mỹ) pleasing, but also because
it is a good way to get close to nature

4. What is your neighbourhood like?

 This is a rather clean neighbourhood where houses are built in a planned
 It’s worth mentioning (đáng nhắc đến) the hospitality /ˌhɑː.spɪˈtæl.ə.t̬ i/
(mến khách) of the people sharing the same atmosphere /ˈæt.mə.sfɪr/ there.
 Provide a healthy environment stimulating a better lifestyle. There are many
trees planted around the neighborhood, offering fresh air and acting as a
protective shield /ʃiːld/ (tấm chắn).

Do you prefer relaxing at home or outside?

Well, personally, I prefer relaxing outside
simply because I have a desire to wind down (=relax) by being involved (Tham
gia) with others through activities like playing sports, going shopping, or traveling.
For example, I am a big fan of swimming, and it is impossible for me to relax at
Yet, I do agree that having sound sleep (ngủ ngon) at home is indeed an efficient
(hiệu quả) way of relaxation.
All in all, I prefer the latter to (cái sau) the first one.
How has people's way of relaxing changed recently?
Well, in the past, people used to relax in a traditional way, such as playing chess,
watching TV, reading newspapers, or doing sports.
But now, an increasing number of people, especially young people, tend to rely on the
Internet, for example playing computer games, surfing the Internet, or catching up
with friends.

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