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Teacher: Level: Day and Week:

Topic: (not grammar!) Lesson Length: Materials/Resources: (Inc. course book name, level, page
numbers if relevant)

Overall Lesson Aim(s): (Skills, grammar, lexis) Personal Aims: (Improvements needed from previous Tutor
Main Aim: Evaluations and Peer Observations)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to…

Subsidiary Aim(s): *remember to also include references on your


Language Analysis – This is not optional.

Language point (grammatical or functional point + exponents) Lexis and Pronunciation sounds (IPA), word & sentence stress, weak or contracted
forms, intonation?
E.g. (Please delete the examples when planning your lessons):
E.g. :
1. When I was cycling home, a mugger stopped me and stole my money.  mug (v.) /mʌg/
2. We were running in the park when suddenly the mugger appeared in front of us.  mugger (n.) /ˈmʌgə/
MEANING  murderer (n.) /ˈmɜːdərə/
Past Continuous - ongoing interrupted actions in the past (example 1) or background
to stories in the past (example 2)  was and were have usually weak forms in past continuous (i.e. /wəz/
FORM and /wə/)
E.g.  cycling /’saɪklɪŋ/
+ subject + was/were + V-ing (present participle)  running /’rʌnɪŋ/
? was/were + subject + V-ing ?
- subject + wasn’t/weren’t + V-ing

*cycle  cycling (drop final ‘e’)

*run  running (double last consonant if the verb finishes with one vowel and one
Procedural Aims CAP Time Interaction Procedure Anticipated Problems/
Solutions/ICQs & CCQs/IPA

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