Student Handbook v6.0

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents............................................................................................................1
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Amenities for Participants.................................................................................................... 4
Mobile Phones......................................................................................................................4
Smoking / Vaping................................................................................................................. 4
The NVR Standards...............................................................................................................5
Our Obligations as your RTO.................................................................................................5
Unique Student Identifier (USI)............................................................................................. 6
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).......................................................................................7
Deferring and Discontinuing Training................................................................................... 7
Participant and AUSCBT’s Rights and Responsibilities........................................................... 8
Course Expectations and Requirements.............................................................................. 11
Submitting your assessments..............................................................................................11
Assessment Outcomes........................................................................................................ 11
Reasonable Adjustment in Assessments..............................................................................12
Appealing Assessment Decisions.........................................................................................12
Student Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion........................................................................ 12
Support Services................................................................................................................. 13
Legislative Requirements....................................................................................................13
Legislation and You.............................................................................................................14
Workplace Health and Safety....................................................................................................... 14
Harassment, Victimisation or Bullying..........................................................................................14
Equal Opportunity....................................................................................................................... 15
National VET Regulator Act 2011..................................................................................................15
Student Identifiers Act 2014.........................................................................................................15
Privacy............................................................................................................................... 16
National Vocational Education and Training Acts 2011 (three of them)...............................17
Fees, Charges and Refunds................................................................................................. 17

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Participant Documentation Policy.......................................................................................18
Recognition of other Qualifications.....................................................................................19
Access and Equity............................................................................................................... 19
Client Selection................................................................................................................... 19
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance............................................................ 20
Participant Support, Welfare and Guidance........................................................................ 20
Flexible Delivery and Assessment Procedures......................................................................20
Student Complaints, Grievances and Appeals......................................................................21
Credit Transfer Policy.......................................................................................................... 25
Assessment Standards........................................................................................................ 26
Assessment Criteria............................................................................................................ 26
Assessment Methods.......................................................................................................... 27
Acknowledgement Declaration...........................................................................................28

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Welcome to the Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd’s (AUSCBT) Student
Handbook. This handbook will set out the Policies and Procedures relevant to your study with
AUSCBT along with your rights and responsibilities as a Participant in our College.

AUSCBT has been created in accordance with the Standards for the Registered Training
Organisation (RTO) as prescribed by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
Accordingly, we are a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 40493) that provides quality
training and assessment programs.

Our trainers and assessors are highly qualified and have extensive experience. We are here to
support our Participants through our training and recognition programs and to ensure they
have an enjoyable learning experience.

We would like to welcome you to AUSCBT, and we trust that you will have an enjoyable and
informative learning experience. If you ever require any assistance, please do not hesitate to
reach out to our team on the details below.

Contact Australian College of Business & Training

Head Office: Shop 2, 382 Church Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone: (02) 9635 5530

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Amenities for Participants
For your convenience, the following amenities are available to Participants:
● Internet Access – may be available for face-to-face sessions held at our venues. Where
Internet access is available, we will contact you prior to the class confirming the details
for Internet Access.
● Toilet Facilities – available at all venues.
● Disability access – available at most venues. Pre-arrangement is required.
● Telephone access – available at most of our venues. Prior authorisation required.
● Copying and Scanning Facilities – available at most of our venues. Prior authorisation

If you require any of the above facilities or any further facilities, please contact AUSCBT for a
confidential discussion. We request students to appropriately use these facilities and to report
damage to any facility to AUSCBT immediately.

For face-to-face and in class sessions, students are required to attend courses as advised in
the course material or as requested by the Training Manager/Trainer. We advise all students to
attend at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the commencement time of the class to set up and
prepare for the class. Unexplained absences and/or lateness may result in non-achievement of
some assessments and may impact on your ability to obtain competence in the course.

Mobile Phones
To ensure we create a positive learning environment, AUSCBT requests that your mobile
phone is turned off prior to entering the training room and remains off whenever face to face
training is occurring.

Students will have ample break times and phones can be used during these times. Please
note, even during breaks you cannot make phone calls in the training rooms.

Smoking / Vaping
To ensure we create a safe environment for our learners, smoking/vaping is not permitted at
any time during class or whilst on AUSCBT premises.

If an external venue is used for training, students are expected to comply with the venues
smoking/vaping policy.

Smoking/vaping is permitted during breaks in approved smoking/vaping areas that are away
from other students, and we would request that you responsibly dispose your cigarette butts
after use.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
If you are attending AUSCBT by vehicle, you will need to organise your own parking
arrangements. Please ensure you have ample time to arrive and find parking. You may be
denied entry to your class if late.

Paid parking is available on the street that is adjacent to our office (Palmer Street,
Parramatta). Please note, this parking is paid and administered by the City of Parramatta
Council Rangers. Please make your own arrangements prior to attending.

AUSCBT cannot guarantee the availability of paid parking spots and will not be liable for any
relevant infringements. The costs associated with any parking services or driving related
expenses by a student are not covered by AUSCBT.

The NVR Standards

You are about to become a Participant in the process that can result in achieving a nationally
accredited qualification. This qualification can only be delivered by a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO). To be an RTO we need to meet the requirements of the NVR Standards.
This is assessed in New South Wales, by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA).

A newly registered RTO will be audited within the first 12 months of operation to ensure
compliance to the NVR Standards and will be re-audited during its subsequent five-year
registration period. These Standards and the auditing process are intended to provide the
basis for a nationally consistent, high quality vocational education and training system.

Our Obligations as your RTO

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority
(ASQA), we have an obligation to ensure the quality of the nationally recognised training and
assessment we deliver. We must always comply with the Standards for RTOs 2015 which are
part of the VET Quality Framework. To ensure compliance we have developed comprehensive
internal policies, procedures and systems that guide our compliant operations, and we must
participate in audits with ASQA upon their request. In addition, we must ensure that any third
parties that we work with who have any involvement in your training and assessment comply
as well. This includes our training partners, marketing brokers and salespeople where

As an RTO we have the responsibility to issue your AQF certification documents in line with
our issuance policy as outlined in this Handbook.

If at any time you feel we have not met our obligations as an RTO, you have the right to make
a complaint following our Complaints and Appeals Policy outlined further on in this Handbook.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that
creates a lifetime record for an individual of all the nationally recognised training that has
been completed. Under the Unique Student Identifiers Act 2014, all RTOs must ensure they
have a valid USI for any student that enrols in nationally recognised training from 2015. This
means (unless you have an exemption issued by the USI registrar) that as a student you must
provide us with your USI.

For information about exemptions for individuals please review this webpage:

If you would like to create your own USI, please visit:

We are unable to issue a qualification or a statement of attainment unless we have a valid USI
or a notice of exemption from the registrar.

A credit is formal recognition of the previous studies you have completed for the purpose of
reducing the units or modules that you are required to complete in the course you are enrolled
in with us.

AUSCBT can grant you credit towards your course for units of competency or modules that
you have already completed with another RTO or authorised issuing organisation. We can also
grant you Credit for subjects or units you have completed where equivalence can be
established between the unit/module in your course, and the subject or unit you have

There is no charge to apply for Credit.

To apply, fill in the Credit Application Form and submit it as part of your enrolment. You can
apply for Credit at any time however it is best you do this as part of your enrolment so that
Credits are known upfront, and you are not required to do any work that you otherwise may
not have needed to do.

Make sure you attach certified copies of transcripts from your previous study. In some cases,
we may ask for additional information about the subject or unit you previously studied so we
can determine equivalence. Your Credit Application may be returned to you if you don’t
provide the required information.

In some cases, Credits may lead to a reduction in the course fees as there is less work
involved in offering your course. This will be advised to you in writing.

You will be advised in writing of the outcome of your Credit Application.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process where skills and knowledge that you have
gained through work and life experience and other unrecognised training can be formally

AUSCBT has a process that has been structured to minimise the time and cost to applicants
and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option. You should
ideally apply for RPL at the time of enrolment, but you may also apply up to 2 weeks into your

If you think RPL is a suitable option for you, the first step is to contact your trainer/assessor or
our office and have a conversation about whether or not RPL might be suitable for you.
Suitability is often determined on how much experience you have in a certain area, your work
history and previous training. If RPL is determined as a possibility for you, you will be provided
with a kit that will guide you in working through each unit to determine relevant skills and
experience and identify whether you would be able to provide the required evidence.

A trainer/assessor will be available to assist you throughout this process.

To apply for RPL, you will need to fill in a part of the kit and return it with an RPL Application
Form. Your application will then be assessed for suitability, and you will then be contacted by
an assessor to progress the RPL process.

From here, usually the RPL process involves gathering evidence to demonstrate skills,
knowledge, and experience, responding to questions, completing tasks, and depending on the
area, observation of your work skills in your workplace.

Fees are applicable for Recognition of Prior Learning, and you will be advised of these fees
upon contacting us.

For more information about applying for RPL, contact AUSCBT head office.

Deferring and Discontinuing Training

AUSCBT is committed to providing learners with flexible options regarding training deferring
and discontinuation, while ensuring transparency and fairness in the process.

Learners may request to defer their training for legitimate reasons, such as illness, personal
circumstances, or work-related issues.

The learner must submit a formal written request for deferral/discontinuation to The request should include a clear explanation of the reason for
deferral/discontinuation and any supporting documentation, if applicable. The
deferral/discontinuation request must be submitted at least seven (7) days before the
commencement of the course or module.

AUSCBT will review each deferral/discontinuation request on a case-by-case basis and is

ultimately the CEO’s decision whether to approve your request. If the request is approved, the
learner will be provided with information on the deferral period and any associated terms.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
A maximum of twelve (12) months is allowed for deferral.

For students discontinuing their course, fees may apply for re-enrolment.

For students who are covered under Smart and Skilled (training subsidised by the
government), there will be a fee associated with deferring/discontinuation upon re-enrolment.

Learners who disagree with the decision regarding their deferral or discontinuation request
may submit a Complaints/Appeals Form.

Participant and AUSCBT’s Rights and Responsibilities

As a participant in our RTO, you have certain rights and responsibilities as do we, the RTO,
have certain obligations and responsibilities to you.

These rights and responsibilities are covered in detail in the body of the Students Handbook
but are summarised here for your convenience.

Both the Participant and AUSCBT have a responsibility to adhere to all relevant legislation. The
legislation that affects your participation in Vocational Education and Training (VET) is detailed
within this document, however both AUSCBT and you, the participant, have an obligation to
adhere to ALL legislation applicable in Australia.

We both have obligations and expectations that all parties will conduct themselves safely in all
aspects of their activities, that at no time will the safety and health of any person or property
be risked.

You have a right to a safe environment; you have an obligation to keep it safe through your
conduct and adherence to our stated policies and procedures.

We have a right to expect that you seriously apply yourself to undertaking the course that you
have committed to, until you formally tell us that you are withdrawing from the process, we
have an expectation that you will work on the process and meet your commitments.

Equally so, you have a right, and we have a responsibility to provide you with the very best
support, assistance and guiding you to the completion of the course and must maintain a high
standard of current documentation, good service, good trainer/assessors who are current in
their knowledge and experience in the relevant qualifications(s) being undertaken.

We have a right to expect that all assessments provided are your own work, not copied, taken
or plagiarised from someone else.

You have a right to reasonable access to our trainer/assessors. You have the right to access
your own records.

You have a right to expect that the requirements that we make of you are clear, concise and
easily understood, we have an obligation to maintain these requirements as clear instructions
and also to ensure that they are relevant to the requirements of the qualification being

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
You have a right to expect that all course requirements are compliant to the principles defined
in the NVR Standards, and that the qualification issued by us to you will be received in good

You have a right to personal freedom, free from any illegal, unnecessary or invasive
questioning or judgment of your personal ideals, beliefs, marital status, disability or perceived
disability, cultural background, age, orientation or practices, this includes, but is not limited to
all personal, sexual, religious and political practices.

We have an equal expectation that you will grant the same freedom of belief, practices and
persuasion to all staff, contractors, fellow participants, and other people whom you meet and
deal with at AUSCBT.

We have an obligation to always conduct ourselves ethically, responsibly, with courtesy and
respect, and to always be morally and socially responsible. We expect the same from our

This specifically means that bullying, intimidation, violence of any kind, cyber bullying,
offensive behaviour, threatening or aggressive behaviour or speech will not be tolerated, or
need to be tolerated by any person whether a staff member or contractor, or a participant in
the course requirements.

You have a right to be provided with the services that you have paid for, if you have paid for a
course, you have a right to expect to be delivered in the manner it was advertised, equally so,
we have an obligation to deliver it to you in the manner it was advertised. If there is a need to
vary the process, then it must be by mutual consent.

You have a right to receive the services for which you have paid. We have an obligation to
provide them.

You have a right to be informed of any changes to our course requirements, our administrative
procedures and/or regulations. Any required changes will not be made without appropriate
notice and will not disadvantage currently enrolled participants.

We have a right, and you have a responsibility, to adhere to any reasonable and lawful request

You have a right to complain and appeal about anything or any decision we make at AUSCBT,
be it about you or about how we conduct the business of the RTO.

We have an obligation to ensure that complaints and grievances are dealt with quickly and
satisfactorily in accordance with the procedures detailed in this handbook.

You have a right to expect us to adhere to the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act
and ensure that information about you is only conveyed to those with legal and legitimate
reason for access. This is normally only staff directly involved in the processing and
assessment of your course work or those with legal rights to that information, such as the
Police and other legal bodies, but only after appropriate process has been undertaken.

We have an obligation to clearly state all fees and charges associated with the course

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023

We have an obligation to provide, and you have a right to receive, prompt evaluation of your
course work, with clear and unambiguous feedback on the results and assessment decision.

You have an obligation to provide feedback on our assessment and on the Client Services we
have provided.

We have an obligation to evaluate all provided feedback and act on opportunities for
improvement to our processes and policies.

We have an obligation to clearly convey to you, the Participant, the policies and procedures
that Participants must be aware of. Equally so you, the participant, have an obligation to
understand those policies and procedures concerning your application, any use of AUSCBT
facilities and any property or facilities used by AUSCBT to assess your application.

Participants who cannot, or choose not to, adhere to these rights and obligations may be
subject to disciplinary action. This may be a written warning, an interview with the CEO, and
may result in cancellation of your application without refund and in extreme cases, such as
cases of suspected criminal activity, referral to the Police.

Course Expectations and Requirements

The training and assessment offered by AUSCBT focuses on providing you with knowledge and
skills required to the standard of performance required in the workplace. This is known as
competency-based training and assessment. Each of the components of your course is a “unit
of competency”. You may either be studying one or a few units of competency or a set of
units that make up a total qualification. Each unit of competency is linked to specific skills and
knowledge required in the workplace.

Many of our courses are delivered in clusters. This means groups of similar units have been
packaged together and to avoid repetition. You will receive training and assessment for all
units in a cluster at the same time.

Our course outlines include the details of how we deliver the training to you as well as the
assessment methods that will be used to assess whether you have reached the required
standard of performance. Generally, our courses may involve classes, workplace component,
homework, and online learning.

Assessment methods vary from course to course but usually include written questions,
projects, written assignments, and practical observations.

Submitting your assessments

You must submit written assessment tasks with a completed and signed Assessment Task
Cover Sheet. The cover sheet asks you to make a declaration that the work is your own. Any
assessment will not be accepted without a signed cover sheet.

You must keep a copy of all tasks that you submit as we are not able to return copies.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Additionally, we will not be held responsible for any items that go missing in the post. If this
occurs, you will be asked to re-submit the work.

Assessment Outcomes
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory
(NS). You must complete all tasks for a unit satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of
Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of your tasks are assessed as Not Satisfactory, you
will be given an overall outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC). You can have 2
further attempts to complete the task and achieve a Satisfactory outcome. You will be given a
timeframe for your resubmission and advised what you must include in your re-submission.

If, after the third attempt, you are still assessed as Not Satisfactory for a task, you will need to
complete additional training and assessment to support you in achieving a Competent
outcome. This may incur an additional fee for self-funded students as identified in the fees
and charges information.

Reasonable Adjustment in Assessments

Some students may need modifications to assessments due to disability, illness, or special
considerations – this is called reasonable adjustment.

Reasonable adjustment can involve:

● Making training and assessment resources and methods more accessible e.g.,
providing learner workbooks in an audio format or on different coloured paper.
● Adapting physical facilities, environment and/or equipment e.g., setting up hearing
● Making changes to the assessment arrangements e.g., more time allowed for
● Making changes to the way evidence for assessment is gathered e.g., written questions
asked orally

Please speak to your assessor if you think that you may need an adjustment made. Note,
these adjustments are made at the discretion of your assessor based on your identified needs.

Appealing Assessment Decisions

If you do not agree with any assessment decision, you can lodge an assessment appeal.
Please refer to the Complaints and Appeals section in this handbook for information about how
to lodge an appeal.

Student Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion

AUSCBT has a no tolerance policy for plagiarism, cheating and collusion. Students are
expected to always act with integrity and only submit work that is their own or that has been
appropriately referenced and includes acknowledgements of all resource materials used in the
preparing of the work.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
When you submit your assessments, you will be required to sign a declaration that the work
provided is your own and that you have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with
any other student/s.

If you are found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, you will be given an opportunity to
respond to the allegations. We will be required to take disciplinary action which is likely to
require you to complete the assessment again.

Support Services
We are committed to ensuring that you get all the support you need to be successful in your
studies. You may not have studied for a while and/or you might need help with study skills.
You may also need assistance with skills such as reading, writing and math’s.

The enrolment form you complete will help us to identify any support you need and depending
on the course you are enrolling in, you may also be required to complete a test that assesses
your language, literacy, and numeracy skills. Based on the information you provide in your
enrolment and/or the results of your language, literacy, and numeracy test, we will contact
you to discuss your support needs. Your support needs can also be discussed during the
induction to your course.

Contact us to discuss your support needs.

Legislative Requirements
We are subject to a variety of legislation related to training and assessment as well as general
business practice.

This legislation governs our obligations as a Registered Training Organisation, our obligations
to you as our clients, and relates to the industry that we are conducting training for.

This legislation is continually being updated and the CEO is responsible for ensuring that all
staff are made aware of any changes.

Current legislation is available online at and

The legislation that particularly affects your participation in Vocational Education and Training

Commonwealth Legislation:
● Competition and Consumer Act 2010
● National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
● National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Charges) Act 2012
● National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Transitional Provisions) Act
● Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2012
● Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
● Disability Discrimination Amendment (Education Standards) Act 2005
● Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
● Racial Discrimination Amendment Act 1980
● Racial Discrimination Act 1975
● Sex Discrimination Act 1984
● Sex Discrimination Amendment Act 1991
● Privacy Act 1988
● Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012
● Australian Privacy Principles (2014)
● Work Health and Safety Act 2011
● Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011

State Based Legislation

● Disability Services Act 2006
● Fair Trading Act 1989
● Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995
● Workplace Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2008
● Child Protection Act 1999
● Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000

Legislation and You

Workplace Health and Safety
Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011, AUSCBT must provide a safe environment
for both staff and students, as well as providing information to staff and students in relation to
health and safety and welfare. AUSCBT has policies and procedures in place to ensure your
safety and on commencement of your course you will be provided with information about
health and safety.
As a student you also have a responsibility to follow instructions and rules and to behave in
ways that are safe and do not endanger the health and safety of yourself and others.

Always ensure that you:

● Immediately report hazards to your trainer/assessor.
● Seek assistance from a member of staff if you become ill or injured on campus.
● Only assist another person who is ill or injured if it is safe to do so. If you’re not sure,
call a member of staff for assistance.
● Complete an incident report as required.
● Ensure you are familiar with AUSCBT emergency evacuation procedures and in the
case of an emergency, follow the instructions given to you.
● Do not leave bags or personal belongings lying around where someone else could trip
over them.
● Do not smoke or drink alcohol on the premises.
● Observe basic hygiene practices such as hand washing before handling and eating food
and leaving toilets and wash basins clean and tidy, etc).

Harassment, Victimisation or Bullying

AUSCBT is committed to providing all people with an environment free from all forms of
harassment, victimisation, and bullying. AUSCBT will not tolerate any behaviour that harms,
intimidates, threatens, victimises, offends, degrades, or humiliates another person.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Anti-discrimination law defines harassment as any form of behaviour that you do not want,
that offends, humiliates, or intimidates you and that creates a hostile environment. Examples
of harassment are making fun of someone, spreading rumours, offensive jokes, ignoring
someone, etc.
Victimisation is where a person is treated unfairly because they have made a discrimination

Bullying is verbal, physical, social, or psychological abuse by a staff member or student.

Bullying falls under health and safety legislation.

If you at any time feel that you are being harassed, victimised, or bullied by a staff member or
student, you should follow these steps.

If you feel that you are being harassed, victimised, or bullied, ideally you should tell the
person that you don’t like the behaviour and ask them to stop. However, if you are not
comfortable doing this, you should lodge a complaint as per AUSCBT’s Complaints and Appeals

Equal Opportunity
The principles and practices adopted by AUSCBT aim to ensure, that current and prospective
students, clients and other stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably in their dealings with

All people will be treated courteously and expeditiously throughout the process of enquiry,
selection and enrolment and throughout their participation in a course.

AUSCBT provides equity in access to the level of training and support required by each
student. All students are supported in a manner that enables them to achieve their full
potential and success in their training outcomes. All students are provided with opportunities
to develop and successfully gain skills, knowledge and experience through education and

National VET Regulator Act 2011

As a student in Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector, you should expect
high-quality training in your area of interest, leading to a qualification that improves your
prospects of gaining the job you want or provides a pathway to further study.

As a Registered Training Organisation registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority, we
are required to comply with the National VET Regulator Act 2011. This involves meeting a
series of Standards that ensure that the training and assessment and support services are
provided to you in accordance with nationally mandated standards.

Student Identifiers Act 2014

Under this Act, we are required to ensure that all students have a USI. We are unable to issue
a qualification or a statement of attainment for any student if we don’t have a verified USI on

If you're studying nationally recognised training in Australia from 1 January 2015, you will be
required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Your USI links to an online account that
contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
January 2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 will be available in your USI account in 2016.

For students and training organisations, the main benefits of the USI are:
● Students will be able to get a complete record of their Australian-wide VET
achievements from a single, secure, and accurate online source.
● There will be immediate access to VET records. This means they can be quickly given
to employers, other training organisations etc. as proof of VET achievements.
● It will be easier for training organisations to assess students’ pre-requisites, credit
transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

For more information about the USI please refer to

In collecting your personal information AUSCBT will comply with the requirements set out in
the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001 and the relevant state
privacy legislation.

This means that we will:

● Inform you of the purpose for which the information is collected.
● Only use the personal information that you provide to us in relation to your study with
● Ensure your personal information is securely handled and stored.
● We will inform you of any organisation and the type of organisation to which we
disclose personal information e.g., the Australian Government or the National Centre
for Vocational Education Research, as well as the purpose of disclosing this information
e.g., for statistical purposes.
● We will not disclose your personal information to another person or organisation
o We have made you aware that information of that kind is usually passed to that
person or organisation.
o You have given written consent.
o We believe that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and
imminent threat to your life or health or that of another person.
o The disclosure is required or authorised by or under law; or
o The disclosure is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law
or of a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of the public

A full copy of our Privacy Policy is available at

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
National Vocational Education and Training Acts 2011 (three of them)
These three acts are named in the legislative listing and define the acts of Federal Parliament
that empower ASQA to administer the operations and compliance of RTOs in most states of
Australia, and any RTOs that operate in more than one state in Australia.

This includes the right of ASQA to audit AUSCBT, apply penalties for non-compliance, define
the requirements to retain records and other administration and operational requirements of a
functioning RTO.

We are answerable to ASQA for our operations.

Fees, Charges and Refunds

Our training and assessment programs do attract fees. The details of the fee structures are
contained in our Schedule of Fees listed on our website.

The details of the refund arrangements are contained in the Course Brochure.

In cases of extreme hardship, an appeal can be made to our CEO who can amend our policies.

Should a participant not be successful with their first attempt at completing any unit of
competency in this course, that is they have exhausted their three attempts of submission,
they must re-enrol into the unit of competency. For more information on repeating a unit of
competency more than once please contact your Training Manager.

Repeating a unit of competency will attract a penalty fee of an additional $250 per unit.

In an event should we have to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstance, but the
student has commenced study and doesn’t wish for a refund. AUSCBT guarantees that they
will organise and provide options for the student to complete the same course with another

AUSCBT charges for replacement statement of attainments, should a replacement certificate

be required, the Employer or the Participant will be charged $50 for a replacement statement
of attainment.

Where the course is an online course, a refund (less the administration fee) will be provided
only in circumstances where the student portal/learning material has not been accessed. NO
refunds will be issued once the student portal has been accessed under any circumstances.
Refunds are not applicable for change of mind or change of circumstances.

If any individual with a Subclass 500 visa or a visa that has a conflicting expiration date
attempts to register, the enrolment will be cancelled and an administration fee of 25% will be
charged to any student attempting to enrol.

The administration fee is 25% of the course fee paid.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Participant Documentation Policy
We are committed to maintaining and safeguarding the accuracy, integrity and currency of our
records without jeopardising the confidentiality of the records or our participant’s privacy.

Individual hardcopy participant records will be stored in a lockable secure office area. Our
electronic records are stored in our participant records software system TMDB and are
protected by password access, we further protect our records by maintaining up to date virus,
firewall and spyware protection software.

The CEO is responsible to conducting a backup of our computer systems to an external drive
which is stored off site.

In the event that we cease to operate as an RTO we will transfer all records to ASQA in
appropriate format and detail as specified by ASQA at the time of ceasing RTO operations.

All other records including, training records, taxation records, business and commercial
records will be retained for a period of at least seven years.

Should we be required to submit statistical data on our participants we will use the features
inside a participant record software program.

We will ensure that any confidential information acquired by us, individuals or committees or
organisations acting upon our behalf is safeguarded.

Access to individual Participant training records will be limited to those required by the NVR
Standards such as:
● trainers and assessors, including RPL Assessors to access and update the records of
the participants whom they are working with,
● management staff as required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the
● Officers from the Department of Education and Training, ASQA or their representatives
for activities required under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations,

Or those required by law such as:

● people as are permitted by law to access these records (e.g., subpoena / search
warrants / social service benefits / evidence act).

● participants authorising releases of specific information to third parties in writing,
● the participants themselves, after making application in writing. For example,
participants seeking a replacement Statement of Attainment.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Recognition of other Qualifications
All AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other registered training
organisations will be fully recognised by AUSCBT.

These qualifications will be recognised and where appropriate could be used to reduce any
training program being offered by us.

Participants would be required to produce a certified copy or the original certificate to the CEO
or in some cases the trainer, who will make note of the qualification in our record system.

This is typically applicable where participants produce a pre-requisite qualification for a course
they are currently wishing to undertake.

All valid work experience will be fully recognised once the college is satisfied the participant
has met the skills or knowledge requirements through the affirmed work experience.

Access and Equity

We are committed to ensuring that we offer training opportunities to all people on an equal
and fair basis.

This included women, people under-represented, people with disabilities, people from
non-English speaking backgrounds, Indigenous Australians, and rural and remote learners.

All participants have equal access to our training programs irrespective of their gender, culture,
linguistic background, race, socio-economic background, disability, age, marital status,
pregnancy, sexual orientation or carer’s responsibilities.

All participants who meet our entry requirements will be accepted into any of our training
programs. Any issues or questions regarding access and equity can be directed to AUSCBT

Client Selection
There are prerequisites to enrolling in some of our training programs.

Specific details of these prerequisites are contained in the course brochure.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to discuss the course with your trainer or
the CEO.

To enrol in our course please contact AUSCBT administration or online via our website, the
contact details for which are located on the first page of this document.

Once accepted, you will need to complete an enrolment/application form.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assistance
Our course standard material contains written documentation and limited numerical

We recognise that not all people are able to read, write and perform calculations to the same
Standards. We will endeavour to help you where we can to accommodate with difficulties with
Language, Literacy or Numeracy.

In the event that a participant’s needs exceed our skill we will refer the participant to an
external support provider such as their local TAFE campus.

Participant Support, Welfare and Guidance

We will assist all participants in their efforts to complete our training programs.

If you experience any difficulties with your studies, we recommend that you see your trainer,
or another member of AUSCBT staff.

We will make every effort to support you in your studies; this could be through additional
coaching or mentoring or through any other identified way.

Should you be experiencing any personal difficulties you should make contact directly with
● Administration Manager
● or CEO who will assist you to the full extent of our capacity.

If your needs exceed AUSCBT’s support capacity, we will refer you onto an appropriate
external agency. You can seek support immediately by contacting:

Interpreting Services:
TIS 13 14 50

131 114

Literacy and Numeracy Support:

Australian Council of Adult Literacy phone 03 9469 295

Flexible Delivery and Assessment Procedures

AUSCBT recognises that not all participants learn in the same manner, and that with an
amount of “reasonable adjustment” participants who may not learn best with traditional
learning and assessment methods will still achieve good results.

AUSCBT will make any necessary adjustment to meet the needs of a variety of participants,
the ability to complete a written assessment is not to be interpreted as a barrier to
competency, provided that the participant can verbally demonstrate competency.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
These adjustments may include having someone read assessment materials to participants or
they may include having someone record the participant’s spoken responses to assessment

AUSCBT undertakes to assist participants achieve the required competency Standards where it
is within our ability. Where we cannot assist a participant, we will refer them, where possible,
to an agency that can assist.

Any further questions can be referred to your trainer or AUSCBT’s Administration Manager or

Student Complaints, Grievances and Appeals

1. Nature of complaints and appeals
● AUSCBT responds to all allegations involving the conduct of:

− The RTO, its trainers and assessors and other staff.

− Any third-party providing Services on behalf of AUSCBT.
− Any student or client of AUSCBT.
● Complaints may be made in relation to any of AUSCBT’s services and activities such as:
− the application and enrolment process.
− marketing information.
− the quality of training and assessment provided.
− training and assessment matters, including student progress, student support and
assessment requirements.
− the way someone has been treated.
− the actions of another student.
● An appeal is a request for a decision made by AUSCBT to be reviewed. Decisions may
have been about:
− course admissions.
− refund assessments.
− response to a complaint.
− assessment outcomes/results.
− other general decisions made by AUSCBT.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
2. Principles of resolution
● AUSCBT is committed to providing a procedurally fair complaints and appeals process
that is carried out free from bias, following the principles of natural justice. Through
this policy and procedure, AUSCBT ensures that complaints and appeals:
− Are responded to in a consistent and transparent manner.
− Are responded to promptly, objectively, with sensitivity and confidentiality.
− Are able to be made at no cost to the individual.
− Are used as an opportunity to identify potential causes of the complaint or appeal
and take actions to prevent the issues from recurring as well as identifying any
areas for improvement.
● AUSCBT will inform all persons or parties involved in any allegations made as well as
providing them with an opportunity to present their side of the matter.
● Nothing in this policy and procedure limits the rights of an individual to take action
under Australia’s Consumer Protection laws and it does not circumscribe an individual’s
rights to pursue other legal remedies.
● Where a student chooses to access this policy and procedure, AUSCBT will maintain the
student’s enrolment while the complaints/appeals handling process is ongoing.
3. Timeframes for resolution
● Complaints and appeals will be finalised as soon as practicable or at least within 30
calendar days unless there is a significant reason for the matter to take longer. In
matters where additional time is needed, the complainant or appellant will be advised
in writing of the reasons and will be updated weekly on the progress of the matter until
such a time that the matter is resolved.
4. Records of complaints and appeals
● AUSCBT will maintain a record of all complaints and appeals and their outcomes on the
Complaints and Appeals Register, which will be securely stored according to the Privacy
Policy and Procedures.
5. Making a complaint or appeal
● Complaints about a particular incident should be made as soon as possible after the
incident occurring and appeals must be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the
original decision being made.
● Complaints and appeals must be made in writing using the Complaints and Appeals
Form, or other written format and sent to AUSCBT’s head office at Shop 2, 382 Church
Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 attention to the Chief Executive Officer or emailed to

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
● When making a complaint or appeal, provide as much information as possible to
enable AUSCBT to investigate and determine an appropriate solution. This should
− The issue you are complaining about or the decision you are appealing – describe
what happened and how it affected you.
− Any evidence you have to support your complaint or appeal.
− Details about the steps you have already taken to resolve the issue.
− Suggestions about how the matter might be resolved.
● Your complaint or appeal will be acknowledged in writing via email or post within 7
working days of receipt.
6. Resolution of complaints and appeals
● Some or all members of the management team of AUSCBT will be involved in resolving
complaints and appeals as outlined in the procedures.
● AUSCBT will seek to identify the cause of the complaint or appeal and take action to
prevent it from recurring or minimise the chances of recurrence.
● Where a complaint or appeal involves another individual or organisation, they will be
given the opportunity to respond to any allegations made.
● Where a third-party delivering Services on behalf of the RTO is involved, they will be
included in the process of resolving the complaint or appeal.
● In the case of an assessment appeal, an assessor who is independent from the original
decision will assess the original task again. The outcome of this assessment will be the
result granted for the assessment task.
7. Independent parties
● AUSCBT acknowledges the need for an appropriate independent party to be appointed
to review a matter where this is requested by the complainant or appellant and the
internal processes have failed to resolve the matter. Costs associated with
independent parties to review a matter must be covered by the complainant/appellant
unless the decision to include an independent party was made by AUSCBT.
● AUSCBT may also appoint the independent party to be involved in the resolution of a
complaint or appeal where it is deemed necessary.
● The independent party recommended by AUSCBT is Leadr and InterMEDIATE, however
complainants and appellants are able to use their own external party at their own cost.
● AUSCBT will provide complete cooperation with the external mediator investigating the
complaint/appeal and will be bound by the recommendations arising out of this

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
● The CEO will ensure that any recommendations made are implemented within twenty
(20) days of being notified of the recommendations. The complainant or appellant will
also be formally notified in writing of the outcome of the mediation.
8. External complaint avenues
Complaints can also be made via the following avenues:
● National Training Complaints Hotline:
The National Training Complaints Hotline is a national service for consumers to register
complaints concerning vocational education and training. The service refers
consumers to the appropriate agency/authority/jurisdiction to assist with their
complaint. Consumers can register a complaint with the National Training Complaints
Hotline by:
− Phone: 13 38 73, Monday–Friday, 8am to 6pm nationally.
− Email:
For more information about the National Training Complaints Hotline, refer to the
following webpage:
● Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA):
Complainants may also complain to AUSCBT’s registering body, Australian Skills Quality
Authority (ASQA).
ASQA can investigate complaints about AUSCBT in relation to:
- the quality of our training and assessment
- our marketing and advertising practices
For students:
- ASQA may not be able to investigate complaint if you do not include evidence that
you have already exhausted our formal internal complaints process as above.
- If your complaint does not fall within ASQA's jurisdiction, it may be resolved more
quickly if you directly contact the agency responsible as listed on the relevant
webpage below.
- Please refer to the following webpage below before making a complaint to ASQA:
● Smart and Skilled enquiries/complaints
- Phone: 13 28 11 / 1300 772 104
- Email:
For more information about the Smart and Skilled enquiries/complaints department,
refer to the following webpage:

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
9. Publication
This policy and procedure will be published on AUSCBT’s website.

AUSCBT attempts to provide Skills Recognition (RPL), training and assessment services in a
spirit of co-operation and mutual respect.

If a trainer or staff member is unhappy or dissatisfied with the behaviour or performance of a

participant, the trainer has the authority to:
● Warn the participant that their behaviour is unsuitable, or
● Ask a participant to leave the class, without refund or acceptance into another course,
● Immediately cancel the class.

AUSCBT, has a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal drugs. Any person found to be in
possession or under the influence of illegal drugs will be asked to leave the premises.

Anybody found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol that will adversely affect their
performance will be asked to leave the premises.

In some cases, prescription drugs will affect your performance, please discuss this with your
trainer prior to course commencement.

Cheating or plagiarism (copying of someone else’s work) will not be tolerated and will result in
the participant’s assessment being dismissed.

We expect that our staff will maintain a professional and ethical working relationship with all
other staff, management and participants. Any breach of our disciplinary Standards will be
discussed with the trainer and AUSCBT CEO and the appropriate action will be taken.

If a participant wishes to express a complaint in relation to the disciplinary action taken, they
have the opportunity to follow our complaints procedure.

Credit Transfer Policy

Credit Transfer is available to all participants enrolling in any of our training programs on our
scope of registration.

Credit Transfer – means credit towards a qualification granted to participants based on

outcomes gained by a participant through participation in courses or nationally training
package qualifications with another Registered Training Provider.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Assessment Standards
All assessments conducted by us will:
● Comply with the assessment guidelines defined in the relevant nationally endorsed
training package. In the case of our qualifications, we will ensure that the competency
assessment is determined by a vocationally competent assessor who holds TAE40116
or the relevant assessment units of competency or equivalent qualifications.
● Our assessments within our RTO will lead to the issuing of a statement of attainment
or to the issuing of a qualification under the AQF where a person is assessed as
competent against the National Endorsed units of competency in the applicable
training package.
● Assessments will be:
o Valid - Assessment methods will be valid, that is, they will assess what they
claim to assess,
o Reliable - Assessment procedures must be reliable, that is, they must result in
consistent interpretation of evidence from the learner and from context to
o Fair - Assessment procedures will be fair, so as not to disadvantage any
learners. Assessment procedures will:
▪ be equitable, culturally and linguistically appropriate, involve procedures
in which criteria for judging performance are made clear to all
▪ employ a participatory approach,
▪ provide for participants to undertake assessments at appropriate times
and where required in appropriate locations.
o Flexible - Assessment procedures will be flexible, that is, they should involve a
variety of methods that depend on the circumstances surrounding the

We will achieve this through:

● careful design of the assessments,
● validation and moderation of the assessment materials conducted in our annual review,
● an understanding of the definition and practical application of the above definitions.

Assessment Criteria
All our assessments will provide for applicants to be informed of the context and purpose of
the assessment and the assessment process.

This will include information regarding assessment methods, alternative assessment methods
if required to accommodate special needs or circumstances, information will also be included
at the start of each unit or course as to the assessment processes, number of assessments,
types of assessment and the individual weighting of each assessment.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023
Assessment Methods
Our assessments and assessment methods will ensure that we:
● focus on the application of the skill and knowledge as required in the workplace,
o Task skills (actually doing the job)
o Task management skills (managing the job)
o Contingency management skills (what happens if something goes wrong)
o Job Role environments skills (managing your job and its interaction with others
around you)

We will ensure that we assess you in sufficient detail to ensure that we can determine that
you have attained competency.

Staff members are available to discuss and provide limited professional advice as to the
outcomes of the assessment process and guidance on future options.

All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues, cultural issues or any
other individual needs related to the assessment.

All assessment tasks must be completed on a soft copy (or hard copy when required), thus
candidates must have access to a laptop and wifi connection at all times during the course, if
candidates are unable to organise this, please inform AUSCBT. Candidates have three attempts
to submit assessments before they are given a grade of not yet competent for a unit of
competency. Students must achieve competency in all prescribed units of competency (core &
elective) to be deemed competent in a course.

Re-assessment is available on appeal; see further details in the appeal process section.

Acknowledgement Declaration
By completing the enrolment form, I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the
contents of this Student Handbook, which outlines the conditions and my rights and
responsibilities as a participant of Australian College of Business and Training Pty Ltd.

Australian College of Business & Training Pty Ltd (RTO 40493)
Student Handbook V6.0
Last Updated: 19 September 2023

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