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PayPal Name Lynn@butkus.

Congratulations on your purchase of the Mamiya 645 PRO TL

Mamiyapioneeredthe 6 x 4.5 film formatand introducedthe world'sfirst645 This manualcoversthe basic

SLR in 1975.The 645 PRO TL is the latestmasterpiecein this seriesand camera.Separateinstructions
incorporates all the latestmechanical,electronicand opticaladvances.lts are suppl i edw i th al l system
externalappearance,too, has been modernizedand its ergonomicdesign accessories, includinglenses,
furtherenhanced. finders,film holders,etc.
We are sure that you will enjoythe many advantagesthis cameraand its F o r a d d i t i o n a li n f o r m a t i o n
accessories offerand wantto particularly mention: pleasefeelfreeto contactyour
The 645 PROTL has a built-inself-timer(delayedshutterrelease)whichwill authori zedMami yadeal eror
a l so fa c ilit at et im e ex po s u re s Atta
. c h i n gs p e c i a ll e a f shutterl ensesw i l l the Mami yai mporteri n your
automatically set the focalplaneshutterto 1/8sec. Heavyduty gearsconnect country. :, ,
to the improvedPowerDriveGripWG401.Thisgripalsoautomatically cocks
the leafshutterlensesand permitsremotecontrol.
The AE PrismFinderFE401,speciallycreatedfor this camera,automates Betfe,-y lteeded:
exposureand showsLED safetysignals.35mmfilm holdersnow comewith
panoramicadapters.A superfast 300mmf12.8
Dwnocd./;lf zt* *t*o'(;te
APO lenswas alsodesigned
for this camera. f r zac-Ltl.l,.q
We are convinedthat your camerawill serve you well, becausewe have
designedit for heavyprofessionaluse. Howere,we ask you to pleasereadall tdod*k: K2aL L'tt\ioot
operatinginstructionscarefullybeforeyou put your equipmentto work, in
orderto ensureproperoperationand maximumresults
O ContentsO

Special Featuresof the Mamiya 645 PRO TL .......3 D epth of Fi el d ........25

Na me sa nd F unc t ionsof P a rts ..............7 Film Advance and Unloading Exposed Film ......26
Atta ch i ngand Rem ov in gL e n s e s ........................ 10 Using the Self-timer/Delayed Shutter Release...27
A tta ch i ngand Rem ov in gth e R o l l F i l m H o l d e rs . 1 1 Ti me E xposures............. .......28
Attaching and Removingthe Viewfinder............12 Mul ti pl eE xposures............. ..................
Removingand Attaching the Film Advance Mi rror Lock-upP hotography......... .......29
, C ra n k ......1 3 InfraredP hotography......... ... 30
I nse rti n gt he B at t er y . . . ......... .................14 U si ng a Tri pod .......30
Battery Check ........15 Fl ash P hotography......... .......31
^ShutterReleaseSelector ......16 Holding the CameraSteadyand Securely..........35
Shutter PerformanceTest .... 17 A ttachi ngand R emovi ngthe N eck S trap............ 36
- , B e fo reFilm Loading . . . . ..... .... 1 8 B asi c A ccessori es.......... ......37
F il m L o a ding. . . . . . . . . , ................19 System Chart .........39
Advancing the Film to the First Frame................ 21 Troubl eS hooti ng 40
Sh u tte rS peedS et t ings .........2 2 Mamiya645 PRO TL Specifications .... 41
Aperture Ring/Stop-downOperation ...23 Things to Watch .... 43
Focusing ................24 Common Sense CameraCare and Practice .......44

ial Featuresof the Mami a 645 PRO TL O

1 lmage Area about 3X larger than 35mm /r)

I r Format J. Interchangeable Rollfilm Holder System

- Bigger is better -- --120,220,35mm,35mmPanoramicand Polaroid -
The 6X4.5cmimagesize is about3x largerthan 35mm P ermi tsqui ckfi l m change,even i n mi d-rol l Many
. fai l
and thereforeproducesfar is large safefeaturespreventaccidentalexposuresor filmwaste.
enoughto be viewedwithoutmagnifierand its aspect
ratioof about 1.25(longside : shortside)matchesthe
standard8 x 10 inch"idealformat",the most popularin
pho to g ra phy and indus t r i aul s e . l t re q u i re sm i n i m u m
cro p p i n gand giv esm ax im u mfi l m u ti l i z a ti o n(1
. 5o r 3 0
exposureson 120 or 220 film respectively)

) Rugged, Versatile and Retiable Camera

Zto Body
.- Built for professional use --
Mamiyapioneered the 645 SLR camerasystemin 1975
t o cre a te m ediumf or m a t i m a g e q u a l i tyw i th 3 5 mm
handlingease.New modelshave periodically followed
over the years to keep in step with mechanical,optical
and electronicadvances
A self erectinghoodwith built-inmagnifiershields
1. Interchangeable Viewfinders groundglass from all ambientlight.A built-in
sporsfinderpermitseyelevelviewingand is idealfor
1. AE Prism Finder FE401 actionphotography.
The AE (automaticexposure)PrismFinderFE401
featuresthreemodesof TTL metering,including
automaticswitchingfrom center-weighted averaging J. tnterchangeable
to spot also has a +3EV exposure
The cameracomeswith a Type E, bright,split image,
microprismscreen,usefulfor most applications.Five
othertypes,for all specializedrequirements,
are also
2. AE Finder FK4O2
Lightweight,Keplerian(non prism)AE aperture
priorityfinderoffersan unreversed,uprightimage. I Large Selection of World-Class Mamiya
Featurestelescopingeyepiecewith diopter lfo Lenses
adjustmentfrom +5 to -5.
M a m i y a ' s i n - h o u s e o p t i c a l e n g i n e e r i n ga n d
3. Prism Finder PF401 manufacturingdepartmentproduceslensesspecially
The PrismFinderPF401is withoutmetering desi gnedfor the medi umformat,of unsurpassabl e
and designedfor manualphotography
electronics resolution, contrastandcolorfidelity. From24mmFisheye
mode.Both PrismFindersshow an unreversed. to 500mmtelephoto,plusmacro,zoomand APO lenses,
uprightimageand are idealfor eyelevelphotography. these lenseshave becomethe choiceof the pros.

4. Waist Level Finder N

The WaistlevelFinderN is desirablefor low angle
photograhpy and particularly
for horizontal
,&1ix ..,.
nI o Motorized Power Drive Grips
Self-timerfor delayedshutterrelease.When activatedil
w i l l l i ghta red pi l otl amp i n the frontof the camerafor
Two accessorymotorizeddrives,interchangeable with ei ght secondsand w i l l bl i nkfor tw o secondsbefore
the manualfilmadvancecrank,are incorporated intoan triggeringthe shutter.
erg o n o m ic ally
des ignedg ri p sfo r e a s y , ri g h t h a n d e d
cameraoperation. <Time Exposure>
Time exposuresare madeby utilizingthe Self-timerand
Model WG 401 requires6 AA batteriesand features the " 8" shuttersetti ng.A new pow er savi ng ci rcui t
multipleexposureswitch,cablereleasesocket,battery designswitchesthe batteryoff and extendsis life.
checkand alsocan be usedwith
leafshutterlqnses. n TTL (through-the-lens)
7 o Automation
M o d e l W q 4 O 2 , a s i m p l i f i e dv e r s i o n ,p e r m i t so n l y
The lightthat hits the film surfaceduringexposureis
individualexposures, usesone 6 Voltlithiumbatteryand
reflectedto a photoreceptorwithin the camera body
is mu chl i ght er .
w hi ch automati cal l yadj uststhe fl ash output to the
A BroadAccessorySystem requiredlevel.
rro For Specialized
A useful accessorysystem to serve the specialized
needsof the photographer. lt includesAuto Bellowsand
Auto ExtensionRingsfor close-upand copyingwork;
I n f r a r e dR e m o t e C o n t r o l f o r s t u d i o a n d n a t u r e
photography; ExternalBatteryCasefor operatingin cold
CameraGripsfor convenientholdingand
I [r. otherFeatures
<Mirror Lock-up>
Afterfocusing,the mirrorcan be lockedup before
ma ki n ga n ex pos ur e.T his i s c o n v e n i e nw
t h e n th e
camerais usedat slowshutterspeedsand is mounted
on a tri p o df or t elephot o g ra p h yc,o p y w o rk ,e tc .,
sinceeven a very smallamountof vibrationshould
be e l i mi nat ed.

Shutterwill be released10 secondsafter shutter
buttonis pressed.

<Time Exposure>
When makingtime exposures,the batterycircuitis
automaticallydisconnected,to save batterypower.
This is especiallyusefulfor astrophotography.


I Namesand Functionsof PartsO

Focusing Screen N 13 Gold Plated Contacts

Thesecontactsinterfacethe AE
Aperture Ring Couping Pin PrismFinderwith the ISO dial on
Thispin is fittedintothe Exposure the film holderand the shutter
M e t e r C o u p l e ro f t h e l e n s , t o speeds.
transmitthe aperturedata to the
AE PrismFinder.
Hot-shoe (X contact)
Battery Check Lamp A cordlessflashcan be usedwith
this shoe.
Focusing Screen ReleasePin
W h e n y o u w a n t t o c h a n g et h e Flash Sync Terminal
screen,slide this pin to the left Flash cordand optionalTerminal
and removethe screen. AdapterRA401can be connected
to thisterminal.
Shutter ReleaseSelector
Align the white index dot on the Mirror Lock-up Lever
s e l e c t o rc o l l a r w i t h t h e w h i t e
squaredot in the centerfor normal Neck Strap Lug
use.When the collaris turnedto
the red dot, the releaseis locked. Lens ReleaseButton
To use the Self-timer,set it to $ .
Auxiliary ReleaseContact
Shutter ReleaseButton When the cover is moved to the
l e f t , t h e c o n t a c ta p p e a r s .T h i s
Mirror contactis usedfor connectionsof
o Nevertouch the surfaceof the e x t e r n a l r e l e a s e ss u c h a s a
mirror. specialhandgripand remotecon-
trol unit.
Battery Check Button
LED displaysthe presentbattery 6- Pin Coupling Connectorfor
condition. dedicated TTL flash
automation. (Such as Metz
Finder Coupling Panel Shutter Speed Dial Lock
This buttonis usedfor unlocking
Finder Coupling Panel(Rear)
the ShutterSpeedDialfrom an
AE position.
ElectricContactfor Film Holder
This contactreceivesfilm sensi-
tivitydata from the film holder. Shutter Speed Dial
T h i s d i a l s e l e c t st h e s h u t t e r
speed,and switchesthe opera-
tion modefrom AE to manual
Film Holder Mount photography.

Shutter Curtain
E x p o s u r e sa r e c o n t r o l l e d b y
openingand closingthe curtain. Film Advance Crank
o Nevertouchthe surfaceof this
A Singlecompleteturncocksthe
curtain. shutterand advancesthe filmfor
each exposure.

Neck Strap Lug

Film Transport Gear
I filr Holder Mounting Bracket Multiple Exposure Lever
I Whenthisleveris set at "MULTI",
film is not advancedeven when
mike Digitally signed by mike butkus
DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,
the FilmAdvanceCrankisturned,
butkus, c=US
Date: 2017.12.09 12:10:46
on the samefilmframe.
O Namesand Functionsof PartsO

Focusing Screen N 13 Gold Plated Contacts

These contactsintedacethe AE
Aperture Ring Couping Pin PrismFinderwiththe ISO dialon
Thispin is fittedintothe Exposure the film holderand the shutter
M e t e r C o u p l e ro f t h e l e n s , t o speeds.
transmitthe aperturedata to the
AE PrismFinder.
Hot-shoe (X contact)
Battery Check Lamp A cordlessflashcan be usedwith
Focusing Screen ReleasePin
When you want to change the Flash Sync Terminal
screen,slide this pin to the left Flash cordand optionalTerminal
and removethe screen. AdapterRA401can be connected
to thisterminal.
Shutter ReleaseSelector
Align the white index dot on the Mirror Lock-up Lever
s e l e c t o rc o l l a r w i t h t h e w h i t e
squaredot in the centerfor normal Neck Strap Lug
use.When the collaris turnedto
the red dot, the releaseis locked. Lens ReleaseButton
To use the Self-timer,set it to $ .
Auxiliary ReleaseContact
Shutter ReleaseButton When the cover is moved to the
left, the contact appears.This
Mirror contactis usedfor connectionsof
o Nevertouch the surfaceof the e x t e r n a l r e l e a s e ss u c h a s a
mrrror. specialhandgripand remotecon-
trol unit.
Battery Check Button
LED displaysthe presentbattery 6- Pin Coupling Connectorfor
condition. dedicated TTL flash
automation.(Such as Metz
o scA3e6)
FinderGouplingPanel Shutter Speed Dial Lock
Finder Coupling Panel (Rear) This buttonis usedfor unlocking
the ShutterSpeedDialfrom an
AE position.
ElectricContactfor Film Holder
This contactreceivesfilm sensi-
tivitydata from the film holder. Shutter Speed Dial
This dial selectsthe shutter
speed,and switchesthe opera-
tion modefrom AE to manual
Film Holder Mount photography.

Shutter Curtain
E x p o s u r e sa r e c o n t r o l l e d b y
openingand closingthe curtain. Film Advance Crank
o Nevertouchthe surfaceof this
A Singlecompleteturncocksthe
cuftain. shutterand advancesthe filmfor
each exposure.

Neck Strap Lug

Film Transport Gear

Film Holder Mounting Bracket Multiple Exposure Lever

Whenthisleveris set at "MULT|",
film is not advancedeven when
the FilmAdvanceCrankisturned,
on the samefilmframe.
FocusingRing Distance Scale
This ringadjuststhe focus. The camera to subjectdistance
can be set or confirmedwith this
AM Lever Lens Alignment Dot
Whenset to "M" it permitsyou to
check depthof field. Depth-of-fieldScale
Normallyalwaysleave it Providesa quickreadingof depth-
of-fieldfor variousaperturesand
Exposure Meter Coupler
Aperture Ring This coupleris engagedwith the
the AE Prism

Battery Ghamber Cover

Tripod Socket
114"tripodsocket.To ,convefi to Y
a 3/8" socket,remove
ove the small \/
screw in the base of tl
the socket.
Then removethe busb u s h i n gS
. ee
page32. @ @
O Attachin and Removin LensesO
Removing the Front Body Cap
and Rear Cover Attaching the Lens Removingthe Lens.

Firstremovethe Front Body Cap in Line up red Lens AlignmentDot @ Whilepushinglens releasebutton@
the directionof the arrow,whilepush- againstredcameraAlignmentDot@ b a c k w a r d s ,t u r n l e n s c o u n t e r -
i n g t h e L e n s R e l e a s e B u t t o n@ and gently insertthe lens into the c l o c k w i s e .( S a m e p r o c e d u r ea s
backwardsas indicatedby arrow. c a m e r ab o d y .T h e n t u r n t h e l e n s removingbody cap).
Rear Body ProtectiveCovercan be clock wise, ?s indicatedby arrow,
readilyremovedby depressingthe untilit clicksinto place.Make sure
part of e as shown in the illustra- thatthe ApertureRingCouplerPin is
tion. engagedwith the ExposureMeter
C o u p l i n gP i n @ , w h i c h s t i c k so u t
underthe Mamiyanameplateof the

O Attachingand Removingthe Roll Film HolderO
Removing the Rear Body Cap Attaching the Roll Film Holder

rillil" \o


Rear Body ProtectiveCovercan be * Removethe Roll Film Holder 2. Whilekeepingthisalignment, press

readilyremovedby depressingthe Cover. the upperpartof the RollFilmHolder
partof e as shownin the illustration. 1.Whilespanning the RollFilmHolder againstthe camerabody,so that it
betweenyourthumband middlefin- c l i c k s i n t o p l a c e b y e n g a g i n gt h e
*After removing the rear cap, be ger, holdingit on the rubberizedfin- springloadedtwin cameracatch.
careful not to touch the shutter g e r r e s t s , c d r e uf l l y a l i g n i t s F i l m
blind. This can cause breakageof H o l d e rM o u n t i n gB r a c k e tw i t h t h e
shutter. corresponding centerclipof the cam-
era body.
O Attaching and Removingthe ViewfinderO

Removingthe Roll Film Holder Attaching the Finder. Removingthe Finder

1. Insertthe Darkslideintothe slot Liftthe UpperCoverfromthe camera S p a n n i n gt h e f i n d e rw r t hy o u r f i n -

markedby WhiteLineson the sideof body. gers,pushthe buttonon its rightside
the holder. Insertthe AttachingLatchesof the markedwith a downwardpointing
2 . P u s h t h e l o w e ro n e o f t h e F i l m finderintothe FinderCouplingPanel a r r o w t r @ , d o w n w a r d ,w h i l e
H o l d e r D e t a c h i n gL o c k R e l e a s e @ in the frontwallof the body.Press pushingthe otherbutton,on the left
Button@ downward,whilesimulta- the finderdown untilthe rear latch side tr @, inward.
n e o u s l yp u s h i n gt h e F i l m H o l d e r lockssecurelyin place.
DetachingButton@ inward.

* If the Dark Slide is not inserted,

the safety lock will prevent the
holder from being removed.

O Removingand Attachingthe Film AdvanceCrankO
Removingthe Crank Attaching the Crank

Pushthe lock Lever@ on its bottom With the flat part, having a White You may choosesix differentcrank
in a forwarddirectionas far as it will IndexLine,on top, linethe Crankup startingpositionsto suit your prefer-
go (seeillustration). againstits mountingplateon the side ence. The orientationof the crank
of the body and push FilmAdvance properagainstits base, beforeit is
Crank Lock Leverbackward. attachedto the camera,will be main-
tainedwhen the entireassemblyis
lockedinto place.
O Insertingthe BatteryO
The camerawill not function with-
out a battery

Withyourfingernail,pullthe Battery steepangleand then push entire
ChamberCoverlatch,oh the bottom batteryinto place,makingsure that
of the camerabody,as indicatedby the lift ribbonwraps aroundbattery.
the arrowin the illustration.Liftthe Closecoverby insertingtwin-prong
coveroff. The camerarequiresa 6V end firstand pushingit down.
alkaline,silveroxideor lithiumbat-
* Be particularlycareful not to let
tery. lt is a good ideato wipe the
the lift ribbon cover the O termi-
larity.€l positionis markedin battery
cavity. Insertthe e side first at a

O BatteryGheckO

Batterystrengthwill be indicated
1. The sealed,new batterywhich is
by whetherthe light:
suppliedwiththis cameramay have
been subjectto storageconditions G l o w s . . . .B a t t e r y s t r e n g t h i s
which have reducedits servicelife. sufficient.
Thereforeit is desirableto replaceit Blinks .... Batterycapacityhas
with a fresh batteryas soon as droppedbelowthe
possible. allowablelevel.
2. Carefullywipethe batterycontacts (Replacethe
beforeinsertinginto the chamber. battery.)
Failureto do so may resultin poor Does not light ...,.r.The camera
Press BatteryCheck Button"B.C." electricalcontactand consequent willnotwork. (Replace
@ on lowerfront of the camera. malfunctioning of the camera. the battery.)
BatteryCheckLamp@ on top oppo- 3. Always remove battery when
sitesideshouldlight.Brightlightindi- camerais notusedfor a while.Always
catesgood condition.Blinkinglight carry spare batteries.
m e a n s r e p l a c e b a t t e r y .N o l i g h t 4. Batterylife differs,dependingon
meansbatteryis dead or improperly Vpe, age,storagecondition,ambient
inserted. temperature,frequencyof use etc.
O ShutterReleaseSelectorO

When set to the yellowclocksymbol 3. After releasingthe shutter,the

U the self-timeris operative.See Film AdvanceCrankwill automati-
page 27 and 28 for furtherinstruc- callyunlockand be readyto advance
tions. t h ef i l m .

Operating the Shutter Release

1 . T h e S h u t t e rR e l e a s eB u t t o n@
functionsin two steps.Gentlepres-
sure will lightthe meteringinforma-
tiondisplayif the AE PrismFinderis
For normaloperationset the White used.Continuedpressurewillrelease
Dot of the ShutterReleaseSelector the electromagnetic shutter.
@ againstthe White SquareDot tr. 2. lf the film is not completelyad-
When set to the Red Dot O, the vanced,if the DarkSlideis not with-
ReleaseButtonis locked. drawn or if the batteryis dead, the
* Select this mode if the camera shutterwill not function,even when
will be idle for a period and to the Shutter ReleaseButton is
prevent accidental shutter release. pressed.This will also be the case if
Also when the Power Drive Grip is the ShutterSpeedDialis set to "A" or
used. "AEL"when the AE PrismFinderis
not attached.

O Shutter PerformanceTest O

H R'(r
1. Attachthe RollFilm Holderto the 3. Set the ShutterSpeedDialto any 4. Set the MultipleExposureLever
camerabody. otherpositionthan"A"or "AEL".When on the bodyto the "MULTI"position.
2. Pullout the DarkSlideand placeit the AE PrismFinderis not mounted
into its StorageSlot. on the camera,the shutterwill not
releaseif the ShutterSpeedDialis in
the "A" or "AEL"position.
The emptyfilmspoolincludedwith
the film holderis suppliedwith a
v i n y l t u b e . W h e n p l a c e di n t h e
take-upcompartmentit engages
t h e f i l m s e n s o ra n d m a k e s t h e
holderfunctionas if it is loaded
with film. Pleaseremovethe tube
O Before Film LoadingO
Film Speed (lSO) Dial Memo Clip


5. Set the ShutterReleaseSelector Eachfilm holderhas this important T h e M e m oC l i po n t h e b a c ko f t h e

to " E " (normalmode),and pressthe interfacesthe electronically Roll Film HolderCoveracceptsthe
ShutterReleaseButton. film holderwiththe AE PrismFinder, box top of the film cartonand can
6 . A f t e r t h e s h u t t e rh a s b e e n r e - the focal planeshutterand the lens also be usedfor otherreminders.
leased,advancethe Film Advance diaphragm,for exposure automation.
Crankone completerevolutionand Thiseliminates the needof havingto
the nextframewill be ready. manuallyresetthe meter,everytime
you changefilm holdersloadedwith
differentfilms.Thereforemake it a
routineto alwaysset this dialwiththe
speedof the loadedfilm.

Film Speed Index of film holder rso

25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400
( 3 2 ) ( 4 0( 6) 4 ) ( 8 0( 1) 2 5 ) ( 1 6( 02 )5 0 ) ( 3 2( 50 0) 0 ) ( 6 4( 10 0) 0 0 ) ( 1 2(5200)0 0 ) ( 2 5(0400)0 0 ) ( 5 0 0 0 )
O Film LoadingO

1 . W h i l e p u s h i n gt h e B a c k C o v e r 2. Whilesqueezingin on bothsides 3. Align the right-handside of this

Lock ReleaseButton@ downward, of the ReleaseLatch@, pullthe Roll empty spool with the lower Spool
pressthe Back CoverOpeningBut- FilmInsertout of the camerabody.At Stud@ (convex).Slidethe spoolinto
ton @, andthe BackCoverwillopen. that time, move the empty spool in positionmakingsure that the left-
the upperpart down to the lower side of the spoolis properlyheld by
spoodcompartment. the SpoolClip.

When you load film for the first

time, removeand discardthe
protectivepapercoverwhich is
attachedto the film rails in the
rollfilm holder.

4. In the samemanner,inserta rollof 6. Gentlyrotatethe take-upspoolas * 220 Film Loading Caution

f i l m i n t h e u p p e rc o m p a r t m e n tA. t shown in the photo until the start 220 films have two types of Start
that time,checkthat the film leader mark on the leaderpaperis aligned Mark Lines across the paper
paper is set as shown in the photo with the start mark (n) on the spool leader.Always use the second one,
above.(The leaderpaper insideis clip. a solid line with the legend "Start
facingoutwardon the pressureplate. Mark for standard cameras,,,
Notethatthe filmdirectionis wrongif * Correctly align the start marks
with each other, making sure that focated aboud 14cm (S 112"),
the leaderpaperis facinginward.) behind the first, dotted Mark line.
the film feeds properly. When im-
5. Pullout someof the leaderpaper. proper feeding occurs, the proper a
Insertthe tip of the leaderpaperinto number of exposures may not be a
the slot of the lowerTake-upSpool. taken. a
* Avoid exposing the film to di- o

rect sunlight when inserting or re-

moving film.
DO NOT use the dottedlinefor a
@ start mark.
O Advancingthe Filmto the First FrameO

7. Insertthe loadedRoll Film Insert 1.Whilespanning theRollFilmHolder Set the multipleexposureswitching

intothe holder,the film roll on top, b e t w e e ny o u r t h u m b a n d m i d d l e leverA to the whitesquaremark E
whilesqueezingon bothsidesof the finger,holdingit on the rubberized (normalmode).
ReleaseLatch @ as shown in fingerrests,carefullyalign its Film
Make sure that is been Holder MountingBracketwith the
properlyseatedand is lockedin place. c o r r e s p o n d i n gc e n t e r c l i p o f t h e
Then closecoverby firmlypressing camerabody.
its top againstthe Roll Film Holder. 2. Whilekeepingthisalignment, press
the upperpartof the RollFilmHolder
* to close the Back Cover, firmly againstthe camerabody,so that it
press the top of the back cover on
c l i c k s i n t o p l a c e b y e n g a g i n gt h e
both sides.
springloadedtwin cameracatch.
O ShutterSpeedSettingsO

The yellow2 and4 arefull seconds.

"B" (shutterstaysopen as long as it
is depressed)is also yellow.
4. Red60 is 1/60sec. lt is coloredred
to remindyou that it is the fastest
speed useablewith electronicflash.
5. Note:Whena MetzElectronic Flash
Unit,to getherwithSCA 396 module,
is attachedto the camera,the camera
sets itselfautomatically to 1/60sec.,
irrespectiveof the dial setting.
3. Windup. How to set the Shutter Speed Dial
W i n d u p t h e c r a n k h a n d l eu n t i l i t * When manually selected shutter
1 . S e t t h e d e s i r e d s h u t t e rs p e e d
stops.In the filmcounterwindow,the speeds are set on the shutter speed
againstthe whiteindexline(A)on the
number1 appears,and the film and dial, the intermediate shutter
shutterare set. speeds available in the AE
2. Al the red "A' (for Automatic)and
AEL (for AutomaticLock) settings, operation are not obtainable.
t h e s h u t t e rs p e e d d i a l i s l o c k e d
betweenthesetwo positions.These
settingswill only functionif an AE
Finderis mountedon the camera.To
t u r n i n gd i a l .
3. All while numbersare fractional
seconds.(1.e.30 =1/30sec).

O ApertureRing/Stop-downOperationO

* When the AE Finder is used, be

sure to return the A/M lever to "A"
(Auto), after having checked the
effect of the manually set aperture.
T E/ r o o ' o * . f i The AE finder measures the
80mm zz'a6 zz required exposure through the
28 4 56 8 11 1622 lens at maximum apertureand will
give false results if lever is left in

Set the desiredf/stopon the Aper- The effect the set f/stop will have
tureRing@ by aligningthe f/number upon the picture area can be con-
with the red referencedot @ in the firmedon the FinderScreen.
centerof the ScaleRing.The Aper- Move the AM Lever on the lens so
ture Ring has a clickstop for each f/ that I'M"becomesvisible- the lens
stop. In-betweensettingscan also then can be stoppeddown to the
be used. preselectedaperture.
t FocusingI
the Standard Focusing Screen N Type E
Whilelookingthroughthe viewfinder,
turnthe lensFocusingRinguntilthe
most impoftantsubjectpartappears
sharpand clear.

1. The cameracomesequippedwith 3. The restof the groundglassarea

a bright,Type E, Rangefinder/Micro- can also be usedfor focusing. featuresa
* InterchangeableFocusing
center,split-image rangefinder spot
a n d t h e s u b j e c ti s i n s h a r p f o c u s Thereare five additionalfocusing
whenthe splitimagescombineinto
screens availablefor specialized
one. a p p l i c a t i o n s .T h e y a r e e a s y t o
I 2 . T h e m i c r o p r i s mr i n g a r o u n dt h e i n t e r c h a n g ea n d c o m e w i t h i n -
split-image centerfurtherfacilitates
focusing. The microprisms disappear
o n l y w h e n t h e s u b j e c ti s i n s h a r p

O Depth of Field O

Reading the Depth of Field Scale

Depthof field is definedas the zone
of sharpnessbeforeand behindthe
planeof dependson camera
subjecVdistance, focallengthof lens,
apefturesettingand distancethe lens I IililIlltr I
is focusedat. 22 808 22

11 16 22
In addtionto visualobservation, the For example,with the 80mmtl2.8N
Depthof Fieldcan be determinedby lensfocusedat 3m and the apefture
using the Depth of Field Scale on set at t122,the depth of field scale
each lens.f/stopnumbersappearon indicatesthatthe zoneof sharpfocus
boththe rightand leftside of the red will extendfrom about2m to 6m.
indexmark in the centerof the scale
ring.Simplyreadthe figureswhich
appearabovethe f/stopnumberson
the distancescaleof the lens.
O FilmAdvanceand UnloadingExposedFilm O
Film Advance Unloading Exposed Film
*Move the empty spool from the
top to the lower (take-up)
compartment, ready for loading
the next film roll.
*Never load, unload or handlefilm
in direct sunlight.

1 . G i v i n gt h e F i l m A d v a n c eC r a n k 3. Openthe BackCover,and remove

one completeturn,willcockthe shut- the Roll Film Insert.The Exposure
ter and mirrorand readythe camera Counterwill returnto S (start)
for the next exposure. automatically.
2. When the film is completelyex- 4. Pullthe SpoolClipon the rollfilm
posed(15 exposureson 120,30 on insertout to removethe film.
220 film),the crank stop will disen- 5. Removethe film from the rollfilm
gage.Continueturninguntilthe pa- insert;makesurethatthe film on the
per traileris completelywoundonto r o l l d o e s n o t l o o s e f l ,a n d s e a l
the take-upspool.(Aboutfive turns immediately.
afterthe last exposure.)

O Using the Self-Timer/Delayed
Shutter ReleaseO

* After using the self-timer mode,

I I AAqn be sure to return the Shutter Re- ,
leaseSelectorto the White Square.
(Normal mode.)
* To override the self-timer, after
having pressed the release, move
the selector back to the white
* The Self-Timercan also be over-
ridden by inserting the Dark Slide
into the Film Holder or setting the
To use the Self-Timer,set the Shut- The BatteryCheckLampwill lightfor camera Shutter Speed Dial to "B".
ter ReleaseSelectorto U and press 8 secondsand blink tor 2 seconds,
the ShutterReleaseButton. whereuponthe shutterwill go off. Please note:
lf you want to use the self-timer
with the shutterspeed dial set at
"A" or "AEL"and there is no AE
Finderattachedto the camera,it
will not releasethe shuttereven
t h o u g ht h e l i g h tg o e s o n f o r 1 0
seconds.However,when the dial
is set to manualspeeds,the self-
O Time ExposuresO O MultipleExposuresO

V \=---


For time exposuresset the Shutter * '3B"can be terminated by shift- Aligningthe whitedot of the Multiple
ReleaseSelectorto U, the self-timer ing the Shutter ReleaseSelector E x p o s u r eL e v e r w i t h t h e y e l l o w
mode, and set the ShutterSpeed from D or the Shutter Speed Dial "MULTl"square,disengages the mul-
Dialto "8". Pressthe shutterrelease from "8". tiple exposurepreventionmecha-
and both mirrorand shutterwill stay nism,and the film will not advance
o p e n u n t i l t h e s h u t t e r r e l e a s ei s after an exposureis made and the
pressedagain.You may also use a FilmAdvanceCrankis turned.
cablereleasetogetherwiththe cable However,the shutterwillbe recocked,
releaseadapter. (ffre batterycircuit t h u s m a k i n g m u l t i p l ee x p o s u r e s
will automaticallyswitchoff to save possible.In this modethe Exposure
power.) Counterwill not advance.

O MirrorLock-upPhotographyO
* To override the multiple expo- * When using the AE Prism
I lll\ov--Ill &
sure mode or to return to normal
I ttF:ilitl Finder, set the Shutter Speed Dial
operation, be sure to return the | ........_ \ t__
to " A E L" . P ress the shutter re-
lever'sWhite Dot againstthe white
|\ i'
lease halfway and then lock the i
square and then advance the film. mi rror up. l f set to " A " and the
(lf you forget you will continue to
make multiple exposures on the
@ mi rror i s l ocked up, " LT" (l ong
time) will appear in the finder dis-

same frame.) @ err"m@rL play and correct exposure cannot

be obtained.
* When using a Leaf Shutter Lens,
be sure to read the instructions
This is an impoftantfeaturewhenthe accompanyingit.
tri p o d m o u n te dc a mera i s used at
s l o w o r l o n g e x p osureti mes and
p a rti c u l a rl ya l s o wi th use of l ong
te l e p h o tol e n s e s .l t el i mi natesthe
possibility of eventhe slightest"mir-
ror bounce"which may affectimage
Movethe Mirrorlook-upLeverto the
yellow"M.UP"square,afteryou have
composedand focusedyour picture.
T h i s w i l l r a i s e t h e m i r r o ra n d t h e
viewfinder imagewillbe blackedout.

,:u,&rd**Mi!&;:;;'* I j:";rL;ir
i* O InfraredPhotographyO O Usinga TripodO

l Infraredlightrays- beingof longer / r[]rujvruj[yj [yjgtt_gL ujt

wavelength- focusat a slightlydif-
ferentplaneand requirethe follow-
ing adjustment: f to slc [l !
1. Notethe Red IndexMarkagainst
whichyou readyour distancescale. ruITTI--
The red infraredindexmarkis slightly 22 8o8 22
to its right.
2. Afterfocusingin the usualmanner,
readthe distancescale and move it
4 5.6 g 11 162
to the rightto lineup withthe infrared
indexmark. The 300mmand 500mmAPO lenses T h e M a m i y a6 4 5 P R O T L T r i p o d
for Mamiya645cameras,beingalso Socketacceptsa standard1/4"tripod
correctedfor infraredlight rays,do mountingscrew.For usewithtripods
not needan indexmarkfor infrared. havi ng3/8" mounti ngscrew s,fi rst
unscrewthe smallblackphilipshead
* For proper filter and exposure
retainingscrew in the centerof the
information be sure to consult the
tripodsocket.Then removelhe 114"
instructions enclosed with infra-
bushingwitha thincoin.To re-install
red film.
lhe 114"bushing,reversethe proc-

'..2* . ,:4,,.:,,,:r,rsr.:l*l;itLikfsa.l: ,'r;;r'icr',,
O FlashPhotographyO

In additionto its standardflashsync system,the Mamiya

645 PRO TL featuresTTL (throughthe lens),off the film
(OTF),el ectroni cfl ash exposureautomati on.A fl ash
sensorlocatedinsidethe camerabody readsthe flash
reflectedfromthe filmsurfaceat the momentof exposure.
The sensori s connectedvi a coi l cordsto a dedi cated
el ectroni cMetz S C A 396 thyri stormodul e,w hi ch i s
attachedto the flashshoeof the camera.The modulehas
an ISOdialon whichthe speedof the film in use is set.The
flashexposureand automatically adjuststhe outputof the
f l a s h . l t a l s o a u t o m a t i c a l l yc o r r e c t s f o r e x p o s u r e
compensation ordinarilyrequiredwhenusingfilters,close-
up bel l ow sor extensi ontubes. H ow ever,as al l TTL
systems,it requiresmanualcompensation for differences
in film surfacereflectioncharacteristics. Compensationis
made by adjustingthe film speedselectorsettingon SCA
396 module.The amountof compensation is determined
by experimentation.

Read Operating lnstructions which are supplied with
flash unit before use.
Always turn off camera's power switch when attaching
or removing flash units.

Attaching Metz Flash Units

Metz flash 60CT-4l45CL-4 Metz shoe mount flash type Metz flash 50MZ-5
V a r i o u so p t i o n a la c c e s s o r i e sa r e This tableshowsaccessoriesrequiredwith variousMetz FlashUunits
neededto attachdifferentMetzFlash
Metz FlashUnits SCA396
@ SCA300
@ Bracket
nn+Ot@ Double
Unitsto the Mamiya645 TL AD402@

Shoe 60cr-4 Yes No No No

mount 50MZ-5 Yes Yes No Yes
flash 45CL-4 Yes No No No
40MZ-3 Yes No No No
40MZ-2 Yes No No No

f lash 3ZMZ-3 Yes No No No

322-2 Yes No No No

TTL Flash Photographywith Metz Flash Units
apertureselectedis not withinthe
exposure/distancerangeof the flash.
In this case,selecta wideraperture
setting.When using flash at
maximumdistance,which requires
thefullpowerof theflashunit,recyling
t i m e w i l l b e l o n g e r .W a i t f o r t h e
readylightto go on beforefiringthe
with TTL FlashAutomation.
1 . A t t a c ha M e t z f l a s h u n i t w h i c h finder.Whenthe SCA396moduleis BecauseTTL Flashautomationreads
featuresTTL functionto the camera. the light reflectingoff the subject,
connected,the camera'sfocalplane
Attachthe SCA396 moduleto the exposuremay requiremanual
shutterwill automatically set at 1160
c a m e r a ' sf l a s h s h o e . C o n n e c tt h e adjusmentin cases where subject
sec, and ignorethe settingson the
module'scoiledcablesto the camera and backgroundare predominantly
shutterspeed dial between1/60 to
w h i t eo r b l a c k ( e . g .b r i d e i n w h i t e
and the flashunit. 1/1000,including A andAEL.Slower
d r e s s a g a i n s tw h i t e b a c k g r o u n d ;
Setthefilmspeeddialon the SCA3go s h u t t e rs p e e d s e t t i n g s ,h o w e v e r ,
bridegroomin tuxedoagainstdark
moduleto the ISO ratingfor the film (1/30to 4 sec.)are not affectedand
background.) In theseinstances, the
i n u s e . T h e r a n g eo f I S O i s 2 5 t o will allow flash synchronizalion.
resultingTTL exposurewilleitherbe
1250. 4. Set lens to the desiredf/stopand
under-exposed or over-exposed. For
2. Movethe flashunit'spowerswitch shoot.After the exposureis made, suchsituations, adjustmentof about
to ON and the modeselectorto TTL. t h e i l l u m i n a t e dg r e e n + b l i n k s , 1 to 1112f/stops,plus
or minus,may
3. Turnthe camera'sshutterrelease confirmingproperflashexposure.lf be requiredthroughexperimentation.
s e l e c t o rs w i t c h t o O N . W h e n t h e the illuminated greenl doesnotblink Alternatively,
a f t e r e
a hand held incident
chargecycle is completedyou will p o s u r e ,i t i s p o s s i b l et h a t flashmeterreadingwillshowproper
see an illuminated green7 readylight exposurein thesecases.
in the middleof the rightsideof the @
Photographywith Non-TTLFlash Units
1 . W h e n u s i n ga n e l e c t r o n i fcl a s h , * Do not use a flash unit
<Caution> p l u g t h e s y n c h r o n i z a t i ocno r d i n t o specifically dedicatedfor another
When using the Hot-shoe, the SyncTeminaland set the Shutter camera. lt may damage your 645
be sure to put an appropriate SpeedDialto 1/60sec. or slower. PRO.
Safety Cover over the X-sync * lf you use a flash unit whose
terminalso that you won't * The Mamiya645 PRO has an X- flash duration is slower than 1l
receive a high voltage sync terminal. 1000 sec., set the shutter speed
electricshock if the terminal dial to 1/30sec. or slower.
is accidentallytouched. (A Attacha shoe-mountflashto the hot-
Safety Gover is put on the X- shoe of the cameraor the Left Hand
sync terminal when the GripG1401(optional).
camera leaves the factory.)

Flash synch ronization Chart

Sync. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Terminal 1 2 4 8
1000 500 250 125 60 30 1 5 8 4 2
X Cannotbe used Electronicflash

@ Holding the CameraSteady and Securelyffi
Eye-levelOperation Waist Level Operation

H o l d t h e c a m e r aa s s h o w n i n t h e For waistleveloperation,it is desir- * Handholdingthe camerais even

illustration, with its base restingon ableto havethe NeckStrapattached easierusing the Power Drive Grip
y o u r l e f t h a n d ,t h e r i g h th a n ds u p - a n d a d j u s t e df o r y o u r s i z e .D u r i n g WG401or Left Hand Grip GL401.
portingit fromthe sideandtop.Press exposurekeep it taut and pressthe
bothelbowsagainstyour body and camerafirmlyagainstyour body.
activatethe shutter releasewith a
S Attaching and Removing the Neck Strap ffi

Attaching the Strap to the Camera

1 . W h i l ep u s h i n gd o w n ,p u l lo u t t h e 2. Placethe holeof the strapfastener Withyourfingers,pullthe NeckStrap

NeckStrapFastener@ of the attach- @ overthe Neck Strapon the cam- Fastener@ of the attachingclip up-
i n gc l i p . era bodyas illustrated, and pull until wardand pushpart@ in the direction
it clicksand locksintoplace. of the arrow.The strap can now be
* When attachingthe Strap to the
Neck Strap Lug on the side of the
camera with the Film Advance
Crank, insert the neck strap fas-
tener @ into the lower part of the
double slot.

O BasicAccessoriesO

The AE Prism Finder FE401 AE Reflex Finder FK4O2

The MamiyaAE (AutomaticExposure)Prism Finder This aperturepriority,Kepleriantype, automatic(AE)
FE401pentaprismguaranteesa true,uprightimageand reflexfinderfeaturesTTL autoor manualexposurewith
featuresbuilt-inelectronicshuttercontrolwhichensures offers upright,eyelevel
TTL automaticexposuremeteringwhile viewingwith unreversedimage.
in the A or AEL mode. Exposureis indicatedby red and greenLEDs.A built-in
<3-WayMeteringSystem> adjustabledioptereyepiececan be set from +l-S for
The FE401comeswith threemeteringmodes:average viewingconvenience withouteyeglasses.
metering(AV),spotmetering(SP),and AV-SPmetering
capableof automatically Power Drive Grip WG 402
selectingAV or SP accordingto
subjectconditions. This simplified,
compact,lightweight grip usesone 6 V.
The LED displayin the viewfinderindicatescorrect has a shutterreleasewith lock and
exposure. offerssingleframe exposuremode.
lf you forgetto extractthe Dark Slidewhen the finderis
beingused with the 645 PRO TL, an LED will flasha
Power Drive Grip WG401
The motorizedfilm transportmechanismis placedin an
ergonomically designedhandgripfor speedy(2 f .p.s)
andcontinuous shooting.Featuresincludecablerelease
socket,shutterreleaselock,multi-exposure switch,first
frame advance,batterycheck, and power connector
socketfor leafshutterlenses.Uses6 AA 1.5 V. batteries.
Roll Film Holders Interchangeable Lenses

120 Roll Film Holder HA401 Wide-angleLenses : 3 5 m mf / 3 . 5 N 4, 5 m m f l 2 . 8 N ,

220 Roll Film Holder H8401 55mmf/2.8N
135 Roll Film Holder HC401 Telephopto Lenses : 1 5 0 m mf / 3 . 5 N4, 1 5 0 m m
(withPanoramicAdapter) t 1 2 . 8 , 2 1 O mfm/4N
Polaroid Land Pack Film Holder HP401 ULD300mmf/5.6N,A200mm
t12.8APO, A300mm
t|4.5 APO/500mmf/5.6
Standard Lenses : 8 0 m m f l 1 . 9 N8, 0 m mf / 2 . 8 N ,
Zoom Lenses : Zoom 55 - 110mm tl4.5N,
Metz TTL Flash Unit Zoom ULD105- 210mm
Special Effect Lenses : Fish-eyeULD24mmfl4,Shift
Shoe Mount FlashBracketAD401 50mmfl4,Macro80mmf/4N
Leaf Shutter Lenses : A55mmtl2.8N/L, A80mm
tl2.8Nll, 41 50mm f/3.8N/L
Tele-Converter : 2 x Tele-Converter

& SystemChart ffi

FE401 Prism Finder FP401 AE FinderFK402 Waist Level Finder N

120 Roll Film Holder HA401

I o elth
l"[r-rI il
Enlt ll L\
Film Advance
Elu- a Crank AC401 SCA396Adapter
220 Roll Film Holder H8401

I o ;-@-Er
Power Drive
J'[r-]l/ Grip WG401

f--ln l ! . + l! I
135 Roll Film Holder HC401

t-- o crF,

l"[-rrtll/ Power Drive

Grip WG402 t"''Hiltdapter Metz Flash
M-etz Flash Unit Unit

Polaroide Pack Film Holder Handle Mount Flash Shoe Mount
HP4O1 o60CT-4 Flash
o50M Z - 5 o40MZ-3
o45CL-4 o j\llZ-2
o32lllZ-3 o32\AZ-2

O TroubleShootingO

* lf the camera should fail to function properly, 2 . The finderis blackor verydark.
pleasecheck the following: Has the Lens Cap been removed?
ls the Mirror-upLeverin the "M.UP"position?
1. The ShutterReleaseButtoncannotbe depressed.
lf so, turn the leverto the WhiteSquare.
Pushthe BatteryCheck Button. ((M"
ls the "AM" settingon the lens at (Depthof
lf the lamp does not light,check: FieldPreview)?
ls a Batteryin the camera? lf so, move it to "A".
lf yes, is it correctlyinserted?(Polarity)
3. The RollFilmHoldercannotbe removedfromthe
ls it dead?
lf the lampdoes light,check: Insertthe DarkSlide.
Has the FilmHolderDarkSlidebeenpulled?
4 . The developedfilm hasfewerexposuresthanspeci-
ls the ShutterReleaseSelectorin the locked
fi e d .
(Red Dot) position?
Most likelythe Start Mark had not been aligned
lf so, move it to the WhiteSquareand try again.
properlywhen the film was loaded.(See load
ls the Shutte:'SpeedDial in the "A" or "AEL"
ing instructionspage20 )
lf so, turn to othersettingand try again. 5 . The FilmAdvanceCrankcontinuesto turnand does
not stop.
Was the Roll Film Insertplacedin the Roll Film
Was the emptyfim spool left in the upper

ffi Mamiya 645 PRO TL Specifications ffi

Cameratype 6X4.Scmelectronically

Actual negative size 5 6 m mX 4 1 . S m m

1 2 0 r o l lf i l m( 1 5 e x p o s u r e s )
Film type
22Orollfilm (30 exposures)
Polaroidpackfilm (Polaroid100,600 series)
135 rollfilm in film cartridge
Film loading Daylightloading- interchangeable film holderswithfilm speeddial
Standard lenses Mamiya-Sekor
C 80mmf/2.8N
C 80mmf/1.9N
Lens mount M645bayonetmount(applicable
to all M645 lenses)
Shutter Movingcoil,electroniccontrolledfocal-plane
Shutter speed (Manual)4 sec. -111000 sec.,B (T)
(Auto)8 sec. - 111000 sec. (Whenthe AE Finderis used.)
Shutter release Electromagneticrelease.
Selectablereleaselockor self-timermode.
Mirror Instantreturn,frontcoatedmirror,with mirrorlock-upcapability.
Viewfinder (WaistLevelFinderN, PrismFinderFP401,AE PrismFinderFE401and AE FinderFK402)
Focusing screen Standard:Rangefinder with FresnelLens,accessory
Spot/Microprism screensavailable.
(Sameas the M645Super)
Field of view 94%
S i n g l et u r nw i n d i n gb y F i l mA d v a n c eC r a n kA C 4 0 1 .
Film transport
Variablecrankstartposition(6 positions).
Interchangeable (PowerDriveGripWG401and PowerDriveGripWG402).
Progressivetype, automaticreset.
The counterfor 120 and 220 tilm will be automatic.
Multiple exposure Activatedby the MultipleExposureLever.
Depth-of-field Depth- of- field Scale pr ovided on lens.

Self-timer for 2 seconds,beforeshutterreleases.

ElectronicLED display:Lightsfor 8 seconds,flashes
Has manualoverride.
Auxiliary shutter release AcceptsRemoteControland Electronic CableReleases.
Battery check The BatteryCheck Button,indicatesresidualbatterycapacityin 3 stages.

Time exposure Time (T) photography

can be taken.
Synchronization X terminalplus hot shoe,Flashsynchronization
at 1/60sec. or slowerspeeds.
Back cover DarkSlideStorage,MemoClip.
Power supply 6V battery x 1 (4SR44 silver-oxidebattery,4LR44 alkaline-manganesebattery or 2CR 1/3 lithium baftery)

Others With Neck-strap,Battery, Front cap of body, Rear cap of body, Upper cap of body, Synchro-capand SCA396
Dimensions and Weight Body. holder(HA401) 124mm(W)X 103mm(H)X 124mm(D)970g (excluding
AE finder(FE401)with 172mm(W X 135mm(H)X 170mm(D)1,8059(with80mmF2.8lens)
O Things to Watcht

* When using the AE Prism Finder FE401

When usingthis finderit is imperativethat the Film
SpeedDialon the Roll Film Holderis properlyset for
the ISO numberof the loadedfilm,€tsit interfaceswith
this finder.lf not done,wrong exposuresmay result.

* When the mirror is locked in the up position.

The FocalPlaneShutterCurtainmay be damagedif
the camerafacesstronglightsources,especiallythe
sun. Returnmirrorto normalpositionor use lenscap
to preventsuch damage.
O CommonSenseCameraCareand PracticeO

* Do not storecameraat temperaturesexceeding40"C

Your Mamiya645 PRO TL is a precisionmechanical-
optical-electronic instrument,builtfor heavyand reliable (105'F)and-10'C (15"F)andprotectitagainsthumid
professional will rewardyou witha longservicelife or sea air environment.
Pleaseobservethese * Periodicallyexerciseyour camera and lenses by
if properlytreatedand maintained.
commonsenserules: makingblindexposuresat variousshutterspeeds.
* Readinstructions beforeusingcamera. Alsomovethe diaphragmringandfocusingmountsof
* P r o t e c tc a m e r a a g a i n s t s h o c k s a n d f a l l s . U s e all lensesrepeatedly.
neckstrapsuppliedwith it, wheneverpossible.
* Protectcameraagainstrain and moisture.lf it gets Battery Advice :
. The batterysuppliedwith the cameraby the factory
wet, wipe it with a soft,clean cloth.
* Do not touchlensor mirrorsurfaces.To removedust may have been subjectto storageconditionswhich
have reducedits servicelife.Checkit beforeuse and
use air bloweror lenstissue.To removefingerprints
always carryspare batteries.
use lenstissueand lenscleaningfluidif necessary. * Be sureto wipe batterycontactsbeforeinsertingit, in
* Do not touch gold platedcontactson camerabody,
orderto insurepropercontact.
lenses,rollfilmholdersand AE Finders.lf necessary, * Be sure to observeproperpolarity.(Match+poleof
wipe them with a clean,dry cloth.
* Operatethe film advanceleverwith even,measured batterywith +mark in batterychamber.)
* Batterylifevaries,dependingon make,frequencyof
strokes,to assureproperspacing.
* Alwaystestyourequipmentbeforegoingon important use,age,storageconditionand ambienttemperature.
(Place battery in ExternalBatteryCase accessory
w h i c h y o u w e a r i n s i d e y o ur c l o t h i n g ,w h e n
photographing in cold climates)
Storage * Always removethe batterywhen camerais not used
* When storingcamera:
for longerthan a few weeksand storeit in a cool,dry
Turn shutterreleaseselectordial to the red dot. (Off
Leaveshutterand mirrorin uncockedposition.
The same appliesto leafshutterlenses @
Special Advice To Professional Photographers
Y o u r M a m i y a 6 4 5 P R O T L i s d e s i g n e df o r h e a v y
professional use and will give you a long servicelife if
properlymaintained.Your camera and lenses have
manymovingpaftswhichrequireperiodiclubrication. lts
electroniccomponents, too,are subjectto wearand tear
and are affectedby ambientconditionslike dust, sand,
sea air, heatand moisture.

lf camerashad odometerslikeautomobiles,it wouldbe

easierto specifyservicingschedules.May we suggest
that if you shootthousandsof film rollsperyear,you send
your equipmentannuallyfor servicingby the Mamiya
distributorin your country.

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