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In most cases repeated division seems to take

1895-1899, after which there was a steady rise in numbers.

personeity), was universal; everything was somebody, alive,

the Dutch made their first treaty with the Iroquois. In 1624


secretary'' to the American commissioners in the negotiation

with precious stones which became the great characteristic

down, although the mouth does not open until the close of this

Biblical references in Exodus vii. 10 and Numbers xvii. 8).

AFRIDI, a Pathan tribe inhabiting the mountains on the

when the gun is fired. For this purpose the charges in such

in five counties of Alabama, 277%. Irish and sweet potatoes

and the specific gravity 2.63. The colour is usually pure

25 Cf. Rhys, Outlines of Manx Phonology, p. 73 (publications

Maha-yana (great Vehicle) there was eventually developed a

Pindar, Nemea, iv. 54, v. 26). He was a great friend of Jason,

proved perfectly successful. The caliph, perceiving his

Brahmins, Dindimus, both of which are often contained in

in any other state into which the parties may remove. The

were claimed not only for the property destroyed by the

for that reason they readily became the tools of the pylagori,

proxies, &c. Complaints of encroachment of jurisdiction by the

of the committee written by Thomas Jefferson, it was John

Voyage of Germanicus (A.D. 16) through the river Ems to the

cit. v. 6) shows that there was not sufficient distinction

Passo di Cercen (gal di Genova to Fucine), snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,984

Effects of custom on artistic preference.

associateship only, the number, six, being in addition to

and companies; they prepare accounts for prosecutions in cases

in Upper India upon a foundation of fine sand; it is about

are held to be subjects of that country; that those of a

itself; thus if the working wire is of platinoid it must

been replaced by ware of one general type both of fabric

A collection of scholia on Horace, originally anonymous in

nor if it did, would it continue long so to do, as the sounds

Glass with weaker dispersive power (greater v) is named

17. The Dolomites of South Tirol (from the Brenner Pass to the

charged with murder, had fled from Sweden. This occurred in

and experiences of different persons. This general agreement

disposition in Great Britain to allow the Bahr-el-Ghazal to fall

rest being in Canada. Of the Algonquins proper there remain

(Stockholm, 1883); F. T. Kutzing, Tabulae Phycologicae (19

mounds limestone and alabaster are the chief material.

calcification. It used to be believed that this disease was

to Democritus (such false attributions are a constant feature

the interior in the direction of Ipek was governed by the

work, both being combined with brain work. And in order

Charles Frederick; his mother was Albertina Frederica of

be a single fine wire or a bundle of fine wires. In ammeters

January 1895) Mangasha was met and heavily defeated by

of underground chambers for wild beasts, combatants, &c.

graduated at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University)

heat. Perhaps their dominant note is reality, and, sad reading

in Sogdiana and on the Oxus in five hordes. Near the

useful in other connexions, and were far on the way to a

those which were the fruit of deliberation. His works,

letters. Of Alcott's published works the most important is

in turn rose to meet the need of publicity. At first the

metallic, no transfer of matter attending the passage of the

and probably preserved in suspended animation by the survival

the French commander, Cozi Nikolo, and was closely investing

supposed to be of Phoenician origin (from adon--``lord''),

and Nehemiah which bear his name are really those of Moses

the book, however, in all respects favours Luke, who was of

is not abandoned by the father until all the young are liberated,

upper Nile valley as in the British sphere of influence.

the armies of the west began to move down that river under

to the literary and social conditions of the time, and are

unguibus vindicata, aucta et agnita ab Aithore, Gulielmo,

Ireland in 1886, governor-general of Canada 1893--1898,

is capable of receiving a small bursting charge of about

composition of the mixture. It is evident that every mixture

ANALCITE, a commonly occurring mineral of the zeolite

little importance to the immediate gratification which a

of the cereals is, however, sold off the farm; but perhaps

to certain herbs, and has been retained in modern botany

composed of high officials and private personages who should

Cothen (8 m.). Pop. (1900) 7358. It has manufactures of

and the sources for the Fourth Crusade (see CRUSADES). (J. B. B.)

small shrines, however, and temene (religious enclosures,

Star-Spangled Banner" (1813), by Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) of

(In the alternative British capitalists interested in the

idea of transmutation did originate in Egypt with the Greeks of

than in the case of ether, but if they do occur they last

was full of promise), and several others, whose names will

Italy and those on the western side towards France. The

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