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The DPR is a production reference book for DECATHLON standards

of Heavy Stitching products

-For every updated version, a new copy will be released to SUPPLIER.

-The latest version becomes the only reference for development &
DPR production of Heavy Stitching products.
-This book and its appendices must be signed and validated by each of
SUPPLIER subcontractors.
-All pages concerning SUPPLIER must be signed with one’s initials. Other
Decathlon pages must be commented or cancelled.
-One validated copy must be kept in SUPPLIER factory on production
Production line.
-Inspection procedure is set up by DECATHLON to ensure the compliance
Requirements of these specifications by SUPPLIER.

Supplier name : Signature

Décathlon PTM : Signature

Date :
DPR If it emerges that SUPPLIER has restrictions or comments on one or more standards listed in the DPR book, SUPPLIER
Production agrees to notify to DECATHLON the following:
Requirements • References of concerned DPR
• Substitution standard proposed
•Actions & date on which process improvement are planned Agreement is then to be signed

List of comments to the requirements of this DPR book:

DPR 2.01.11D : derogation for 2022 : Wood pallets are forbidden only for film fabric.
DPR 2.0.13B : derogation for 2022 : C point is only for component supplier.
DPR 4.0.26C : derogation for 2022 : E point is only for film fabric
DPR 4.0.34B : derogation for 2022 : E point is only for film fabric

Supplier Décathlon Date :

name : PTM :
Signature : Signature :
DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

0.0.00 / GENERAL
0.0.01 Minimum factory opening requirements Updated
0.0.02 Availability of Decathlon Production Requirements
Minimum requirements for factory opening 0.0.01 C

To ensure that the collaboration with this factory is possible.

- Factory must be
separated in different
• Cutting area
• Assembling area
• Stock

- A similar process must

be already running with
active workers.

- Industrial tooling and

equipment must be in
the right workshop
(ex: cutting machine in
the cutting area, stitching
in assembling)
Availability of Decathlon Production Requirements 0.0.02 A

To ensure workers have easy access to production requirement


- Production requirement must

be clearly visible to all and
displayed for each area &

- Production requirement must

be translated in local

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS


1.0.04 General Requirement Updated

1.0.05 Equipment Updated
1.0.06 Team organization

1.0.07 Tools : pattern software

1.0.08 Tools : consumption

1.0.09 Tools : SAM Updated

1.0.10 General requirements New
Sample room - General requirement 1.0.04 C

To ensure efficient communication between development team and production team

- There is a sample
room in another city.

- Physical meeting
should be organized
between sample
room people and
production team.

- The sample room is

inside the factory.

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Sample room - Equipment 1.0.05 C

To ensure supplier can produce development made in sample room

-All cpt must be

identified with supplier
/ reference / color /
dyeing lot (if
necessary) /quantity

-All FG sample
planning is displayed
in sample room and

- The machines in the

sample room must be
the same as in

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Sample room - Team 1.0.06 B

To ease the communication for development

- Our technical file and

design must be understood.

- There must be a pattern

maker and sample maker
with know how for simple

- Sampling organisation
chart must exists.

- Our technical file and

design are available in local
language in the workshop.

- There must be a designer.

- English must be spoken

and understood properly in
the sample room , not only
the manager.
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Sample room - Pattern software 1.0.07B

To ensure pattern is made in an efficient way and supplier can read our file

- The supplier use a software

to make pattern (no hand

- The supplier must be able to

print all patterns in right size.

- The supplier must open

decathlon pattern with this
kind of format: see the

- The supplier software must

not modify:
• shape of pattern
• notches
• grain lines
• curves lines
• seam allowance
• gradation(lines without
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Sample room - Consumption 1.0.08 C

To ensure consumption is optimised

- The supplier use a

software for
consumption calculation.

- The supplier must

respect the cutting

- The supplier is able to

communicate to DKL
about cutting policy
(which tool for which
piece size)
- The supplier feedbacks
to decathlon
modifications to apply on
pattern in order to
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decrease consumption.
Sample room - SAM 1.0.09 B

To ensure time in CBD is reliable, optimized, and precise

- The SAM calculation

is made by stop

- The SAM calculation

is made based on a

- The SAM calculation

is made on PACE

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Sample room - General requirement 1.0.10 A

To ensure sample quality

-Sample relay has debrief of

control procedure for the

-Sample perimeter of machine/

pressing, etc) could be traced

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

2.0.00 / STORAGE

2.0.01 Component roll transportation Updated

2.0.02 Clean storage Updated
2.0.03 Inspection of film & fabric
2.0.09 Zipper chain and slider storage

2.0.11 Storage condition 1/2 Updated

2.0.12 Storage condition 2/2 Updated
2.0.13 Laminated and coated fabrics storage Updated
2.0.14 Accessory storage

2.0.23 Storage First In First Out policy

2.0.31 Incoming control on accessories

2.0.34 Storage condition

Component Rolls Transportation 2.0.01 C

To ensure the materials are not damaged.

- Each component rolls

must be protected against
shocks and damages with
plastic bags.

-Pallets must be used for

material transportation.

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Clean storage 2.0.02 C

To avoid damages or marks.

- Component & Tools must

be stored in a clean area.

-Component must be
packed well during

- Component must not be

stored directly on the floor.

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Inspection of film and fabric 2.0.03 B

To ensure defects detection.

- SOP "Control procedure" is

available & followed
- Fabric must be inspected by
passing machine (25 yards/mn
max) with a lighting table or
automatic machine.
- Coating must be spread
regularly on back side.
Edges must be checked for any
- The defects must be recorded.
Acceptance level will be
controlled as per perimeter
(Tent,Bag …) of fabric inspection
- Each defect must be marked
and a sticker must be attached
on the edge to highlight the
area during spreading. Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Zipper chain and Slider Storage 2.0.09A

To ensure no mixing of chain or slider from different suppliers.

- Slider and chain from

different supplier must
be clearly identified and

- Slider must come from

same supplier as chain

- Slider and chain must be

clearly labelled with :
dyeing lot (if necessary)

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Storage condition 1/2 2.0.11 D

To ensure no degradation of the component during storage

- Wood pallet must be

forbidden for ALL

- Pallet must not deform

&/or damage on
component rolls.

-Component rolls must be

store parallels

-Maximum of Rolls height

must be 6 * without to be
protect by foam wedges
Storage condition 2/2 2.0.12 C

To ensure no degradation of the component during storage

- Component rolls must

be clearly identified and

- The rolls must not be

damaged by their storage

- Component rolls of
different color must not be

- Component rolls must

be clearly labelled with at
least :
• reference
• color
• batch number
• quantities
Laminated and coated fabrics rolling up 2.0.13 B

To ensure coating or lamination are not damaged/marked.

- Single laminated or
coated fabric must be
rolled with fabric outside
(air side)
*if special case ,please to update in control
plan and SOP on line

- Sticker with Word

COAT must defined the
right coating face

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Accessory storage 2.0.14 A

To ensure no mixing of accessories.

- Accessories must be
clearly identified and

- Accessories must be
clearly labelled with :
• reference
• color
• dyeing lot (if necessary)
• no mixing
• quantity

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Storage First In First Out policy 2.0.23 A

To ensure no degradation.

-Clear FIFO policy posted

understood and followed.

-Inventory list of
components must be
displayed in the

- List must include:

• Supplier name
• Material name
• Inventory
• Making or Expiry date
Incoming control on accessories 2.0.31 A

To ensure quality of accessories in production

- Quantity, material, color and

size need to be checked
(compare with the BOM and
reference sample).

- Sample quantity: Follow

AQL1.0 to define the quantity
for normal checking, follow S-2
AQL1.0 to define the quantity
for functional and size checking

- Each defect need to be

marked and recorded.

- Holding power, peeling

resistance, color fastness, UV
testing (only for white), phenolic
yellow (only for white) need to
be tested for IQC and test
reports put in a easy catch
Storage Condition 2.0.34 B

To avoid damages or marks.

- Component, Chemicals
& Tools must be stored in
production conditions
minimum 24h before

- Temperature & humidity

must be measured &

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.0x / Organisation

3.0.01 Management of digital tools for cutting Updated

3.0.02 Edge shape control Updated
Management of digital tools for cutting 3.0.01A

To improve efficiency.

- The name of pieces

and items must be in
accordance with the
model name.

-A digital folder must

ensure original
pattern saving.

-Patterns must be saved

on external disk.

- Pattern must be
shared to decathlon
team for archiving

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Edge shape control 3.0.02A

To ensure no damage to the component and product

- Table or trolley must

not have any sharp

- Sharp edge tools or

accessories must not
be used.

- Pocket must be used

to store the tools

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.1x / Markers

3.0.10 Pattern storage Updated

3.0.11 Marker Updated
3.012 Cutting direction Updated
Pattern storage 3.0.10A

To ensure patterns are in good condition & well stored.

D - Patterns must not

be damaged.
- Patterns must be identified
with cutting direction.
-Original pattern must
be kept as reference.
-Patterns must be
-Patterns must be
checked and compared
to reference pattern
before to start of each
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Marker 3.0.11A

To ensure cutting is optimized with minimum wastage rate.

- A software must be used for

consumption calculation and

- For hand cutting, the marker

must be printed and used on
the top of the spreading

- The supplier is able to

communicate to DKL about his
cutting policy (include : cutting
process, gap between pieces,
table length )

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Cutting direction 3.0.12A

To ensure cutting respects pattern directions.

- Cutting direction
must be identified and

- 5° tolerance must
be respected.

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.2x / Spreading

3.0.20 Component spreading way Updated

3.0.21 Component spreading Updated
3.0.22 Fabric spreading quality Updated
Component spreading way 1/2 3.0.20A

To ensure components are cut in a right direction with no deviation in shape.

- Spreading must be done

without folds between

- Elastic fabric must be

Relax 12, 24 or 48h before
cutting according to the
LINK: DPR 01.002 process shrinkage
shrinkage of the
component (see textile
DPR 01.002 process

- Component spreading
must be flat.

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Component spreading way 2/2 3.0.21A

To ensure components are cut with no deviation in shape.

- Maximum number of
layers must be decided
and respected by Supplier
and approved by PL.

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Fabric spreading quality 3.0.22A

To ensure that markers are always on coating and lamination area

-Markers must be in
the coating width area

-Dyeing lot must be

separated and

-Defects highlight during

passing or from fabric
overlapping must be
controlled and

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.3x / Cutting machine

3.0.30 Blade maintenance

3.0.31 Cutting die storage Updated
Blade maintenance 3.0.30A

To ensure cutting blade are in good


-Blades must be sharp

with no distortion.

-Blades needing sharpe-

ning must be replaced
or withdrawn when it's
not possible to sharpen.

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Cutting die storage 3.0.31A

To ensure dies preserve the quality & to avoid damage of the cutting dies during storage

- Dies must be controlled

before production :
• Die must respect pattern
• Die must be flat
•Die must have no impact
on its surface
- Cutting Dies must be
- Cutting Dies must be
numbered and cutting
direction must be marked.
- Cutting Dies damaged
must be separated from
the others.
- There must be a storage
organization (Ex: stored by
customer) Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.4x / Fabric cutting quality

3.0.40 Foam and fabric cutting tolerance Updated

3.0.41 Cutting quality Updated
Foam and fabric cutting tolerance 3.0.40A

To ensure cutting allowance to respect technical file dimensions.

- Following tolerances must be

applied by controlling top and
bottom layer at least :
For cutting dies
& automatic cutting :
+/- 1 mm for fabric
+/- 2mm for foam & mesh &

For Hand cutting :

• Dimensions between
0 cm and 100 cm or for
Dropstitch material: +/- 2 mm
• Dimensions > 100 cm : +/- 5

- Control must be done using

validated pattern as reference

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Cutting quality 3.0.41 A

To ensure quality of cut pieces

- Coating and lamination

must be on pieces after
cutting without any damage

- Pieces cut along the edge

must be controlled.
Control procedure must be
defined in SOP & include :
● cut edge must not
have fringe
● cut edge must not
be melted

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.5x / Accessories cutting quality

3.0.50 Working area of heat cutting process Updated

3.0.15 Heat cutting for synthetic Webbing / String / Zip / Binding Updated
3.0.15 Accessories cutting tolerance Updated
3.0.15 Way t o cut a non-fold webbing
Working area of heat cutting process 3.0.50A

To ensure heat cutting quality.

- Machine blade must be

clean and hot.

- The working space must

be ventilated thanks to a
mechanical system with air
extraction done outside the
building (mini 0,5m/s**).
Wearing a mask is not
efficient without ventilation.

** Speed can be checked

with anemometer

- A daily maintenance
must be done by the
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Heat cutting for synthetic Webbing / String / Zip / Binding 3.0.51A

To avoid fraying or unravelling of webbing / string.

D - Pieces must be heat cut or

heat sealed each side.

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Accessories cutting tolerance 3.0.52A

To ensure cutting allowance to respect technical file dimensions.

If cutting length is :
-less than 50 cm , cutting
tolerance must be
-more than 50 cm , cutting
tolerance must be

- A specification sheet with

lengths and tolerances to
cut for each item must be
on display at the

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Way to cut a non-fold webbing 3.0.53A

To ease the insertion of webbing in the buckle

The webbing must be cut at

45° +/- 5°

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.6x / Accessories quality

3.0.60 Insertion of zipper

Insertion of slider 3.0.60A

To ensure slider is correctly inserted on the zip chain

-Both side of the zipper

chain must be kept parallel
after the insertion of the

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

3.0.00 / CUTTING

3.0.7x / Cutting storage

3.0.70 Cut pieces storage Updated

3.0.71 Cut pieces protection Updated
Cut pieces storage 3.0.70 A

To avoid damages or marks on cut pieces.

- Pieces must be stored in

a clean area.

- Pieces must be

- Pieces must be clearly

labelled with :
• reference
• color
• dying lot
• quantities

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Cut pieces protection 3.0.71 A

To avoid any damages or marks on cut pieces.

- Cut batches must be

protected with covered
sheet from dust or
external attack if stored or
during transportation.

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DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

4.0.00 / STITCHING
4.0.28 Overstitching
4.0.01 Stitching machines maintenance
4.0.29 Thread end in the middle of the stitching
4.0.02 Needle quality

4.0.34 Stitching box way on self gripping band (hook&loop) Updated

4.0.03 Needle for mesh, knitted fabric & elastic assembly

4.0.04 Broken needle management Updated 4.0.35 Thread End finition

4.0.05 Needle and thread selection 4.0.41 Insertion of zipper Updated

4.0.06 Lockstitch tension adjustment 4.0.43 Sewing machine adjustment

4.0.07 Lockstitch Thread tension 4.0.46 Stitching in circle

4.0.08 Number of stitchs Updated

4.0.09 Seam allowance Updated
4.0.10 Triple backstitch
4.0.11 Lapped stitch allowance

4.0.12 Zipper assembly single needle machine

4.0.13 Zipper assembly twin needle machine Updated

4.0.16 Binding assembly (fabric_weebing_elastic)

4.0.18 Bartack assembly

4.0.20 Thread identification
4.0.21 Way to stitch an elastic binding

4.0.22 Webbing elastic and cord insertion

4.0.23 Cord insertion

4.0.26 Stitching box on webbing 1/2 Updated

4.0.27 Stitching box on webbing 2/2 Updated
Stitching machines maintenance 4.0.01 B

To ensure that stitching machines will not damage the product

- Machine must be clean

with no oil or rust where
the product goes.

- Machine must be clean


- A daily maintenance
must be done by the
worker, main points to
- Needle
- synchronization Hook/Needle
- thread way
- plat hole
Needle quality 4.0.02 A

To ensure needle cannot damage component or thread.

- The needle must be

sharp and not deformed.

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Needle for mesh, knitted fabric & elastic assembly 4.0.03 B

To ensure needle cannot damage component or thread

- A round point needle

must be used for not cut
the rubber, nor damaged
the component

Ball point needle ref :

G & TR

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Broken needle management 4.0.04 B

To eliminate the risk of metal items in our products .

- All parts of broken

needles must be
returned to person in
charge for replacement.

- Broken needle
management must be in

- Record must be kept at

least 1 year.

- If broken needles come

consistently from the
same machine or
operator, root cause must
be found.
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Needle and thread selection 4.0.05 C

To ensure needle match with thread & component

If specific needles used, PE should mention this information

in techfile or BOM.

- Needle and thread must

not damaged the stitched

- If no information in the
techpack, thread and
needle must be selected
as per attached matrix.

- Sewing thread must be

conform to BOM

Below matrix is basic

Choice must be tested and
validated by PE Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Lockstitch tension adjustment 4.0.06 A

To ensure the resistance of the assembly.

- The thread must be well

tightened (no loops

- Tension must be set to

obtain a stitch formed in
the middle of the

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Lockstitch Thread tension 4.0.07 A

To ensure the resistance of the assembly.

- The thread must be well

tightened, space no more
than 1mm.

Only for coated or

laminated fabrics.

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Numbers of stitches 4.0.08 E

To ensure the resistance of the assembly of two pieces of fabric.

it can be measured on 5 cm (count 14/16 stitched)

Number of stitches per

inch (SPI) must be:

- 7/8 SPI for :

it can be measured on 5 cm (count 10/12 stitched)

- 5/6 SPI for:

PE Groundsheet

- 4/6 SPI for :

Plastic board
Laminated fabric (TPE /
TPU) it can be measured on 5 cm (count 8/12 stitched)

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Seam allowance 4.0.09 D

To ensure no seam slippage on main assembly.


The seam allowance must

be :

•10 mm (+/-1mm) Bag /

carrybag / Support /
Protection / Tents

• 15 mm (+5/-2mm)
Sleeping Bags / product with
inflate beam

• 7 mm (+2/-3mm)
Boxing Gloves

- A method to maintain the

right seam allowance must
be applied at each +2/-1 mm
workstation Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Triple backstitch 4.0.10 C

To secure the beginning and the end of the stitching.

- 3 stitches forward and

backward must be used to
lock the seam.

- All thread ends must be

cut by hand or auto-cut

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Lapped stitch allowance 4.0.11 C

To avoid seam slippage.

- The suitable guide

must be used.

- Lapped stitching
tolerance must be
6mm between each
thread, centered and
respect 2mm distance
from the edge.

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Zipper assembly single needle machine 4.0.12B

To ensure no seam slippage

Zipper /fabric allowance must

be :

• Zipper 3 mm : x=6 mm +/- 1 mm

• Zipper 6 mm : x=7 mm +/- 1 mm
• Zipper 8 mm : x=7 mm +/- 1 mm
• Zipper 10 mm : x=10 mm +/- 1

The zipper - except inside

pocket - must be stitched twice
(overstitching or binding).

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Zipper assembly twin needle machine 4.0.13 B

To ensure no seam slippage

- Zipper / fabric
allowance must be :

• Zipper 6 mm : x=3 mm
+0/-1 mm
• Zipper 8 mm : x=4mm
+1/-2 mm
• Zipper 10 mm : x=4mm
+1/-2 mm

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Binding assembly (fabric / webbing / elastic) 4.0.16 A

To ensure correct binding assembly.

- The fabric must reach

the bottom of the

- The binding must be

assembled in a symetric

- The binding must not

get jam in the slider.

- Binding stitching must

be below the main

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Bartack assembly 4.0.18 A

To ensure the resistance of the bartack

D -Size of the bartack must

be defined. Dimensions A
and B must be known and
in place.

D -The bartack must start

with minimum 1 straight

D -The bartack must end

back on minimum 4

D -The thread must not

appear more than 1 mm
when pulling on the

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Thread identification 4.0.20 A

To ensure traçability of the thread.

- Each thread cone must

be clearly identified.

- Thread cone must be

clearly labelled with :

- Thread tech file must be

in accordance with
Decathlon technical
Way to stitch an elastic binding 4.0.21 A

To keep elasticity and ensure no thread breakdown on the assembly

- Stretchable component
must be stitch with zigzag

- For non-stretchable
component, operator must
pull on elastic during
stitching. Component must
be stitched with straight

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Webbing, elastic and cord insertion 4.0.22 D

To ensure resistance of the assembly.

- There must be a triple

stitching on the webbing.
The stitching must start and
end outside of the
webbing (min 2 points out).

The triple stitching can be on

the full length of the webbing or
only at beginning and end.

- Webbing, elastic or cord

must be visible between
1mm and 5mm under the
binding or to go beyond the
seam allowance.

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Cord insertion 4.0.23A

To ensure resistance of the assembly

- Triple stitching must be done

on the whole width of the

- Cord must be folded

- Cord must appear under the

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Stitching box on webbing 1/2 4.0.26 C

To ensure resistance of assembly.

D - Start and end of stitching

box must be on the opposite
side of tension area.

D - Stitching box be centred

and respect 2 mm (+/-1mm)
each side.

- In case of multi-direction
of tension , the stitching
must be curve around the
tension area.

- In case of box stitching

thread broken : rework is
not allowed.
Product must be kept out
the production line in a
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
defective case.
Stitching box on webbing 2/2 4.0.27 D

To ensure quality of the assembly

D - Box Stitching must be

done on a flat surface.

D - The thread must not

appear more than 1mm
when pulling on the

D - There must be a
reinforcement behind the
box stitched on single layer.
(except umbrella product)

D - there must be a minimum

of 2 layers of component if
a box is visible on both
sides of the product and
without reinforcement (ex:
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
shoulder strap)
Overstitching 4.0.28 C

To ensure a correct visual aspect of the overstitching

D Overstitching must be
continuous & regular .

D Distance from the edge must

be specified in Techpack and
between 1 to 4 mm.

D The stitching must go

through the 3 layers

There must be no stop&start

on visible overstitching

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Thread end in the middle of stitching 4.0.29 C

To ensure restart stitching doesn’t affect the strength of the assembly

Restart point must be done

minimum 1 inch = 2,5 cm
before the last stitched point

Backstitch can be done too

(stronger assembly but more
visible and less aesthetics)
Restart point cannot be done
on reinforcement backstitch.
Stitching-Box way on Self-Gripping band (hook & loop) 4.0.34 B

To ensure resistance and quality of SGB.

D - Hook & loop must be stitch

with 1 line maximum on the
tension side.

D - Start & end must be

parallel to the tension

D - Stitching must be centered

& respect x=2mm

- In case of box stitching

thread broken : rework is
not allowed.
Product must be kept out the
production line in a defective Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
Thread end finition 4.0.35 B

To ensure property of finition

D - Thread End must be no

longer than 2 mm

End thread must be

cut before to stitch
binding around product
Insertion of zipper 4.0.41 B

To ensure correct zipper assembly.

- The end of the zipper

must be joined before
the stitching.

- Triple backstitch
must be at each
assembly with another
component except
Vislon zipper.

- Stitching allowance
at end of zipper must
be minimum 10mm.
Sewing machine adjustment 4.0.43A

To ensure stitching doesn’t shrink the assembly

Stitching wrinkling must

not exceed 0,5%

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Stitching in circle 4.0.46 A

To ensure the resistance of the assembly

The stitching must not start

nor finish on a
reinforcement point :
•Not on shoulders,
•not on webbing,
•not on zipper

The stitching must overlap

minimum 1 inch
DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

4.1.00 / STITCHING - flexible material

4.1.04 Zig-zag backstitch

4.1.05 Overlock assembly parameters

4.1.06 Overlock finition

4.1.07 End of Overlock or Flatlock

Zig zag backstitch 4.1.04 B

To secure begin and end of zig zag stitching.

- 3 stitches forward and

backward must be used
to lock the seam.

- All thread ends must

be cut.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Overlock assembly parameters 4.1.05 B

To ensure conformity of overlock parameters.

- Number of stitches
per inches must be :
12/15 stitches for 1

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Overlock finition 4.1.06 B

To ensure correct setting of overlock.

- Thread must be tight to the

edge, no space between
fabric and thread.

- Stitching width must be

regular all along the
stitching line.

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End of Overlock or Flatlock 4.1.07 C

To ensure beginning and end of overlock or flatlock stitching.

D Thread must be folded on

one side and fixed with triple
stitching or bartack

D The thread end folding must

respect those dimensions :
- Width = minimum 6mm
- Distance from edge = 2 or 5
mm based on fabric thickness
- Height = minimum 2mm

D The end must not deformed

the component
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

4.4.00 / STITCHING - specific for sleeping bags

4.4.01 Number of stitches for sleeping bag

4.4.02 Hoor collar tube assembly

4.4.03 Zipper ending

4.4.04 Quilting
4.4.05 Seam allowance
Numbers of stitches for sleeping bag 4.4.01 A

To ensure the resistance of the assembly of two pieces of fabric.

- Numbers of stitches
must be :
• 7/8 quilted lock stichting
stichtes for 1inch/2,5cm

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

Hoor collar tube assembly 4.4.02 A

To ensure that the rope is properly sewn.

- The rope must be

properly taken into the
seam has 2 locations.

- The extremity of the rope

must be between 6 - 10

- The extremity of the rope

must be placed towards
the inside of the curve
formed by the rope.

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Zipper ending 4.4.03 A

To ensure that the zipper ending is properly sewn.

- The folding must have a

bar tack.

- Seam allowance must

be respected.

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Quilting 4.4.04 A

To ensure the regularity of the quilting sewing.

- There must not be

missing stitch.

-The numbers of stiches is

2 points by cm

- Quilting must begin at the

bottom in one extremity.

- Quilted stitching must be

parallel and centred

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Seam allowance (sleeping bag) 4.4.05 A

To stitch two pieces of fabric.

- To ensure no seam

- The stitch doesn't curl

neither above nor below

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

7.0.00 / MARKING

7.0.01 Printing quality

DPR Printing quality 7.0.01 B

To ensure printing is clean and in accordance with tech file.

- Quality control must be

done by scotch,not

- Scrapping procedure
must be defined.
DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

8.0.00 / SEMI-FINISH

8.0.01 Eyelets, snaps and rivets material

8.0.02 Crimping machine for eyelets, snaps and rivets

8.0.06 Cord lock seeting

DPR Eyelets, snaps & rivets material 8.0.01 B

To avoid rusting of eyelets, snaps & rivets

A magnet must be used to

ensure no iron component
is used

If component is in iron it
must be with anti-rust

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Crimping machine for eyelets, snaps & rivets 8.0.02 C

To ensure parts are well crimped & press enough

Matrix and button must

come from the same
supplier & have same

Parameters must be in
accordance with the
thickness of the component

Matrix must be identified

to avoid mixing

The crimping must be done

with a mechanical or
pneumatic machine ( no
Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved
hand machine )
DPR Cordlock setting 8.0.06 A

To ensure lock function is ok

The arrow mark must be in

the bag direction

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

9.7.00 / DOWN

9.7.01 Down reception

9.7.02 Down storage conditions
9.7.03 Down filling and sewing room
9.7.04 Down filling room organisation 1/2
9.7.05 Down filling room organisation 2/2
9.7.06 Down filling machine organisation
9.7.07 Down preparation before filling
9.7.08 Down weight control
9.7.09 Release the down
9.7.10 Remaining down cleaning
9.7.11 Workshop conditions
9.7.12 Down product storage conditions
DPR Down reception 9.7.01 A

To ensure down good quality.

- The down must be received

with a specific test report.

- The test report must be OK

to accept the down.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down storage conditions 9.7.02 A

To avoid damaging the down.

- Down can not be put

directly on the floor.

- The humidity must be

< 70%.
- The temperature must be

- Record must be done once

a day at least.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down filling and sewing room 9.7.03 A

To avoid down contamination.

- There is specified down

filling room isolated to the
other workshops.

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DPR Down filling room organisation 1/2 9.7.04 A

To avoid mix of different types of down and non conformity with composition label.

- Only one kind of down must

be managed by area in a
same time.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down filling room organisation 2/2 9.7.05 A

To avoid mix of different types of down and non conformity with composition label.

- Clean the room and

machine before change down

- Down wastage
must not be reused.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down filling machine organisation 9.7.06 A

To avoid mix of different types of down and non conformity with composition label.

- Clean the room and

machine before change down

- Down wastage
must not be reused.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down preparation before filling 9.7.07 A

To respect homogeneity and composition label.

- Put out the down in a box.

- Stir the down with one

magnetic stick to ensure no
impurity in the down. Kind of
down (90/10,80/20,50/50)
must be noticed on the box.

- Fill the down.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down weight control 9.7.08 A

To ensure composition and weight of down.

- There are working

instructions available and
applied for each model with
following informations:

- Conception Code
- Color
- Down type
- Size
- Down weight for each

- Check the weight of down

component before filling and
the weight of semi-products
after the down filling.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Release the down 9.7.09 A

To have good down product consistency (appearance and warm level).

- Release the down after

closing the down bag.

- Ensure the down is even

and flat everywhere in the

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Remaining down cleaning 9.7.10 A

To have a clean down product.

- Semi product must be clean

after the down bag closing.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Workshop conditions 9.7.11 A

To ensure best conditions for down product production.

- The humidity must be

< 70%.

-The temperature must be


- Record must be done once

a day at least.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Down product storage conditions 9.7.12 A

To avoid damaging the down products.

- The humidity must be

< 70%.
The temperature must be

- Record must be done once

a day at least.

Property of Decathlon SA l confidential l all right reserved

DPR Decathlon Production Requirements_SLEEPING BAGS

9.8.00 / QUALITY

9.8.01 Metal detection Updated

DPR Metal detection 9.8.01 A

To ensure no metal objects contaminate products

- All products must pass

through metal detector.

- If alarm sounds (metal

detected), products must
be rejected.

- For product with metal,

refer to the DPR 4004
«Needle broken».

- Metal detection device

must be in position at end
of finishing conveyor, prior
to packing.

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