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Committee: United Nations woman

Topic: The digital divide and woman addressing gender disparities in

access usage and opportunities in the digital age

Country: Sweden

Woman rights are important as woman all over the world face
discrimination and face a lot of difficulties. Along with razing children
running the family and etc. in most places in the world woman are not given
equal rights or the right to education, woman already have enough to worry
about to minimize the problems they face they should be given rights as
men and be given equal representation in politics and jobs, be given the
same amount of pay as a men and be given the same opportunities as
Woman already have many problems we, Sweden have given woman
equal rights as men given them the same opportunities, made it
compulsory for companies to pay equal pay to both genders and establish
organizations in raising awareness for woman. When woman have been
given the correct opportunities they can do a lot more and help in impacting
the world they become strong willed woman who can stand up to
themselves and keep up with the world in the digital age of the modern
world it is important for woman as much as a man to be up to date and be
able to use the internet and be able to have jobs in the technological sector
we, swedan work to better the living conditions of woman in Sweden and
educating them while also raising awareness for them all over the world
We Sweden are working on making the living conditions of woman in
Sweden better and raising awareness all over which would make them
more confident. We are spreading the access of the internet for woman in
rural areas and encouraging them to peruse more jobs in the technology
sector and more software engineers as only 19 percentage of woman are
software engineers and 30 percent of woman are in the technological
sector. We are spreading organizations to raise awareness and why more
woman should pursue the technological sector

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