New Chandigarh Case

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,31-1 •?kti.if 3414(1)01 ft1.,
.?161qct) p.z{ 311jao

Smt. Shibani Parti W/o Late Sh. Gautam Parti,

Rio 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments,
DLF Phase-1, Gunigram.

(D94-11 a S15 %3TT70)0111.t0 fc.,-;ftc5 19 1. (7-

1z -q1 i 3114-44.t 3alf)q1i 2005 $. 3l I4cf 7-F9-1I
3Lit1ct1 ratf4 A 3411W ft-91m 24.08 2020 .W1 3T1-4-4-9 . 111 gill A
7fritt: (:.;itct) 2i.03.2020 4; 1.111k1 i;-511 I 3Ify -61V 1 1 I 4[4
gliTt 71TNI WIZtE11:1 If"Kit 314Iq41, ilki-TrA pp7 mct q-.41 TIM
31-11:1R 1T91 •ti 1405H f)
9101 1688-1) 1:491-cF 27.12.19 t i 71-4 R4)-t 13T4T Ler CI Tg I
9ft4T CO

2 9T1èHI 3039/t fti91-eF 28.12.19 4`)) 13141 qi) i.-i-t-Trq it I

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741fazt, 1,1•04.1119 I

Yltf TM' 0511174* xIttiktra 2005 ilk WV 4(1) xiVO 3VITir INT
MT 3i1q Two Vali Itt firirc at k qugmlitr Trum 1nirrt t
7 1Flitt wrdagif prZli
— *Imre Tow et ow xetatzr 3i1triortr, Arktr

The Assistant Commissioner of Police,

DLF, Gurugram.

Subject: Complaint against:-

1. Gautam Parti R/o H. No. 101/7, Silver Oaks, Qutub Enclave,

DLF, Gurugrain (Mob.:- 9971289999)

2. Shivani PartiR/o 11. No. 101/7, Silver Oaks, Qutub Enclave,

DLF, Gurugram(Mob:- 9810730005)
3. Sana Partiltio H. No. 101/7, Silver Oaks, Qutub Enclave, DLF,
4. Rohit Puri(Mob:- 997171260), (-NA'N\ 5cro \\ 7 1 -4-4' 4 I 2. S
r-5.Vikram Kashyap •

, 6. Ranjit KashyapR/o S-49/3940, 3rd floor, Block-S, Near

- Neelkanth Hospital, DLF Phase-111, Nathupur, Gurugram. c:‘
7. Vipin ® Pradeep (Mob:- 7206363953)
8. Bunjy_(Mob:- 8699804004)
9. Devraj (Mob:- 4442033185161 foreign mobile)

Respected Sir,

1, Ramesh Khatkar Sfo Sh. Chanda Ram, Rio H.No. 652/20, Gall No.
3, Hari Nagar, Narwaria, Distt. iind, Mob.:-9416118433 do hereby submit the
following complaint against the above named accused persons, as they have cheated
me and they have also committed criminal breach of trust and criminally intimidated
me.Tbe facts of the case are as follows:-

1. That accused Devraj having foreign mobile no. +442033185161 met ine
Moscow (Russia) and allured me to invest money in M/s Quick Facilitators
Pvt. Ltd., having office near Block-A, Main Marg, Opposite Pro (he Park, near
M.G. Road metro station, Gurugram, on the plea that on the amount of
investment, I may earn 10% to 40/o incentive on the invested money and he
asked to contact Rohit Puri in Delhi by seeking engagement On his mobile no.
- 7*

started investing money

2. That thereupon, I contacted Rohit Puri at Delhi and
and initially the amount of Rs. 8 Laldis was deposited in the year 2017 to 2018.
After investment of money, the accused Devraj provided a User ID
Khatkar" and password "RI23456" and they also assured to refund the money
as and when the same is asked for by me.
3 That on the assurances made by above persons, I invested Rs. 1.25 Crores upto
March/April 2018 and the due amount, after adding incentive, comes to
approximately Rs. 2.5 crones. The bank statements in this regard are enclosed
4. That in December, 2018, when I demanded money back from Rohit Puri and
Devraj, they told that first, the amount of Rs. 22 Lakits will have to be paid in
the shape of tax, only thereafter the refund of money will be considered.
. That the amount of Rs, 22 laktis were. deposited in Dubai in the shape of
Dirhams (currency of Dubai), in the account "Horizon Marketing FZEIBAN
AE020520000111069300018 SWIFT — N1SLAEAD. NOOR Bank, Business
Park, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, U Ali."
./ 6. That thereafter, they got transferred an amount of 788 Eurosin the current
account of the undersigned in HDFC Bank bearing account no.
50200032260065. However, the bank refused to convert the amount in the
Indian Rupees by saying that the RBI guidelines do not allow for the same.
Thereafter, the said amount was retransfermi in the account of the accused
7. That after the said incident, I frequently contacted Rohit Puri and Devraj and
they told that I will have to visit Moscow and China for opening an account.
Accordingly, I opened the account in Moscowbut they did not deposit any
money in the said account on one pretext or the other. They kept giving me
fake assurances and ultimately assured that the payment will be made in
8 That thereafter, I visited the office of the company at M.G. Road. Gurugrani as
well as Greater Kailash-1, Delhi, . Thereupon, the accused
personsincludingRoInt Puri, Devraj etc. called me in DLF Emporia Mall, Delhi
on 17.07.2019 for full final settlement, where we conversed with each other.
they gave cheques for the. amciint of Rs. 1.80 crores (six cheques of Rs. 30
Lakhs each). Copy of cheques arc enclosed herewith. Two of those cheques
were bounced from ICIC1 Bank, Narwann.
9. That thereafter, in the month of October 2019, the accused Vipin Pradeep
called me at Karnal for the purpose of refund of money, where Bunty and
vipin along with some other persons met me. There, they told me that the
company is in loss and 1 should accept the amount of Rs.30 Lakhs and also
demanded back the abovementionedcheques. However, we did not return ay
cheque to them.
10. Thereafter,in the month of November 2019, Bunty and Vipin called the
undersigned at hid in Dalam Wala I loci and offered Rs. 30 Lakhs but aigeed
to pay Rs. 20 Lakhs on the condition to sign an affidavit, which was having the
mention of Gautam Patti and Rohit Puri. 1 refused to sip) the said affidavit.
they lefl the hotel, leaving the said affidavit with me.

it. That idler some time, they asked that the amount Nvi 11 be transferred in the
• : account of my friend Navneetas the amount of Rs: 50 Lakhs is payable to
la ,cielf/30
Navneet by me. However, no money was transferred in the account of Navneet
for the reasons best known to them.
12. That thereafter, Gautam Parti died on 01.12.2019.11 is pertinent to mention
here that my mother Smt. Krishna Devi went into depression due to possibility
of loss of such huge amount of money and later on she died on 03.12,2019 due
to heart failure.
13. That thereafter, I along with my family members and my friend Rohtash visited
the house of Gautam Partii.e. H.No. 101t7, Silver Oaks, Qutub Enclave,DLF,
Gunigram on 10,12.2019, where Shivani Parti W/o Craw= Patti and Sana
Patti D/o Gamin Patti met us and they told that only Rohit Puri, Raniit
Kashyap and Vikram Kashyap are responsible to refund the money and they
have no concern in the same and tin, were only assisting me. after some time,
Shivani Patti called the police in the said house and both the parties went t6
policestation DLF Phase-I, Guru gram, where the undertaking was taken by the
police officials from both the parties. The undertaking was obtained from
accused Saila Pant that she and her family members will fully assist me and
refund of my money and the undertaking was taken from me that as and when
I will visit the house of Shivani etc. 1 will give the intimation to P.S.
Phase-I, Gurugam.
14. That when the amount was not refunded to me by anyone, then lastly
I visited
the M.G. Road office of Mis Quick Facilitators Pvt. Ltd.,
where Rohit Puri was
available and he came outside the office and refused
to refund any money and
threatened me to face dire consequences in case I
again visit the company and
demand money.
15. That the above averments reveal
that the above named accused
intention to dupe me of my hard persons had the
earned money since the very
have been cheated and a inception. Now,
criminal breach of trust has
above named accused, bene committed bythe
persons. rather, I have also been
but no money has been criminally intimidated
refunded to me by the
due to which I have above named accused
suffered great mental persons,
persons, in connivance agony. The above named accused
with each other, have
cheating, criminal breach committed the above acts
of trpst, criminal of
It is submitted intimidation etc.
that I have been
duped of a huge
earnedrnoney i.e. around R. amount of my hard
2.80 Crores, due
great mental to whih I am
depression. suffering from
It is, therefore,
requested that
420/406/506 IPC, Section 3 thecrim Mal
of Haryana case FIRunder sections
Establishments Act may Protection of Depositors
kindly be got in
P.S. Sector-29, registered aga inst the above namedFinancial
Gurugram and
that the justice may strict legal action may be taken
be imparted to against them so
persons may fl ee to me.There is evety
abroad and their apprehension that the
passports may also accused
It is also kindly be seized.
requested that the above
involved in a big
scam and the s named company Quick
ame may be brought to the Facilitators is
investigation is
conducted, lime light, if
Thanking you

Yours Sine rely

Ramesh Khatkar Sio

Rio :- H. No, Sh. Chanda
652 /2 0, Cali Rarn,
Nagar, Narwana, No, 3, Hari
Distt. Jind,
fTT7 -11-rri

cbiq c1/4 I -ff NT/1W 41.0 07R) ,V14.414

cOliia) 1688—P 27.12.2019 f ictRicicbci RAT Ndcfri p

71-13 N -Rt 7090 652/20 ,1c4 90 3, -01 -TIV 11-4 'CA I-E1
3ma cci 1-1-4 .3i-kl,td ficbRict 31.2:179 qTT '1141 f f (c L çf
iNi-14wR <4,1 9 1;14-R -101.11. Acf Errar 1R1T

aicpwoct,or I D14,P4c-1 T1 4-47-M itu

7411 f-iicr))44ci tR?-1 1 f5 (4,1400 311 .l11 q)• tj DtcrtLio -uftra )cli

ftt-8 1lTT Trzi—t


gtO(r- Nx-1, 0, 17T1111

SHO DIf Phase 1

26 Jan 2020 c
Hello Sat aana. Had
come to dlf phase 1 police station on
11th December 2019 when a few
people trespassed into my house
and were threatening us to do kabza.
You provided me your number on
that day. I wanted to speak to you
regarding the same as there have
been few updates and Ramesh and
his brother Navneet are contacting
my mother and we do not wish to
have any contact with them

Please let me know when can i

callyou as I need guidance from u
6:48 DM J./

thank you 6'48 PM .././

I will call you back 7:01 pm

Will be waiting. Thank u _

1 Feb 2020

Hi you matter soughted out or still

G 0 a
12:384 all S s 115

SHO Dlf Phase 1 El

and were threatening us to do kabza.
You provided me your number on
that day. I wanted to speak to you
regarding the same as there have
been few updates and Ramesh and
his brother Navneet are contacting
my mother and we do not wish to
have any contact with them

Please let me know when can i

callyou as I need guidance from u
6:48 PM .//

thank you 3 48 PM V/

I will call you back

Will be waiting. Thank u 7:03 pm ,/./

1Feb 2020

Hi you matter soughted out or still

pending 6:08 DM

No Sir. Matter is still unresolved as I

am very clueless as to what to do
6.55 PA .././
D pT ro 1o1/7, fr



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t ' Thr zgz-th-S' IF -4a Z144 TT417-652 /20

Irt ;T-3 = 1i,,H,•-Hcirddi 'gr4

Scanned with CamScanner

Indian-Non Judicial Stamp at,77-4
Haryana Government

Markin tactryp Duty paid:
KOU201906 t 0
Certikate No. penalty:
60065539 !MEM
• iR ZA( Cw, Y)

e r / First Pity Dptall

Name: Gautam Bharti

SectorilAtard . 7 LardMark: pit
H.No/FIcxr : 101
District : Gurgaon • State: Haryana
City/Village Gurgaon
Phone: 86"-- 04

lE ap_r I Second Party Detail

Name . Ramesh Chaucer
H.No/Floor: A Sector/ward: A Landklark : A
City/Village: Ktratkar District: Jind State: Haryana
Phone: 86-1- **04


Through Smart phone or on tile wetsite rrttoJegras

The authenticity of this document can be ver ed by scanning this QrCixe


This Final SQttiument and Payment Acknow edgement ("Acknowledgment"), dated November
2/, 2019 is entered into between Gautarn Ptirti, son of Satish Kumar Parti, male, aged about
47 years, resident of 101/7 Silver Oak Apartments, DLF Phase-1, Gurgaon-122002 and Vikrarn
Kashyap, son of , male, about __years, resident of
. • *********". (hereinafter collectively referred
to as "Payer", which shall, unless repugnant to or inconsistent with the context, mean and
include each of their heirs, respective executors, administrators and permitted assigns) P-ty
of the First Part;

Ramesh Chancier, son of „ .. male, aged about.....years, resident

of .(hereinafter referred to as "Payee", which
sisal!, unless repugnant to or inconsistent with the context, mean and include each of his heirs
respective executors, administrators and permitted assigns) Party of the Second Part.

The Party of the First Part and the Party of the Second Part shall collectively be referred to as
"The Part;es"

Scanned with CamScanner

6. Governing Law. This
d by the applicable laws of India.
7. Indemnification: The Payer and pay
from any liabilities, claims, damages, io'ss„.. ,, rnnify, defend and hold harmless each other
costs, expenses, demands, suits and actions,
including without limitation legal
and settlement costs,
Q, Representation and Vilarrantles,
Both the Payer and Payee r epresent and warrant to each
other that they are signing tI,
obligationo-fi5thA,:kprtaarvitlied.Ben)ent out of their frtee will and this constitutes a
legal' or‘u binding es try%attordance with its erms and conditions.

9. Counterparts: This Acknowledge/11p,, ha identical triplicate counterparts,

-1; g"ir;: ll be executed in
each of which shall be deemed an0 together shall constitute one and
Id ail of which
the 3,3ine Marva)ent.

Address: The addresses of e Parties ':irst addres3es

itten above sha I be the respec ve
of the parties for all communication.

11. Entirety of the Acknowledgement This Acknowledgement constitutes the entire

negotiations, understandings, agreements, ,iettlements and payments with respect to the
business and business transactions between the Parties and supersedes all prior oral or
written arrangements, negotiations, understandings, settlements and acknowledgements
between the Parties.

In witness whereof the Partks e caused this Acknovedgement to be executed, iigned

and delivered as of the day ard yer first written above.





.,......... .
, eAscati()11.11.0.)*
A, 1
.4•11{1,1 . 4. “. 4 4.,¢4 , 11",

• t


17 '

Scanned with CamScanner
..xrivta C•
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
girg itqlt
(UM 154 Sl1t71T iIcii * FFF)

1- District (1 —'ii): GURUGRAM P.S. (TTRT): DLF PHASE-1 Year MO: 2021
FIR No. (VJLfr. #.): 0024 Date (f?rticb): 25/01/2021

2. S.No. Acts (3Tiitl1:4471) Sections (tIRT(i))

1 IPC 1860 506

3. (a) Occurrence of offence (3171TIT ErC4T):

Day (147): Tuesday Date from (fa7tiF *): 10/12/2019 Date To (ital"6 WW): 10/12/2019

Time Period (f;f1f 3faf1it): Pahar 5 Time From (PRT *): 13:00 hrs Time To (IPS1 WW): 15:00 hrs

Information received at P.S. OTTRT TT Date (farticti): Time (*EM:

Tk-4-4r vrca. 25/01/2021 13:30 hrs
General Diary Reference Entry No. (Vitfit Time (Wrzr):
(i)Avuoivi #414):
012 25/01/2021
14:36 hrs
4. Type of Information (*own *T W1): Written

5. Place of Occurrence
(icrui-ti et):

1. (a) Direction and distance from P.S. * 3ltT ihn: NORTH, 1.1 Km(s) Beat No. (ft ft.):

(b) Address (gal): DLF PH 1, 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments,

(c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then Name of P.S. (Wit l'aRT *MT * triRT T WM):

District (State) (itHT (IT T)):

System IP (3Tt4t): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 1/8

,rysna Poi ce
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
tztrxr TK-4-4r sittrIt
(UM 154 T Wit7FT *sigctl * FF6)

6. Complainant / Informant (51"+"TzraWer / ichcn):

(a) Name (RTF): Shibani Parti

Husband's Name (lfaVi WM): Late Gautam Parti

Date/Year of Birth (Wrg ft* / (d) Nationality (i11,41t1on): INDIA


UID No. MiTtgt

Passport No. OTTIrcitt

Date of Issue (71ft Al fait): Place of Issue (7111 wi# T riTTR):

(g) Occupation (aMIT-4"):

(h) Address

Address Type MT *T Address (treT)

Present Address 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments DLF PH 1, DLF
2 Permanent Address 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments DLF PH 1, DLF
(i) Phone number (VITPIr Mobile (44i*ei TO:

7. Details of known / suspected / unknown accused with full particulars (Wra / / 31 -e1(1
31rs-w1 wrq fawur *Oci au ):

Name (Mg) Alias (itoriiii) Relative's Name (ikitUT T Mg)



System IP (3ftft): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 2/8

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
%VTR' viol 44
(trru 154 tg V*ZiT ,t0d1 *

8. Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant / informant (51W2rdWer / vietichci 7TiT
ittt 411 WiT4 *

9. Particulars of properties of interest Wir-trF 4.14-41 1

S. No. Property Type ( -41c-c1 * Sub Type (Yr 31-+Til Value(In Rs/-) KR!' (w

10. Total value of property stolen (In Rs/-) (tit .19 4-4 cc! Tt"-a . 31
-Ri(W 7:11)):

11* Inquest Report / U.D. case No., if any (319Al9T itritt / zkft.WWitIT i.,zit *fit fl):
S. No. UIDB Number (Tkitzwur t)
( .fr.)
12. First Information contents ORM Vi on I at70:

Dated.22.09.2020 To,The Commissioner of Police Gurugram, Haryana COMPLAINT AGAINST 1.

(2), 507IPC. The complainants are law abiding citizens and permanent residents of the above
mentioned address. The complainants belong to a respectable, middle class family.That sometime in the
month of July-August, 2019 the husband of the complainant No. 1, namely Late Gautam Parti, was
visiting the Emporio Mall, in Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, along with his Ex-colleague namely Rohit Puri,
where the accused accosted and manhandled the said Rohit Puri and started to question Rohit Puri for
the whereabouts of one Vikram Kashyap. The husband of the complainant No. 1, intervened and asked
the accused to calm down.As the conversation unfolded between the husband of the complainant No. 1
and the accused, it dawned upon the husband of the complainant No. 1, that the said Vikram Kashyap
was also an acquaintance of the husband of the complainant No. 1. The husband of the complainant No.

System IP (311$11: 28/10/2021 18:03:52 3/8

.scyclo Poi co
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
3r1rn Tow ittilt
(trru 154 tr witzrr * Rfa)

loffered to talkto the said Vikram Kashyap and to help and try to solve the problem of the accused.That
to the utter dismay and surprise of the husband of the complainant No. 1 and the complainants,the
accused followed the husband of the complainant No. 1 and came to the house of the complainants and
started pestering the husband of complainant No. 1 to put the accused in contact with Vikram Kashyap.
The husband of the complainant No. 1once again assured the accused that he would do whatever he
could to help the accused. The husband of the complainant No. 1, genuinely tried to help the accused,
but soon thereafter, the physical condition of the husband of the complainant No. 1 started deteriorating
and he became bed ridden, as he was already a cancer patient, since the year 2016.That the accused
thereafter started to harass the complainants by visiting the house time and again and insisting upon
seeing the ailing husband of the complainant No. 1 and also by sending intimidating messages. The
complainant No. 1 gave all information that the husband of the complainant No. 1 had with regards to
Vikram Kashyap, to the accused and told the accused to deal with his problem on his own, as the
husband of the complainant No. 1 was in no position to help the accused any longer.That the accused
once again visited the house of the complainants along with some accompliceson 08/09.11.2019 and
insisted to meet the husband of the complainant No. 1 and refused to leave the house without meeting
the husband of the complainant No. 1 who was in a semi-comatose state by then. There was a verbal
spat between the complainant No. 1 and the accused and the accused and his accomplice became
abusive and left only after seeing the condition of the husband of the complainant No. 1.That the
accused thereafter sent the first page of a fabricated and false document, to the complainant No. 1 on
23.11.2019, by way of a WHATSAPP message and also sent intimidating pictures on 27.11.2019, when
the husband of the complainant No. lwas already hospitalized in the ICU of W Pratiksha, Golf Course
Extension Road, Sector-56, Sushant Lok-II, Gurugram.That the husband of the complainant No.
lbreathed his last on 29.11.2019, and on the thirteenth day of the demise, the accused again came to the
house of the complainants along with horde of people out of which there were also 5-6 women and
threatened the complainant No. 1 to take forcible possession of the house of the complainants. All the
people who had come with the accused were violent and abusive and terrorized the complainants. The
complainant No. 1called up the Police Control Room, after which the accused and his accomplices were
taken to the PS DLF City, Phase-I, Gurugram, where the accused gave a written assurance to the SHO,
PS DLF City, Phase-I, Gurugram, that accused and his family members would first inform the Police
before visiting the house of the complainants in the future.That the complainant No. 1wanted to make a
complaint against the accused but the police officials dissuaded the complainant No. 1 from doing so by
saying that as the complainant No. 1 was a woman the complainant No. 1 would herself get
unnecessarily harassed and would have to repeatedly go to the court, to follow the complaint. The
complainant No. 1 who had recently lost her husband, was suffering from clinical depression, relented
and did not file a formal complaint against the accused and his accomplices.That the complainant No. 2
although made a complaint to the PS DLF City, Phase-I, Gurugram, in December 2019, but no action
was taken by the police on the said complaint. On 26.01.2020, the daughter of the petitioner enquired
about the status of her above said complaint from the SHO PS DLF City, Phase-I, Gurugram and also
sought an appointment from him, by way of a WHATSAPP message, the said SHO replied to the
message of the daughter of the petitioner and said "I will call you back". The said SHO again messaged
the daughter of the petitioner on 01.02.2020 asking "Hi you matter soughted out or still pending",

System IP (311-3t): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 4/8

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
3r2TaT ftvitt
(Um 154 tgil i, igdi *

which message was replied to in the negative by the daughter of the petitioner.That the accused in the
meanwhile, filed a false and fabricated complaint against the complainants to the Commissioner of
Police, Gurugram, dated 28.12.2019, vide DD No.1688-P, to set the police machinery in motion against
the complainants, to cause criminal intimidation, annoyance and insult to the complainants, with a view
to extort money from the complainants. The said complaint was forwarded to ACP (East) Gurugram,
vide diary No. 1222-5A. The complainants were called to the office of the ACP (East), Gurugram, on
30.12.2019, for enquiry, as the accused had falsely alleged in the said complaint that the complainants
had taken a sum of Rs. Two Crores from the accused and were not returning the same. The
complainants joined investigations and fully co-operated in the enquiry and after the office of ACP
(East), Gurugram was satisfied with the statements of the complainants and since no offence was made
out against the complainants, the complainants were allowed to leave and the investigation was
closed.That when the accused failed to get the complainants implicated in the above mentioned false
and fabricated complaint, the accused illegally and unlawfully, once again filed a fresh complaint dated
13.07.2020, vide DD No. 245-5D, against the complainants to the SHO PS Narwana City, District Jind,
Haryana. The accused has made contradictory and improvised allegations in the fresh complaint and the
accused has now alleged that the accused paid a sum of Rs. 2.80 Crores to the complainants, as against
the alleged sum of Rs. 1.25 Crores, as alleged in the earlier complaint dated 27.12.2019. The accused is
indulging in forum shopping and is unlawfully filing false and fabricated complaints against the
complainants, which has resulted in criminal intimidation, annoyance and insult to the complainants.
That the complainants are being entangled in false complaints, to extort money from the complainants.
That the accused is deliberately, intentionally and fraudulently embroiling the complainants in false and
fabricated cases and the accused needs to be booked and investigated for the false and fabricated
complaints. The accused needs to be booked for levelling false accusations and filing false complaints
against the complainants, for making a false and fabricated document causing criminal intimidation,
insult and annoyance, criminal intimidation by anonymous communications and administering threats
to cause death or grievous hurt to the complainants. The life, limb and liberty of the complainants are at
grave risk and the complainants fear for the safety of the same.In the premises it is humbly prayed that
an FIR may be registered against the accused under sections 182, 211, 464, 465, 503, 506(2), 507 IPC,
as the offences committed by the accused are cognizable, in the interest of justice. Shibani Parti W/o
Late Gautam Parti(Complainant No. 1)Mob. No. 9810730005Sana PartiD/o Late Gautam Parti
(Complainant No. 2) Mob. No. 9999005039Both residents of 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments,Gurugram,
Haryana. TZTTF 2-1TFT- 5)--1-41F awti- 3Tra1 altFtW 19.01.2021 .-4-114-neiq
MS (Sushma-1) Judicial magistrate first Class Gurugram/UID NO .HR0525 tiNT 156(3) CrPC
tTru 506 !PC 31T1R" 31f+7 c,(a it2-Tmr Er-{ 'gruff OA tr-{ 31frzita-r
3-"a" 31T1IT 31ita 1 4I oi!chi FIR CirdZir ct, c1 tgrWr
tHrAt-e. ai 3TV 3iftMtRit r#UT 3t- A
— t 7T Ter t ochei tp -44. th-rt-R a. 3R1R. 374.4U
3T 1I1TF ES! BAHIRAM a e) 14, 771 I zre- 31IRItur ES! BAHIRAM 1258 *211. 3tift2it
3iit7 f4. 41 71zif t I

System IP (31*): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 5/8

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
ii,T4 al I IA Li

(trru 154 tff vfozrr *Qcti * Fp)

13. Action taken: Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as
mentioned at Item No. 2.
(*f 71-zrt ct,144161 : .4,14) .34.64-ct 1Ia14Ifl# traT T-401c-11 ar'+- 311:MtT 4,(c1 wr (Act),
Tr.- 4. 2 4 5(yeitg * cf6ci t.):
(1) Registered the case and took up the investigation OW{1:7 71-4-r 3tk rir *
Rank 74): Asst. SI (Assistant
rAr 1 .ii 317111): or ( 1T) Sub-Inspector)
Directed (Name of 1.0.) 3ffI1 itt MT):

No. (It): 1258GGN to take up the Investigation (WI ITT 3TI1 tiT# A- AA- *
PA-e- 7rz10 or (ZIT)

Directed (Mobile No. of I.0.) (7tV 3rI Tf r 311-47g - ): 918368381770

Refused investigation due to (*V * rAv): or (* chliut *chii

District (1? 1):

Transferred to P.S. (21WO:

on point of jurisdiction (WI ittiritM7

F.I.R. read over to the complainant / informant, admitted to be correctly recorded

and a copy given to the complainant /informant, free of cost. (51"*TzTFWer /
14, ci M-1 VrATIW*1 ti 711t, rt44 FrAT AT -Y1:ft 1W% c'cti
51-wRruwer t irzft)

R.O.A.C. (3117.31t.V.#1.)

14. Signature of Officer in charge, Police

Station (trwr lauft * ctittri.)

System IP (3i1t): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 6/8

-1,-,No c•
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
t;r2rxr iv-1o!
(tTRT 154 "3" Vitzir dI ii FP)

Signature / Thumb Name (FPT): Ajay Kumar

of the complainant / Rank (rg): I (Inspector)
informant (t- W-RIWW-di /
Ict)ci /3i1 No. (*.): Insp


15. Date and time of dispatch to the court (3IVFa 4 tisfur tr farlich

System IP (3-1it14'): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 7/8

41)11:141 PO, CS


(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
vrtrrr 7L-4-41. itritt
(tm 154 sil ii iI i, * Ftra)

Attachment to item 7 of First Information Report (ATM ILVRT fWl * RZ 7 ticKdoei):

Physical features, deformities and other details of the suspect/accused: ( If known / seen)

(*fan. I a-ft.:pm arrflftw f fq' 3ltT 3T- 1 (Wit vtra tan wzrr))
S. No. Sex 0.4.n Date / Year Of Build (WWRIE) Height
Complexion (tin Identification Mark(s) it174)
Birth (WM Mk
(* -4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Male 1971

Is Proxitted: Yes

Deformities / Peculiarities Teeth (&) Hair (WW) Eye (3T4) Habit(s)(3Bra) Dress Habit (s)
/ faiiincia) (trrATZIO
8 9 10 11 12 13

Language/Dialect Place of PST Ftir4) Others (31- 1")

Burn Mark (7* 1,eucoderma Mole (TrizeT) Scar (11N) Tattoo (1 *T)
1e14) (crldb(ortc
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

These fields will be entered only if complainant/informant gives any one or more particulars about the suspect/accused.
(Mr 1117 Wet 44 fkkr 704' i1 flquqdq.cit I temptitier lefa-nr I 3II c1 * it * *fit triF zIT Telt 3T1 ontrbi tRT

System IP (31Ttt): 28/10/2021 18:03:52 8/8

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
giur Tk1-4r ftcht
(trru 154 g vitzrr Trtar * FFF)

1- District (i —AT): JIND P.S. NARWANA CITY Year(*): 2021

FIR No. (14-.91t. 0115 Date (iArticti): 30/04/2021


2. S.No. Acts (311iff1 xf) Sections (tffigi))

1 IPC 1860 406

2 IPC 1860 420
3 IPC 1860 506

3. (a) Occurrence of offence (3TER1IT

Day (fta): Date from (ftffilF 11): Date To (itgilF FiF):

Time Period (1T7T11 317iit): Time From (WM it): Time To (Trifvf

(b) Information received at P.S. (MRT l T Date (Roi€1): Time (IP:17):

Tk-1--4r srma 30/04/2021 22:49 hrs
(c) General Diary Reference Entry No. elitfit Time (1:1717):
('0.ila1x4 I tat):
031 30/04/2021
22:49 hrs

4- Type of Information (torif TWM: Written

System IP (3t1et): 28/10/2021 18:03:21 1/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
=Tr 7tWRT ftqtt
(tTriT 154 T Witzff *Om * FFR)

5. Place of Occurrence

1. (a) Direction and distance from P.S. (ITTRT * t 3itT ittIT): SOUTH-EAST, 3.2 Km(s) Beat No. (ite•

(b) Address (WM: 6Rovii

(c) In case, outside the limit of this Police Station, then Name of PS. (1:l1 tiMT ART * WW1 al 217-4T 1ST RUT):

District (State) (fa—AT (77- 1)):

6. Complainant / Informant (51-ffiTzTFWarr /

Name (1W): TA'ff tgcchs

Father's Name (Act APT): TT

Date/Year of Birth (7- 1' fa* / (d) Nationality ('(lib_ (icn): INDIA


Passport No. (riTfItte

Date of Issue (77ft 54' fkfit): Place of Issue (Mt' W(4 WT FM):

(g) Occupation (ardITTz1):

Address Type (traT *T Address ( 1T)

Present Address di el) 3 e4--- ar-{ NARWANA CITY,
Permanent Address 3 er4WaTT NARWANA CITY,

System IP (3*M: 28/10/2021 18:03:21 2/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
ii,T4 I iittitt


Phone number (VaTif Mobile (ai)en*ei


7. Details of known / suspected / unknown accused with full particulars ( Ta' / Tifa-nr / 31 Fra
31fA7p7 rtt factiui l çj4111W):

S. No. Name (W) Alias (.540ia1) Relative's Name (fticlqii TRTTO

1 frar-A- um-41- Husband's Name: ultd-X1 tITT-A

+101i trr-T-4'r Father's Name: Tta-31- 1:17-41-

4 tfp
•4u ci TTigcr
6 t -dT1
7 17-T

cr cr

8* Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant / informant (RM171-6Wer / too ichc-t Titit
i'141 ttt 4-4 wi-r0. *. croiuo:

System IP (31110: 28/10/2021 18:03:21 3/11

. 4,1.n.•
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
TTT iv.' an 1141
(UM 154 IT% zrr 4•Qcu c16d)

9. Particulars of properties of interest (1:1-4i-tra" tia-Lirc-ci

S. No. Property Type (tie-Lirt"-ci * Sub Type (37 WI') Value(In Rs/-) (1t-74 (W

10- Total value of property stolen (In Rs/-) (tt* tia"I ccl T 1 te-el(W 4)):

11. Inquest Report / U.D. case No., if any (4c- 1:1-AteT SALM / 01-31-+-7171- f., rfa- cf, 3 er):

S. No. UIDB Number (zOt.3r+-717T

12. First Information contents (WM *owl! 91-71.):

44,41 , 7F0 VTI-0 It° Tr-6)-Tzr #RT tqCch5 tio-e,1 UP- 652/20 dic41
3 61crldli a14c1kiI TTO- aTTFT ,7tIa1t t, T-4:r acI1
34. 7 --
d--a-trith-Tatt 2015 el gthd-xr 3ftT 3--4:ftr t
iTIA- AT V 419t et 11(1) ociNI ii i 3TE3r tqFkii T4:r-*
Tgru c44 317RT ;Trt ER- arr- r Awl urR--41 •TA-#
fAc-.11 441 AT crV tf TFRT 1-4.71.1÷r fd9h.H 30 Tit--d--Fr 2). 3.0 3-j-Td-ra
quick facilitator a1I 4 cl-;(404) tic1k Z). tita . titr 341T Tcr117 • 1171

faao- 31 T urwr .3-101+1 t 3117 NCR Iel" 3117 $.1 Ag-It
-rch=t 1'4-Fe Ita-r - '17,---6t#11,4.4) 1÷11 oid1H-41 2T1- 2015 # oict cr-6-t
A.Z ER FIN-652/20 $R aldk 01,01611 # AA 8 cii a1cj 1-;14.41 ç.4dfllj AT 5/6
Tifp)- JO. 4 rii& Tcrrith-efciiI rri# op 12 eikg T return 31RIT ir 2015 tt
old ti ÷iFki 1-4,.71c41 t'W 3TT 24.1-1 gita--xr , 4-110-11 3tR fa-wxr k ch I it ta -U7

faaW -ri.4.)-1,U3 r *11 -z4r T ¶ 1tu -d-r 3tR t -it7

Erz. 2016 t +4 Tt 3fit iv 2)- 1 +10.) 1- 6.1-)•( 444)
.ich+f RI I aitT 3iTC4clI 10% 40% c1 fr arrzr WI- I

System IF (341t1t): 28/10/2021 18:03:21 4/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
vtiagr itt4 rl I 11
(Um 154 z-ff AfPFT * civi)

+i•O•di # 4D. t3Th i f fi 3T171 oict -(4161 tit e- aitT mil

Pcb16 Tf--+- $4-1 cr-+- R- $,rs g:1-1- fa.,11÷1 4T{rUa itT.W
2016 A- 60 6IN Adl) 611c1d1i 01-411011 Trrzr
ER" 3171T irT4:1- AA 50 6IN (7)- 341- 1 ,-1‘1 1,4 t ER. ) sir 2017 # fITT
4 tITIT ftzrr dk4 4-ut1r-{ sio AT-zi • 1,+-i 3ft tia-ed 41.1-1 Sio trl- 2.1 3Ih- cri
# f#zrr zrr ait {- f474--47. 2017 # 70 (q IN ft-Trr f-a9N-1 3k fiTft
TM- Tr T -6-Fr Do-ioU .14, 4 t 1 4I
ciie4AA 70 T17E1 31T1-RTs " 3-t7T 31t ft ICICI 0-RdIcril A/C 358901500551
HDFC 4ch J-itgei C1301 0-t-tc1to1i A/C 50200032257848d4 HDR: 4c1i A/C 50200032260065
àii i c13a-r ,A•fl orh too ,slch 01k4loil A/C 358901500550# IMPS J-05
# atij 31T 30 c-HG 7 44- Ft!" 4 -91 =1'4 €.41141 Far Atir
f+-41" dJ IAA 1.80 W1t aich4 IaL Dolcht is4.4)1 Fa-a--{ur 3-11-T 3-41- 4-4J-144 Trt* tr-4-
TutiR- t --6- 1 .-drer ert•Zcilall Li co TM' 7 iz TF mg °HA al.(110-11 2)- 1 571*
Ats1 +11,41 411 Aa) ji c11+1 Itzrr #.1 ,4 gr cip 10/20 rti f'4-1:ht
Tat 21-r at 4- V ZT 1 i 4it Pchlei) 016) 3IY* øc id t a -r43-rri
at'r Eh-1A. c4 çfl 5)-dr-At t ç a1 arritrT sai .t -111- odNi f .3.frcrt
D+(.1-,1 ,u,i1 ai-FrTt ItFAr
Pcbc.i.-11 tft TTT d1II ra. A chN 788 EUR hdrc <I-115M .1.301 15
.3ics1cti1 2019 3-1t{ 010 Aci) 4,61 788 (70,000) # cmi tiff at 3F4 .4161 ck)
Vch Ult. 31TITte 3rrcr4" 1I Icti 3 "1- artq- t 1l dIl 1-4).4
TT Ti--+-fte-A- 01Fic1iolt HDFC 44, * #A-aT 44- fA--
gr 3ft-4- odNi fd, 788
EUR NO J 3ft-t- 4),0 c4iI 1-1 I 3.174. tl 1 I c1-, 4)(1 tur It
371-A. ch61 f 3-1TITTI3lt ti-FT (Remittance) 3-TPIT 3-41-Tt 4c4,
odp_41 4 1 --Fr dimd 3i-r-zrr 3 31T d-idialcrsi 061 9 arrcr--+- r
3-f- t3--d- 00-4 e ar -4--gr J1.) r cich 44, 31-itW1tzlt # old Fair eiel a-)61 1 TTTt.
,414 i i . 14wg 6411c1 gar at 37,---otA F itr Ild t 4161 3-11T
c4c1) f Halt clictc,41(. tt (+04, # 0130, 1,11,100-1 .41,31 oict t •--6"A"

System IP (3iitift): 28/10/2021 18:03:21 5/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
trzi7c au II41
MIT 154 VittIT •tigcit Fre-)

c dII ft -ach TT* elcildl g er $cri 1-g-n- lt-A- cVIIRQ Trafr trt grt 71. old
ei --4:rt stk cf-, T 31TItTr/EIT S-449 GK 1: -CzAT
ci;L-104) 1 3-i-rftu t AftF .161 f#.-4I 1A- arli4R fa -rAlr
4,61 1ETl-ftF. AtIT"). e)d) 347 Nrcrwr artru-rr
c c 1a IlC isi# AT Ail e4-c1 gk c1k Eg d IQ) d6i ai i At+7 15tRr 347 F4 cts;€
t -4" Ttita" r tTc1 r Trar ciAd 4:1,71 it-c4r
- 17 c1i 2019 -1
ii iiI ci61 Jvi Tft-d-3:1- 3ft-4- tf'6-a- PTA- 10/12 3frerzit TM' f#A- trt'r
c4K tr 61-di A. 4,61 14, 3-rrurtr TF ii 7 farri 3T-- T 2 I- 1(4 ,AH)dir 3•117" t
ctI 3iPcR-ct itzIT #itA 1 016) AZET T#T- 3TPTA G14-cl TEM IITTAt T
c)..) *1- Q dI4-41 c1hal cI61 51-41-A- Tilt.)- .16 Old 0-16) tt- Tpt ea-Pr wr
377--r,r aft ch r 311Lic;) IA 3110 $.k4 Ole, 70 ,AN 60tht zyrA-
AZ)- AT 3-1TA. Wat 50 at --aft 90 ii 0•F) ci3c4 . --J-ral-ar 14 rrZg .3t-Nlcvd ziift
3-1rt T4:rt IIc 3-fta-p- chI J4I 3T3-Trt CIO 4TEta- Ilia) old I
0130,+14-Iz1 lIc# e,1 d TitaTf ER- elA g-rtr 4,4-11.k
317. f -arA)-/ „k-ioi TT i 01,161•L 1"+-41- .31-T 1161 it
.16) AT 1
- ---o-ru 14), g=r 3.1-HT .-161 9tqFtdIJ 11'01 ad) ER- P.1, (4c4
(to, f'd-firA-Ntrizr 3rrzrr a). Tita-Tr Et-ffrt34 T77:1. T-T
c-1 (1 Ttr aft-{. 3-FA- 4,61 ft A- -R171)- TrxrrtrrA- ch,cal .1111 trt. facii A T31-
1---grzrr al-$- 1- tT 61c04 .1k41 AT •F-IJ-1511.) cdi cn 3171-T7 IA go dizn t AT
T-FA" eidil ft at cse, cfic Ro lQdtt I $'dc iI KK TT 141).1 3Trzrr 14, l'a-fi rcr-4ficr
qT-6-rt 4-# crNd101 MT I cfp aicid--.“ 2019 A. at{
9) 31Tz1T i a-ftct cri cw4) 31-1- 11T31 1 TF-6-ft 3Trtr t 1 IA- ci6I ATA ch

(t-urr ) Trrtr. ci61 apt 5/6 3.17Tit Trizi f 3417tr Ct)I d I 01

11- . -p;Hm-cfl Trrso - qifi7. t chi(u! c fr rñ T ci imr
,110.1 eildi c161 3.1-13T tqg gtr 34t7- cnidm ci61 at die) at 31-4. d1 -lI'd tI
)- 71)- c1161 f .31-q cI3t.% .16) fPr-43-rr AT tr-p-- r V .1161 14) 3Th ‘1 -(r
Fgrt zrr-ff 3171 q-gt Trrn ad! YtT t -o-A cvl (14-1 06) ,dIal I

IP (3-iftt): 28/10/2021 18:03:22 6/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
ciirn ii,tirn 4
(VRT 154 e16d)

TTritt T)" TPTitr cich tl ft trm 6.111 T-TA- t" trr

$411 1 -Tra- fig-n- ,4.4 .3c5Ich,k 4)1 xttt -(ch,H
29.10.2020 Acq ttintr-gt
31RIferal. trm TA(-4,41i .:HicHe) 114 3T 31 ci chl c116) 0-I6) c 3-ra- 3f1r#
f4) ø1 fi 1-8614, (sid ci-dzIcti6) 341T
tritaR t 1101 I Taff tt sAid 3c1-c1 Trfl- ,(1,4-1 Q-11z)
T41fr9 gr --gRrr .3-1H) 2016 2018 dcb MITA" .7110-1 cr-6-4T1 c1Ic 311R. T -a 3TcrA- 1414-1
AT 44, d cfr i 2.80 W-4)- - f?, I D. -, 4o, grat 4:1 11-t# 1. icici
01.01011 tqlcil tUTT - TAT tgGcl-)5 A/C r 358901500551, 2. ICICI act,
- {1C.ch5 A/C - 164905000244, 3. [en cr, rZ1T9Tq-117-W - TT* chs A/C -
164901500679, 4. HDFC 44) -T TZgC0115 A/C - 5010024323439, 5. HDFC
445 urar TAW c.1, 5 A/C - 50200032257848, 6. HDFC 4ch tri-{W -
T*T tqc (4, 5 AJC - 50200032260065, 7. ICIC14- attc11.-11 icii -7411-a. ik-fl A/C -
358901500550, 8. c)ch 31P:F 01RclIa11 (11c11 -- trAtT A/C -42260100001569, f- -drAt
7R-41 fdtl-dT taTT gift Tit. 9810730005 J-ichicri r0 101/7 itcFaT 31lT71- TjTa
DLF 73Tial 41 I crl 77-41- 1g. T-40 31td-F1 17-41- .. Do/ J-ichicrt T0 S-449 ,GK-
1 ert tc--41 Tit0 34664027287 whatsapp/ ic1 1 J-Ichtcrt f0 235 d cHisei
ittrjra - TTr3=I 77171' Tr1-0 8800343774/ ta71-7/t4-4T Tit0
442033185161 whatsapp/*.*. t---Ofd7 Ug-T gpuirg/TA , 3#0 9810557788/ li f4- 11;1-4Trf
chic-Ilei Tit° 7206363953/ I 1 choilei to 8699804004/ T• Tra V.A-1
74T1 1- ci6c1 T44 ttITIT T5**1- 2.80 ch-T1--g 6.51-1 i t.! a 3ras1lo1 PRA- tl-
(-)" Ramesh 13/4/21 i1 ch T •GA-)5 IAA 7441 , 1,1-1 -652/20 dIell 3
Q0-1dH, atar-0` . T. 9416118433 tritag --Fatt 1832-
P 17.04.2021 (s4.311. 41 slch ZITT kAiLd Tr7g-a- ti AA A.( tUTI
406,420,506 1PC T 9T -11.) IT{ ta-4d-n M 115 lci 30.04.2021 q1137
406,420,506 IPC T19T 15•4 doA f+-711- sylicii•( FIR cn
8Ich 641C.11 r7 -rz1a1'ti crichcl J-H4 3R:17 et.(491,(-d

System IP (aitit): 28/10/2021 18:03:22 7/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
VTR 1 11 l 1Wtc
(UM 154 Vit7TT *Octi ci6ci)

3117TP# atFANT fl dI I 31Ts -

T a 7F J'RT 3-1TI7 c-11

13. Action taken: Since the above information reveals commission of offence(s) u/s as
mentioned at Item No. 2.
(*1 11-41' 4)1 ci16) : 1\
14) LI 'Tar tl 1dI f 3717tt cbi.)
N•7I I Ct4 cI lclI

3,14* r. 2 et rel (S1 tiM * cl6c1 t.):

(1) Registered the case and took up the investigation
FA' fAin 7Tz1T): or ( 710
Rank ('T): SI (Sub-Inspector)

(2) Directed (Name of I.0.) (* 4- 311:tWat T M3:0:


No. (4.): 176 to take up the Investigation 3-i -4A Tirir #A-
FA. 1 r f 1T 171T) or (40

Directed (Mobile No. of I.0.) (71.1-4* 3TitrWat r 3:11-4Tfg 919416948686

(3) Refused investigation due to (7fq * FA): or (* chRui ct)ii

District (I? el 0:
(4) Transferred to P.S. (ITTRT):

on point of jurisdiction (.+1

F.I.R. read over to the complainant / informant, admitted to be correctly recorded

and a copy given to the complainant /informant, free of cost. (W- TzEdWer /
itxiolcbcii 1:rrtr1I*r 7rzfr, Trwr 3Ir tr qfl fi i
1W-+-rz1--+—er 4't 7rzit)

R.O.A.C. (3117.31t.V.At.)


System IF (311$'1i): 28/10/2021 18:03:22 8/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
mra l.1IftErlt
(UM 154 '43' VfOLIT mgcli * Fre)

Signature / Thumb Signature of Officer in charge, Police

impression Station (MIT 11T * ffalliT)
of the complainant /
informant (51VIzraWat I Name (IM): Dharambir Singh
virtichct * FFMATT /310
Rank (T): I (Inspector)
Wi %en-4)
No. (it): KR16

15. Date and time of dispatch to the court (31-41—ga OM l irtict)


Attachment to item 7 of First Information Report (STIWIT 1:0-4T fttitt * 71-C 7 *teidgigt):

Physical features, deformities and other details of the suspect/accused: ( If known/ seen)

(*try. / 3TitrT47f fte, faqtfAql 3It 3mr farm oft 7TrF / tan Trarrll
S. No. Sex 02471) Date / Year Of Build (WFTWE) Height Complexion (in) Identification Mark(s) (tnr4Ta itKr)
(WA) Birth (7Wf Wit (cms)
I *)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I Female

Is Proxitted: Yes
2 Female

Is Proxitted: Yes
3 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes
4 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes
5 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes
6 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes
7 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes

System IP (31T4t): 28/10/202118:03:22 9/11

.1,na Pol co
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
7L-4Fr itErtt
(tTru 154 g ePrr •tacti * Fga)
8 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes
9 Male

Is Proxitted: Yes

Deformities / Peculiarities Teeth (el-e) Hair (WM) Eye (314) Habit(s)(3Trc) Dress Habit (s)
(fattPtil / 111.1.cca) ( zirgre)

8 9 10 11 12 13

Language/I )i. Place of (VT ftITR) Others (NMI)

Burn Mark (70' Leucoderma Mole (3178T) Scar (Ma) Tattoo (7kt IF *7)
wr fAcio) ( tat(Tr0-4
14 15 16 17 18 19 20

System IP (31T/11): 28/10/2021 18:03:22 10/11

(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.)
AIM wi
(UM 154 A),- LIT * FP')

'these fields will be entered only if complainant/informant gives any one or more particulars about the suspect/accused.
(zftr ttti Fift ittr 7rOt zit 57*-1-zraW-dt / ttuo vat tadh I 3iiitzp7 * zrr 37rtr .11.1.1, 1 tar t)

System IP (3ftft): 28/10/2021 18:03:22 11/11

CRM M- OF 2022

Shibani Parti & anr. ...Petitioners


State of Haryana and anr ...Respondents



1. Petition U/s 482 02.05.2022
. Affidavit
P-1: FIR No.115. 30.04.2021 r
P-2: Complaint. First 27-12-19
filed by Respondent 2
P-3: Complaint filed 13-07-2020
at Narwana by
respondent 2
P-4: The undertaking
by the Respondent
no. 2.
P-5: FIR by Petitioner 25.01.2021
P-6: WhatsApp Chat
between Petitioner 1
and Respondent 2
P-7: Undertaking by
Petitioner no. 2
P-13: Identity Proof of 29.06.2014
the Petitioners.

Total Court Fee: /-

DATED: 02.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010

CRM-M No. OF 2022

1. SHIBANI PARTI aged 49 years Wife of Late Gautam
Parti; resident of House no.- 101/7, Silver Oak
Apartments, DLF PHASE-1, Sikanderpur Ghosi (68),
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.

2. SANA PARTI aged 29 years Daughter of Late Gautam

Parti; resident of House no.- 101/7, Silver Oak
Apartments, DLF PHASE-1, Sikanderpur Ghosi (68),
Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.



1. The State of Haryana;

2. Ramesh Khatkad son of Sh. Chanda Ram resident of

H.No. 652/20, Gali No. 3, Hari Nagar, Narwana, District

Jind, Haryana.


DATED: 30.05.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010

Petition under section 482 of Cr.P.0 for

quashing of FIR No.115, dated 30.04.2021

under section 406,420,506 IPC, 1860

(ANNEXURE P-1) registered at Police Station

Narwana City and all the subsequent

proceedings enumerated thereof qua the

petitioners as the instant mentioned FIR is

3rd such vexatious attempt, to falsely frame

the petitioners by the complainant in spite of

advance foreclosure of his previous

complaint with the ECONOMIC OFFENCES

WING, in this regard.

The humble prayer is that during the

pendency of the present petition the

proceedings arising out of the impugned FIR

(Annexure P-1) qua the petitioner may kindly

be stayed, in the interest of justice.


Any other order or direction which this

Hon'ble Court may deem fit and proper

keeping in view the peculiar facts and

circumstances of the present case, may be



1. The petitioner no. 1 is a law abiding, respectful citizen,

a widow trying to make ends meet after having

prematurely lost her husband to Cancer in 2019, while

petitioner no. 2 is her daughter, who had been involved

in her studies at the time of the alleged offence.

2. The Petitioners are totally unrelated to the respondent

no. 2 and had only first met him in July 2019, when he

urged petitioner no. 1 to meet her husband who was on

his death bed at that time.

3. Respondent no. 2 has filed the present complaint upon

his failure of being able to frame the petitioners and late

Gautam Parti in two former complaints dated 27-12-19

filed at Gurugram (Annexure-P2) and 13-07-2020 filed

at Narwana (Annexure-P3), respectively. It is notable,

that while petitioner no. 2 finds no mention in Annexure

P-1 since the respondent no. 2, her name is cleverly

included in the second complaint to fulfil his ulterior


4. While Respondent no. 2 has left no stone unturned to

abuse the process of law and the present FIR has

admittedly been filed upon the forclosure of his

complaint filed on 29-10-2020 with the EOW, upon

rigorous investigation in the matter.


5. Bare perusal of the three complaints by respondent no.

2, suffices the inference that the said FIR is not only

fabricated but is also full of surmises and conjectures

and is absolutely devoid of substance.

6. Petitioner no. 1 is a victim of the circumstance and lives

under constant threat of harassment and humiliation

by the respondents for no fault of hers


1. That, respondent no. 2 has filed a false and frivolous

FIR no. 115 of 2021 U/s 406,420 and 506 of IPC

1860 the true contents of which have been

reproduced below for reference:

"I Ramesh Khatkad, am a resident of H.No. 652/20, Gali No. 3,

Hari Nagar, Narwana, District Jind, Haryana. I am a frequent
visitor overseas and I also work as a Yoga Instructor in
Russia. I had first met late Gautam Para along with his wife
Shibani Parti, in January-February 2015 at Delhi Airport
where they told me about their business in Delhi and
overses. Thereafter, we visited each other's homes many a
time and later Gautam introduced me to Vikram Kashyap
and said they were business partners. Vikram and Gautam
were friends and ran a company named Quick Facilitators
Pvt. Ltd in Gurgaon, Wherein the directors were Rohit Puri
and Ranjit Kashyap who proclaimed that they had great
business overseas and in Delhi. They showed me a list of
many people who had invested in their company. In 2015
when they first visited my home in Narwana, I hasd paid 8
Lakh Cash to them. I received a net profit of about 4 lakh in
5-6 months i.e. I received a return of about 12 Lakh in the
Summer of 2015, which was all dealt with in cash. Gautam,
Shivani, Sana and Vikram said Devraj looks after the

overseas business and Rohit Puri runs the India business.

Gautam and Shivani along with Rohit Puri visited me at my
home in Narwana during the winter of 2016. All of them
provoked me to invest into their business and committed an
income of 10-40%. They also said the company is registered
with the government and that you can invest or withdraw
your money at your own ease so, I further gave 60 Lacs to
them when Gau tam and Vikram visited my home in
Narwana, thereafter I paid a sum of 50 Lakh in June 2017
also at my residence in the presence of Rand hir S/ o Natthu
Ram and Chanda ram S/ o Kishan lal who had taken me in
their confidence. Then, in December 2017, I paid 70 Lakh
which was received by Rohit who was sent by Vikram and
Shivani. All of these always advised me to caary out the
whole business in cash. Thereafter, I sent 70 Lakh Online
through my ICICI account no. 358901500551, HDFC Bank
Model town Narwana Bank account no. 50200032260065,
my wife's Bank account ICICI Account no. 358901500550
through IMPS. I also sent 30 Lac to some other company
account in Dubai (Record attached) I effected cash
transaction of about 1.80 Crore in the presence of Randhir
Singh and Chanda Ram. Thereafter if I asked for a refund
they said if you withdraw now you might lose your money. I
called Vikram and Shivani every now and then who then
used to inform me that they have deputed one Devender@
Raj on task for me, who will provide me the amount that I
ask for. Raj transferred about 788 Euros to my account to
which I objected but he said, let's first withdraw a small
amount so that your company gets attached to the company
and then the further transactions can be smooth. When I
went to meet my bank manager I told him that 788 euros
have just landed in my bank account and that a lot of my
money is about to come. The bank manager then prompted
that this money has been sent through unlawful means and
that I can't withdraw it and that I should never in future
accept money through such means. Ifurther spoke with bank
authorities in Delhi as well who reiterated the same. When I
tried to talk to Shivani and Vikram regarding this, they said

the delay in my money is due to some problem on

government side. Raj further said I'll let you know after
discussion. Few months passed in this vicious cycle.
Thereafter I reached at Vikram's office on the given address,
i.e.the registered address S-449 Greater Kailash, New
Delhi but I found no one. Shivani assured me that Rohit will
soon call me with reagrds to my money and you'll receive all
your money. After a few days my friend and I went to the
said office in Greater Kailash where I met their servant and
then Rohit Puri called in some time and asked me to come to
Emporio Mall, Vasant Kunj on 17th July 2019. Gautam and
Rohit Puri had come there along with 10-12 men and we had
a lot of argument whereafter they said to me that I'll get my
money within 7 days surely. I didn't get anything even
thereafter so I along with my friend went to Gautam Parti's
residence to recover my money but Shivani didn't even speak
with us properly. Thereafter Gautam called and said you will
get your money from tomorrow onwards. Thereafter once
70000, thereafter 50000INR at once 90000 at other time,
amounting . to a total of 14 Lakh received in my
abovementioned account. Hereinafter, Gautam started
staying very ill and His wife Shivani started to avoid me.
Thereafter I went to Gautam's home where Shivani and Sana
said if you come here again we'll have you eliminated. As
soon as I left from there I received a phone call from
Vipin/ Pradeep of Karnal who claimed to be a friend of
Gautam's and Vikram Kashyap's and said he can facilitate
our compromise. One day Vipin invited me to a hotel in
karnal and said that your money has all been lost and now
he will, arrange for some money for me. Then, KK called that
Vipin and Bunty are coming to Narwana to return my money.
After some time in November 2019 Bunty and Vipin called me
to say that I must meet them on Narwana Canal to return my
money. When I went there with my friend Krishan Kumar,
we discovered they were 5-6 men who attempted to coerce
us into signing papers they had got. Upon hearing the ruckus
many people came from nearby and so the men with Vipin
ran away leaving the papers there itself that I had collected.

thereafter they said, now you'll not get anything from us and
you don't know what we can do, we have topnotch approach
in the system. These people always had the intention of
fraudulently earning money from me and it is with this
intention that these people took my trust for a ride and
committed fraud on me. On 29.10.2020, i had filed a
complaint regarding this fraud in the Economic cell Wing but
the police along the accused hide the matter and did not take
proper action. So, i humbly request you to take immediate
action against these people by registering a case. And, my
family's life and property should be protected and the said
amount should be recovered from the culprits. And my
justice should be given to me by borrowing from my
acquaintances and from my own and bank accounts from
2016 to 2018. Gave people's accounts from which money
was given 1. ICICI BANK Nawrana Bank Holder- Ramesh
Khatkar A/c 358901500551 2. ICICI BANK Delhi account
holder - Ramesh khatker A/c: 164905000244, 3. ICICIBank
Delhi Account Holder - Ramesh Khatkar A/c-164901500679.
4. HDFC Bank Narwana Account- Ramesh Khatkar A/c
501002433439, 5. HDFC Bank Narwana Account Holder
Ramesh Khatkar A/c 502000300578486. 6. HDFC Bank
Narwana Account Holder Ramesh khatkar A/c
50200032260065, 7. ICICI Bank Narwana Account Holder
Parveen Rani A/c 358901500550, 8 Bank of Baroda
Nawrana Account Holder dharamveer A/c
42260100001569, Shivani Parti widow Gautam parti
Address...Do/ Vikram Kashyap house no. s-449, GK-1 new
delhi Mo. 34664027287 whatsapp / Rohit puni House no.
235 new green model town Jaidhar/ Ranjit Kashyap
Gurugram Mo. 8800343774/ devraj/ devender vishwakarma
delhi mo. 442033185161 whatsapp / k. o Kshitij Khattar
gurugram/ Delhi mo. 9810557788/ vipin/ Pradeep Karnal
Mo. 7206363953/ Bunty Karnal Mo. 8699804004. All these
people are working together in a conspiracy. Under this, by
cheating and fraud, grabbed 2.80 crores and now threatens
to kill me. sd ramesh 13/4/ 21 petitioner ramesh khatkar son
chanda ram house-652/20 street no. 3 Harinagar, narwana

District Jind Mo. 9416118433. Aj, Police station, on receipt of

the above complaint number 1832P dated 17.04.2021 in
Bajaria postal station. on being found to be involved in the
crime with section 406, 420, 506 IPC from the forceful
request. 115 dated 30.04.2021 section 406, 420, 506 IPC
Police station Narwana Registered Reg. After doing this, a
computerizrd copy of FIR will be prepared and send to the
service of Bajaria postal officer bala. The original request for
copying Michal Police has been kept for further investigation.
Whose in-depth investigation will be implemented."

2. That the only intention behind the said FIR is to extort

money while attempting to malign and tarnish the

clean image of the petitioners which they command

in the vicinity where they live in, have been falsely

implicated by the complainant who had filed a

complaint with the oblique motive to harass and

humiliate the present petitioners, without probing

the contents of the complaint the same has been

translated into an FIR No.115, dated 02.06.2019

under section 406,420 and 506 IPC, 1860 registered

at Police Station Narwana at the statement of

respondent no.

On these allegations FIR under section 406, 420, 506

IPC was registered against the petitioners. True

translation of copy of FIR is being annexed herewith as

ANNEXURE P-1 for the kind perusal of this Hon'ble


3. That, there are major lags between the various versions

narrated by respondent no. 2/complainant which

becomes clear upon perusal of his first complaint

Annexure P2, wherein he only brings up the name of

Gautam Parti that too at a much later stage in Para

10 Where he alleges that the affidavit that Vipin and

Bunty had called him at a hotel where they asked

him to sign an affidavit which contained the name of

Gautam Parti, nowhere mentioned earlier.

4. That, this former version of the

complainant/Respondent no. 2 shows manifold


a) While the previous affidavit is alleged to have presented

to respondent no. 2 by Vipin and Bunty at the hotel,

however in P3 it is rather allegedly presented to the

respondent amidst a ruckus on Narwana Canal (an

open area) where the members of the public seemed to

have gathered leading to the running away of Vipin and

Bunty with unsigned affidavit left behind, to be

produced as an insufficient evidence later.

b) While in Annexure P1 there is no mention of respondent

no. 2 along with his family ever visiting the petitioners

at their home, Annexure P2 clearly describes his visit at

the home of the petitioners upon the death of

Petitioner's no.l's Husband on 10.12.2021


c) While P1 is a clear attempt at fabrication to involve the

name of petitioner no. 2 there is not even the slightest

whisper about Petitioner no. 2 in P2 for the simple

reason that respondent no. 2 wasn't aware about her

d) While there is no mention of how respondent no. 2 had

first met petitioner no. 1 and her late husband,

Annexure P1 exhibits a classic case of concoction

whereby there is no proof of the meeting whatsoever,

also for the very reason that petitioner no. 1 had not

travelled a lot.

5. That, owing to another intermittent complaint made by

respondent no. 2 with the Economic Offences Wing, a

thorough investigation was conducted by the police

inspector named Satish Kumar (+91 7015019080)

along with three other officers( dressed in uniform)

visited our residence on 18-01-2021. They

interrogated us (me and my daughter) for more than

4-6 hours. They took all our papers, took our

statements as well. The matter was thereafter closed

in the absence of any substance whatsoever.

6. That, While respondent no. 2 has concealed the material

fact of having visited petitioner no. 2's residence to

threaten her and extort money out of her, it becomes

clear upon viewing the undertaking given by him to

the Gurugram Police in that Regard. (Annexure P4)


7. That, It is a matter of enquiry that husband of petitioner

no.2 never ran a business of his own and was rather

an employee in a firm named M/s PROFAC Pro

Facilities Pvt. Ltd., in Gurugram where the said Rohit

Puri happened to be his subordinate and though the

former did meet respondent no. 2 indirectly once or

twice it was purely on social grounds.

8. That, the company by the name of Quick Facilitators

Private Limited by virtue of which the alleged

investment of money by respondent no.2 is said to

have happened, actually seems to have only been

registered 5.1 years ago i.e. on 10th April and 2017

and has nothing to do with the petitioners. The

complaint has been filed by the petitioner no. 1 on

25.01.2021 (Annexure-5).

9. That, the whatsapp chats of petitioner no. 1 with

respondent no. 2 (Annexure P6) are sufficient to

show that the respondent no.2 has taken the

situation of an ailing widow- a single mother, the

deceased husband of whose may have happened to

form acquaintance with the latter somehow, to his

advantage by even trespassing in her personal space

at times. The only fault of petitioner no. 1 here is that

she has cooperated with the investigating agency

being a law abiding citizen and has largely

accommodated the requests of respondent no. 2 on


humanitarian grounds, mostly being the victim of


10. That, the situation at petitioner no. l's hand had

gone out of hand hence her daughter petitioner no. 2

was compelled to call the police helpline at 100,

wherein the police had to come and intervene in the

matter. On this occasion petitioner no. 2 had also

signed an undertaking (Annexure P7) before the

Police personnels clearly stating that the said

persons are approaching the petitioners with ulterior

motives and that they have conducted themselves in

an unlawful manner by entering the house of the


11. That, the petitioners had never in their life been to

Narwana/Jind, native place of respondent no. 2 until

recently in 2021 and so all the claims of respondent

no. 2 of the petitioners having visited his native place

many times are devoid of merit especially in the

absence of evidence whatsoever and will fall flat on

face even on the slightest of enquiry.

12. That, the said region of the State of Haryana is ill-

famed for the operations of such gangs that only

function to extort money out of innocent, respectful

and law abiding citizens wherever opportune.

13. That the Honble Apex Court in case titled as State of

Haryana and others V/s Chaudhary Bhajan Lal &


Other, cited as 1991 (1) RCR (Cril) 383" laid down

some parameters for quashing the FIR the Hon'ble

Court has held as follows:-

In the backdrop of the interpretation of the various

relevant provisions of the code under Chapter XIV and

of the principles of law enunciated by this court in a

series of decisions relating to the exercise of the

extraordinary power under Article 226 or the inherent

powers under Section 482 of the Code which we have

extracted and reproduced above, we given the following

categories of cases by way of illustration wherein such

power could be exercised either to prevent abuse of the

process of any court or otherwise to secure the ends of

justice, though it may not be possible to lay down any

precise, clearly defined and sufficiently channelized and

inflexible guidelines or rigid formulae and to give an

exhaustive list of myriad kinds of cases wherein such

power should be exercised.

i. Where the allegations made in the First

Information report or the complaint, even if they

are taken at their face value and accepted in their

entirety do not prima facie constitute any offence

or make a case against the accused.

ii. Where the allegations in the First information

report and other materials if any, accompanying

the F.I.R. do not disclose a cognizable offence,


justifying an investigation by police officers under

section 156 (1) of the Code except under an order

of Magistrate within the purview of section 155 (2)

of the Code.

iii. Where the uncontroverted allegations made in the

FIR or complaint and the evidence collected in

support of the same do not disclose the

commission of any offence and make out a case

against the accused.

iv. Where, the allegations in the FIR do not constitute

a cognizable offence but constitute only a non-

cognizable offence, no investigation is permitted by

a police officer without an order of a Magistrate as

contemplated under Section 155 (2) of the Code.

v. Where the allegations made in the F.I.R. or

complaint are so absurd and inherently

improbable on the basis of which no prudent

person can ever reach a just conclusion that there

is sufficient ground for proceedings against the


vi. Where there is an express legal bar engrafted in

any of the provisions of the Code or the concerned

Act (under which a criminal proceedings is

instituted) to the institution and continuance of

the proceedings and or where there is a specific

provision in the Code or the concerned Act,


providing efficacious redress for the grievance of

the aggrieved party.

vii. Where a criminal proceeding is manifestly

attended with malafide and/or where the

proceeding is maliciously instituted with an

ulterior motive for, wreaking vengeance on the

accused and with a view to spite him due to

private and personal grudge.

medical or any other documentary proof showing

that fact that at any point at time she ( respondent no.2)

was beaten by the petitioners or her husband, therefore,

the particular offence of 323 is nowhere found to be

happen couple with other offence mentioned in the FIR.

17. That in view of the law lay down by the Honble Apex

Court in the above mention cases, the present FIR is

liable to be quashed qua the petitioners. As regard the

offence u/s 406,420 and 506 of IPC, the allegations by

the respondent no.2 do not reveal the same as his own

various versions are contravening. The proceedings in

pursuance of the FIR are abuse the process of court, as

if the allegations made in the FIR even if they are taken

at their face value and accepted entirety do not prima-

facie constitute any offence. It is worthwhile to mention

here that the ingredient of offence mention u/s 406,420

and 506 of IPC is not meted out from the contents of the

FIR, Annexure P1, therefore, to secure the end of justice

the present FIR is liable to be quashed.

18. Therefore, due to the circumstances narrated above the

present FIR is liable to be quashed.

19. That if the proceedings in the above said FIR (P-1) shall

be allowed to continue, in that eventuality the petitioners

for none of their fault will have to suffer inspite of their

even not being remotely involved in the allegations

depicted in the FIR (Annexure P-1) by giving criminal

colour. Moreover, the facts narrated above will reveal

that the complaint has been filed by the complaint with

vendetta and malafide intentions. The FIR (Annexure P-

1) is sheer abuse to the process of law and continuance

of the proceedings on the basis of ANNEXURE P-1 will

cause unnecessary mental and physical harassment to

the petitioners.

20. That the petitioner has not filed any other criminal
petition on the same or similar grounds either in this
Hon'ble Court or in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

a. Petition under section 482 of Cr.P.0 for quashing of FIR

No.115, dated 30.04.2021 under section 406,420,506

IPC, 1860 (ANNEXURE P-1) registered at Police Station

Narwana City and all the subsequent proceedings

enumerated thereof qua the petitioners as the instant

mentioned FIR is 3rd such vexatious attempt, to falsely

• 17

frame the petitioners by the complainant in spite of

advance foreclosure of his previous complaint with the


b. With a further prayer that during the pendency of the

present petition the proceedings arising out of the
impugned FIR (Annexure P-1) qua the petitioner may
kindly be stayed, in the interest of justice.

c. Any other order or direction which this Hon'ble Curt

may deem fit and proper keeping in view the peculiar
facts and circumstances of the present case.

It is further prayed that Petitioner may kindly be

exempted from filing the certified copies of Annexures,
in the interest of justice.

DATED: 01.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010




CRM M- OF 2022
Shibani Parti 86 anr. ...Petitioners


State of Haryana and anr ...Respondents

Affidavit of SHIBANI PARTI aged 49 years

Wife of Late Gautam Parti; resident of House

no.- 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments, DLF

PHASE-1, Sikanderpur Ghosi (68), Gurgaon,

Haryana - 122002. I, the abovenamed

deponent do, hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under:

1. That the deponent is filing accompanying petition before

this Hon'ble Court which is likely to succeed on the
grounds taken therein.

2. That the contents of the petition have been read over to

the deponent, which are true and correct to the
knowledge of the deponent and no part of it is false and
nothing has been concealed therein.

3. That no such or similar petition has earlier been filed by

the petitioner either in this Hon'ble Court or in the
Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

DATED: 02.06.2022


Verified that the contents of para no. 1 to 20 of my

above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and no part of it is false and nothing material has

been concealed therein.

DATED: 01.06.2022
Decided on: 06.06.2022

Shibani Parti and another

. . . Petitioner(s)
State of Haryana and another
. . . Respondent(s)


PRESENT: Ms. Mahima Singh, Advocate

for the petitioner(s).

Mr. Rohit Arya, DAG, Haryana.

Mr. Ashok K. Sharma (Bhana), Advocate

for respondent No.2.


After arguing for some time, learned counsel for the petitioner seeks

permission to withdraw the instant petition at this stage.

Dismissed as withdrawn. .


June 06, 2022

Whether speaking/reasoned: Yes/No

Whether Reportable: Yes/No

1 of 1
::: Downloaded on - 06-06-2022 20:00:53

12 El

In the Court of Subhash Chander Sroai, Addl. Sessions Judge, Jind.


C.I.S. (B.A.) No.935 of 2022

Date of Institution: 12.7.2022
Arguments heard on: 14.7.2022
Date of Order: 14.7.2022

(1) Shibani Parti aged 49 years wife of late Gautarn Parti; resident of
House No.101/7, Silvar Oak Apartments, DLF Phase-1,
Sikanderpur Goshi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana-122002;

(2) Sana Parti aged 29 years daughter of late Gautam Parti; resident
of House.101/7, Silvar Oak Apartments, DLF Phase-1,
Sikanderpur Goshi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana-122002;


State of Haryana

FIR No.115 dated 30.4.2021

Under Sections: 406, 420,506 IPC
Police Station: Narwana City.
•• ••

Bail application under Section 438 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Present: Shri Gaurav Gupta, counsel for the applicants-petitioners.
Shri Neeraj Attri, Public Prosecutor for the State assisted by
Shri R.K.Sharma, Advocate for the complainant.


This order shall dispose off an application for bail under

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID: HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, filed by applicants-

petitioners (1) Shibani Parti aged 49 years wife of late Gautam Parti;

resident of House No.101/7, Silvar Oak Apartments, DLF Phase-1,

Sikanderpur Goshi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana-122002 and (2)Sana Para

aged 29 years daughter of late Gautam Parti; resident of House.101/7,

Silvar Oak Apartments, DLF Phase-1, Sikanderpur Goshi (68), Gurgaon,

Haryana-122002, in case FIR No.115 dated 30.4.2021 under Sections

406,420,506 of Indian Penal Code, Police Station, Narwana City.

2- Notice of the bail application was given to the respondent-

State. Learned PP for the State has put his appearance on behalf of the

respondent-State. Reply filed.

3- The present case FIR No.115 dated 30.4.2021 under

Sections 406,420,506 of Indian Penal Code, Police Station Narwana City,

has been registered on the complaint of Ramesh Khatkar, son of Chanda

Ram, resident of H.No.652/20 Gali No.3, Hari Nagar, Narwana, on the

allegations that applicants/petitioners along with their other associates

cheated the complainant Ramesh Khatkar by inducing him to invest with

them by saying that he will earn income of 10% to 40% and he can

withdraw the money as and when required and they also got him assured

that his money will be safe. On their inducement, complainant has given

Rs.2.80 Crores to them on different dates. When the complainant

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


demanded back some money from them, they did not return the money on

one excuse or the other and thereafter, only small amount has been

credited in his account. Thereafter, they refused to return his money and

threaten to kill him and his family, if money is demanded back and

misappropriated his money.

4- Argument heard.

5- It is argued by learned counsel for the applicants-petitioners

that the applicants-petitioners have been falsely implicated in the present

case. It is further argued that the dispute between the parties is only of

civil nature and no criminal liability can be fastened upon them. It is

further argued that the applicants/petitioners are also ready to join the

investigation in the present case. It is further argued that nothing is to be

recovered from the applicants/petitioners and no custodial interrogation of

the applicants/petitioners is required. Learned counsel for the

applicants/petitioners has relied upon the citations Pardeep Kumar

Dhingra vs. State of Punjab and another CRM-5525 of 2020 in/&

CRM-M-47799 of 2019 decided on 1.2.2022 (P8rH) and

G.V.Bhaskar Rao and others vs. State of Punjab and another

Criminal Misc. MNo.22416 of 2012, decided on 10.1.2013 (P&H).

He, thus, prayed that anticipatory bail application of the applicants-

petitioners be allowed.

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


6- Per contra, id. Public Prosecutor for the State assisted by

learned counsel for the complainant has strongly opposed the bail

application arguing that the allegations against the applicants-petitioners

are serious in nature. It is further argued that the custodial interrogation

of the applicants/petitioners is required. He, thus, prayed that

anticipatory bail application of the applicant-petitioner be dismissed.

7- I have given my thoughtful consideration to the argument

advanced by both the parties and carefully gone through the file.

8- As per prosecution case, applicants/petitioners along with

their other associates cheated the complainant Ramesh Khatkar by

inducing him to invest with them by saying that he will earn income of

10% to 40% and he can withdraw the money as and when required and

they also got him assured that his money will be safe. On their

inducement, complainant has given Rs.2.80 Crores to them on different

dates. When the complainant demanded back some money from them,

they did not return the money on one excuse or the other and thereafter,

only small amount has been credited in his account. Thereafter, accused

have refused to return his money and threaten to kill him and his family, if

money is demanded back and misappropriated his money. The

applicants/petitioners are named in the FIR. The allegations are serious in

nature. Custodial interrogation of the applicants/petitioners is required for

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


sustained interrogation and recovery of the amount.

9. Learned counsel for the applicant-accused has relied upon

the judgments Pardeep Kumar Dhingra vs. State of Punjab and

another CRM-5525 of 2020 in/& CRM-M-47799 of 2019 decided

on 1.2.2022 (P&H) and G.V.Bhaskar Rao and others vs. State of

Punjab and another Criminal Misc. M.No.22416 of 2012, decided

on 10.1.2013 (P&H) (supra). With due respect there is no dispute as to

what has been held therein but the same are wholly distinguishable in

view of the peculiar facts and nature of evidence in the instant case. In

case titled as Sunil Kumar Vs. State, 181 (2011) DLT-528 (DB), it

was held that "no case can strictly be a precedent in a criminal matter for

the reason no two criminal trial would unfold the same story and the same

evidence. Thus, a decision cited burdening to the destination reached at a

particular criminal voyage has to be carefully applied on a principle of

law, in a subsequent voyage".

10 So, keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case,

the applicants-petitioners are not entitled for bail. Hence, the present

anticipatory bail application filed by the applicants-petitioners is hereby


11 However, nothing mentioned herein above shall tantamount

to expressing of any opinion on the merits of the case and shall not affect

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


any of the party during the trial.

Bail application file be consigned to record room, after due


Pronounced in open Court.

Dated: 14.7.2022 (Subhash Chander Sroai),
Additional Sessions Judge,

Note: This order consists of 6 pages and each page

has been duly checked and signed by me.

(Subhash Chander Sroai),

Additional Sessions Judge,
Jind.UID: H R0494.

Veena Rani, Stenographer Gr.!

Visit ecourts,qovan for updates or download mobile app "eCourts Services" from Android or iOS

(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HUN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
CNR No.HRJN010035492022 B.A. CIS No.935-2022

Shibani Parti etc. Versus State of Haryana


(Subhash Chander Sroai)

ASJ, Jind. (UID:HR0494)
Lt Iv% p

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1 "9t- • 13.07.2022

106 CRM-M-32174-2022

Shibani Parti and another vs the State of Haryana and another

Present: Ms. Mahima Singh, Advocate for the petitioners.


1. Notice of motion.

2. Mr. P.P. Chahar, DAG, Haryana, waives service on behalf of

the respondent-State, and, is permitted to within three weeks, file reply, and,

status report.

3. List on 07.09.2022.

4. In the meantime, and, till further orders, the bail applicants-

petitioners may not be arrested, by the arresting officer. However, subject

to the bail applicants-petitioners furnishing personal and surety bonds in the

sum of Rs.1,00,000/- each, to the satisfaction of the arresting officer. The

bail applicants shall also give an undertaking before the arresting officer,

that as and when they are summoned through a written Hukamnama, they

shall ensure theirs rendering cooperation to the investigating officer,

especially qua theirs making an undertaking, qua their willingness, to

deposit a reasonable sum of the purported embezzled sums, before the

learned trial court concerned.

July 26, 2022 (SURESHWAR THAKUR)

sarita JUDGE

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207 CRM-M-32174-2022



Present: Mr. Jatin Sharma, Advocate for

Ms. Mahima, Advocate
for the petitioners.

Ms. Gagandeep Kaur, AAG, Haryana.

Mr. Ashok K. Sharma, Advocate

for respondent No.2.

While issuing notice of motion, this Court had granted the

interim protection to the petitioners.

Learned State counsel, on instructions from SI Raj Kumar,

states that the petitioners have not joined the investigation.

Learned counsel for the petitioners states that due to some

communication gap, the petitioners could not join the investigation and one

more opportunity may be granted to the petitioners to join the investigation.

The petitioners are directed to join investigation and appear

before the Investigating Officer on 14.09.2022 at 11:00 A.M. and shall

also abide by the conditions as specified under Section 438(2) Cr.P.C.

Interim protection granted to the petitioners vide order

dated 26.07.2022, shall remain continue till the next date of hearing.

Adjourned to 07.12.2022.

07.09.2022 JUDGE

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CRM-M No. OF 2022
1. SHIBANI PARTI aged 49 years Wife of Late Gautam Para; resident
of House no.- 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments, DLF PHASE-1,
SikanderpurGhosi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.

2. SANA PARTI aged 29 years Daughter of Late Gautam Parti; resident

of House no.- 101/7, Silver Oak Apartments, DLF PHASE-1,
SikanderpurGhosi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.

1. The State of Haryana;
2. Ramesh Khatkad son of Sh. Chanda Ram resident of H.No.

652/20, Gali No. 3, Hari Nagar, Narwana, District Jind, Haryana.

DATED: 27.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010


FIRST PETITION under 438 of the Code of Criminal

Procedure for the grant of Anticipatory Bail to the

petitioners in case bearing FIR No.115, dated 30.04.2021

under section 406,420,506 IPC, 1860 (ANNEXURE P-1)

registered at Police Station Narwana City, Haryana, in the

interest of justice.

Further, it is also prayed that ad-interim

anticipatory bail thereby staying the arrest of the

petitioner during the pendency of the present petition

may also be granted.

Any other relief order or direction which this

Hon'ble Court may deem fit and proper in view of the

facts and circumstances of the present case also be

granted, in the interest of justice.


"The genesis of this jurisdiction lies in Article 21 of the Constitution,

as an effective medium to protect the life and liberty of an individual.
The provision therefore needs to be read liberally, and considering its
beneficial nature, the courts must not read in limitations or
restrictions that the legislature had not explicitly provided for. Any
ambiguity in the language must beresolved in favour of the applicant
seeking ,lief," - Hon'ble Chief Justice of India N.V.Ramanna, Nathu
Singh vz, The State Of Uttar Pradesh on 28 May, 2021


Preliminary Submissions

1 That the present petitionersare law abiding citizens of the

country and respected citizens of the society. While the

petitioner no. 1 is widow single mother to her college going son

85 daughter trying to make the ends meet after the unfortunate

demise of her husband, the petitioner no. 2 (Daughter of

petitioner no. 1) is a recently married homemaker trying to

take her initial steps the family way.

2. That, they have been falsely implicated in the abovementioned

FIR at the behest of the complainant (herein referred as

respondent no. 2), who has leveled false and frivolous

allegations against the petitioners and there is no iota of

substance and/or evidence with the prosecution or the


complainant to link the petitioners with the commission of

crime, the Petitioners are totally unrelated to the respondent

no. 2 and had only first met him in July 2019, when he urged

petitioner no. 1 to meet her husband who was on his death

bed at that time.

3. That, The instant FIR has come to be filed after the failure of

several earlier attempts of the respondent to falsely frame the

petitionersincluding a complaint before EOW- due to absence

of material and substance, and sheer abuse of process of law

and hence, the instant petition is being filed for grant of

anticipatory bail before this Hon'ble Court with the following

submissions at hand.

4. That, there is a long prelude to the instant FIR reproduced

hereunder, wherein the respondent no. 2, an acquaintance of

the deceased husband of petitioner no. 1, has continually

humiliated the petitioners herein by trespassing into their

home by force along with 15-20 people, sending intimidating

messages, filing false complaints etc. threatening the two

women (petitioners) on various fronts.


5. That, as if the grief laden fateful circumstances of the

petitioners were not enough to derail their lives, they have

kept up with the deliberate harassment caused to the by

respondent no. 2 and come out clean each time thinking that

was it, especially when the Economi Offences Winggave a

foreclosure to the complaint falsely filed by the

respondent no. 2 rendering the petitioners innocent.

6. That, this time the respondent no. 2 has manipulated the local

police in his area by fabricating the facts afresh to form the

jurisdiction there and there has been no reasonable

conclusion to the same for 15 months.

7. That, for kind perusal of this Hon'ble Court, the true

translated version of the FIR is reproduced hereinasunder:-

"I Ramesh Khatkad, am a resident of H.No. 652/20,

Gali No. 3, Hari Nagar, Narwana, District Jind,

Haryana. I am a frequent visitor overseas and I also

work as a Yoga Instructor in Russia. I had first met late

Gautam Parti along with his wife ShibaniParti, in

January-February 2015 at Delhi Airport where they told

me about their business in Delhi and overses.

Thereafter, we visited each other's homes many a time

and later Gautam introduced me to Vikram Kashyap

and said they were business partners. Vikram and

Gautam were friends and ran a company named Quick

Facilitators Pvt. Ltd in Gurgaon, Wherein the directors

were Rohit Puri and Ranjit Kashyap who proclaimed

that they had great business overseas and in Delhi.

They showed me a list of many people who had

invested in their company. In 2015 when they first

visited my home in Narwana, I hasd paid 8 Lakh Cash

to them. I received a net profit of about 4 lakh in 5-6

months i.e. I received a return of about 12 Lakh in the

Summer of 2015, which was all dealt with in cash.

Gautam, Shivani, Sana and Vikram said Devraj looks

after the overseas business and Rohit Puri runs the

India business. Gautam and Shivani along with Rohit

Puri visited me at my home in Narwana during the

winter of 2016. All of them provoked me to invest into

their business and committed an income of 10-40%.


They also said the company is registered with the

government and that you can invest or withdraw your

money at your own ease so, I further gave 60 Lacs to

them when Gau tam and Vikram visited my home in

Narwana, thereafter I paid a sum of 50 Lakh in June

201 7 also at my residence in the presence of Randhir

S/ o Natthu Ram and Chanda ram S/ o Kishanlal who

had taken me in their confidence. Then, in December

2017, I paid 70 Lakh which was received by Rohit who

was sent by Vikram and Shivani. All of these always

advised me to carry out the whole business in cash.

Thereafter, I sent 70 Lakh Online through my ICICI

account no. 358901500551, HDFC Bank Model town

Narwana Bank account no. 50200032260065, my

wife's Bank account ICICI Account no. 358901500550

through IMPS. I also sent 30 Lac to some other company

account in Dubai (Record attached) I effected cash

transaction of about 1.80 Crore in the presence of

Randhir Singh and Chanda Ram. Thereafter if I asked

for a refund they said if you withdraw now you might


lose your money. I called Vikram and Shivani every now

and then who then used to inform me that they have

deputed one Devender@ Raj on task for me, who will

provide me the amount that I ask for. Raj transferred

about 788 Euros to my account to which I objected but

he said, let's first withdraw a small amount so that

your company gets attached to the company and then

the further transactions can be smooth. When I went to

meet my bank manager I told him that 788 euros have

just landed in my bank account and that a lot of my

money is about to come. The bank manager then

prompted that this money has been sent through

unlawful means and that I can't withdraw it and that I

should never in future accept money through such

means. Ifurther spoke with bank authorities in Delhi as

well who reiterated the same. When I tried to talk to

Shivani and Vikram regarding this, they said the delay

in my money is due to some problem on government

side. Raj further said I'll let you know after discussion.

Few months passed in this vicious cycle. Thereafter I


reached at Vikram's office on the given address, i.e.the

registered address S-449 Greater Kailash, New

Delhi but I found no one. Shivani assured me that Rohit

will soon call me with reagrds to my money and you'll

receive all your money. After a few days my friend and

I went to the said office in Greater Kailash where I met

their servant and then Rohit Puri called in some time

and asked me to come to Emporio Mall, Vasant Kunj on

17th July 2019. Gautam and Rohit Puri had come there

along with 10-12 men and we had a lot of argument

whereafter they said to me that I'll get my money within

7 days surely. I didn't get anything even thereafter so I

along with my friend went to Gautam Parti's residence

to recover my money but Shivani didn't even speak with

us properly. Thereafter Gautam called and said you will

get your money from tomorrow onwards. Thereafter

once 70000, thereafter 50000INR at once 90000 at

other time, amounting to a total of 14 Lakh received in

my abovementioned account. Hereinafter, Gautam

started staying very ill and His wife Shivani started to


avoid me. Thereafter I went to Gautam's home where

Shivani and Sana said if you come here again we'll

have you eliminated. As soon as I left from there I

received a phone call from Vipin/ Pradeep of Karnal who

claimed to be a friend of Gautam's and Vikram

Kashyap's and said he can facilitate our compromise.

One day Vipin invited me to a hotel in karnal and said

that your money has all been lost and now he will,

arrange for some money for me. Then, KK called that

Vipin and Bunty are coming to Narwana to return my

money. After some time in November 2019 Bunty and

Vipin called me to say that I must meet them on

Narwana Canal to return my money. When I went there

with my friend Krishan Kumar, we discovered they

were 5-6 men who attempted to coerce us into signing

papers they had got. Upon hearing the ruckus many

people came from nearby and so the men with Vipin ran

away leaving the papers there itself that I had collected

. thereafter they said, now you'll not get anything from

us and you don't know what we can do, we have


topnotch approach in the system. These people always

had the intention of fraudulently earning money from

me and it is with this intention that these people took

my trust for a ride and committed fraud on me. On

29.10.2020, i had filed a complaint regarding this fraud

in the Economic cell Wing but the police along the

accused hide the matter and did not take proper action.

So, i humbly request you to take immediate action

against these people by registering a case. And, my

family's life and property should be protected and the

said amount should be recovered from the culprits. And

my justice should be given to me by borrowing from my

acquaintances and from my own and bank accounts

from 2016 to 2018. Gave people's accounts from which

money was given 1. ICICI BANK Nawrana Bank Holder-

Ramesh Khatkar A/c 358901500551 2. ICICI BANK

Delhi account holder - Ramesh khatker A/c:

164905000244, 3. ICICD3ank Delhi Account Holder -

Ramesh Khatkar A/c-164901500679. 4. HDFC Bank

Narwana Account- Ramesh Khatkar A/c


501002433439, 5. HDFC Bank Narwana Account

Holder Ramesh Khatkar A/c 502000300578486. 6.

HDFC Bank Narwana Account Holder Ramesh khatkar

A/c 50200032260065, 7. ICICI Bank Narwana Account

Holder Parveen Rani A/c 358901500550, 8 Bank of

Baroda Nawrana Account Holder dharamveer A/c

42260100001569, Shivani Path widow Gautam path

Address...Do/ Vikram Kashyap house no. s-449, GK-1

new delhi Mo. 34664027287 whatsapp / Rohit puni

House no. 235 new green model town Jaidhar/ Ranjit

Kashyap Gurugram Mo. 8800343774/ devraj/

devendervishwakarmadelhi mo. 442033185161

whatsapp / k. o KshitijKhattargurugram/ Delhi mo.

9810557788/ vipin/ Pradeep Karnal Mo. 7206363953/

Bunty Karnal Mo. 8699804004. All these people are

working together in a conspiracy. Under this, by

cheating and fraud, grabbed 2.80 crores and now

threatens to kill me. sdramesh 13/4/21 petitioner

rameshkhatkar son chanda ram house-652/20 street

no. 3 Harinagar, narwana District Jind Mo.


9416118433. Aj, Police station, on receipt of the above

complaint number 1832P dated 17.04.2021 in Bajaria

postal station. on being found to be involved in the crime

with section 406, 420, 506 IPC from the forceful

request. 115 dated 30.04.2021 section 406, 420, 506

hoC Police station Narwana Registered Reg. After doing

this, a computerized copy of FIR will be prepared and

send to the service of Bajaria postal officer bala. The

original request for copying Michal Police has been kept

for further investigation. Whose in-depth investigation

will be implemented."

1 That,Bare perusal of the FIRalongwith previous versions of his,

devoid of any substantial claims or facts, makes clear the

intent of the apparently greedy respondent no.

wrongfully gain money from wherever he can. The rampant

mention of random names in connection to the arbitrary flow

of money indicates towards the suspicious nature of

profession of the respondent no. 2

2. That, a false and fabricated complaint, dated 28.12.2019, vide

DD no. 1688-P, (ANNEXURE P-2) was first filed against both


the petitioners to cause criminal intimidation, annoyance and

insult to the petitioners. It was further forwarded to ACP

(EAST) Gurugram on 30.12.2019. The petitioners joined the

investigation and co-operated in the enquirywhereafter the

matter was closed.

3. That, yet another complaint dated, 13.07.2020, vide DD No.

245-5D(ANNEXUFtE P-3), was filed with the SHO PS Narwana

City, District Jind, Haryana in furtherance of his ulterior

motives but in vain. It is notable that the three versions of

the respondent No. 2 differ altogether from each there and

such surmises as Conjectures create a reasonable doubt on

the authority of police officials who seem to have

deliberately ignored the lapses in the information during their

preliminary investigation before registering the instant FIR.

4. That, owing to this intermittent effort made by respondent no.

2 with the Economic Offences Wing, a thorough investigation

was conducted by the police inspector named Satish

Kumar (+91 7015019080) along with three other officers(

dressed in uniform) visited the petitioner's residence on

18-01-2021. They interrogated the petitioners for more


than 4-6 hours. Upon thorough investigation and perusal

of necessary documents, the said complaint was found to

be frivolously baseless and hence was duly closed thereby

rendering the petitioners innocent.

5. That, as a result of the continued harassment by the

respondent the petitioners were compelled to move to the

police themselves and register an FIR dated 25.01.2021 in the

DLF PHASE-I Police station, Gurugrarn, Haryana(ANNEXURE


6. That, as a result of the abovementioned FIR by the petitioners

and upon his second failure to falsely frame the petitioners

and extort money out of them, the respondent manipulated

the local police officials of his area into registering the instant

FIR purely with the intent to humiliate and extort money out

of the petitioners.

7. That, in spite of the foreclosure report of the Economic

Offences Wing, Jind and thorough cooperation of the

petitioners with the local police of Jind, the investigation still

remains pending for about 15 months which smells of frivolity

and connivance.

8. That, the police authorities alongwith the respondent no. 2

have repeatedly harassed and humiliated the petitioners by

passing unbecoming personal remarks on the petitioners

instead of undertaking the procedure for which the petitioners

have been ever available like (paise to aapneliye hi honge, ye

jhooththode hi

bolrahehain/aappaisewaapaskyonnahinkardeteinko etc.)

9. That, the apex court has further uplifted the settled principle

of law to be observed while exercising the discretionary power

U/s 439 CrPC in Nathu Singh vs The State Of Uttar Pradesh

on 28 May, 2021 while pronouncing as below:

20. At first blush, while this submission appears to be attractive, we are

of the opinion that such an analysis of the provision is incomplete. It is
no longer res integra that any interpretation of the provisions of Section
438, Cr.P.C. has to take into consideration the fact that the grant or
rejection of an application under Section 438, Cr.P.C. has a direct
bearing on the fundamental right to life and liberty of an individual. The
genesis of this jurisdiction lies in Article 21 of the Constitution, as an
effective medium to protect the life and liberty of an individual. The
provision therefore needs to be read liberally, and considering its
beneficial nature, the Courts must not read in limitations or restrictions
that the legislature have not explicitly provided for. Any ambiguity in
the language must be resolved in favour of the applicant seeking relief.
In this context, this Court, in the Constitution Bench decision of this
Court in Gurbaksh Singh Sibbia v. State of Punjab, (1980) 2 SCC 565,
which was recently upheld and followed by this Court in Sushila
Aggarwal (supra), held as follows:

"26. We find a great deal of substance in MrTarkunde's submission that since

denial of bail amounts to deprivation of personal liberty, the court should lean

against the imposition of unnecessary restrictions on the scope of Section 438,

especially when no such restrictions have been imposed by the legislature in the
terms of that section. Section 438is a procedural provision which is concerned
with the personal liberty of the individual, who is entitled to the benefit of the
presumption of innocence since he is not, on the date of his application for
anticipatory bail, convicted of the offence in respect of which he seeks bail. An
overgenerous infusion of constraints and conditions which are not to be found
in Section 438 can make its provisions constitutionally vulnerable since the right
to personal freedom cannot be made to depend on compliance with unreasonable
restrictions. The beneficent provision contained in Section 438 must be saved, not
jettisoned..." (emphasis supplied)

24. We cannot be oblivious to the circumstances that Courts

are faced with day in and day out, while dealing with anticipatory bail
applications. Even when the Court is not inclined to grant anticipatory
bail to an accused, there may be circumstances where the High Court is
of the opinion that it is necessary to protect the person apprehending
arrest for some time, due to exceptional circumstances, until they
surrender before the Trial Court. For example, the applicant may plead
protection for some time as he/she is the primary caregiver or
breadwinner of his/her family members, and needs to make
arrangements for them. In such extraordinary circumstances, when a
strict case for grant of anticipatory bail is not made out, and rather the
investigating authority has made out a case for custodial investigation,
it cannot be stated that the High Court has no power to ensure justice. It
needs no mentioning, but this Court may also exercise its powers
under Article 142 of the Constitution to pass such an order

10. That, while petitioner no. 1 is a single mother to her college

going son and petitioner no. 2, who is married a couple of

years ago and is in the process of beginning a family life by

attempting to take her initial steps into motherhood.


11. That, the petitioners have been cooperative with the

authorities so far of which the Economic Offences Wing

foreclosure report is a proof, yet in spite of the frivolity of

subsequent complaints that have tended to disrupt the family

life after having lost their beloved husband and father

respectively, the petitioners have ever been responsive and


12. That, the petitioners are permanent respected residents of the

abovementioned address, where they have been interrogated

by the police authorities in the preceding false complaints that

later found closure and still are often visited by the police

personnels owing to the instant FIR, hence neither has there

ever been nor will there be any chance to flee.

13. That,this is the first Anticipatory bail application U/s 438 by

the present petitioners before this Honble Court and no other

application for grant of Anticipatory bail is pending in any

court of law at the time of filing the instant petition before this

Hon'ble Court.

14. That, owing to the above facts and circumstances, the

Petitioner a bonafide citizen of this country, deserves the


concession and protection of Anticipatory bail also being

rightful of the constitutional provisions guaranteed Under

Article 21.

15. That the petitioners undertake to abide by all terms and

conditions, if so, imposed by this Hon'ble Court while granting

the benefit of Anticipatory bail to the petitioners.

16. That there is no apprehension of absconding of the petitioners

or tampering with the prosecution evidence.

17. That there is no other FIR pending against the present

petitioners except the present one in which the petitionersis

praying for bail.

It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that the present petition

may kindly be accepted and the petitioners be granted Anticipatory

Bail in case bearing FIR No.115 dated 30.04.2021 registered under

Sections 406, 420, 506 of the Indian Penal Code, at JindPolice

Station,Narwana City, Haryana,in the interest of justice.

Further, it is also prayed that ad-interim anticipatory bail

thereby staying the arrest of the petitioners during the pendency of

the present petition may also be granted.


Any other appropriate order or direction which this Hon'ble

Court may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of

the present case be also passed.

It is further prayed that petitioners may kindly be exempted

from filing the certified and true typed copies of all the annexures,

FIR, in the interest of justice.

1. No such petition is pending before the learned Sessions Court
or any other competent court at the time of filing the present
2. Affidavit is attached.
DATED: 27.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010




CRM M- of 2022

ShibaniPartiasanr. ...Petitioners


State of Haryana and anr ...Respondents

Affidavit of SHIBANI PARTI aged 49 years Wife of

Late Gautarn Parti; resident of House no.- 101/7,

Silver Oak Apartments, DLF PHASE-1,

SikanderpurGhosi (68), Gurgaon, Haryana -


I, the above named deponent do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under:

1. That the deponent is filing the present petition before this

Hon'ble Court and the same is likely to succeed on the

grounds taken therein.


2. That present petition has been prepared and drafted on the

record facilitated by the deponent.

3. That the contents of this petition have been read over to the

deponent and the same have been understood by the


4. That the deponent has not filed any similar petition on the

same cause of action either before this Hon'ble Court or in the

Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and no such or similar

petition is pending in any court of law.

5. That Aadhaar Card of the petitioner has been annexed

alongwith the petition.

DATED: 27.06.2022 DEPONENT


Verified that the contents of Parallo.1 to 5 of the affidavit

are true and correct to the knowledge of the deponent, no part of it

is false nothing material has been kept concealed therein.

DATED: 27.06.2022 DEPONENT



CRM M- of 2022

ShibaniParti&anr. ...Petitioners


State of Haryana and anr ...Respondents


Sr. Particulars Dated Page Court

No. Fee
1 Petition U/s 438 Cr.P.C. 27.06.2022 1-19
2 Affidavit in support 27.06.2022 20-21
3 Annexure P-1 FIR no. 115 30-04-2021
4 Annexure P-2 Complaint DD 28-12-2019
no. 1688-P
5 Annexure P-3 DD No. 245-5D 13-07-2020
6 Power of Attorney 27.06.2022
7 Aadhaar Card of petitioners ---
8 FIR No.115 30.04.2021 71-74
9 Complaint DD no. 1688-P 28-12-2019
1 DD No. 245-5D 13-07-2020

Note: 1. Any Similar Case: NIL

2. Advance copy has been supplied in the office of Advocate
General, Haryana.
3. Whether any sitting/former MP/MLAs is involved in the
case or not: No

DATED: 27.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010




CRM M- of 2022

ShibaniParti&anr. ...Petitioners


State of Haryana and anr ...Respondents

Total Court Fee/ -

DATED: 27.06.2022


D-260/2016 P-3189/2010

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