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FEATURE Terminal Management

API Revises
Roof Guidelines


significant and beneficial event ments from dozens of companies, and sider a list of specifics when
a ffecting aluminum intern a l many were incorporated into the final choosing an IFR type.
floating roof (IFR) tanks has document. API rules require that every 5. Material “thickness” or “nominal thick-
o c c u rred. The American Petro l e u m comment be considered and that any ness” is now clarified to be the pur-
Institute (API) has released Addendum negative comment must be satisfied, chased thickness, with allowance
2, revisions to Appendix H, to API withdrawn, or in very unusual circum- for standard mill tolerance.
S t a n d a rd 650 (10th edition, dated stances, overridden. 6. All types of IFRs with closed
November 2001) dealing with welded Past failures of steel and aluminum buoyant members, referred to as
steel tanks for oil storage. IFRs have been traced to inadequate “ c o m p a rtments,” now include
This standard promotes adequate design and poorly defined requirements. specific requirements for the com-
safety an d rea sonable economy Thus, the new recommendations are con- partments.
regarding the material, design, fabrica- siderably more comprehensive than pre- 7. Each compartment shall be capable
tion, erection, and testing of storage vious versions. The working committee of being field-inspected for the
tanks holding petrochemical products. addressed the minimum requirements for presence of combustible gas and
Addendum 2 includes the latest revi- both quality and safety of IFR designs and resealed to preven t liquid or
sions to Standard 650, Appendix H, made the design requirements uniform vapor entry in the field after such
which define the minimum standards for all types (steel and aluminum). The periodic inspections.
for internal floating roofs. recommendations define minimum loads 8. All closed flotation compartments
Considerable discussion must have and mandate the use of safety factors. shall be seal-welded to prevent
ensued in the development of this revi- Appendix H also makes it clear that the liquid or vapor entry.
sion. It surely was a monumental task. As purchaser must verify that the IFR manu- 9. For metallic sandwich-panel roofs,
a result of this work, product loss, prop- facturer is following the guidelines. if the purchaser allows, adhesives
erty damage, and most important, harm Following is an abridgment of the may be used to seal the flotation
to human beings will be prevented. The revisions as they relate to aluminum IFRs: panels in lieu of welding, but the
public and the industry owe a debt of 1. The sections for plastic sandwich purchaser shall consider future
gratitude to those who worked to develop roofs and plastic materials have p roduct service, the hydro t e s t
this document (see sidebar, page 50). been eliminated, although alter- condition, and design condition
When the Su bcom mi ttee on native designs and materials may changes to specify the adhesive.
Pressure Vessels and Tanks (SCPVT), be specified by the purchaser. 10. All IFRs shall include additional
part of the API Committee on Refinery 2. Caution statements have been added buoyancy to offset the calculated
Equipment, initiated the project in the for metallic pan and open top friction exerted by peripheral and
fall of 1998 to revise Appendix H, its bulkheaded floating roofs (both penetration seals during filling.
members expressed concern about the typically made from carbon steel). This is a new requirement.
safety and perf o rmance of pan and 3. The design specific gravity is now the 11. The uniform design live load may
open bulk-headed steel roofs. lower of 0.7 and actual. It be redu ced from 12.5 to 5.0
Over the next three years, the was 0.7. l b / f t 2 if th e floatin g roof is
SCPVT considered hundreds of com- 4. The purchaser is cautioned to con- equipped with drains to prevent June 2002 • World Refining • 49

accumulation of liquid. Prior ed- 16. The floating roof shall be provided become familiar with these standards and
tions did not require any design with adjustable supports, unless address them with your IFR manufac-
consideration for live load when the purchaser specifies fixed sup- turer or supplier and erector. To obtain a
drains were included. p o rts. In p rior ed itions, copy of API 650, including Appendix H,
12. Aluminum load-carrying members adjustable legs were not man- visit the official Web site: http://api-
shall comply with the dated, and some operators were
“Aluminum Design Manual,” unable to maximize their storage mask=002002000000000000.
published by the Aluminum Asso- capacity or inexpensively clean
ciation In c. The man ual their tanks. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
requires that appropriate factors 17. Supports shall be fabricated from Bill Grimes is a sales engineer for
of safety be included in design pipe, unless cable or another Allentech (Bethlehem, Pa.), which
calculations, illustrates pro p e r type is specified and approved by designs, manufactures, and installs
design methodologies, and spec- the purchaser. Cable-suspended internal floating roofs, perimeter seal
fies mechanical properties of var- floating roofs have been common systems, and related products for
ious aluminum alloys. Prior ed- for Allentech for some time now a b o v e g round petrochemical storage
tions included no re q u i re m e n t but are new to Appendix H. tanks, and floating oil-water separator
for factors of safety or pro p e r- 18. The purchaser shall specify if any covers for use at oil refineries and
analysis of aluminum shapes. protective measures are required petrochemical storage terminals. API
13. Use of any joint-sealing compound, for supports that interface with canno t p rodu ce docum ents tha t
insulating material, elastomer, or stratified product bottoms. restrict competition in any way, but
adhesive must be pre-approved 19. The solid area of all circulation vent can obtain industry consensus on good
by the purc h a s e r. The joining s c reen s must be deducted to practice.” Grimes can be contacted at
p ro c e d u re an d test re s u l t s d e t e rmine the net open are a . p hone (520) 57 5-1443 or e- mai l
demonstrating the pro p e rties This is a new requirement. ●
shall be described completely. 20. A minimum clear opening of 30
Where such joints are permitted, inches is required for fixed-roof WHO WORKED ON
any j oint-sealing compound, manways used for access. This
insulating material, elastomer, or value used to be specified at 24
adhesive shall be compatible inches. The revisions to API 650, Appendix H,
with the product stored, spec- 21. The purchaser shall specify an inlet were completed by the SCPVT, part of
fied serv ice cond it ion s, and diffuser sized to reduce the inlet
the API Committee on Refinery
materials joined. Resulting joints velocit y to less th an 3 ft/sec
Equipment. The subcommittee is the
shall be equivalent in serv i c e - during initial fill, per API RP
bility (with the basic floating roof 2003. A diffuser has always been group responsible for revisions to
comp onents), of a size an d part of a proper installation, but Standards 650, 620, and 653.
strength that will accept the roof the requirement guarantees one The SCPVT includes a Design
design loads without failure or will be used. Sub-Group and a Fabrication Sub-
leakage, and have an expected 22. Prior to installation, the floating Group, each with about 20 members.
life equal to the service life of the roof erector must inspect the Membership is balanced so that half
roof. tank for dimensional confor- represent manufacturers and con-
14. The purchaser is to be given a list mance to Section 5.5 of API 650
tractors and half represent end users.
of fa ctors t o consider b efore and report identified deficiencies
Prime movers in the effort were:
selecting peripheral seal type and to the purchaser. A shell survey
mat eri al . The def initi ons of has always been part of a proper Phil Myers of ChevronTe x a c o ,
peripheral seals and types were installation, but this new require chairman of the SCPVT; Larry D.
improved; however, it should be ment guarantees that this step Foster of Marathon Ashland L.L.C.;
noted that definitions are generic will be taken. Bruce Roberts of Aramco, chairman
(since the standard is designed 2 3. The pe ripher al se al mu st be of the Fabrication Sub-Group;
for wide usage), so these do not inspected, and the fit must be George L. Morovich of Te m c o r, a
a d d ress specifi c re g u l a t o ry verified as acceptable by the member of the Design Sub-Group;
requirements. erector prior to the flotation test.
and Rich Basile of ExxonMobil,
15. The primary shoe seal must extend 24. Appendix S, 4.10 shall be followed
chairman of the Design Sub-Group.
at least 6 inch es abov e an d when performing a hydrotest on
Among significant contributors to the
inches in to the li qui d at an aluminum or stainless steel
the design flotation level. The 6- floating roof. e ffort was Allentech, a prominent
inch requirement is new. If you are a potential IFR purchaser, supplier of IFRs.

50 • World Refining • June 2002

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