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Social Science Faculty, DU *. Tanim has Tk. 200. (Ans.) 11. Pubali Bank Senior Officer 2010 1, You buy number of two types of chocolate a the rate of Tk. ; and Tk. 4 respectively. If you now sell them at a rate of Th. =, rr what will be your prot or Joss? [Pubali SO 10] Solution: 1149) The total cost of two types of chocolate = Tk. ++) = Tk. 4?= Tk. 2 20 The average cost of two types of chocolate = Tk. 2 = =Tk.4 = Loss for each chocolate = Tk. G-2- ko =k 2 (Ans) 2. In a class, 25 percent students voted for Mr. K. Two thirds of the remaining students voted for Mr. M. The remaining 11 students didn’t cast their votes. How many students are there in the class? [Pubali SO 10] Solution: Let, the number of students be x. Voted for Mr. K = 25% of x = === 3x x Remaining = x Cartage Voted for Mr. M =2 of == According to the question, | rar =ll Or, * The number of students in the class = 44 (Ans.) 7 x=44 3. In an exam, 88% of the students passed in Mathematics and 87% passed in English. If none of the students failed in both subjects and 225 passed in both subjects, calculate the number of students who have attended the exam. [City Bank Officer 01, Pubali SO 10] wagers eb RET, ve % Pema ae ot wea rae 19% ReaECw ay Hea | A HICAT WINE Be CHT AT BH GAR Qe BT Boa fac a He, recor eeArwrtaT remsaectemeay Hewat MATT AAT HAA | Solution: Students who failed in Mathematics only = (100-88)% = 12% ——— —n—i—— mE Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 89 = 13% ‘ATQ, Students who failed in English or Mathematics = (12+13) % = 25%| 7594-225 Students who passed in both subj (100-25)% = 75% | 1% = 225/75 100 students © 100% = 225%200 If 1 student passed in both subjects then total = 100/75 students. s 378 If 225 students passed in both subjects then total = #°°%225 students = 300 = 300 students (Ans.) 4, A team of 2 men and 5 women completed 1/4" of a job in 3 days. After that another man joined them and they all complete the next 1/4" of the job in 2days. How many men can complete the whole job in 4 days? [BB AD 14, PKSF AM 09, NCC Bank Officer 02, Pubali SO 10, Pubali JO(Cash) 13] agans RET TT aR CUT ART AE TCETT 9/8 Tt © ACT OTT He | AMA SINS HET AHS SHO ICT UT OT AAR WaT HATS 3/8 Wet BEE 2 HoT HHA Hea TORT A yh Se 8 Het AH FATS ata? Solution: Let, Men = M, Women = W 2M & SW complete in 3 days = * part of the job amon hm ™ Tday= 2 = part of the job After joining 1 men, 3M & SW complete in 2 days = + part of the job 2mm em" Tday == 2 part of the job =. 1 man can complete in I day = & “2 = 2 part of the job 1 man does = parts of the job in 1 day . 1 man does I (whole)” ” ” = Hat = 24 days In 24 days the job completed by 1 man inl m aKogm i OB Ta te SP <6 men Ans: 6 men. Alternative method: Let, Men=M, Women = W (2M+5W) can do 1/4 of a job in 3 days (2M+5W) can do 1 job in 3x4 = 12 days So, in 1 day (2M+5W) can do 4 ofa job Similarly, in 1 day (3M+SW) can do # of a job —_———EEEeeeesese Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 90 Social Science Faculty, DU So 1 man can do in 1 day = : 1x4 ~. Iman can do in 4 days ry T : 2 a OF the job # of the job now, + of the job can be done in 4 days by | Men So, 1(whole) job can be done in 4 days by 6 Men Ans: 6 men. 12. Pubali Bank Senior Officer/Officer 2011 1. Recently Sobhan's hourly wage has been increased by 10%. Before this increase, Sobhan's total weekly wage was Tk. 137. If his weekly working hours were to decrease by 10% from last week's total working hours, what would be the change, if any, in Sobhan's total weekly wage? [BB AD 09, Pubali SO/O 2011] was SPSS ATT CAARITAT WHT A ET 20% Ah CCT | Ae eet TO HTC AHCHHeE eT fet 09 Brat AA we NUTR ATT AAT TS AVI CHA 30% APT MT SCT AAAI ANT TCT CHT fae ea fr ee A aA Solution: Let, weekly working time = x hr Weekly hourly wage = Tk. 22 zi 137, 1507 After 10% wage increase, new hourly wage = 110% of = Tk. oe After 10% working hour decrease, new working hour =x-10% of x =" hr New weekly total wage = Tk. (~)x( 42) = Tk. 135.63 ~. Weekly wage reduced = Tk. (137-135.63) = Tk. 1.37. (Ans.) Alternative Method: Given that, last week's wage was Tk. 137. At 10% increase in wages it becomes = 137*110% = Tk. 150.7 Let, last week's working hour was 10. At 10% decrease it becomes 10*90% = 9 hours. Total wages of last week = Tk. (137*10) = Tk. 1370 Total wages of this week = 150,7*9 = Tk, 1356.3 Change = Tk. (1356.3 -1370) = Tk, -13.7 So, percentage change = (- se") w= 1% Therefore, the change is 1% less wages. (Ans.) Or, weekly wage reduced = 1% of 137 ='Tk. 1.37 (Ans.) Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 91 nce Faculty, DU ¢ weekly sale is Tk, 30,000, Shelf 1 accounted and shelves 2 and 3 cach accounted for z as has shelf 1, then what could have ? [Pubali SO/O 2011] Social Sci 2. A store has five shelves and ave 1 ‘ for 4 of the store’s average weekly much as shelf 1, Shelf 4 alone accounted for asm been the average weekly sale of shelf 5 of the sto Solution; Sale of shelf 1 = fot Tk, 30,000 = Tk, 7500 Sale of shelf 2 = 2 of Tk. 7500 = Tk. 5000 Sale of shelf 3 Sof Tk. 7500 = Tk. 5000 Sale of shelf: 7500 (Same as shelf 1) Sale of shelf 5 = Tk. 30000 — Tk. (7500 + 5000+ 5000 + 7500) = Tk. 5000 (Ans.) le 3. A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 10%. If he had bought if for 20% less and sold it for Tk. 55 more, he would have made a profit of 40%. What was the cost of the article? [Pubali so/o 2011) aga SEE OTA GAS HT 30% "RECS ARaET TAT | At POA AIT 20% A MICA FACT AMATOT AR CC ‘Dre OP fcr Rite Saw TOA WET UIs 80% AS VET | Halos UEMET Pet ea Solution: Let, the cost price = Tk. 100 At 10% loss, selling price = Tk. (100-10) = Tk. 90 At 20% loss, cost price = Tk. (100-20) = Tk. 80 At 20% profit, Selling price = Tk. (80+40% of 80) = Tk. (30+ 32) = Tk. 112 Difference of the selling prices = Tk. (112- 90) = Tk. 22 ‘When selling price Tk. 22 more, then cost price is = Tk. 100 eo Sa Th 55) Eo ee Ses eS = Tk. 250 Ans: Tk. 250. 13. Pubali Bank Junior Officer (Cash) 2011 1. Mr. Rahman pays 10% tax on all income earned over Tk. 60000 but he does not pay any tax on interest on saving certificate. In 2006 he paid Tk. 7500 as tax and he earned Tk. 12000 as interest on savings certificates. What is his total income in 2006? [BB AD 08, Pubali JO(Cash) 11) FRA FCT Go,o00 Brera Gores aw Brat Ve eA iat BATH 30% Ta ATT HEAT FT HVAC TAPP Boe ONE CHT A ATT FATE CT AT AAT FFT Qoow FCT 9,00 Bret sa SHIT LAT AR TTT FaPAA Seta Tia UIT 32,000 Brat A Wer Qoow FIA OA AIS ww Brat aT SHE Solution: Mr. Rahim gives 10% taxes upon his income. Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 92 Social Science Faculty, DU 100 750% 100 If tax is Tk. 10 th If tax is Tk. 7500 then income is Tk. 75000 His total income = Tk. (750004 60000412000) = Tk. 147000 (Ans,) 2. A trader, while selling an item, was asking for such a price that would enable him to offer a 20% discounts and still make a profit of 30% on cost. If the cost of the item was Tk. 50 what was his asking price? (nf AD 08, Standard Bank TAO 16, Paball JO(Cashy 11) 1 oss RET AT testa ay aA HT Ae MIC THOS Q0% foraTde fens Mawar oo% mts eS Ha ye co Brat aw wrect Rowot ae HIT aMeoTaY = Tk. 50 At 30% profit, price becomes =130% of 50 = Tk. 65 Let. cost price = Tk. 100 At 20% discount price = Tk. (100-20) = Tk. 80 Tk. 100 Tk. 100/80 is Tk, XS = Tk, 81.25 When selling price is Tk. 80, then asking pric When selling price is Tk. 1, the When selling price is Tk. 65, the Ans: Asking price Tk, 81.25 Alternative method: At 30% profit, selling price= 130% of 50 = Tk. 65 Let, asking price be Tk. x At 20% discount, selling price = 80% of x = Tk. 0.80x According to the question, 0.80x = 65 2. Asking price is Tk. 81.25 (Ans.) 3. A man deposits Tk. 1000 in a bank at 8% interest rate compounded annually, At the end of the 3" year, what will be the total amount including interest? (BB AD 08, Pubsli JO(Cash) 11) wane AHS w% cre WarAfe HARA 9,000 BIT ANCE WMH AINA | MEA Ta WIT DRY TT FS LAT Solution: Here, principal value, P = ‘Tk, 1000, rate of interest, r= 8% = 0.08 and time, n= 3 years. We know, FV = P(1#1)" = 1000(1 +0,08)' =1259.712 «*. Including interest the total amount will be Tk, 1259,712 (Ans.) revious All Banks Written Math Solution Page 93 At 35% price becomes (X+X835%) © TR. 1.35x According to the question, 0.85x = es Or, x = Fae = 12000 X= 12,00081.35 % 16,200 <. Selling price = Tk. 16,200 (Ans.) 2, You want to make a garden in front of your house. The length of the rectangular region is greater than its breadth by 20 meters. The perimeter of the land is 200 meters, If the gardening cost is Tk. 20 for each square meter and, how much will be total gardening cost? [Standard Bank TAO 12) was TSS SHAR Tie ANT Cet abiia Weft Save OFT SINS Maia Orel aa airy COUT 0 FBT GR IAT AAT Qo ARI af TiTIer Qo rat ao RT YT aA ols sare Fe Brat LAT we Solution: Let, breadth = x meter So, length = (x+20) meter. We know, 2(Breadth+ Length) = Perimeter Or, 2(x+x+20) = 200 Or, (2x+20) = 200/2 = 100 Or, 2x = 100-20 = 80 “x= 40 meter. Length = (40+20) = 60 meters and breadth = 40 meters. ~. Area of this garden = 40x60 = 2400 sq. m. +. Total gardening cost = Tk. (2400*20) = Tk. 48000 (Ans.) 19. Pubali Bank Junior Officer 2012 1. A borrower pays 8% interest per year on the first Tk. 600 he borrows and 7% per year on the part of the loan in excess of Tk. 600. How much interest will the borrower. pay on a loan of Tk. 6000 for one year? [PKSF AM 09, Pubali JO 12] CHP HTC ACA 9A Yoo Baa wT H% Pierson 9% TH OTT Oia aera TT &,000 Brat Rm PBF aerm Be Bra I fice? Solution: SOO Tk. 6000, the first 600 is charged with 8% interest and the rest amount Tk. (6000 — Faeulty Raced. Previons All Ranks Written Math ©.1. Daan 10% Social Science Faculty, DU = Tk.5400 is charged % inter So, 8% interest for first Tk. 600 Tk. 48 7% interest for . 5400 is = 7% of 5400 = Tk. 378 So, total interest for 6000 Tk. for 1 year = Tk. (48 + 378) = Tk. 426 (Ans.) 2. Ripon, Liton and Pintu started a business jointly with a total amount of Tk. 280. Ripon paid Tk, 45 more than Liton and Liton paid Tk. 70 less than Pintu, If the ny made a profit of Tk. 56, how much profit should Liton receive?|PKse AM 09, Pubali JO 12} gars ANF, FPA © FAT aid vo Brat Mar wal art wwe sea | MOT Aw Brat ore AT Sta coCH Be Brat GR car oR AR Ww Dist cor APA wie CAT ao Brat wr ca! A wort CAPA ey Bret aS aT Sr FPA FS Vist FETE Ca? Solu’ Let, the amount of Liton = Tk. x Then, the amount of Ripon = Tk. (x+45) and the amount of Pintu = Tk. (x+70) According to the question, x+x+45+x+70=280 Or, 3x + 115 = 280 2 x=55 So, the amount of Liton = Tk. 55 The amount of Pintu = Tk. (55 + 70) = Tk.125 And the amount of Ripon = Tk. (55 + 45) = Tk.100 Liton: Pintu: Ripon = 55 : 125 : 100 = 11:25:20 «- Liton’s profit =Tk. (2x56) = Tk. 11 (Ans.) 3. A worker is paid Tk. x per hour for the first 5 hours he works each day. He is paid Tk. y per hour for each hour he works in excess of 5 hours. During one week, he works 8 hours on Saturday, 11 hours on Sunday, 12 hours on Monday, 10 hours on Tuesday and 9 hours on Wednesday. What is his average daily wage in Taka for five days of week? [PKSF AM 09, Pubali JO 12] was rer afire wre errors AACA ST e WOT x Bret AT | ¢ WOT AATS afer OFT PEA y Bist eer HT | are Herce Fei rar & WOT, AAAI dd GOL, CTT 99 THT, WT 30 WOT ATR WAT d VOT aren ra | HTC @ Arca CRT wre Cae AG AEA Pwr Soluti Day wise earning of the worker; Saturday = 5x + 3y, Sunday = 5x + 6y Monday = 5x + 7y, Tuesday = 5x + Sy Wednesday = 5x + 4y Sum of five days = 25x + 25y Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 103 Social Science Faculty, DU Aci cording t tot the question, Or, 120x = 120: “4+240-6x Or, 3x°+6x-240 = 0 Or, 3(X7+2x-80) = 0 Or, (x°+2x-80) = 0 Or, x°410x-8x-80 = 0 +10)(x-8) = 0 So,x=8 .. He bought 8 chocolates, (Ans.) Alternative method: Let, the price of one piece chocolate in Ist shop = Tk. x So, total chocolates = = piece Price of one piece chocolate in 2nd shop = Tk. (x ~3) Total chocolates = 2 piece According to the question, 3201205 tg 120x—120(x-3) 120x=120x+360 _ 360 _ One One) On genax? Or, 2x?-6x-360 = 0 Or, x?-3x-180 = 0 Or, x?-15x+12x -180 =0 (x + 12x —15)=0 So, x = 15 [-12, not acceptable] Number of chocolates bought in the first shop = == 8 (Ans.) 22. Pubali Bank Senior Officer 2013 1. a, b, ¢, d, e are 5 consecutive numbers in increasing order, deleting one of them from the set decreased the sum of the remaining numbers by 20% of the sum of 5. Which one of the number is deleted from the set? [BB AD 14, BB AD 12, PKB SEO 18, Pubali SO 13] ef wie AIT a,b, c,d @e | ACR AIT aa Heat are fier aorta AB, Gnd ef meme aE CREF ROM RPT MH 1 CT HRTABC a FAT A, te A Solution: Let, a As the series is increasing in order of size, So, b=x+1,c=x+2,d=x+3,e=x+4, Therefore, the sum of five consecutive numbers is x+ x+1+ X+2+ x4+3+ x+4 = 5x+10 Again, let the deleted number is Y, ccc —— —— Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 108 Social Science Faculty, DU ‘According to question, (5x+10)-(5x+10-Y) = 20% of (5x+10) Or, 5x+10-5x-10+Y= (5x+10)x = Or, Y= (Sx+10)x¢ we Yorxt2 So, the deleted number is (x+2), This is the value of “c”,(Ans.) Alternative method: Let, the consecutive numbers are 1, 1+1 = 2, 142 =3, 143 =4 & I+4=5 So, total = 1+24+3+4+5 = 15 Deleting | of the 5 numbers from the set, then decreased 20% of the sum. 20% of the sum = 20% of 15=3 So, the deleted number is the 3" from the set and that is ‘c’. Ans: ¢ 2. When the price of sugar is increased by 10%, then at what percentage in the use of sugar should be reduced so that there will be no change in the expenditure for use of sugar in the family. (Pubati so 13) Solution: Let, the price of sugar be Tk. 100 and quantity be 100 units At 10% increase, new price = Tk. (100 + 10% of 100) = Tk. 110 Increase price = Tk. (110-100) = Tk. 10 In Tk. 110 need to reduce by Tk. 10 In Tk. 1 need to reduce by Tk. = In Tk. 100 need to reduce by Tk. “20° = Tk. 9.09 Required percentage = 9.09% (Ans.) 3. An article is sold at 20% profit. If its cost price is increased by Tk. 50 and at the same time if its selling price is also increased by Tk. 30, the percentage of profit decreases by 35%. Find the cost price. {Pubali SO 13] Solution: Let, the cost price be Tk. x Selling price = 120% of Tk. x = Tk. 1.2x Profit = Tk. (1.2x-x) = 0.2x New cost price = Tk. (x +50) New selling price = Tk. (1.2x + 30) New profit = (1.2x +30) — (x+50) = Tk. (0.2x-20) According to the question, 0.2x-20 1 (20- 32)% x+50 Se errs Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 109 $9 nn eee Social Science Faculty, DU we Onan S100 Of, 1.2% =120 © x +50 Or, 1.2x - x = 504120 Or, 0,.2x = 170 1 x= = 850 « The cost price = Tk. 850 (Ans.) 23. Pubali Bank Junior Officer (Cash) 2013 1, A team of 2 men and 5 women completed 1/4" of a Job in 3 days. After that another man joined them and they all complete the next 1/4" of the job in 2days. How many men can complete the whole job in 4 days? (BB AD 14, PKSF AM 09, NCC Bank Officer 02, Pubali SO 10, Pubali JO(Cash) 13] RT TET aR tO AT Ga IEE 3/8 GET © ACT CN HEH | AMT TS MTOR FAH COTE ATC CIMT CFT aR Bat AT} 9/8 Get BOT 2 FT HMA BO | ToT eT He Brea 8 fer HHT wATT aT? Solution: Let, Men = M, Women = W 2M & SW complete in 3 days = + part of the job "mon om ©» | day= 2 = part of the job After joining 1 men, 3M & SW complete in 2 days = + part of the job GBT hm I day aa ehert of the job . | man can complet i in I day = G-4) = part of the job 31 1 man does ~ parts of the job in I day . man does I (whole)” ” ” = Dat = 24 days In 24 days the job completed by 1 man “ier ne og” Gt Rn 24 »— 6 men (Ans.) Alternative method: Let, Men = M, Women = W (2M+5W) can do 1/4 of a job in 3 days (2M+5W) can do 1 job in 3x4 = 12 days So, in | day (2M+5W) can do ota job Similarly, in 1 day (3M+5W) can do + ora job i; “D3 Zot the job So 1 man can do in | day = a Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 110 Social Science Faculty, DU of the job now, = of the job can be done in 4 days by 1 Men So, I(whole) job can be done in 4 days by 6 Men Ans: 6 men, Ami an do ind days 2. 4000 soldiers in a camp have enough food for 190 days. After 30 days, 800 soldiers are posted elsewhere. How long would the remaining food last? (Pabati so(Cash) 13) Solution: After 30 days, remaining time = (190-30) = 160 days and remaining soldiers = (4000-800) 3200 4000 soldiers food last for 160 days 1 soldiers food last for 1604000 days : 160x400 3200 soldiers food last for 20%4000 3200 200 days Ans: 200 days. 3. A worker buys some shirts and some ties. Shirts cost Tk. 70 each and the ties cost Tk. 30 each. If the man spends exactly Tk. 810 and buys the maximum number of shirts possible under these conditions, what is the ratio of shirts to ties? (ruban soccas) 13} Soluti 2 to the question, worker buys maximum number of shirts possible. Possible maximum number of shirts = 2 11.57 © 11 Cost of 11 shirts = Tk. (11*70) = Tk. 770 Remaining = Tk. (810-770) = Tk. 40; which cannot be divisible by 30 Cost of 10 shirts = Tk. (1070) = Tk. 700 Remaining = Tk. (810-700) = Tk. 110; which cannot be divisible by 30 Cost of 9 shirts = Tk. (9x70) = Tk. 630 Remaining = Tk. (810-630) = Tk. 180; which is divisible by 30 So, the number of ties =~" = 6 Shirt: Tie = 9: 6 = 3: 2 (Ans.) 24, Rupali Bank Senior Officer 2013 1. Ifa? — VFa + 1 = 0, what is the value of a3 +5 ? {Rupali SO 13] Solution: Given that, P—VFat1=0 O1a%+1=V3a Or, St =“ (Dividing both sides by (@)] fati= V3 a+ = (at2p3.a, Yat) = (att)'-3(a4) = (V3)'-3V3 = 3V3 -3V3 = 0 (Ans.) — Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 111 Social Science Faculty, DU 2nd condition, xt8 = 2(y+8) Or, 4y-24+8 = 2y+ 16 [From equation (i)} Or, 4y-2y = 16+24-8 «. Son’s present age = 16 years and Robi’s present age = 40 years. Ans: 16 years and 40 years. 3. A, B and C enter into a partnership by investing in the ratio of 3:2:4. After one year, B invests another Tk. 2,70,000 and C, at the end of 2 years, also invests Tk. 2,70,000. At the end of three years, profits are shared in the ratio of 3:4:5, Find the initial investment of each. [PKB EO Cash 14] wae A, BR C RTT © 8.2 3.8 AICS bat AACA sala MOT aE Tait war Fea | > Te AB URS 290,000 Bret MCI Fer! © TET CHA GIA AG MSIF © 2B se ALAS SM Wa CH! HTS ATH FS Brae AAACN Sear St PAT aA | Solution: Let, investment of A, B and C for | year is Tk. 3x, Tk. 2x and Tk. 4x respectively. In 3 years, investment of A = Tk. (3xx3) = Tk. 9x, B=Tk. (3x2x+270000x2) = Tk. (6x+540000) and C=Tk. (4xx3+270000%1) = Tk. 12x + 270000 Investment ratios A: B: C = 9x: (6x+540000): (12x + 270000 ) = 3: 4: 5 According to the question, 9x: (6x + 540000) = 3:4 Or, 9xx4 = 3(6x + 540000) Or, 36x = 18x+1620000 Or, 36x-18x = 1620000 Or, 18x = 1620000 “. x = 90000 So, investment of A = Tk. (390000) = Tk. 270000 Investment of B = Tk. (2*90000) = Tk. 180000 Investment of C= Tk. (4x90000) = Tk. 360000 Ans: Tk. 270000, Tk. 180000 and Tk. 360000. 31. Pubali Bank Senior Officer/Officer 2014 1. If 2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days; and if 3 men and 2 boys can do the same piece of work in 8 days, then 2 men and 1 boy can do that work in how many days? [Janata Bank Teller 15, Puball SO/O 14, RAKUB SO 15) ee Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 127 Social Science Facult BT FETS © BT TTF ITT D0 MLA AT RTT HLA, © OPT PHN QO ATT GBR BT & HOT SCT 1 RUT ARTS DTT THT N epee ATT WHT HTT MITT Solution: In | day, 2 men and 3 boys do = 1/10 part men and 2 boys do = 1/8 part. S men and 5 boys do = 9/40 part [By adding] So, in 1 day | man and | boy do = We find from (ii) = (iii) =@-2)=32 2men and | boy do = =) = >= = part So, 2 men and 1 boy do 2/25 part work in 1 day 2 men and I boy do 1 part (whole) work in = da (i) (ii) (iii) Foxe ~ 209 Pat 2 2.5 days Ans: 12.5 days Alternative Methos Let, ami x and a boy’s work = y According to the question 10(2x+3y) = 8(3x+2y) [Total work = Timex Person] Or, 20x+30y = 24x+6y Or, 4x =14y J. 2x=Ty Here, 2 men and 3 boys = 2x+3y = Ty+3y = 8y 10y can do in 10 days sty" " "(loxtoy" 10x10, ee 2. By t0) = 12.5 days Ans: 12.5 days Alternat Let, M According to the question, 2M+3B = = part a 4M+6B =. 1) and, 3M+2B == part 1 M+6B = 2...) Now, (2)-(1)=: mee : x27 SM 5750 + 2M = aoxs ~ foo Again, putting the value of | (QM) i in equation (1), ead 2x 75 t6B= = Or, 2 + 6B SE? Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 128 Social Science Faculty, DU 50 ie Fa Now, 2M+1B= whee 05 10 So, 2 men and | boy do the work together in 2° days = 12.5 days or, 12 days and 12 hours (Ans) Alternative Method: Let, I man’s 1 day's work = M part and I boy's | day's work = B part of the work. +3B=—... se 2B £ (3+ (iy 6M+9B = 3 mi 22 Bt = Or, 3M=5 100 200 MS 200 Pat. Now, = =i 2M + 1B 25) +57 3 Pat z part can do in 1 days :. 1 part(whole) work can be done in == days = 12.5 days. Ans: 12.5 days. 2. A and B start a business with invest of Tk. 5,000 and Tk. 4,500 respectively, After 4 months, A takes out half of his capital. After 2 more months, B takes out one third of his capital while C joints them with a capital of Tk. 7,000. At the end of a year, they earn a profit of Tk. 5,080. Find the share of each member in the profit. [Pubali Bank ‘SO/O 14] waRTR A © B ART ¢,000 aR 8,¢00 Bra FCAT Fea TAG DTA OF SHA BAP AA A OH RAT SES WOT AT HG & APT a BOT TAT AF-GOMOY ROT CHT RC 9,000 Brat RACAL eet OHA AIL CAM TH | FT CH SAA Cobo BA ATS A | ACTH HE Brey MEE Mes wt AT eA Solution: Equivalent Capital = Capital x Time In 12 months or 1 year, A’s Equivalent Capital = ((5,000%4) + {(5000+2)x 8}] = Tk. 40,000 SS Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 129 Sa ey Social Science Faculty, DU B’s Equivalent Capital = ((4,500% 6) + ((4,500x(1- 4} 6] = Tk. 45,000 (7000% 6) = Tk. 42,000 000: 42,000 = 40:45:42 Sum of the ratios = 40445442 = 127 A's share of profit = Tk. (S082) = Tk, 1,600 B's share of profit = Tk, (S080*5) = Tk. 1,800 C’s share of profit = Tk. (s080x2) = Tk. 1,680 Ans: Tk, 1600, Tk. 1800 and Tk. 1680. 3. When a producer allows 36% commission on the retail price of his product, he carns a profit of 8.8%. What would be his profit percent if the commission is reduced by 24%? |Pubali SO/O 14) wears Gort Dee ROATLATA Bos 0v% Sis Aer OH b.b% MS RAI Wh BAM 28% FACT SH, ORM Ce MSF FE MIS TAP Solution: Let, the cost price be Tk. 100 At 8.8% profit, the selling price = Tk. (100+ 8.8) = Tk. 108.8 Retail price = Tk. C=SS°) = Tk. 170 2nd condition, At (36-24)% = 12% commission, selling price will be (170- 12% of 170) = Tk. 149.6 So, profit will be (149.6-100) % = 49.6% (Ans.) Alternative Method: Let, cost price = Tk. 100 and retail price = Tk. x According to the question, 0.64x = (100+8.8) Or, 0.64x = 108.8 2x=170 Now, if discount is reduced by 24%, Then the final discount = (36-24) = 12% “, Selling price = (100-12) % of 170 = Tk. 149.60 “, Percentage of Profit = (149.6-100) % = 49.6% (Ans.) Alternative Method: Let, the retail price be Tk, 100 At 36% commission, selling price = Tk. (100-36) = Tk. 64 But profit is 8.8% inks Written Math Solution Page 130 Social Science Faculty, DU So, Selling Pri Then cost price = Tk, SOE = Tk, 58.8 New commission = (36-24)% = 12%. So, new Selling Price ='Tk, (100-12) = Tk. 88 Profit percentage = (S252) 100 % = 49.6%. (Ans.) NOTE: Difference between “Reduce by” and “Reduce to”: seat GAD CHEAT aD AAR siesta Bria etter our warn orem fire 1 aT rat afr aC FRCATR 1 UE SICH] TMT ITH Reduce by 92%, Wracer AEA Bry BA OY-d2 = 28%s VFR 92% Baer RATE | TAT AEH Stee TAT ATH Reduce to 32%, SAA ALA PAM WA AIWHsAhe src CAE 92% Fal VATE | WMATA, Increased by / Increased to & Cut by/ Cut to. (100x64) _ 32, Pubali Bank Junior Officer (Cash) 2014 1. Padma purchased 30kg of rice at the rate of Tk. 17.50 per kg and another 30 kg rice at a certain rate. He mixed the two and sold the entire quantity at the rate of Tk. 18.60 per kg and made 20% overall profit. At what price per kg did he purchase the lot of 30 kg rice? [Pubali JO Cash 14] rat FS CHAE 99.¢0 BIRT ATA Wo CHT aR ATE FATE Hem GIA wo CHET OT TT FO OT GE Ge seacaat Bier fatter ys ort aS CA sv.vo Bret Hea RET FU MAR MTS WHT 20% MS SA OF ler afe wo bret fret @ wo cafe or wee safer? Solution: Given that, Total rice was bought = (30+30) = 60 Kg and Price = Tk. 17.50 per kg At 20% profit, selling price = Tk. 18.6 So, Cost price of that rice = Tk, 22° = Tk, 15.5 Let, cost price of another rice = Tk. x. According to the question, (30x17.5+ 30xx) a 155 30+30 Or, 525 + 30x = 930 Or, 30x = 930- 525= 405 R= 13.5: 2. Cost price is Tk. 13.5. (Ans.) Alternative Method: Let, price per kg of another 30 kg rice = Tk. x Total cost price = Tk. (30*17.50+30x) = Tk. (525+30x) According to the question, (525+30x)+ (525+30x) «20% = 18,60(30+30) Or, (525+30x)+ (525+30x) *0,2 = 18.60x60 Or, 525+30x+105+6x = 1116 = Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 131 ee ey Social Science Facutty, DU Or, 36x = 1116-630 ox=iSe ss c+ Cost price is Tk. 13.5. (Ans.) 2. A salesman's commission is $% on all sales up to Tk. 10000 and 4% on all sales exceeding this, He remits Tk. 31100 to his parent company after deducting his commission. Find the total sales, [Pubati JO Cash 14] FEF RST SE 30,000 HT 16S ATE HT C% OR GF SRS Diet Ra HT 8% FT SH TET oF TF 09,200 FT RS een BRT OF | EE OS Rae RE PE ez Solution: Let, total sales be Tk. x Total commission = 5% of 10000+ 4% of (x-10000) = 500+ 0.04x-400 = Tk. (100+0.04x) According to the question, X+{100+0.04x) = 31100 Or, x-100-0.04x = 31100 Or, 0.96x = 31100100 So, total sales = Tk. 32500 (Ans.) 3. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3:2. If 20% of the boys and 25% of girls are scholarship holders, what % of the students does not get scholarship? [Pubsli JO Cash 14] Rid EB EH RMS REE RTE STE FL 1 TH LOG EA RAC STE GS TE RT STAT woe Pend ge mea Solution: Let, total Student 100 Boys = 100x(2)}= 60 Scholarship holder boys = 60%20% = 12 Girls = 100«@) = =40 Scholarship holder girls = Alte: method: Given ratio of boys to girls is 3:2 Let, ratio factor be x. So, number of boys = 3x and girls = 2x Total students = 3x +2x = 5x Number of scholarship holder students = 20% of 3x+25% of 2x = 1.1x So, number of students who does not get scholarship = 5x -L.1x = 3.9x Percentage of students who are not adult = 78% (Ans.) ee Faculty Based- Previous All Banks Written Math Solution Page 132

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