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Policy Contract


Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability Rider

What constitutes total and permanent disability?

When the Life Insured is working at the time of disablement and is prevented
from engaging in any occupation or from performing any work for compensation
or profit. The disability must be present and must have existed continuously for
not less than six (6) consecutive months.

Complete and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes or the total and permanent
loss by removal or disease of both hands or both feet, or of one hand and one

When the Life Insured is not working at the time of disablement and is
permanently unable to undertake without assistance three (3) or more of the
activities of daily living (defined in the General Definition of Terms section).

Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability Rider

No payment will be made in any of the following circumstances:

o Pregnancy, childbirth, or abortion or miscarriage or complication thereof
o Psychiatric disorders, drug or alcohol abuse
o Injuries or illness due to military service or suffered under conditions of war whether
declared or not, insurrection, rebellion, or mutiny
o Intentional self-inflicted injuries or illness caused by attempts at suicide, or incurred
as a result of or while participating in the commission or attempted commission of a
o Engaging or taking part in driving or riding in any kind of race, professional sports or
hazardous sports, underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus,
flying or aerial activities other than as fare-paying passenger
o Disease, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related complex

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured dies due to accident under the following conditions:
o within one hundred eighty (180) days from occurrence of the accident
o the accident occurs before the Policy Anniversary immediately following the
seventy-third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured or before the expiry date of
this benefit.

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

What are being paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured sustains bodily injury due to accident which results in any of the
losses listed below within one hundred eighty (180) days from occurrence of the
accident before the policy anniversary immediately following the seventy-third
(73rd) birthday of the Life Insured.

Schedule of coverage
Type of injury Percentage of Accidental Death
(total, permanent and irreversible) and Disablement Benefit Amount
Loss of both hands 100%
Loss of both feet 100%
Loss of sight of both eyes 100%
Loss of one hand and one foot 100%
Loss of one hand and sight of one eye 100%
Loss of one foot and sight of one eye 100%

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

Schedule of coverage (cont’d)

Type of injury Percentage of Accidental Death
(total, permanent and irreversible) and Disablement Benefit Amount
Loss of one foot 50%
Loss of one hand 50%
Loss of sight of one eye 50%
Loss of hearing in both ears 50%
Loss of both thumbs 25%
Loss of one thumb 10%
Loss of each finger 10%
Loss of hearing in one ear 10%

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o By intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide, or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane
o By war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be
declared or not), mutiny, riot, civil commotion, strike, civil war, rebellion, revolution,
insurrections, conspiracy, military or usurped power, martial law or state of siege, or any of the
events or causes which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of
siege, seizure, quarantine, or nationalization by or under the order of any government or public
or local authority
o By murder or any attempt thereof or assault provoked by the Life Insured
o By any weapon or instrument employing atomic fission, thermonuclear fusion or any form of
radiation, whether in time of peace or war
o By congenital anomalies and conditions arising there from
o By pregnancy and resulting childbirth, miscarriage or abortion

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o By cosmetic or plastic surgery, except if necessary solely as a result of injury
o While the Life Insured is in active service in the armed forces of any country or any international
authority and in such an event, upon written notification by you or the Life Insured, we shall
return the pro rata premium for any such period of service
o While in any attempted commission of, or willful participation by the Life Insured in any crime
punishable under any prevailing law or ordinance of the Philippines or of any country in which
the crime was attempted or committed
o While resisting lawful arrest
o While entering, leaving, operating, servicing, or being in, on, or about any aerial or submarine
device or conveyance
o By medical and surgical treatment except as may be necessary solely as a result of injury
o By dental care or surgery except on natural teeth as necessitated solely by injury
o While under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs
o By alcoholism or drug addiction
o By disease, bacterial infection or out of or consequent upon or contributed to by AIDS or AIDS-
related complex (ARC)

Accidental Death and Disablement Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o By hernia, ptomaine, or other bacterial infections which are not pyogenic infections occurring at
the same time with or because of any accidental cut or wound
o By circumcision, sterilization, artificial insemination, sex transformation, diagnosis and
treatment of infertility
o By mental or nervous disorders
o By poison, gas, or fumes voluntarily or involuntary taken
o By automobile and motorcycle racing, judo, karate and similar martial arts, scuba diving, hang-
gliding, sky diving, bungee jumping, and any other dangerous sport
o By homicide or any attempt thereof, or physical injuries, occasioned by a provocation from the
Life Insured
o While the Life Insured is driving or riding a motorcycle as a passenger, except when such is part
of his employment or profession, as declared in the Application Form

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Death and Disablement

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured dies due to accident under the following conditions:
o within one hundred eighty (180) days from occurrence of the accident
o the accident occurs before the Policy Anniversary immediately following the
seventy-third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured or before the expiry date of
this benefit

If the Life Insured sustains bodily injury due to accident which results in any of the
losses listed in the schedule of coverage table within one hundred eighty (180) days
from occurrence of the accident before the policy anniversary immediately
following the seventy-third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Death and Disablement

Schedule of coverage
Type of injury Percentage of Accidental Death
(total, permanent and irreversible) and Disablement Benefit Amount
Loss of both hands 100%
Loss of both feet 100%
Loss of sight of both eyes 100%
Loss of one hand and one foot 100%
Loss of one hand and sight of one eye 100%
Loss of one foot and sight of one eye 100%
Loss of speech 100%
Loss of hearing in both ears 100%
Loss of hearing in one ear 50%
Loss of sight of one eye 50%

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Death and Disablement

Schedule of coverage (cont’d)
Type of injury Percentage of Accidental Death
(total, permanent and irreversible) and Disablement Benefit Amount
Loss of arm at or above elbow 70%
Loss of arm between elbow and wrist 60%
Loss of one hand 50%
Loss of thumb 15%
Loss of index finger 10%
Loss of middle finger 6%
Loss of ring finger 5%
Loss of little finger 4%
Loss of first or second metacarpal 3%
Loss of third, fourth or fifth metacarpal 2%

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Death and Disablement

Schedule of coverage (cont’d)
Type of injury Percentage of Accidental Death
(total, permanent and irreversible) and Disablement Benefit Amount
Loss of leg at or above knee 70%
Loss of leg below knee 60%
Loss of one foot 50%
Loss of all toes of one foot 25%
Loss of great toe 5%
Loss of each toe other than great toe 1%
Fractured leg or patella with
established non-union shortening of 7.5%
leg by at least 5 cm.

Note: If there is accidental disablement of two (2) or more parts of the hand, the percentage of the PA- ADD benefit
amount payable shall not be more than the percentage payable for the accidental disablement of the whole hand.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Total and Permanent Disability

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured becomes totally and permanently disabled, as a result of an

injury beginning within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the occurrence of
the accident, before the Policy Anniversary immediately following the seventy-
third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured and before the Expiry Date of this benefit.
o Benefit (as shown in the Policy Data Page) shall not exceed one hundred
percent (100%) of the PA – ADD Benefit.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Murder and Assault

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured is murdered or assaulted without provocation on his part before
the policy anniversary immediately following his seventy-third (73rd) birthday and
before the expiry date of this benefit.

If there is an attempted murder on the Life Insured before the policy anniversary
immediately following his seventy-third (73rd) birthday and before the expiry date
of this benefit
o Pru Life UK will pay fifty percent (50%) of any benefit under the PA Rider that
would have been payable had the claim been qualified and not excluded, but
not to exceed PhP 1,000,000.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Double Indemnity (optional)

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured dies due to accident while traveling as a ticketed or officially
listed passenger in a commercial bus, automobile, train, monorail, boat, or
airplane over an established land, sea, or air route, before the policy anniversary
immediately following the seventy-third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured and
before the expiry date of this benefit.
o Benefit (as shown in the Policy Data Page) shall not exceed one hundred
percent (100%) of the PA – ADD Benefit.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Dangerous Sports Coverage (optional)

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured incurs bodily injuries or dies due to an accident while
participating as an amateur in dangerous sports (such as bungee-jumping, martial
arts, skateboarding, rollerblading, hang-gliding, windsurfing, mountaineering, rock
climbing, bicycle racing, etc.) before the policy anniversary immediately following
the twenty-sixth (26th) birthday of the Life Insured and before the expiry date of
this benefit.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Field Trip Coverage (optional)

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured suffers injury resulting in death due to an accident during a
school-sponsored field trip before the policy anniversary immediately following
the twenty-third (23rd) birthday of the Life Insured and before the expiry date of
this benefit as shown in the Policy Data Page, we pay the Personal Accident Rider –
Field Trip Coverage Benefit as indicated in your Policy Data Page,
o Benefit (as shown in the Policy Data Page) shall not exceed one hundred
thousand pesos (PhP 100,000).

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Accidental Medical Expense Reimbursement (optional)

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured incurs in-patient or out-patient medical expenses for accidental
injuries occurring before the policy anniversary immediately following the seventy-
third (73rd) birthday of the Life Insured and before the expiry date of this benefit.

Personal Accident Rider

PA – Renewal Bonus

What will be paid under this benefit?

An increase of five percent (5%) will be provided on the original benefit amount of
PA – ADD and PA – ATPD benefit on the anniversary of these benefits, provided
that these benefits are still in force.
o This is applicable only to the first one million pesos (PhP 1,000,000) of the PA –
ADD and PA – ATPD benefit up to a maximum of five (5) years.

Personal Accident Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o By intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane
o By war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be
declared or not), mutiny, riot, civil commotion, strike, civil war, rebellion, revolution,
insurrections, conspiracy, military or usurped power, martial law or state of siege, or any of the
events or causes which determine the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of
siege, seizure, quarantine, or nationalization by or under the order of any government or public
or local authority
o Unless covered by the Personal Accident Rider - Murder and Assault Benefit, by murder or any
attempt thereof or assault provoked by the Life Insured
o By any weapon or instrument employing atomic fission, thermonuclear fusion or any form of
radiation, whether in time of peace or war
o By congenital anomalies and conditions arising therefrom
o By pregnancy and resulting childbirth, miscarriage or abortion
o By cosmetic or plastic surgery, except if necessary solely as a result of injury

Personal Accident Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o While the Life Insured is in active service in the armed forces of any country or any international
authority and in such an event, upon written notification by you or the Life Insured, shall return
the pro-rata premium for any such period of service
o While in any attempted commission of, or willful participation by the Life Insured in any crime
punishable under any prevailing law or ordinance of the Philippines or of any country in which
the crime was attempted
o While resisting lawful arrest
o While entering, leaving, operating, servicing, or being in, on, or about any aerial or submarine
device or conveyance
o By medical and surgical treatment except as may be necessary solely as a result of injury;
o By dental care or surgery except to natural teeth as necessitated solely by injury
o While under the influence of alcohol or unprescribed drugs
o By alcoholism or drug addiction

Personal Accident Rider

No payment will be made if death, loss or disablement is sustained or contracted, in

whole or in part, under any of the following circumstances:
o By disease, bacterial infection or out of or consequent upon or contributed to by AIDS or AIDS-
related complex (ARC)
o By hernia, ptomaine, or other bacterial infections which are not pyogenic infections occurring at
the same time with or because of any accidental cut or wound
o By circumcision, sterilization, artificial insemination, sex transformation, diagnosis and
treatment of infertility
o By mental or nervous disorders
o By poison, gas or fumes voluntarily or involuntary taken
o Unless covered by Personal Accident Rider - Dangerous Sports Coverage, by automobile and
motorcycle racing, judo, karate and similar martial arts, scuba diving, hang-gliding, sky diving,
bungee jumping and any other dangerous sport
o By homicide or any attempt thereof, or physical injuries, occasioned by a provocation from the
o While the Life Insured is driving or riding a motorcycle as a passenger, except when such is part
of his employment or profession, as declared in the Application Form

Life Care Benefit Rider

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured is diagnosed to be suffering from or has undergone surgery for
any of the 36 critical illnesses (as specified in the definition of critical illnesses and
surgeries section), before the Policy Anniversary immediately following his
seventieth (70th) birthday or before the expiry Date of this benefit.

Life Care Benefit Rider

What illnesses or surgeries are covered?

 heart attack;  coma;
 stroke;  deafness;
 cancer;  loss of speech;
 major organ transplant;  major burns;
 renal failure;  paralysis;
 multiple sclerosis;  Alzheimer’s Disease;
 motor neuron disease;  fulminant hepatitis;
 heart valve surgery;  primary pulmonary hypertension;
 coronary artery bypass surgery;  terminal illness;
 Parkinson’s Disease;  HIV due to blood transfusion and occupationally-
 muscular dystrophy; acquired HIV;
 poliomyelitis;  encephalitis;
 aortal surgery;  major head trauma;
 bacterial meningitis;  Apallic Syndrome;
 brain tumor;  progressive scleroderma;
 aplastic anemia;  systemic lupus erythematosus with lupus nephritis;
 blindness;  brain surgery; and
 end-stage lung disease;  medullary cystic disease.
 end-stage liver failure;

Life Care Benefit Rider

We do not pay the Accelerated Life Care benefit if the claim is on account of or
contributed by, either directly or indirectly, any of the following circumstances:
o The critical illness existed or manifested at the effectivity date of this benefit or at the date of approval of last
reinstatement of this benefit
o The Life Insured is diagnosed as having a critical illness, or is recommended or advised to undergo surgery,
within ninety (90) days of the effectivity date of this Benefit or the date of approval of last reinstatement of
this Benefit
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, complications brought
about by pregnancy, childbirth, abortion or miscarriage
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, psychiatric disorders,
drug or alcohol abuse
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of injuries or illness
suffered due to military service or suffered under conditions of war whether declared or not, insurrection,
rebellion or mutiny
o The critical illness or need for surgery is intentional, caused by attempt at suicide, or incurred as a result of or
while participating in the commission of a crime
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, taking part in any kind
of driving or riding in any kind of race, professional sports or hazardous sports, underwater activities
involving the use of breathing apparatus, flying or aerial activities other than as a fare-paying passenger
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of AIDS or AIDS-related
complex, except when AIDS is occupationally-acquired or caused by blood transfusion

Hospital Income Rider

Daily Hospital Income

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured is hospitalized as a result of injury or illness before the policy
anniversary immediately following his sixty-fifth (65th) birthday and before the end
of the expiry date of this benefit, the DHI benefit amount for each day of hospital
confinement up to a maximum of three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of
continuous confinement for the same injury or illness will be paid.

Hospital Income Rider

Daily Hospital Income

We will not pay the Benefit under the following circumstances:
o Any period of hospital confinement wherein the entire confinement has not been previously
recommended by a physician
o Pre-existing conditions, as defined below, unless the Life Insured has been continuously covered
for twelve (12) months from effectivity date or date of last reinstatement
o Any hospital confinement in relation to any dental work, dental treatment, eye examinations,
fitting of eye glasses or hearing aid, cosmetic or plastic surgery except to the extent that any of
these are necessary for the repair or alleviation of damage to the Life Insured caused solely by
accidental bodily injuries necessitating hospital confinement
o Any hospital confinement which is due to:
o congenital anomalies or conditions;
o sterilization of either sex or treatment for infertility, circumcision, and sex transformation;
o pregnancy (including child birth, miscarriage or abortion), and all complications arising
o drug addiction or alcoholism; or
o any hospital confinement primarily for diagnosis, x-ray examinations, or physical therapy

Hospital Income Rider

Daily Hospital Income

We will not pay the Benefit under the following circumstances:
o Any Hospital Confinement caused by or resulting from one or more of the following:
o intentionally self-inflicted injuries, suicide or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane
o declared or undeclared war or any act thereof
o strikes, riots, civil commotion
o service in the military, naval or air force of any country or international authority
o travel or flight in any vehicle or device for aerial navigation except while riding solely as a
fare-paying passenger and not as an operator or crew member, in or on, boarding or
alighting from a certified passenger aircraft operated by a regularly established
commercial airline on any regularly scheduled, non-scheduled, special or chartered trip;
o commission or attempt to commit an assault or felony by the Life Insured
o assault provoked by the Life Insured
o injury sustained while under the influence of alcohol or drug, other than proper use of
drugs prescribed by a legally qualified medical practitioner
o bacterial infections except pyogenic infections or tetanus or rabies which occur through an
accidental cut or wound

Hospital Income Rider

Daily Hospital Income

We will not pay the Benefit under the following circumstances:
o Any hospital confinement caused by or resulting from one or more of the following:
o nuclear weapons, radiation or radioactivity from any nuclear fuel arising from the
combustion of nuclear fuel and self-sustaining process of nuclear fission
o infection with HIV, AIDS, AIDS-related complex (ARC), or any opportunistic infections
and/or malignant neoplasm (tumor) found in the presence of HIV, AIDS or ARC
o Deficiency Syndrome shall have the meaning assigned to it by the World Health
Organization, at the time of hospitalization
o Opportunistic infections include, but are not limited to Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia,
organism or chronic enteritis virus and disseminated fungi
o malignant neoplasm shall include but not to be limited to Kaposi’s Sarcoma, central
nervous system lymphoma, and/or other malignancies now known, or which became
known as causes of death in the presence of AIDS
o psychosis, mental or nervous disorders, sleep disturbance disorders
o poison, gas or fumes voluntarily or involuntarily taken
o dangerous sports (such as bungee jumping, martial arts, skateboarding, rollerblading,
hang-gliding, windsurfing, mountaineering, rock climbing, bicycle racing, etc.)

Hospital Income Rider

Surgical Expense Reimbursement

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured undergoes a Surgery while under hospital confinement before
the Policy Anniversary immediately following his sixty-fifth (65th) birthday and
before the expiry date of this benefit, Pru Life UK shall reimburse the actual
surgical expenses for a surgery performed on the Life Insured up to the Surgical
Expense Benefit indicated in the PDP provided that:
o Surgical Expenses were actually paid by the Life Insured; and
o Official receipts evidencing payment of the expenses are in the name of the
Life Insured.

If more than one surgery is performed during any one continuous confinement,
the total actual surgical expenses for the surgeries shall be reimbursed but only up
to the HI – SER benefit amount.

Hospital Income Rider

Surgical Expense Reimbursement benefit exclusions

o Benefits will be paid only if the HI – SER benefit is payable from the first (1st) day of
confinement due to Illness or Injury.
o Outpatient surgery or surgeries performed in a clinic are specifically not covered by
this Benefit.
o The Exclusions under Daily Hospital Income Benefit are also applicable to the HI –
SER benefit.

Hospital Income Rider

Intensive Care Unit

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured is confined in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a hospital before
the policy anniversary immediately following his sixty-fifth (65th) birthday and
before the expiry date of this benefit.
o Pru Life UK will pay the HI – ICU benefit daily amount for each day of ICU
confinement up to a maximum of three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of
continuous confinement for the same injury or illness.

The HI – ICU benefit is payable on top of any HI – DHI benefit payable by the

Hospital Income Rider

Intensive Care Unit benefit exclusions

o Benefits will be paid only if the HI – ICU benefit is payable from the first (1st) day of
confinement due to illness or injury.
o The exclusions under DHI benefit are also applicable to the HI – ICU benefit.

Hospital Income Rider

Long-term Hospitalization

What will be paid under this benefit?

If the Life Insured is hospitalized as a result of injury or illness before the policy
anniversary immediately following his sixty-fifth (65th) birthday and before the
expiry date of this benefit.
o Pru Life UK will pay the HI – LTH daily benefit for each day of hospital
confinement in excess of thirty (30) days up to a maximum of three hundred
thirty-five (335) days of continuous confinement for the same injury or illness.

The HI – LTH benefit amount is payable on top of any HI – DHI and/or HI- ICU
benefit payable by the company.

Hospital Income Rider

Long-term Hospitalization benefit exclusions

o Benefits will be paid only if the DHI benefit is payable from the first (1st) day of
confinement due to illness or injury.
o The exclusions under DHI benefit are also applicable to the HI – LTH benefit.

Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability

What constitutes total and permanent disability?

When the Life Insured is working at the time of disablement and is prevented
from engaging in any occupation or from performing any work for compensation
or profit. The disability must be present and must have existed continuously for
not less than six (6) consecutive months.

What will be waived under this benefit?

If the Life Insured becomes totally and permanently disabled due to bodily injury
or disease before the policy anniversary immediately following his sixtieth (60th)
birthday or before the expiry date.
o Future premiums falling due after the commencement and during the
continuance of such total and permanent disability
o Future premiums to be waived will be based on the premium at the time of
approval of the WPTPD claim

Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability

What will not be waived under this benefit?

Payment of any premium which has been due for more than six (6) months prior
to the commencement of such total and permanent disability

Premiums of Variable Life Rider

Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability

Other conditions
The total amount of benefits that can be claimed under the Waiver of Premium
on Total and Permanent Disability and Life Care Waiver attached to this policy
shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the premium payments due.

The Waiver of Premium on Total and Permanent Disability benefit can only be
attached if the Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability benefit is less than
one hundred percent (100%) of the sum assured.

Note: This benefit does not entitle the receipt of premiums in the event that a claim on
this benefit also triggers a claim on the Life Care Waiver.

Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability

No payment under this Benefit will be made in any of the following circumstances:
o Pregnancy, childbirth, or abortion or miscarriage or complication thereof
o Psychiatric disorders, drug or alcohol abuse
o Injuries or illness due to military service or suffered under conditions of war whether
declared or not, insurrection, rebellion, or mutiny
o Intentional self-inflicted injuries or illness caused by attempts at suicide, or incurred
as a result of or while participating in the commission of a crime
o Engaging or taking part in driving or riding in any kind of race, professional sports or
hazardous sports, underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus,
flying or aerial activities other than as fare-paying passenger
o AIDS or AIDS-related complex

Life Care Waiver

What will be waived under this benefit?

When the Life Insured is working at the time of disablement and is prevented
from engaging in any occupation or from performing any work for compensation
or profit. The disability must be present and must have existed continuously for
not less than six (6) consecutive months.
o Future Premiums which will be waived will be based on the premium at the
time of approval of the Life Care Waiver claim.

What will not be waived under this benefit?

Premiums of Variable Life Rider

Life Care Waiver

Other conditions

The total amount of benefits that can be claimed under the Waiver of Premium
on Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability and Life Care Waiver attached to
this Policy shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the premium
payments due.

The Life Care Waiver can only be attached if the sum of Accelerated Life Care
Benefit, is less than one hundred percent (100%) of the sum assured.

Life Care Waiver

What illnesses or surgeries are covered?

 heart attack;  coma;
 stroke;  deafness;
 cancer;  loss of speech;
 major organ transplant;  major burns;
 renal failure;  paralysis;
 multiple sclerosis;  Alzheimer’s Disease;
 motor neuron disease;  fulminant hepatitis;
 heart valve surgery;  primary pulmonary hypertension;
 coronary artery bypass surgery;  terminal illness;
 Parkinson’s Disease;  HIV due to blood transfusion and occupationally-
 muscular dystrophy; acquired HIV;
 poliomyelitis;  encephalitis;
 aortal surgery;  major head trauma;
 bacterial meningitis;  Apallic Syndrome;
 brain tumor;  progressive scleroderma;
 aplastic anemia;  systemic lupus erythematosus with lupus nephritis;
 blindness;  brain surgery; and
 end-stage lung disease;  medullary cystic disease.
 end-stage liver failure;

Life Care Waiver

We do not waive Premiums if the claim is on account of or contributed by, either

directly or indirectly, any of the following circumstances:
o The critical illness existed or manifested at the effectivity date of this benefit or at the date of approval of last
reinstatement of this Benefit
o The Life Insured is diagnosed as having a critical illness, or is recommended or advised to undergo surgery,
within ninety (90) days of the Effectivity Date of this Benefit or the date of approval of last reinstatement of
this benefit
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, complications brought
about by pregnancy, childbirth, abortion or miscarriage
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, psychiatric disorders,
drug or alcohol abuse
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of injuries or illness
suffered due to military service or suffered under conditions of war whether declared or not, insurrection,
rebellion or mutiny
o The critical illness or need for surgery is intentional, caused by attempt at suicide, or incurred as a result of or
while participating in the commission of a crime
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, taking part in any kind
of driving or riding in any kind of race, professional sports or hazardous sports, underwater activities
involving the use of breathing apparatus, flying or aerial activities other than as a fare-paying passenger
o The critical illness is caused by, or need for surgery is in connection with or a result of, AIDS or AIDS-related
complex, except when AIDS is occupationally-acquired or caused by blood transfusion

Payor Waiver of Premium

What will be waived under this benefit?

If you die or become totally and permanently disabled before the policy
anniversary immediately following your sixtieth (60th) birthday and before the
policy anniversary immediately following the twenty-fifth (25th) birthday of the
Life Insured.
o All future premiums of the policy will be waived until the end of the benefit
term of the Payor Waiver of Premium.
o Future premiums which will be waived will be based on the premium at the
time of approval of the Payor Waiver of Premium.

Payor Waiver of Premium

What will not be waived under this benefit?

Payment of any premium which has been due for more than six (6) months prior
to the commencement of the disability.

Premiums of Variable Life Rider

Payor Waiver of Premium

We waive the premiums if you:

 die;
 are totally and permanently disabled so that you are prevented from
engaging in any occupation or from performing any work for compensation
or profit, and such disability is present and has existed continuously for not
less than six (6) consecutive months;
 suffer complete and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes; or
 suffer total and permanent loss by removal or disease of:
 both hands,
 both feet, or
 one hand and one foot.
The death or disability must occur before the anniversary of the first Premium
due date of your Policy in the year in which you turn sixty (60), and before the
Policy Anniversary immediately following the twenty-fifth (25th) birthday of the
Life Insured.

Other conditions applicable to Waiver of Premium due to Total
and Permanent Disability and Payor Waiver of Premium

o Pru Life UK, at any time, require due proof of continuance of such total and permanent
disability and may also, at any time, require the Life Insured/Payor to undergo a medical
examination by one or two of our designated physicians.

o Should such total and permanent disability continue for a period of two years, the Company will
not require such proof of examination more than once in each of the following years of
continuance of such disability.

o Should the Life Insured/Payor fail to submit to such examination, or if, on request, proof is not
furnished, or has recovered as to be able to engage in any occupation or perform any work for
compensation or profit, all future premiums falling due must be paid as originally provided in
the policy. If and when the Life Insured/Payor has recovered from such disability, he/she agrees
to give us immediate notice.

Other conditions applicable to Waiver of Premium due to Total
and Permanent Disability and Payor Waiver of Premium

Premiums will not be waived if disability results from:

o intentional self-inflicted injury
o any act attributable to war, whether declared or not; and
o military, naval or air service for any country at war, declared or not.

Once the Life Insured/Payor dies or is totally and permanently disabled and the company have
accepted the claim under this benefit, the policy, including its core and any optional benefits,
continues, but the Life Care Waiver and/or Waiver of Premium on Total and Permanent Disability
automatically terminates.

This material is solely for the information and training of, and shall be exclusively circulated to, the existing agents
of Pru Life UK. It shall not be published, circulated, reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to any other
individual or entity without Pru Life UK’s prior written consent. While Pru Life UK has undertaken all reasonable
care to ascertain that all the information contained in this material are true at the time of its publication, Pru Life
UK does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information at such time it is read by the recipient.
The recipient should not act on the material without first independently verifying its contents. Any information,
opinion or estimate contained in this material is subject to change without notice. Pru Life UK has not given any
consideration to and has not conducted any investigation on the investment objective, financial situation or
particular needs of the recipient or any class of persons, and accordingly, no warranty whatsoever is given and no
liability whatsoever is accepted for any loss arising, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of the recipient or
any class of persons acting on such information, opinion or estimate. The predictions, projections, or forecast on
the economy, securities markets or the economic trends of the markets do not necessarily indicate the future or
likely performance of Pru Life UK or its funds.


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