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Department of ST


on the implementation of laboratory work No. 1

"Name of the laboratory work"

in the discipline "Name of the discipline"

Complied by student KNT-20-1: Accepted:

Name, Surname assistant lecturer
Chorna O.S.

Kharkiv 2020

1.1 Purpose of work. Most often repeats the purpose, which is indicated in the
guidelines, but should reflect not so much the purpose of the laboratory work itself, as
the purpose of the work that is carried out on it.

1.2 Statement of the problem. Should describe the background information

needed to solve a problem or perform a laboratory work. If the student was given an
individual assignment, an example, a problem, the full text of the assignment and
supporting information should be indicated in this section

1.3 Work progress. If the performance of the lab involves intermediate

calculations, evidence, solutions, theoretical considerations, or any other kind of
information, it should be included in this section. The main text of the report is typed in
Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - one and a half, justified. To highlight
individual words, the following is allowed: bold characters, as well as the use of italics
and underlining; changing the spacing between characters; using or subscripts .
Coloring is not allowed!
The paragraph should have the following format: left and right indentation - 0
cm; first line - indented by 1.25 cm; intervals before and after a paragraph - 0 cm; line
spacing - one and a half; alignment - in width.
Figures must be signed, marked with indents from the top and bottom of the
figure. The signature is placed under the figure, center alignment. The title should
convey concise information about the image.

Figure 1 - Example of image name

Pictures can be inserted into the text.

Formulas must be typed using the built-in formula editor. Highlighted by drains
above and below the formula. All formulas are inserted into a table with an undefined
outline, consisting of two columns: the first contains the formula without a paragraph
and aligned to the center, in the second - the formula number (if there is one) also
without a paragraph and right-aligned.

... (1)

The parameters in the formula editor must be exactly as shown below.

Normal 14 pt.
Large index 10 pt.
Small index 8 pt.
Large symbol 16 pt.
Small character 12 pt.

Styles (menu option STYLE, Define ...)

Text Times New Roman
Times New Roman function
VariableTimes New Roman
P. Greek Symbol
Etc. Greek Symbol
Vector Matrix Times New Roman Bold
NumbersTimes New Roman

Tables are created using Microsoft Word only. Each table is numbered and
named. The title is set at the top of the table from the paragraph, justified.
Table 1 - Example task table
Name %

1.4 The result of the laboratory work. This section includes intermediate and
final results that were obtained during the laboratory work: answer, program texts,
sorted array, screenshot of the software tool, etc., with a brief description of the result.

Conclusions. In the conclusions, it is necessary to reproduce step by step each

action that was performed during the laboratory work, answering the following
questions for each step: what was done? how? what was expected? what happened?
why? In the end, it is necessary to give a general conclusion on the work. In this case,
we should talk about the acquisition of skills in writing basic software applications for
solving elementary mathematical problems.

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