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Legal Framework
Special education in the Special education in the USA
Philippines is primarily is mainly governed by the
governed by the “Education Individuals with Disabilities
for Persons with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA
Act” (Republic Act No. 7277) is a federal law that provides
and the “Magna Carta for students with disabilities the
Disabled Persons” (Republic right to a free appropriate
Act No. 9442). These laws public education (FAPE) in
outline the rights and the least restrictive
privileges of individuals with environment. Additionally,
disabilities, including their Section 504 of the
right to education. Rehabilitation Act and the
Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) also play a
significant role in protecting
the rights of individuals with

Funding Mechanism Special education and Federal Funding (IDEA):

inclusive education in the
Philippines are primarily In the USA, special education
funded by the government, funding is primarily provided
including the national and through the federal
local governments. government's Individuals
The national government with Disabilities Education
allocates funds for special Act (IDEA). IDEA allocates
education programs and funds to states based on
services through the formulas that consider factors
Department of Education such as the state's total
(DepEd). population and the number of
Local government units children with disabilities.
(LGUs) also contribute to
funding special education State Funding:
initiatives, and the allocation
of funds can vary among States also contribute to
LGUs based on their budgets special education funding,
and priorities. and the specific funding
DepEd Budget: mechanisms can vary from
state to state.
The Department of Education Many states provide
(DepEd) manages the budget additional funding to
for special education supplement federal IDEA
programs in the Philippines. funds to meet the unique
DepEd’s budget includes needs of their students with
funding for the salaries of disabilities.
special education teachers, States may use various
the operation of special methods, such as grants,
education centers, and the categorical aid, or general
provision of resources and education funding, to allocate
materials for students with resources for special
disabilities. education.
Donor and NGO Support: Local Funding:

In some cases, international Local school districts in the

donors and non-governmental USA typically provide a
organizations (NGOs) significant portion of special
provide support and funding education funding.
for special education projects Funding at the local level can
and initiatives in the vary widely based on
Philippines. property taxes, local
economic conditions, and the
number of students with
disabilities in each district.
This local funding allows
school districts to tailor
special education services to
the needs of their students.

Inclusion Strategies In the Philippines, inclusive Individualized Education

education is promoted Programs (IEPs):
through the “Education for
All (EFA) 2015” and the In the USA, the cornerstone
“Inclusive Education of special education and
Framework for Children and inclusion is the development
Youth with Special Needs.” of Individualized Education
These policies emphasize the Programs (IEPs). These plans
right of children with are created for each student
disabilities to access quality with a disability and outline
education in regular schools. their unique educational
Curriculum Adaptation: goals, services, and
Inclusive strategies in the IEP teams, which typically
Philippines often involve include parents, educators,
adapting the curriculum to and specialists, collaborate to
meet the diverse needs of design and implement
students with disabilities. inclusive strategies tailored to
This may include each student’s needs.
modifications to teaching
materials, instructional
methods, and assessment Least Restrictive
procedures. Environment (LRE):
Teacher Training: The concept of LRE is
fundamental in the USA. It
In-service and pre-service means that students with
teacher training programs in disabilities should be
the Philippines increasingly educated in regular
emphasize inclusive classrooms to the maximum
education. Teachers are extent appropriate. Inclusion
trained to use various efforts are aimed at placing
teaching strategies, adapt students with disabilities
materials, and provide alongside their non-disabled
support to students with peers whenever feasible.
disabilities. Special education services
Resource Centers: may be provided within the
general education classroom
Special Education (SPED) or through a combination of
centers in the Philippines inclusive and specialized
offer resources and support to instruction.
both students and teachers. Support Services:
These centers provide Inclusive education in the
assessment, training, and USA often involves a range
materials to facilitate of support services, including
inclusion. special education teachers,
Parent and Community speech therapists,
Involvement: occupational therapists, and
physical therapists.
Inclusive education in the Students with disabilities may
Philippines often involves also receive classroom
engaging parents and accommodations and
communities to support modifications, such as
students with disabilities. extended time for
This may include parent- assignments or assessments,
teacher collaboration and assistive technology, and
community awareness behavioral interventions.
programs. Professional Development:
Continuous professional
Advocacy groups and development for educators is
organizations in the a key component of inclusion
Philippines play a crucial role strategies in the USA.
in promoting inclusive Teachers are trained in
education and ensuring that differentiated instruction,
the rights of students with behavior management
disabilities are protected. techniques, and strategies for
meeting diverse learning
Legal Protections:

Legal frameworks like the

Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA),
Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act, and the
Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) provide strong
protections for the rights of
students with disabilities,
ensuring they have access to
inclusive education.

Support Systems Inclusive Education Policy: United States of America:

The Philippines has policies Individualized Education
in place, such as the Programs (IEPs):
"Inclusive Education IEPs are a cornerstone of
Framework for Children and support for students with
Youth with Special Needs," to disabilities in the USA. These
promote inclusive education. are personalized plans that
These policies emphasize outline the specific
access to quality education educational goals, services,
for students with disabilities and accommodations needed
in regular schools. for each student.
Special Education Centers IEP teams, which typically
(SPED Centers): include parents, educators,
SPED centers in the and specialists, work together
Philippines serve as key to create, implement, and
support systems. They review these plans.
provide assessment, training, Special Education Services:
and materials to facilitate the Special education services in
inclusion of students with the USA are comprehensive
disabilities. and may include services
These centers offer resources such as speech therapy,
and support to both students occupational therapy,
and teachers. physical therapy, counseling,
Teacher Training and and assistive technology.
Professional Development: Students with disabilities may
In-service and pre-service receive support from special
teacher training programs education teachers, who are
increasingly emphasize trained to work with diverse
inclusive education. Teachers learning needs.
are trained to use various Resource Centers:
teaching strategies and adapt Special education resource
materials to support students centers and regional
with disabilities. education agencies exist in
Community Involvement: many states to provide
In the Philippines, guidance, materials, and
community involvement and professional development for
support are often integral to educators and parents.
inclusive education. This may These centers offer expertise
include parent-teacher on inclusive practices,
collaboration, community disability-specific strategies,
awareness programs, and the and legal requirements.
active participation of local Legal Protections:
Advocacy Groups: The legal framework in the
Advocacy groups and USA, including the
organizations in the Individuals with Disabilities
Philippines play a crucial role Education Act (IDEA),
in promoting inclusive Section 504 of the
education and ensuring the Rehabilitation Act, and the
rights of students with Americans with Disabilities
disabilities are protected. Act (ADA), provides strong
Government Funding and protections and rights for
Support: students with disabilities.
Government agencies, such These laws ensure access to
as the Department of appropriate education,
Education (DepEd), allocate accommodations, and non-
funds and resources to discrimination.
support inclusive education Parent and Advocacy
initiatives. Organizations:
In summary, while both the
Philippines and the United Various parent and advocacy
States provide support organizations, such as the
systems for students with Parent Training and
disabilities and inclusive Information Centers (PTIs)
education, the specific and Disability Rights
structures and resources differ organizations, offer
due to their distinct information, support, and
educational systems and legal advocacy assistance to
frameworks. The USA places families of children with
a strong emphasis on disabilities.
individualized plans,
specialized services, and legal
protections, whereas the
Philippines focuses on
teacher training, community
involvement, and
government-funded support
centers. Ultimately, effective
support systems depend on
the commitment of educators,
parents, and communities to
implement inclusive practices
and ensure the inclusion of all

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