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There are different ways of understanding social reality.
These areas of studies provide us important ideas in
analyzing our society which is essential in creating a
productive society.
Look at the picture, what is the significant idea that it wants to convey?
It is a branch of knowledge
which deals with the scientific study of
man, his works, his body, his behavior
and values in time and space.
It also includes man’s physical,
social, and cultural development that
describes and explains the
phenomenon of human life.
Goals of Anthropology
❖ describe and analyze the biological evolution
of mankind
❖ describe and assess the cultural development
of our species
❖ describe, explain, and analyze the present-day
human cultural similarities and differences
❖ describe and explain human biological and
diversity today
Political Science
It is a systematic study of a
state and its government, with
the relationships of men in the
community, with relations to
groups, to the state itself and
to other sovereign counties.
Goals of Political Science
❖ be immersed in current affairs
❖ build an understanding on the local,
national, and international politics
❖ learn how political activities are organized
in and out of our country
❖ provide substantially critical and scientific
contribution to government and society
It is the scientific study of
patterned, shared human
behavior. It analyzes human
interaction which is
essential in understanding
man’s cultural make-up.
It may focus its attention
on all kinds of social
interactions: social arts,
social relationships,
social organization, social
structures, and social
Goals of Sociology
❖ understand ourselves better
❖ build a better understanding of
❖ help with decision-making
❖ provide insights into what is going
on in a situation
1. Why do we need to understand the idea of culture,
society, and politics?

2. How would sociology and anthropology contribute

in the better understanding of society?
Thank you!

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