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Yellow Musk
Huge Plant, Unaligned

Armour Class – 15 (Natural Armour)

Hit Points - 74 (7d12 + 35)
Speed - 30 ft.

STR - 10 +0
DEX - 16 +3
CON - 21 +5
INT - 10 +0
WIS - 10 +0
CHA - 12 +1

Damage Resistances - Type

Condition Immunities – Paralyzed, Charmed, Restrained, Stunned,
Blind, Polymorph
Vulnerabilities – Fire
Senses – Blindsight 60 ft., Tremorsense 120 ft.
Languages -
Challenge - 3 (000 XP)

Proficiency Bonus - +2
Proficiencies -

Parent Plant
The Yellow Musk Creeper has total control over any Yellow Musk Zombies
it creates.

Primal Regeneration
A Yellow Musk Creeper regenerates some of it’s lost foliage during
battle. At the start of each turn it regains 5 (1d10) hit points. If the Yellow
Musk Creeper takes any amount of fire damage, it does not regain this
lost health at the beginning of it’s next turn.


The Yellow Musk Creeper makes two vine whip attacks

Vine Whip
Melee, +5, 15 ft., targets one creature
Hit: 4 (1d8 + 0) Piercing or Slashing damage

Some Yellow Musk Creepers have evolved to be even deadlier when it
comes to dispatching enemies. Such plants have developed poison sacs
which imbue their thorny vines with a poisonous substance.
If you use this variant, add 2d6 poison damage to the Yellow Musk
Creeper’s Vine Whip attack, and increase the CR of the creature by 1.

Devour Mind
Melee, +5, 15 ft., targets one creature
Hit: 0 (0d4) INT damage
To use this attack, the target must be under the effects of the Yellow Musk
Creeper’s Alluring Scent ability, restrained, or willing to be attacked by the
The target creature must also have a brain.
If the INT damage would drop the target’s INT score to 0 or below, the
target must make a CON save (DC 15). If the target fails it’s save, it’s brain
is devoured, and the rest of it’s corpse becomes food for the Yellow Musk
If the target succeeds on this saving throw, it instead becomes a Yellow
Musk Zombie.

Alluring Scent
Ranged, 30 ft. targets one creature
The target must make a CON save (DC 15) or fall under a mind effecting
compulsion to get closer to the source of the scent.
The duration of this effect is 9 (2d8) rounds, however the effect continues
beyond this time once the creature is within the Yellow Musk Creeper’s
The Yellow Musk Creeper, being comprised mostly of thick vines, can and
will allow any creature under the effects of it’s Alluring Scent to share a
space with it.
Creatures under the effect of the Alluring Scent compulsion can take no
actions other than moving to be inside of the Yellow Musk Creeper’s space.
Effected creatures do everything they can to comply with this compulsion,
even attacking companions who block their way or seek to restrain them.
Once within the plant the creature drops anything in hand, and stands
The creature is dazed, and does not resist the Yellow Musk Creeper’s
attacks, if it remains within the plant.
Yellow Musk Zombie
Medium Plant, Unaligned

Armour Class – 15 (Leather Armour)

Hit Points - 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed - 30 ft.

STR - 15 +2
DEX - 10 +0
CON - 12 +1
INT - 2 -4
WIS - 8 -1
CHA - 8 -1

Damage Resistances - None

Condition Immunities – Paralyzed, Charmed, Polymorph
Vulnerabilities – Fire
Senses – Dark Vision 60 ft.
Languages - Common
Challenge – 1/2 (000 XP)

Proficiency Bonus - +2
Proficiencies - Perception


If a Yellow Musk Zombie dies, the seed in it’s head takes root and grows
into a Yellow Musk Creeper in 1d4 hours.

Deadened Mind
A Yellow Musk Zombie recalls nothing of it’s previous life. It can’t use
magic items, cast spells, or use any of it’s class abilities it may have had
access to when it was alive.

Creeper Loyalty
A Yellow Musk Zombie always acts to protect, serve, and otherwise
nurture the needs of the Yellow Musk Creeper that spawned it. It can not
venture more than 300 ft. from it’s parent plant for the first 3 months of
it’s existence, after which it can roam freely. When the Yellow Musk
Zombie roams freely, it does so for 1d4 days, and then drops dead,
spawning another Yellow Musk Creeper in the place of it’s death.


Heavy Mace
Melee +4, 5 ft., targets one creature
Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) bludgeoning damage

Ranged +2, 30/60 ft., targets one creature
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage

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