Kais Kammoun Quantitative Research Debate

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Kais Kammoun

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data,It
can be applied to determine trends and averages, create hypotheses, look at
relationships, and forecast results to bigger populations (Bhandari, 2022).
Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research which examines non-
numerical data, the natural and social sciences, including biology, chemistry,
psychology, economics, sociology, and marketing, frequently use quantitative
research (Bhandari, 2022).
Quantitative research methods:
The following are characteristics of quantitative approach methods, relying on
(Cornell, 2022):
Survey research: The simplest, most popular, and in-demand quantitative
research method is the survey. A survey's primary objective is to gather and
extensively describe the traits of a target audience or set of clients. The most
popular quantitative data employed by both small and big businesses is surveys
(Cornell, 2022).
Experimental designs It is established on a few different theories. It can apply the
research method to determine the cause-and-effect relationship above a
collection of study variables (Cornell, 2022).
Quasi-Experimental design is used to demonstrate a link between a dependent
and independent variable.
Correlation: This research approach is employed when trying to make a
connection between two related commercial entities and determine the effects of
one on the other. In order to conduct correlational research, you must have at
least two distinct samples or groups of people (Cornell, 2022).
Descriptive is a research technique that outlines the traits of the group or event
under study.
Causal-comparative is a type of research that looks for connections among both
independent and dependent variables after a specific event occurring has taken
Longitudinal time series is the same subjects are observed by researchers several
times over time, sometimes for many years.
- bigger sample size:
It is simpler to draw reliable general conclusions when you can examine a bigger
sample size for any hypothesis (Miller, 2020). The more data you gather for this
job gives the results of the statistical analysis, which takes into account more data,
more validity. The larger the sample, the less likely it is that the research group's
outliers will unfairly affect the results you are trying to get.
-Surveys can be easily obtained:
In practice, researchers gather information for quantitative research so that statis
tical analysis can begin almost immediately (Miller, 2020).
Experiments, surveys, and interviews that are data-centered produce quick, useful
results.finding correlations that eventually lead to a helpful conclusion is simpler
when there are fewer delays in collecting these resources (Miller, 2020).
It is possible to obtain results from quantitative studies without system exclusion
or varying identification (Miller, 2020).
-Direct observation need not be conducted in order to be beneficial.
When using the quantitative approach, scientists must follow certain guidelines
but are not required to observe each participant in person. This implies that a
study can send surveys to participants without requiring them to respond to them
in person. Because of this benefit, there is a higher response rate because people
have more time and are under less time pressure (Miller, 2020).
Although the difficulty of the questions asked or the length of a survey or
interview may discourage participation, the volume of data that researchers
collect through the quantitative method is always precious (Miller, 2020).
-more costly than other testing methods:
Multiple data points are increasingly demanded after in quantitative research.
Although this is advantageous for testing, the research is not free. The likelihood
that you will devote a significant portion of your marketing budget to research
alone increases with the size and comprehensiveness of your test (Radef, 2022).
Even though they are inexpensive methods for gathering quantitative data, polling
and surveying don't always produce the high-quality outcomes required for
research projects (Radef, 2022).
-can be false:
A common misconception is that because quantitative research is based on
statistics, it is more reliable and scientific than observational, qualitative research.
Both types of research, however, have the potential to be arbitrary and deceptive
(DeVault, 2020). Equally likely to influence quantitative approaches to data
collection are a researcher's biases and opinions. In contrast to qualitative
research, this bias has an impact earlier in the quantitative research process
(DeVault, 2020).
opposite side
In comparison to qualitative research, quantitative research is recommended
it's further scientific, objective, double-quick, concentrated and respectable. still,
qualitative exploration is used when the experimenter has no idea what
to anticipate (formpl, 2019).
It's used to define the problem or develop and approach to the problem, also
quantitative research is more useful than qualitative research because
quantitative is more scientific, focused, more structured, faster and the most one
that attracted me to the quantitative research is that is more reliable for decision
makers and managers, with numbers we have more important information which
cannot be made with qualitative research (formpl, 2019).
Disadvantages of qualitative research:
It takes a long time to complete.
The findings of qualitative research cannot be independently verified:
The analysis process for qualitative research is labor-intensive and includes
categorization, recoding, etc. The same is true for qualitative studies, which
necessitates the use of trained marketers to collect the essential data from a
particular group of individuals (Radu, 2019).
Due to the absence of quantitative measurements, qualitative analysis lacks
concise description:
Since qualitative approach uses a perspective-based research methods, the
feedbacks are not assessed.
Although comparison is made and this could lead to redundant information, most
circumstances that require statistical representation and are not addressed by the
qualitative research process call for quantitative data (Radu, 2019).
Cross-referencing the qualitative data, you collect with the quantitative data is
crucial when conducting a qualitative study. Marketers can create a more robust
database of helpful data by routinely polling prospects and customers (Radu,

Bhandari, P. (2022, November 24). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition, Uses &
Methods. Retrieved from scribbr.
Cornell, J. (2022, May 27). Quantitative Research: Types, Characteristics, Methods & Examples.
Retrieved from ProProfssurvey.
DeVault, G. (2020, December 5). liveabout. Retrieved from Advantages and Disadvantages of
Quantitative Research.
formpl. (2019, july 10). formpl.us. Retrieved from 15 Reasons to Choose Quantitative over
Qualitative Research.
Miller, B. (2020, January 24). greengarageblog. Retrieved from 15 Advantages and
Disadvantages of Quantitative Research.
Radef, A. (2022, September 30). Helpfull. Retrieved from 10 Advantages & Disadvantages of
Quantitative Research.
Radu, V. (2019, April 3). Omniconvert. Retrieved from CRO Guide .

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