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The study will collect data on the impact of social media strategy on the sales of micro- businesses in
the sample city

Interviewer takes the responsibility in guarding the confidentiality of all the information generated
through this instrument. Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is essential in
helping us understand the influence of social media strategies on the sales of micro-businesses in
Quezon City. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be
kept confidential and used for research purposes only.

Section 1: Respondent Information

1.1. Name of the Micro-Business (Optional): __________________________

1.2. Type of Micro-Business (e.g., retail, food service, consultancy, etc.): ______________

1.3. How long has your micro-business been operating in Quezon City? (Check one)

_____Less than 1 year

_____1-3 years
_____4-6 years
_____7 or more years

Section 2: Social Media Usage

2.1. Which social media platforms does your micro-business use for promotional purposes? (Select
all that apply)
Others (please specify): ________________

2.2. How frequently do you post content on your selected social media platforms?

2.3. Approximately, how many followers or fans does your micro-business have on your primary
social media platform(s)? ________________
2.4. Do you use paid advertising or sponsored posts on social media to promote your micro-

Section 3: Impact on Sales

3.1. Have you noticed any change in your micro-business's sales since implementing social media
marketing strategies?
_____Significant increase
_____Slight increase
_____No change
_____Slight decrease
_____Significant decrease

3.2. Can you estimate the percentage change in your micro-business's sales directly attributable to
your social media efforts? ________________

Section 4: Social Media Strategy

4.1. What types of content do you primarily post on your social media platforms? (Select all that
_____Product/service promotions
_____Customer testimonials
_____How-to guides/tutorials
_____Behind-the-scenes content
_____User-generated content
_____News and updates
_____Other (please specify): ________________

4.2. How do you measure the success of your social media marketing efforts? (Select all that apply)
_____Increased engagement (likes, comments, shares)
_____Growth in the number of followers/fans
_____Website traffic from social media
_____Conversion rate (e.g., online sales, lead generation)
_____Return on investment (ROI)
_____Other (please specify): ________________

Section 5: Challenges and Future Plans

5.1. What challenges or obstacles have you faced in implementing your social media strategy for your
micro-business? ________________________________________________________________

5.2. Are there any specific improvements or changes you plan to make in your social media strategy
in the near future? ________________________________________________________________

Section 6: Additional Comments

6.1. Do you have any additional comments, suggestions, or insights related to the impact of social
media on your micro-business's sales that you would like to share?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is valuable to our research. If you
have any further questions or would like to provide more detailed feedback, please feel free to contact
us at [your contact information].

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