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Subject/Grade: P.E.

20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Badminton Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Students will be introduced to Badminton. The teacher will introduce the skills that are
Overview: involved in Badminton, such as, serving, smashing, drop shot, clear shot, and teamwork skills.
Students at the end of the class will learn the uniqueness of the sport and will have a better
grasp of the skills, which will aid them to better their understanding of the sport.
GLOs: Students will:
● General Outcome A
o Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
movement activities related to Badminton
● General Outcome C
o Students will positively work together and/or with each other with activities related
to Badminton
● General Outcome D
o Students will assume responsibility to lead an active lifestyle through creation of
activities and ensuring safety standards involving Badminton
SLOs: Students will:
● A20-5: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of manipulative skills and concepts
—effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance
● C20-5: Develop and apply practices that contribute to teamwork

● C20-6: Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
● D20-3: Develop and apply safety standards and rules in a variety of activities
Lesson Students will:
● Learn the skills that are involved in Badminton

● Demonstrate the skills

● Learn how to properly receive

● Learn how to serve

● Learn how to smash

● Learn how to do variety of shots

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● Rubric

● Observation

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Badminton Time:
Prior to Safety: ● No obstacles in the way
● Badminton Rackets
● Boundaries
● Students should not be in the way
while games are happening
● Respect your instructor,
● Birdies classmates, equipment, and
yourself at all times.
● Follow all classroom protocols and
● Badminton Nets instructions.
● Be cautious of other students
around you when using equipment.
● Be safe and have fun.
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
● Blow whistle to get all the students attention and make them sit in
Pre-assessment (FA)
front of the teacher
● Briefly introduce Badminton
Transition: Get everyone to sit down or pay attention to focus on drills
Learning Activity 1:
● Demonstration
of how to do
● Knee Tag the activity
will help
o Students have to tag each other on the knee and see how Visual
many points they can get. Progression: Free for all and if Learners
you get tagged in the knee, you sit down or get out of
bounds ● Allowing
Peers to do
● Grip Demonstration demonstration
will allow
o Get students to grab a racket for themselves. Teacher will them to feel
more at ease
quickly demonstrate the proper way of holding the racket. knowing that
You want to give the grip or handle a handshake. Racket they can also
should always stay above waist level perform the
● Keeping the Birdie Up ● Observation
o Students will grab their own birdie. They will try to keep will allow
teacher to
their birdie up by hitting with their racket properly and
have to keep the birdie up above waist level. Progression:
feedback to
Do it while moving or making a race out of it. Then
progress it by STRIKING the birdie after 10 ups.

● Ready Stance Demonstration

Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Badminton Time:
o Demonstrate to students the proper way of getting ready
while playing the game. Have knees bent and staying low,
while having racket high above the waists.

● Partner Toss and Hit Back

o Get students in pairs and find a spot at the court. One
student will hit their partner to either left or right. Then the
partner has to hit back forehand or backhand to the partner.
Do 10 passes per partner and then switch or time it.
Emphasize on staying low and properly holding the racket,
while hitting with a forehand and backhand.

● Serving Demonstration
o Teacher will demonstrate serving to the students. Explain
that serving will depend on what your score is. Odd, you
will serve on the left. Even, you score from the right. You
toss the ball and hit it to the other side. It has to go past the
short serving line.

● Serving Practice
o Let students practice serving from each side.
● Smashing Demonstration
o With a student, do a demonstration of a smash. Have the
student toss a birdie from the other side of the court, then
the teacher or student demonstrates a smash. You need to
have your elbow high up with your racket high as well, and
have to flick your wrist down and smash the birdie down.
Let student practice after demonstration
Transition: Get everyone to sit down and pay attention
Learning Activity 2:
● Singles Games
○ Badminton Singles is a match consisting of the best 3
games of 21 points. Every time there is a serve - there is a
point scored. The side winning a rally adds a point to its
score. At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first,
wins that game. At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point
wins that game. The side winning a game serves first in the
next game.
○ At the beginning of the game and when the score is even,
the server serves from the right service court. When the
server’s score is odd, the server serves from the left service
court. If the server wins a rally, the server scores a point
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Badminton Time:
and then serves again from the alternate service court. If the
receiver wins a rally, the receiver scores a point and
becomes the new server. They serve from the appropriate
service court - left if their score is odd, and right if it is
● Ladder Tournament
○ Have one court being the “top” court. Goal of each player is
to keep winning and move up the ladder and stay at the
“top” court and win as much as they can. When you lose at
the “top” you go back down at the beginning and try again.

Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

● Has anyone played Badminton before?

● What are the skills required in Badminton?

● What is a proper ready stance when playing?

● How do you properly hold a racket?

● Different ways to hold racket or hit with the racket?

● How do you score?

● How do you win?

● What are the rules on serve?

Stage 4: Reflection
Day 1 went okay. The students were eager to get games going right away. They weren’t into skills as much.
They did better with the drop shot game and clean my room game. Next class, I will get into games right
away, because they are eager to get into games, which is a good thing. I did spiders and flies for warm up and
they were having fun. Do champions court, then do ladder drill for next class

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