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Reading passages

and comprehension

© 2015 Melissa Mazur |
What is the slowest mammal in the world? It is a sloth. There are two
kinds of sloths. One is a two-toed sloth. The other is a three-toed sloth. The
sloth is so lazy, algae grows on its fur. A sloth lives in the rain forest. A rain
forest is very green because the trees get so much rain. The sloth can look a
little green from the algae that grows on it. It is good for a sloth to be green.
It helps keep them alive. A green sloth is hard to see, and hard to see means
they are hard to eat. His green fur blends with the green leaves. The sloth fits
in the rain forest well.
Sloths prefer to live way up in the trees. They hang from the branches
using their strong claws. Even a dead sloth can hang from a tree. Staying
high up keeps them away from the dangerous predators living on the ground.
It isn’t good for a sloth to leave its tree. On the ground, the sloth can hardly
walk because of their weak legs. They use their claws to drag their bellies
across the ground floor. Underline the Text
Sloths even have their babies in the trees. A sloth is born living and
breathes right away using its lungs. A baby sloth does not let go of its mother.
They cling for months to her fur. When they build enough strength, they finally
let go. Where do sloths live?
When a sloth sleeps, it hangs from the tree. And sloths sleep a lot and
can sleep up to 20 hours a day. When a sloth finally wakes up, it barely
moves. They remain still waiting for the sun to go down.
Only in the dark does a sloth eat. They have more energy when the
sun has gone down. Sloths eat leaves and fruit. The leaves and fruit are juicy What are sloths covered with?
from all the rain. This means they don’t need to drink water.
The only time a sloth comes down from the tree is to poop. But why not
poop from up in the tree? Moths live in the fur of a sloth. When the sloth
makes his dangerous trip to the ground, the moths fly off to lay their eggs in How are sloths born?
the sloth’s poop. The eggs hatch and grow. Then, the newly hatched moths
find a sloth to live on. When moths die, they decay in the sloth’s fur. This is
what helps algae to grow on the sloth. The sloths eat the algae from their fur.
It keeps them healthy. Each sloth has at least a 100 moths living in their fur.
Sloths and moths need each other to survive. What do sloths breathe with?
Read the questions and fill in the bubble for the correct Describe the relationship between a sloth and
answer. You may look back at the passage for help. moth.

1. A sloth spends most of its time...

; on the ground _______________________________
; in a tree
; awake _______________________________
; eating
2. What causes a sloth to look green? _______________________________
; it has green fur
; leave turn the fur green _______________________________
; algae grows on the fur
; it changes colors like a chameleon
3. When does a baby sloth leave its mother?
; when it is strong enough to let go
; when it can eat on its own What might a typical day look like for a sloth?
; when it wants to play
; when it hides from predators
4. Why doesn’t a sloth drink water?
; it likes to drink milk _______________________________
; water is difficult to find
; they are too busy sleeping
; it gets water from eating fruit _______________________________
5. How do sloths move when they are on the ground? _______________________________
; they walk
; they crawl
; they drag themselves with their claws _______________________________
; they hop on their hind legs
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Draw two pictures showing important details about
Write a summary about sloths. Use and highlight at least 2 sloths. Then, write a caption for each picture.
vocabulary words of your choosing in your summary .
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