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Submitted To

Ma’am Hafiza Sadia

Submitted By

Roba Ramzan

Semester 8th

Registration number


Roll No. 638615

Corse Code PSY-632

Course Title Internship Report

Report submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the subject.






Internship Report 1

(Depressive Disorder)

Bio Data:

Name (optional) Nazeera Bibi

Husband name Aslam

Age 35 year

Gender Female

Education Matric

Religion Islam

Marital Status Married

Occupation House wife

No of Siblings 2 Sisters

Birth Order 2nd

Family Type Middle Class Family

Residential Area Toba Tak Singh

Religion Islam

Ethnicity Urdu

Presenting Complaints

‫تین سال پہلے آپریشن سے میری بیٹی پیدا ہوئی۔ آپریشن کے کچھ عرصے بعد بیماری کا آغاز ہوا۔‬
‫میرا کوئی کام کرنے کو دل نہیں کرتا ہر وقت تھکاوٹ محسوس ہوتی ہے ۔سوتے ہوئے میرا سانس‬
‫بندھ ہو جاتا ہے دن میں بھی سانس لینے میں مشکل ہوتی ہے ۔مجھے نیند بہت کم آتی ہے۔ ہر وقت‬
‫اداسی سی رہتی ہے کسی سے بات کرنے کو دل نہیں کرتا ۔اپنی بیٹی سے بھی تنگ آجاتی ہوں۔‬

Symptoms Duration

Depressed Mood 2 Years

Insomnia 2 Years

Feeling of hopeless 2 Years

Poor concentration 2 Years

Source of referral with complaints:

The client was approached by examiner for academic purposes.

Psychological Assessment

Tests Administered
 Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)

 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

 Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

 Human Figure Drawing (HFD)

Clinical Interview

Prior Treatment

The client didn’t have any prior history of formal treatment because her family thought
that she has only physical illness. That’s why her family taken her to the cardiologist.

Family History

The client’s father was died when she was about 20 years old before her marriage she
lives with her mother in joint family. Now after her marriage she lives with her in-laws in joint
family system. According to client her relation with her family was good but due to her disease
she become aggressive and use bad words that’s why now her reputation in her family was not

too good. She had one daughter she is about 5-year-old. But client don’t want to attach with
her daughter because she thinks that she will die.

Family history of illness (Physical & Psychological)

There was no family history of illness.

Relationship History:

She was married. She has one sister. Her birth order was second. According to patient
her relation with her sister was good. Her father died before her marriage. Mother is alive. Her
sister is married. She lives with her in-laws. Her relationship with her husband was good.
Client has one daughter.

Education History:

She admitted in school in the age of 6 year. In school she was active student and got
remarkable marks in Matric. After matric she doesn’t continue her further studies.

Mental State Examination:


Her orientation regarding time, place and person was normal.


Her perception was also good. She perceives the things right.


Her memory was not good. She had good short-term memory but she took time to
remember past events.


Her speech was regular but the pitch was very low. Some time she starts wisping.


Insight was not present regarding he problem as she thinks there is only physical illness
that’s why she reacts like this
 Psychological Measures
The following Psychological tests were administered on patient:
Psychological testing
 Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)
 Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

 Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II)

 Human Figure Drawing Emotional Indicators (HFD Emotional)

Interpretation of Results:
 Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT):
Drawn Figures 12x3(36)

Correct Figures 25

Errors 11

𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔

Accuracy Score= ⁄ x100
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠
Accuracy Score= 25/36 x100
 The client's eyes hand coordination seems not to be intact.
 Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI):
Total BAI Scores 63

Obtained Score 32

Moderate Anxiety 22 – 35

 The score of client indicates moderate anxiety.

 Human Figure Drawing Emotional Indicators (HFD Emotional)
 Human Drawing Test (HFD), a projective test, indicates that client seems to have
feelings of intense inadequacy and a poor self-concept. Moreover, the client may
also have immaturity, impulsivity and poor inner control. She may also have poor
coordination of impulses and behavior. Furthermore, it seems that she a vague
perception of the world, emotional immaturity dependency, lack of
discrimination and depression. The client may also have fearfulness, insecurity,
feeling of inadequacy, anxiety, stubbornness and negativism.
 Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II):

Total BDI Scores 63

Obtained Score 36

Severe depression rang 29-63


 The client score indicates that the she has severe depression because her score
lies in severe depression range.

1. On the bases of interview, behavioral observation and psychological testing patient had:

2. (F32.2) Major Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

3. Specifier Moderate Anxiety.

Prognosis of the client was poor as she and her family considers physical problem.
However, if they were given proper psycho-education about the problem client can recover

Relaxation Techniques:
 Mindfulness Meditation
 Deep Breathing
Mindfulness Meditation
In which I asked the subject to take a moment or focus firmly ground her in the
Deep Breathing
In this technique, I asked the subject to inhale the fresh air through nose and exhale
it through your mouth. I asked the subject to practice this three or more time in a day or
whenever you feel stress or depression to calm and compose her.
Case Sessions:
Session 1
In very first meeting my client was little confused because rapport is not built. She
was feeling hesitation to tell me anything. I ensured her that she can easily share with me
anything her information will remain confidential but she didn’t respond me with fully. But
she responds to me when ask her bio data. I asked her to tell me more about her but she was
not comfortable in first meeting to tell me about her personal feelings. Then I asked about the
symptoms and experience. She tells me that I feel headache and fatigue most of the time. And
I am not able to do any work attentively. I like to live alone. Then I tell her that in the next

session we are going to solve some test now time to leave we will be meet soon in next
Session 2
In second meeting her behavior was normal. And she was mentally preparing to solve
the test. Then I ask her to solve test. She solves two test and refused to solve others as she
was not interested. I ask about the changing in her behavior the she tells me that she notices
clear changing in her behavior. She tells me that I had good relation with family and friends
and I like shopping. But now I feel tired and lack on interest in any activity. I feel I become
idol. And most of time I become aggressive and out of control. I told her that in next session
we will complete the testing and able to diagnose the problem.
Session 3
In the third session she completes the remaining testing. From her behavior
observation and presenting complaints I recommend the client deep breathing. In this
technique, I asked the client to inhale the fresh air through nose and exhale it through your mouth. I
asked the ask to practice this three or more time in a day or whenever you feel stress or depression to
calm and compose her.
Session 4
In the fourth session, I tried to apply the cognitive behavior therapy on her by using some
of its effective techniques. First of all, I gave her insight of her problem through ABC chart. I gave
her information that she had developed cognitive distortions that leads to negative thought pattern.
Then, I tried to encourage her and gave her homework in order to restructure cognitive schemas that
she developed after depression. I gave her assignment that she would visualize the best parts of her
day and would note down them and then applied the technique of Journaling in which I asked her to
gather the data about her moods, their intensity and her responses to them all the day long. I also used
some relaxation techniques with her and told her to use them in home as well for better results. I also
tried to apply different behavioral modifying techniques with the client.
Session 5
In fifth session, she told me that she followed all my instructions and completed her
homework. I also asked her how she felt while completing the assignment and practicing relaxation
techniques at home. She told me that she felt very calmness and that techniques were very suitable
and effective for me.
Session 6
In sixth session, she told me that she felt very relaxed while practicing all the applied
techniques when she applied these techniques in home whenever her mood became sad. She realized

that now she had nothing in her hand except accepting the reality. She realized that now it’s time to
move on and succeed in the area I which she had interest. Then, I terminate the counseling session
process as she managed to overcome her problems.
Long Term Goals:
 To socialize client to cognitive therapy.
 To collaboratively work with client.
 To alleviate depressed mood.
 To focus on inactivity and withdrawal.
 To educate the client about the nature of depression.
 To correct early maladaptive schemas.
 To test beliefs.
 To give reinforcement of positive behaviors.
 To motivate for homework assignments.
 To develop hope.
 To get involve him in social activities.
 To restructure the negative thoughts into positive.
Short Term Goals:
 To develop strong rapport with a client by showing empathy and unconditional
positive regard.
 To ensure confidentiality to the patient about the information shared.
 To identify the symptoms.
 To explore past experiences and history of the problem.
 To explore the relationship of the client with others.
 To find out underlying situations that causes depression.
 To find out the thought pattern.
 To educate the client about the nature of the problem.
 To tell the client to identify his strengths and weaknesses.
 To prioritize the goals and discuss it with the patient.
 To teach client about muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
 Use coping skills to overcome depressed mood.

Internship Report 2

Bio Data
Presenting Complaints
Symptoms Duration
Source of referral with complaints:
Psychological assessment
Test Administered
Clinical Interview
Prior Treatment
Family History
Family History of illness (Physical & Psychological)
Relationship History
Mental State Examination
Interpretation of Psychological tests
Differential Diagnosis
Case Sessions
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Long-term goals
Short-term goals

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