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Poem analysis

Have you ever read a poem called My life is like a river? It is written by Anonymous. This poem wants to say that there are good things and bad things in your life. There are three things about this poem that I was the are interesting ed about. Why did he use the river to compare with his life? Why did he write the way it is? What was the mood for this poem? These are the questions I will write in the next few paragraphs. Firstly, there are times something not goodbad happens to you. There also might be some days that something good happens all day. That could be why this poet used the river as a comparing subject. The river is sometimes very calm and smooth but sometimes rough and hard. The river sometimes over flow and sometimes dry out. I think this poet was looking back at his life and found out that there is an up and down in everyones life. I have been living for a short time but my life completely did have an up and down and some strange times. The second thing is that why did this poet write the poem this way? I think this poet is writing the thing he likes and what he doesnt like about the life that is like a river. For example it says I like the gentle bends, I like the smooth waters. It could be that I am thinking something different to the thing this poet tried to say but this is how I think about this poem. Also, this poet compared the rocks that are in the river too. The river could be the problem that he is facing and if he does not doesnt break the rock he will not wont be able to move forward. Finally, this poems mood could probably be both negative and positive. This poem is talking about both good times and bad times and talking about the hard times in life. To me, wWriting only one mood is not an easy thing to do and it could sometimes be boring reading the poems with same mood all the time. This poem is really talking about our real life. No one has a life with no up and down. Usually talking about life will be something negative but not this one. The message of this poem is that our life is not always a good thing but even if the bad times continue so long then you will have something really good that is much more that the bad times. As long as you are living you will have some days filled with happiness. In this poem there are both negative and positive moods. The poem wrote this poem in an interesting way and it was fun reading this poem.

Comment [JH1]: Not needed! What you need to do is write your thesis statement!

Comment [JH2]: Great points but how does t link to the mood, form and poetic devices in the story?

Comment [JH3]: Saeri, you do not need to be answering questions you need to be talking abou what makes the poem effective!

Comment [JH4]: Avoid contractions.

Comment [JH5]: Good. You have talked abou the mood!

Comment [JH6]: What are the quotes that ba up the good mood vs. the negative moods in the poem.

Comment [JH7]: Your conclusion is great, but you need to have explained how the form, poetic devices and mood make the poem effective!


By: anonymous

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