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Communication Skills for 5th, 6th & 7th Year (B1, B1+ and B2 levels)

TIPS for a successful interaction at the SPEAKING TEST:

1. Express your opinion and justify your choice. Remember that there are no right or
wrong answers as long as you account for them.
2. When discussing a topic, take turns to speak. Listen to what the other person is
saying, and try not to interrupt him/her frequently. If you do, do it politely.
3. Gain thinking time: when it’s your turn to speak, and you need more time to think
what to say, avoid long pauses. Use phrases which help you gain time.
4. Show interest: listen to your partner and respond to what he/she is saying by
showing interest and or agreeing and disagreeing with them.
5. Help each other. For example, if your partner gets stuck, ask him/her a question.
6. Ask for clarification and/or repetition: when having a conversation with someone,
listen carefully. If you don’t understand something, ask them to repeat or clarify
what they said.
7. Negotiating & reaching a decision: don’t forget to reach a decision that both have
negotiated with your partner at the end of the task.

Discussion and Conversation Skills for the interaction task:


Managing the conversation

Opening a conversation

● Hi there! What’s new?

● How is it going?
● Fancy meeting/seeing you here!
● I haven’t seen you for ages. How are things?
● Hello. Great to see you again!

● Hey! Long time no see!
● Hey, you are …, aren’t you?
● XXX, is that you?

Closing a conversation

● See you later. Bye!

● Take care.
● Got to go now.
● Give me a call sometime, OK?
● I’m off. It was nice seeing you again.
● Time for me to go.
● I have to run. It was great chatting with you.
● Have a nice day.
● It is getting late. I should go.

Managing your turn:

Elaborating your ideas/Adding ideas/ Giving yourself time to think/
Reformulating and adding clarification/Asking for clarification/
Changing the subject/Starting a new topic

Emphasising a point
● That’s just the point.
● But the question is...
● But the real question is...
● But you can’t see...

Adding things
● To start with, ...
● And another thing, ...
● What’s more, ...
● Just a small point, ...
● Perhaps I should mention...
● Oh, I almost forgot...

Adding a reason
● And besides, ...
● Also, ...
● In addition, ... (more formal)
● What’s more, ...
● And another thing, ...
● Plus the fact that...
● Not only that, but...

Giving a reason
● The reason why...
● Because...
● Because of that...
● That’s why...
● That’s the reason why...
● For this reason... (more formal)

Thinking time expressions to give yourself time to think when answering a

difficult question
● Repeating the original question / ‘Ah, yes, now…’ / ‘Well, actually, …’ / ‘That’s a
very interesting question…’ / ‘How shall I put it?...’ / ‘Well, as far as I can see…’
● Using fillers: er...erm...uh um (AmE)
● Well, let’s see now...
● Well, let me think…
● Um, give me a minute.
● You know,…

Using vague language

We don’t always have time to be precise – and being vague can be a more relaxed way
of speaking to people.
● Stuff / Things / Something like that.
● a couple of
● I kind of/kinda freaked out.
● … and that kind/sort/type of thing.
● … and stuff like that.
● … and that sort of thing/stuff.
● … and that type of thing and so on.
● … and things like that.
● … and this, that and the other.
● … and the like.

Communication problems
Asking for clarification and repetition
● Did you say…?
● Sorry. I don’t understand. What does xxx mean?
● I’m not following you.
● I’m not sure I get what you mean.
● Sorry, I didn’t get/catch that.
● Sorry, I missed that.
● Could you say/explain that (again)?
● Could you repeat that?

● Pardon?
● Would you mind repeating that?
● Sorry?
● Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part.
● Sorry, you’ve lost me.
● Sorry, I don’t follow you.
● What was that again?
● Sorry, what did you say?
● I didn’t get the bit about...
● I’m sorry I can’t hear you. It’s a very bad line. (on the phone)
● Would you mind saying that again?
● Could you spell it, please?

Checking if the other person understands

● Are you with me?
● Are you still with me?
● Is that clear?
● OK so far?
● Have you got it?
● Do you understand so far?

Correcting yourself
● What I mean is...
● What I meant was...
● Let me put it another way.
● What I’m saying is...
● What I’m trying to say is...
● Don’t misunderstand me, ...

Hesitation phrases
● Well, um...
● Well, let’s see.
● Mmm, I’ll have to think about that.

● So what you’re (really) saying is...
● In other words, ...
● If I understand you correctly, ...
● So you mean that...

Changing the subject

● Talking/Speaking of...
● That reminds me...

● By the way, ...
● Oh, before I forget, …
● Changing the subject for a minute, …

Illustrating your point

● For example, ...
● For instance, ...
● Take the way (he)...
● Take for example...
● For one thing, ...
● For one thing... And, for another, ...
● To give you an idea…

Dealing with vocabulary problems: explaining what you mean when you don’t
remember a word
E.g. Oh, I can’t think of a word now. I don’t know how to say it/call it in English.
It’s a kind/sort of… It’s what happens when…

● Use a simpler/similar word.

● Explain the word: What does it look like? What is it used for?
● Use opposites and comparisons.
● Use examples, and be as specific as you can.

Dealing with interruptions and returning to your topic

Interrupting politely
● Sorry to interrupt, but …
● Can I add something…?
● Could I say something before you continue?
● May I interrupt for a second?
● Hold on. Are you saying that…?

Keeping the conversation going: avoiding long pauses

● Make a comment to show you are following the conversation: uh-huh, I
● Show interest and react/respond: Really? Yes! Right. OK. Yes? And?
Really? (to make the other person continue or expand)
And then? Did you? / Have you? / Are you? / Were you? / Was it?
● Make non-verbal vocalisations: laughter, sighs
● Ask questions asking for details or to repair or ask for clarification
● Make appreciative comments like Wonderful! Terrible!
● Pay attention to non-verbal communication: eye contact, body posture,
gestures (with your hands), facial expressions as well as other factors in
communication such as the tone of your voice, your pitch and loudness,

Responding gambits
Right or wrong
● Correct.
● That’s right.
● Right.
● OK.
● Yes.
● Exactly!
● Wrong.
● No, I’m afraid not.
● Not quite.
● You’re close.
● I don’t know.
● I’m not sure.

Expressing surprise
● Really! (Often used to make the other person say more.)
● Are you joking?
● Oh?
● Goodness!
● What?

Being sympathetic
Less serious news
● Oh, no!
● What a pity!
● What a shame.
● What a nuisance.
● Poor you.
● Poor thing.

Very sad news

● How awful!
● How terrible!
● I’m really sorry to hear that.
● That must’ve been awful!

Asking for and giving opinions

● What do you think about…?
● Do you agree …?
● What would you say about…?

Expressing neutral opinions
● I think/feel/believe/guess/reckon that...
● In my view, ...
● In my opinion,...
● If you ask me, ..
● The way I see it, …
● Personally,...

Expressing strong opinions

● I really think that ...
● I strongly believe that...
● I’m 100% sure ...

Discussing and evaluating options, and reaching conclusions

● I believe...would be a good idea because…
● … would give him/her the opportunity to …
● He/She may find this … because…
● He/She is not interested in…
● I definitely think that...would be more/less fun for him/her
● I agree/I disagree. I think he/she would find … more enjoyable/useful…
● I don’t think she would want to...

Agreeing Disagreeing

I (completely/totally) agree (with you). I agree to an extent that… / I’m not sure
I couldn’t agree more. that’s true. / I take your point, but…
That’s so true. I completely/totally disagree with you .
Very true. I don’t agree (at all).
That’s for sure. No way!
You’re absolutely right. I don’t think so.
Exactly! Absolutely! Definitely! I think the opposite is true.
I feel the same. I don’t feel the same.
That’s a good point. I think you’re wrong about that.
You’ve got a point. I’m not (so) sure about that.
That’s what I was thinking, too. That’s not always true.
I think so too. Very true, but…
I don’t think so either. I kind/sort of agree but…
I see what you mean. I understand what you’re saying, but…

Making a suggestion
● Why not…?
● Why don’t you…?
● You could always...
● One way would be to...
● Perhaps you could...
● If I were you, I’d...
● What about –ing…?
● Try –ing...
● Have you thought about…?
● I have an idea.
● Let’s...

● Our plan is to...
● We’re thinking of...
● What we have in mind is...
● What we plan to do is...
● I’ll tell you what we’ll do.
● What about this for an idea…?

● Why don’t you…?
● You could always…?
● If I were you, I’d...
● Why not…?
● How about…?
● Try –ing…

Saying ‘no’ tactfully

● I’m not keen on...
● I don’t particularly like...
● I can’t stand... (+ noun / --ing)
● It’s not my idea of...
● I’d really rather not…

Expressing preference
● I’d prefer... (+ noun / to inf)
● I’d really much rather...
● I’d rather…

Surprising news
● Guess what!
● Surprise!
● I’ve got news for you!
● Do you know what!
● Are you sitting down?
● You’d better sit down!
● You won’t believe this, but…

Apologising and explaining

● I’m so/really/terribly sorry!
● I’m sorry for…
● I’m sorry I … (did sth wrong)
● Sorry about that!
● It’s my fault!
● I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.
● I don’t know how it happened.
● I know that was wrong of me.
● It won’t happen again. I promise!

Responding to an apology
● That’s OK.
● No problem.
● Don’t worry about it.
● Oh, well. Never mind.
● It doesn’t matter.
● Forget about it.
● It happens.
● I hope this doesn’t happen again.

Offering help
● Would you like some help?
● Do you need any help?
● Need any help?
● What can I do for you?
● Can I give you a hand with that?
● Let me help/show you.
● I’ll help/give you a hand.
● Why don’t I…?
● Do you want me to…?
● Would you like me to…?
● Can I do something?
● What do you need?
● All you have to do is…

Asking for help
● Can you help me?
● Can I ask you something?
● I'm not sure how to…
● I need some help here, please.
● I can't manage on my own. Can you help me?
● Can I ask you a favour?
● Could you help me for a second?
● Give me a hand with this, will you?
● Would you mind helping me out?

● I’d say...
● Could it be…?
● Perhaps it’s...
● I think it’s...
● It looks like...
● It’s difficult to say, but I’d guess...
● I’d say...
● Could it be…?
● Perhaps it’s...
● It looks like...
● It’s difficult to say, but I’d guess..

Finishing your story

● To cut a long story short, ...
● So in the end, ...
● So, in short, ...
● So, ...
● To sum up, ...
● All in all, ...
● To put the whole thing in a nutshell, …
● To put it in a nutshell, …


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