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Dear Participants,

We are thrilled to have you participate in the Inter-school Hackathon event, where innovation
and creativity take centre stage. As you bring your own devices (BYOD) to the competition,
it is crucial to ensure a secure and productive environment for all. Please read and adhere to
the following guidelines to make the most of this experience while maintaining the integrity
and security of our digital environment:
• Register your device with IT Department.
• Bring your laptop fully charged and in good working condition.
• Ensure you have all necessary licensed software, development tools, drivers, and
libraries pre-installed.
• Familiarize yourself with and adhere to all event rules and guidelines.
• Connect only to the authorized event Wi-Fi network.
• Using personal mobile hotspots or other networks is strictly prohibited.
• Keep your device's operating system, antivirus software, and applications updated.
• Enable a strong, unique password or PIN for your device.
• Disable/stop unnecessary services, such as file sharing or public network discovery.
• Do not leave your device unattended in public areas.
• Avoid storing sensitive or personal data on your device during the event.
• Use secure methods for transferring data and avoid sending/sharing confidential
information via unencrypted channels.
• Share the list of websites that need to be accessed for the event.
• Report any technical issues or malfunctions to event organizers if necessary.
• Access only authorized websites and resources relevant to the hackathon.
• Avoid downloading or accessing suspicious files or websites.
• Report any security incidents, breaches, or violations of these guidelines to event
organizers promptly.
• While participating in the event, please limit the use of social media platforms and
refrain from posting updates or sharing event-related information on public platforms
without the organizers' consent.
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disqualification from the event. The
primary goal of this event is to foster innovation and collaboration while ensuring a secure
and respectful environment for all participants.

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