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VLSI Design Flow: RTL To GDS (NPTEL Course)

Solution of numerical problem for Week 7

7. Consider the AND gate shown below:

The delay and the output slew of different arcs are shown below:
Arc Delay (ps) Output Slew at pin Z (ps)
A→Z 10 20
B→Z 20 5
C→Z 30 10

The arrival time at different input pins are as follows:

Pin Arrival Time (ps)
A 5
B 6
C 12

What will be the arrival time and the output slew at the pin Z when Graph Based Analysis
(GBA) is performed for the setup check or late-mode check?


Arrival time from A to Z=10+5=15 ps

Arrival time from B to Z=6+20=26 ps
Arrival time from C to Z=12+30=42 ps

For setup or late check, maximum arrival time should be taken. Hence, arrival time at Z = 42

For GBA, the maximum slew from any path is taken. The maximum slew is from A to Z. Its
value is 20 ps.
Hence, the correct answer is (c) Arrival Time = 42 ps Output Slew = 20 ps

8. For PBA, for B to Z path:

Arrival time = 6+20=26 ps
Slew = 5 ps. Hence, the correct answer is (b) Arrival Time = 26 ps Output Slew = 5 ps

9. Consider the following synchronous circuit.

The following attributes are valid for the flip-flops FF1 and FF2: setup time=45 ps, hold
time=10 ps, and CLK-to-Q delay=20 ps. The delay of each inverter is 50 ps. Ignore the wire
Assume that the period of the clock is 1000 ps. What is the setup slack at the timing end-
point FF2/D?

Here, T_capture=T_launch=0 ps [Since, delay on clock path is only the wire delay, which must
be ignored, according to the question]

Arrival time at FF2/D = CLK-to-Q delay of FF1 + delay of inverter G2 = 20 + 50 = 70 ps

Required time = Clock period – setup time of FF2 = 1000 – 45 ps = 955 ps
Setup Slack = Required time – Arrival time = 955-70= 885 ps
Hence, correct answer is (a) 885 ps

10. For the same question above, what is the hold slack at the timing end-point FF2/D?
Arrival time at FF2/D = CLK-to-Q delay of FF1 + delay of inverter G2 = 20 + 50 = 70 ps
Required time = hold time of FF2=10 ps
Hold Slack = Arrival time – Required time = 70 -10=60 ps.
Hence, the correct answer is (b) 60 ps.

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