Creative Problem Solving

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Bicol University

College of Industrial Technology

East Campus, Legazpi City


Group 7 Report: Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

A method for obtaining new ideas focusing of the parameters

Creativity An important attribute of a successful entrepreneur.

It's ends to decline with age, education, and lack ot use. Declines In stage –first when a
person starts school, then in the teens, then at ages 30, 40, and 50. Also, the latent
perceptual, cultural, emotional, and organizational factors. Can be unlocked and
creative ideas and innovations generated by using any of the creative problem-solving

Creativity and Problem-Solving Techniques

1. Brainstorming - Probably the most well-known and widely technique for both
creative problem-solving and idea generation. It is an unstructured process for
generating all possible ideas about within a limited time frame through the spontaneous
contributions of participants.

2. Reverse Brainstorming - a group method for obtaining new ideas focusing on the
negative. Similar to brainstorming, except that criticism is allowed. Since the focus is on
the negative, care must be taken to maintain the group's morale.

3. Synectics - A method for individuals to solve through one of four mechanisms. A

creative process that forced individuals to solve problem through one of for analogy
mechanism: personal, direct, symbolic and fantasy. A group works through a two-step
process: make the strange familiar and eliminate the strangeness.

4. Gordon Method - Method for developing new ideas when the individuals are
unaware of the problem. It's unlike many other creative problem-solving techniques
begins with group members not knowing the exact nature of problem. This ensures the
solution is not clouded by preconceived ideas and behavioral patterns.

5. Checklist Method - Developing a new idea through a list related issues. A new idea is
developed through a list of related issues or suggestions. The entrepreneur can use the
list of questions or statements to guide the direction of developing entirely new ideas or
concentrating on specific "idea" areas.
6. Free Association - Developing a new idea through a chain of word associations. One
of the simplest, yet most effective method that entrepreneur can use to generate new
ideas is free association.

7. Forced Relationships - Developing a new idea by looking at product combinations.

Forced relationships, as the name implies, tries to forced relationships among some
product combinations. It is a technique that asks questions about object or ideas in an
effort to develop new idea. The new combination and eventual concept is developed
through a five-step process.

1. Isolate the elements of the problem.

2. Find the relationships between these elements

3. Record the relationships in an orderly form.

4. Analyze the resulting relationships to find ideas or pattern.

5. Develop new ideas from these patterns.

8. Collective Notebook Method - Developing a new idea by group members regularly

recording ideas. A small notebook that easily fits in a pocket, containing a statement of
the problem, blank pages, and any pertinent background data, is distributed.

9. Heuristic - Developing a new idea through a thought process progression. Relies on

the entrepreneur's ability to discover through a progression of thoughts, insight, and
learning. The technique is probably used more than imagined, because entrepreneurs
frequently must settle for an estimated outcome of a decision rather than a certainty.

10. Scientific Method - Widely used in various fields of inquiry, consists of principles and
processes, conducting observations and experiments, and validating the hypothesis.

11. Value Analysis - Developing a new idea by evaluating the worth of aspects of ideas.
Develops method for maximizing value to the entrepreneur and the new venture. In a
value analysis procedure, regularly scheduled times are established to develop, evaluate
and refine ideas.

12. Attribute Listing - Developing a new idea by looking at the positive and negative. An
idea-finding technique requiring the entrepreneur to list the attributes of an item or
problem and then look at each from a variety of viewpoints.

13. Matrix Charting - Developing a new idea by listing important elements on two axes
of a chart. A systematic method of searching for new opportunities by listing important
elements for the product area along two axes of a chart and then asking question
regarding each of these elements.

14. Big Dream Approach - Developing a new idea by thinking about constraints. To
coming up with a new idea requires that the entrepreneur dream about the problem
and its solution-thinking big.

15. Parameter Analysis - Developing a new idea by focusing on parameter identification

and creative synthesis. A final method for developing a new idea–parameter analysis–
involves two aspects: parameter identification and creative synthesis. Parameter
identification involves analyzing variables in the situation to determine their relative
importance. Through an evaluation of the parameters and relationships, a solution(s) is
developed, this solution development is called creative synthesis.
Prepared by: Group 7
Navas, Ma. Victoria L.
Odtujan, Tricia A.
Osiana, Merel Ann
Peñaflor, Jay N.
Peñero, Mark Joseph
Romano, Michael
Tripulca, Jermee
Velasco, Jonrey

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