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BATCH 2023-2025


Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree in Master of Business Administration

Submitted to
Dr. Urmila Itam
JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)

Submitted by,


I hereby declare that the assignment submitted is partial fulfillment for the degree in MBA, is a
unique work completed by me. I further declare that any or part of the assignment is an unpublished
source and not submitted as a part of any other course assignment by other candidates.

Name: Anas Mohamed

Section E - JU2023MBA16528

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Known as the "Debater" in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the ENTP-T personality
includes a variety of characteristics. The letter "E" stands for extroverted, which denotes a
predilection for interacting with others and a gift for lively exchanges. The letter "N" stands for a
propensity for originality, inventiveness, and an emphasis on the future. "T" stands for making
decisions through reasoned reasoning and impartial analysis. An ENTP with a hint of turbulence

("T") is likely to embrace spontaneity, intellectual discussions, and an eagerness for discovery, but
they may also struggle with self-doubt and sensitivity on occasion. This combination presents an
image of a creative, resourceful, and articulate person who enjoys interacting with others from
different backgrounds and thrives on intellectual challenges.


1) 75% Extroverted
A significant propensity towards extroversion is indicated by an MBTI score of 75% for
extroverted preferences. Relationships with people, things, and occasions in the outside world
provide energy and fulfillment for most extroverts. Being 75% extroverted in this situation implies
that social interaction and outside stimuli have a big impact on how someone refuels and perceives

the world.Individuals who have this choice probably like interacting with people, making
connections, and working together. They could enjoy being in groups, get a lot of energy from
conversations, and frequently look for new experiences. When this is balanced with the remaining
25% introverted side, it shows that one understands and values the need for occasional reflection
and alone in order to refuel and process ideas and emotions. All in all, this combination indicates
a great propensity for sociability and interaction with the outside world.
2) 75% intuitive:
A significant inclination towards the Intuitive (N) facet of the personality type is indicated by an
MBTI score that displays 75% intuition and 25% observation. People who are intuitive (N) have
a tendency to concentrate more on possibilities, potential in the future, and abstract ideas. When
analyzing material, they frequently see past appearances and rely on their gut feelings and
creativity. According to the MBTI, someone who scores at 75% intuitive is more likely to rely
largely on their imagination and intuition when making decisions or acquiring information in
different situations. You might value innovation, creativity, and the possibility of development,
and you might frequently look for patterns, connections, and deeper meanings in what you come
across. This can affect how you make decisions, pointing you in the direction of novel and
imaginative concepts as you make your way through the environment.

3) 75% Thinking :
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) indicates a significant predisposition for making
decisions based on logic, objective analysis, and factual accuracy. A nature leaning 75% towards
thinking indicates this inclination. This tendency frequently results in a logical and analytical
attitude to circumstances, giving consistency and justice in the decision-making process first
priority. Though they may still be significant, emotions and personal values are probably going to
have less of an impact on decisions than logic and factual information.People that are thinking-
oriented are frequently adept at solving problems, exercising critical thought, and making objective
assessments of situations. They might be particularly good at jobs involving scientific analysis,
engineering, strategic planning, or positions requiring sound judgment. Combining this with the
remaining 25% emotional component shows that the person is conscious of and able to process

4) 75% prospecting:
An inclination toward spontaneity and adaptability in life is suggested by an MBTI score of 75%
for prospecting compared to judgment. "Prospecting" (P) people value the investigation of novel
concepts and experiences and are frequently adaptable, open-minded, and prefer to keep their
options open. This kind of thinking results in an acceptance of change, a readiness to modify plans,
and a dislike of inflexible systems. When necessary, the 25% judging component nevertheless
contributes some ordered and decisive traits that enable efficient goal-setting and decision-making.

People that fit this description tend to be resourceful, innovative, and open to new chances because
they strike a balance between spontaneity and structure.

5) 75% Turbulent :
An individual who scores 75% turbulent and 25% assertive on the MBTI is likely to experience
substantial emotional sensitivity and self-doubt when navigating life. The predominant turbulence
points to a tendency toward tension, anxiety, and a need for comfort. Emotional swings and a
heightened awareness of possible outcomes may impact interactions and decision-making. Even
though it makes up a smaller portion of their entire personality, the assertiveness feature
nevertheless permits moments of confidence and the capacity to defend opinions or goals.
Achieving equilibrium between these characteristics entails valuing conviction and caution in
diverse situations, as well as fostering self-assurance and adaptability.


An individual who, according to the MBTI, has a personality that is 75% turbulent and 25%
forceful can learn more about their internal dynamics by doing a SWOT analysis:

1) Strengths (S):
Empathy and Sensitivity: People with high turbulence frequently have a deep emotional
comprehension of and connection to other people, which makes them sensitive and empathic.
Adaptability: The turbulence implies the ability to swiftly adapt to novel circumstances and
viewpoints, encouraging adaptability and receptivity.
Introspection: The tumultuous environment promotes in-depth introspection, which promotes self-
awareness and personal development.

2) Weaknesses (W):
Self-Doubt and worry: The high degree of turbulence may cause a person to constantly battle with
self-doubt, worry, and overanalyzing, which may make it more difficult to make confident

Difficulty in Assertiveness: A lower level of assertiveness might make it difficult to voice
requirements or ideas, which can make it difficult to make a decision in some circumstances.
Sensitivity to Criticism: Due to increased emotional sensitivity, one may be more vulnerable to
criticism or unfavorable comments, which can lower one's confidence and sense of self.

3)Opportunities (O):
Personal Development via Self-Reflection: By using introspection, one can focus on controlling
fear and self-doubt, which will ultimately increase assertiveness and confidence.
Development of Emotional Intelligence: Building on empathy, it is possible to improve
communication and emotional intelligence, which will strengthen interpersonal bonds.
Cultivating Resilience: Creating coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety can help people become
more resilient and better able to deal with difficult circumstances.

Stress-Related Overwhelm: Prolonged upheaval can result in emotional overload, which can
compromise general wellbeing and judgment.
Difficulty in Resolving Conflicts: It may be difficult to resolve conflicts amicably and to assert
one's needs in interpersonal or professional contexts if one struggles with assertiveness.
Effect on Decision-Making: Strong emotional influence can occasionally impair reasoned
judgment, making it dangerous to make well-informed decisions, particularly when under time



An individual with an MBTI personality type of 75% turbulent and 25% assertive may display the
following typical actions and inclinations at work:

1. Empathetic Team Player: They are likely to show a deep comprehension of the feelings and
worries of their colleagues, which qualifies them as sympathetic team players who lend a helping
hand to others in trying circumstances.

2. Flexibility and Adaptability: Because of their great degree of flexibility, they can readily adapt
to shifting team dynamics, tasks, or work settings, which enables them to be flexible contributors
to a range of projects.

3. Careful Decision-Making: Before coming to a conclusion or finding a solution, they may
demonstrate a careful approach to decision-making, taking the time to consider both the logical
and emotional components.

4. Seeking Confirmation: Because of their erratic behavior, individuals could look to peers or
superiors for confirmation and comments on their concepts and work in an effort to develop

5.Participatory Communication: They are probably going to have group conversations,

appreciating other people's opinions and encouraging candid conversations among themselves.

6.Creative Problem-Solving: Possessing an outlook on the future and flexibility, they could be
excellent at coming up with novel answers to problems the group or company faces.

7.Resilience in adversity: Despite their emotional sensitivity, they are capable of displaying
resilience in the face of adversity. They do this by employing their capacity for introspection to
help them develop and learn from trying circumstances.

8.Difficulties with Assertiveness: They could find it difficult to speak out in meetings or to defend
their opinions, and they might prefer a more encouraging and supportive work atmosphere.

9.Strong Work Ethic and Commitment: Their introspective tendency may motivate them to have
a strong work ethic as they strive for excellence while meeting individual and team goals.

10.Focus on Team Harmony: They may place a high priority on maintaining harmony and
cohesion within the team in order to increase morale and output.


Because of their high volatility and limited assertiveness, this personality type may pose a threat
at work:
1. Decision-making that is prompt and confident might be hampered by excessive self-doubt.

2. Ideas that are hard to express can end up being ignored or discounted.

3. Sensitivity to criticism can make it difficult to receive constructive criticism, which impedes

4. Emotional ups and downs may impact consistent team relationships and communication.

5. Stress overload may have an adverse effect on output and general job performance.

6. Unresolved problems inside teams can result from difficulties with conflict resolution.

7. Reliance on assurance could put a burden on the time and focus of supervisors.

8. Overcommitment and burnout may arise from a hard time setting limits.

9. A fear of taking chances might stifle creativity and preventative problem-solving.

10. Difficulties in quickly adjusting to change could impair agility in a dynamic work environment.


Developing emotional fortitude and self-assurance is necessary to improve this personality:

1. Self-Acceptance: Promote self-acceptance by embracing both one's strengths and flaws.

2. Confidence Building: To increase self-assurance, provide chances for skill improvement and
public speaking.

3. Stress Management: Provide strategies for reducing stress in order to improve coping skills in
difficult circumstances.

4. Assertiveness Training: Hold seminars on effective communication and assertiveness to help

people confidently voice their demands and opinions.

5. Constructive Feedback: To build a more robust response to criticism, cultivate a culture of

constructive feedback.

6. Conflict Resolution Skills: Provide instruction in conflict resolution to deal with problems head-
on and amicably.

7. Goal Setting: Help create attainable goals for both your personal and professional life to improve
your drive and concentration.

8. Workshops on Emotional Intelligence: Provide instruction to raise emotional intelligence and

efficiently control emotions.

9.Adaptability training`: This involves exposing people to a range of circumstances to improve

their ability to adjust and make decisions in a variety of settings.

10.Mentorship Programs: Provide mentorship opportunities to assist people navigate their
professional journeys more successfully by offering guidance and support.


A comprehensive strategy emphasizing self-acceptance, confidence-building, stress management,

assertiveness training, constructive feedback reception, conflict resolution skills, goal setting,
emotional intelligence enhancement, adaptability training, and mentorship programs is necessary
to improve a personality that is 75% turbulence and 25% assertive. People can improve both
personally and professionally by accepting their unique qualities, strengthening their resilience,
and mastering critical skills. This will ultimately promote a more self-assured, flexible, and
assertive approach to both work and life. People are always on a quest to better themselves, but
with the correct support and tools, they can find success and happiness along the way.


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