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250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) ® Hoe la du - Thi ka 46 SO GD & DT BAC NINH Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT NAM 2023 TRUONG THPT Bai thi: KHOA HQC TU NHIEN; Mon tl Thoi gian lam bai: hanh phan: TIENG ANH 50 phuit khong ké thai gian phat dé Dé thi gdm: 04 trang DE THI GOM 50 CAU (TU CAU 1 DEN CAU 50) DANH CHO TAT CA THI SINH Section 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Trees are useful to man in three very important ways; they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help to prevent drought and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation. Even though a government realizes the importance ofa plentiful supply of trees, itis difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this The villager wants wood to cook his food with, and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear. This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even more serious. For where there are trees their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily, but where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well, When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert. Question 1. In the writer’s opinion, or the forests slowly disappear. A. government must realize the serious results B. people shouldn't draw benefits from the tree CC. measures must be taken D. unless trees never are cut down Question 2. The word “bind” in the passage probably means A. to make stay together B. to make wet C. to wash away D. to improve Question 3. In the last two paragraphs, the writer wanted to make it clear that ‘A. where there are no trees, the land might become desert slowly B. floods will make the land become desert C. where there are many trees, there are fewer floods D, where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor Question 4, It's a great pity that in many places ‘A. man is only interested in building an empire Website: ~THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 1 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) B man hasn't realised the importance of trees to him CC, man hasp'tfound-dut that he has lost all trees D. man is na ggertemake profits from trees Question 5. Trees” ‘are arseful to man mainly in three ways, the most important of which is that they can B, enable him to build warships D. protect him from drought and floods Mark the lefier-A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correetion in each ofthe Lexoviee questions. "A. aslo C Abhegularly C. Nutritionists D. be eaten Question 7. Afier being ae ae university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied the physiology, biology and anatomy. A. the Coat D. studied Question 8. There were too marff-books on the shelves that I didn't know which one to choose. A. too Be vwerg C.on D. which Section 3: Mark the letter A, B, €6r/D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in n iieath, <¢ the following questions. Question 9. She won't come home‘ eh hasn't finished all the paperwork. A. She won't come home until shedias iy finished all the paperwork. B. She won't come home until shé,bas‘finished all the paperwork. C. BShe won't come home until shail fish all the paperwork. D. She won't come home until she wilfbdve finished all the paperwork. Question 10. Her son has studied abroad for-fSurr years, A. It's four years since her son studied l r\ B. Her son last studied abroad was four y€ar C. The last time her son studied abroad D. It’s four years ago since her son studi Question 11. You had better drink a glass of watéf-asSon as you wake up each mong A. Itis unnecessary that you drink a glass of water af soon as you wake up each morning B. Itis vital that you shouldn't drink a glass 6f'wwafer jis soon as you wake up each morning C. It is important that you had better drink a glass-of-water as soon as you wake up each morning D. It is a good idea that you drink a glass of wate a sph as you wake up each moming Section 4: Read the following passage and marke tte the correct answer to each of the following questions“, When people hear the word "city", they usually imagir(é ebnfrete, neon signs, and lots of air pollution, Thanks to some clever and concerned architects, this image is stati to change. The concept of green aims to bring some beauty from rural environments into urban ageay. It is not only about looking better though. Green cities are also trying to improve the efficiency of cities ee standard of living for people who stay in them. ‘The term "green cites” refer to cities where builders tal iaeount several environmental factors before those cities are constructed or redesigned. For starters, green cities-ar@designed to be more physically appealing than traditional cities from the past. In addition, the mobillfy of,titizens should be considered, so public transportation can be more convenient and travel time to work gaurbe » keduced. Energy sources should also be evaluated with the goal of minimizing air pollution. Ve When it comes to going green, the city of Barcelona is far ahead of its time. Since 1859, its designers have consciously tried to create sustainable urban designs. Then in 1992, the city received a well-deserved makeover before hosting the Olympic Games. In recent years, Barcelona has upgraded its transportation system. This has reduced air pollution and more workers are using public transportation instead of their own vehicles. Barcelona Website: ~THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 2 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) also boasts one of the best recycling programs in the world. Visitors will find clear color coded trash bins throughout the city whgre they can put all of their materials. Question 12. WhighrOf the following is NOT a goal that a green city builder would have? A. Keeping the biriiés-and\green, B. Helping citizens feel more comfortable. D. Making the city look natural, Question 13, What i8+riie-bgut Barcelona? A. It has never beer redesigned B, It is the only green city in Europe. C. It is one of the oldgat’Ere D. It doesn't allow visitors to drive cars. Question 14, All of the foliGiving are true about Barcelona EXCEPT B. more people have ust pa C. air pollution has been edyct D. it is said by some to hayé oxf@ef the best recycling programs in the world Question 15. What does the tévin“nvobility” in paragraph 2 mean? A. How visitors move arounQ, B, How much money tourists spend. C. The feelings visitors have. ¢ D. The opinions of people. Question 16. The word "they" i veer 3 refers to ‘A. some dustbins in the city B. people who collect dustbins C. those who run the city D. people who want to throw out the trash Question 17. Grecn cities bring all oPthe-fellowing benefits EXCEPT A. to make green cities look much better than the old ones, B. to raise the efficiency of concrete bulking C. to raise the living standards for urbign-cifizens D. to bring natural beauty to urban arcag” Question 18. When constru reduce the cost of solutions to the pr C. to use eco-friendly sources of energy D. to make energy sources more appealing, ve 7 Section 5: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on tndansier Siiget to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in fach.of {he following sentences. Question 19. a) A. allowed B. called D. motivated Question 20. ‘A. romantic B. compose D. overcome complete each of the following exchanges. Question 21. After Patrice's party. ~ Dick: "enjoyed myself so much at your birthday party? - Patrice: " eA A. Oh, I'm glad to hear that. B. Oh, that’s Kind’ ‘of you C. Congratulations! D. It's a pledst Question 22. At Linda's new house. = Sandra: "What a lovely house you have.” Linda: “ x A.No problem B.I think so C. Never mind. D. Thank you. Hope you will drop in. Section 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. Website: ~THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 3 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Question 23, | take my-hat off to lan - without him we'd have never finished this project on time. A. admire B. congratulate C. encourage D. welcome Question 24. Tradtigrial-Sgrieultural methods, which cause no damage to the environment, employed by the local people are highy-stistaishble A. hazardous NB. long-lasting C. renewable D. eco-friendly a C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the Question 25. ‘A. maintain C. provoke D. debate Question 26. ‘A. economic C. environment D. sanitation. Section 9: Mark the letter A(B,-Csr D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the nderlined part in each of the questions. Question 27. The toys have to be\imtaét in their original boxes or they're not worth anything. ‘A. damaged B. outdated , C. perfect D. chaotic Question 28, Although Valentine's'Day- Za} become a global industry with more than eighty million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are wnckéar and lost in the mists of time A. a long time ago and unforgettabl¢“"S\. B. new enough for everyone to confirm C. traced back to the ancient people\ gy > D. still a mystery to everybody Section 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or Le Your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. ¢ 5 Question 29. She was that ge ae should have the best possible education A. determination B. determined D. determiner Question 30. Urbanization programs are being CSD \ in many parts of the worlds, especially in densely populated regions with limited land and resources. ‘A. carried out B. struggled for “= D. happened Question 31. Many scientists blame global warmipg, in the atmosphere rather than letting it escape into space, < that trap infrared the heat A. polluted B. pollutants ‘C. polluters D. pollution Question 32. My daughters are like these days - one loves baseball and the other loves ballet. ce, A. chalk and cheese —_B. part and parcel @. bps and downs D. salt and pepper Question 33. My family live i small house. THere is no dining room so we have dinner in kitchen, _ A. a/ no article/ the B. a/ the/ the D. the/ no article/ the Question 34. His eldest brother, John, had a ic service. A. distinguished B. generou: Coiespectful D. talented Question 3: awareness of environmental issues iS key ‘orkeeping sustainable living at the forefront of people's minds, and an opportunity to educate people and spregd’the’world to help protect nature. ‘A. Causing B. Raising CC Pode ik D. Rising Question 36. is a demographic and social process whérébypeople move from urban areas to rural areas ‘A. Development B.Counter urbanization C. Indubtfa Question 37. Unsafe , one of the world’s largest health and-et for 775,000 deaths each year. A. progress B. discrimination C. sanitation D. conservation Question 38. While Steve Jobs at high school, he met Steve Wozniak, who also loved ation D. Urbanization Wvironmental problems, is responsible B. was studying studying D. had studied Website: ~THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 4 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Question 39. He insisted that the baby after his grandfather. A. be named B. names C. is named D. name Question 40. Many famjties jave added low-flow toilet and reduced garden watering, can reduce their water usage andSaye mrdney. A. what \ 5B which C. that D. why Question 41. The book is botrTively and and represents a useful contribution to the literature in the subject, A. worldwide {Ba long-term C. thought-provoking D. fast-growing Question 42, After movine't ¢ sities. rural people become less They start to get used to changes and new ideas. A. prestigious C. traditional D. progressive Question 43. The windmill Nati in gdod working order it has not been used since the 1950s, A although \Bybéayse Gif D. so rx Section 11: Mark the letter ANM,€;r Doon your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best com each pair of sentences in the folowing sentences. Question 44, I last saw her 2 year ‘She was working in New York then. ‘A. When I saw her 2 years ago, Nr in New York. B. When I was last seeing her 2 yéarsvago} she worked in New York. C. When I was last seeing her 2 yéatsgq) she was working in New York. D. When I last saw her 2 years ago, working in New York. Question 45. We left a message for his fejghbpk. We wanted him to know we'd come. 'A. We left a message for his neighborgthough we wanted him to know we'd come. B. We left a message for his neighbor Sp-si-hg would know we'd come C. We left a message for his neighbor in érder {ar he to know we'd come. D. We left a message for his neighbor so'thstwe wanted him to know we'd come Section 12: Read the following passage and pit the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the hyfinbiergd blanks. Water is indeed essential for al life on, in, and{abowe'the arth. This is important to you because you are made up (46) of water. Think of what yourfieed'td survive, really just survive. Food? Water? Air? Facebook? Naturally, everyone would concentrate darWalerfiety. Water is of major importance to all living things in some (47) up to 90% of their bolly, welt ‘comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. ) (48) Mitchell and others (1945), fort n and heart are composed of 73% water, and the Jungs are about 83% water. The skin (49) 1'BEN CAU 50) DANH CHO TAT CA THi SINH Section 1: Read the following passage‘and-mairk the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to cach of the following yucstions. Trees are useful to man in three very i {{wways; they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help to prevent drotght arid gods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the worltaratf fgs-hot realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit frofi-th res, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends"he had Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful tountty put down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but without ifs sre¢§, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvatian. Even though a government realizes the importance &f a/plpntiful supply of trees, itis difficult for it to persuade the villager to see this The villager wants wood to cook his fod with, and he can earn money by making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy of too tereless to plant and look after trees. So unless the government has a good system of control, or can educatt fie people, the forests will slowly disappear. This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees, The vésults are even more serious. For where there are trees their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink-in and also bind the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily, but where there are no trees, the soil ard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, causing floods and carrying awa¥ yith it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but a wor Question 1. In the writer’s opinion, ‘A. government must realize the serious results B. people shouldn't draw benefits from the tree CC. measures must be taken D. unless trees never are cut down Website: ~THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 6 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Cau 1: Chon dip an C es Loi gid Kién thife: oN cla ngudi vit) 2, ho§e nhiing khu rig dan bién mat AA. chinh phi phai nhdn ra‘ifiing KEt qua nghiém trong B. con ngudi khong nén kidgt ieeay cdi C. céc bign phip phai dirge thfe higet D. trit ki edy khong bao gids bj chart — Y chinh ctia doan van: tac gia. \trang cy cdi dang bj chat pha vi nhiéu mye dich khac nhau, tir d6 din dén nhimng hé qua 1 dit bj x6i mp6, a héa + tir d6 néu thong digp 1a phai thye hign cde bign php néu khdng thi ce khu rimg s@ dn bign — Tac gia khong néi ring khong gf tir cay i hay phai ngimg chat cay, ngoai ra dogn 4 cing di néu ring chinh phi da nhgn thire wee raya tons cia ey xanh, ‘Thong tin: So unless the government has a good Son of control, or ean educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear. Tam dich: Vi vay, trit khi chfnh phi e6 mgt hg thbob dost tt, hove ¢6 thé giéo duc ngudi dan, cde khu rimg sé din bién mat, Chon dap an C Question 2. The word “bind” in the passage prabably means A. to make stay together B. to make Wot wash away __D. to improve Cau 2: Chon dap an A (ory ee SO) \O¥ ) Tir “bind” trong bai doc c6 thé mang nghia la ah ‘A. to make stay stronger: lam cho manh me, cfg ep hom Ss B. to make wet: lam am u6t C. to wash away: rita trdi e a5 D. to improve: cai thign Ce — bind = make stay together: lién két lai, dan chat lai, ‘Thong tin: (co) © For where there are trees their roots break the soil up, allowihg’ arttearerereeenet ate ied preventing it being washed away easly, but where there are notre tHe wpil becomes hard and poor. Tam dich: { oi v6i nhiing noi 6 edy ei, r8 eiia chiing x6i dat, cho phép ‘da chim xuéng va lign két dat, do d6 ng chin vige n6 bi cuon tri mot cach dé dng, nhung noi khéng c6)say, dat tré:nén kh6 cimg va bac mau, ¥_ Chon dap én A \ Question 3. In the last two paragraphs, the writer wanted to make it cleayh; ‘A. where there are no trees, the land might become desert slowly \. B. floods will make the land become desert C. where there are many trees, there are fewer floods D. where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor C4u 3: Chon dip an A es Loi gidi: Kién thite: Doc hiéu Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 7 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Giai thich: Trong hai dogn cuéi, Sis Pala lam rd ring A. noi nio khong e6 e4} in bign thanh sa mae B. ld lut sé lam cho dat tf, sl a mac C. noi nio 06 nhiéu cay, thie itt hut D. noi nao khéng cé cay, “ath khé cin ‘Thong tin: Foe wher there are trees the f§ Break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing it being washed away easily bil where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor. The rain falls on hard ground and flows away on ee causing floods and carrying away with it the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all thé tep3pil is gone, nothing remains but a worthless desert. N6i dung hai doan cudi: néu tip chat pit, rimg — dat tro: nén kho can, nuéc mua khong chim xudng va gilt duge dat — Id lut cudn di lép dat gu méc=> rimg bién thanh sa mac. Cau C tae gia khong dé cap dén, con cau B, D chi la mét phan trong ¥ mi eee néi.\ Tam dich: cia een 1g X64 dat, cho phép nude muza chim xudng va lién két dat, do 46 né bj cudn tréi mét céch dé fash jug noi khéng c6 cay, dat trénén khé cting va bac mau. Mura roi trén mat dt cimg va chay trén bé mat, g Jut va mang theo l6p dat mat mau md, noi ma ey trong phat trign rat t6t. Khi tit ca lop dat mat da bién matKhgnd\cén gi ngoai mot sa mac vo gia tri. ¥_ Chon dap an A Ov Question 4, It's a great pity that in many place: ‘A. man is only interested in building an empir 5 B. man hasn't realised the importance of trees ta Kim C. man hasn't found out that he has lost all trees D. man is not eager to make profits from trees“ Cau 4: Chon dip in B \ co oy es Loi git oy Kién thite: Ve > Doc higu — = Giai thich: Cy That dang tiée Khi 6 nhiéu noi, \2 y ‘A. con ngudi chi quan tim dén vige xy dumg dé ché ¢ wt B. con ngudi chwa nbn ra tm quan trong cita cay di véi ing. \ C. con nguéi chwra nhan théy duge ring minh da mit di toda, U6 cayledi D. con nguéi khéng thiét tha kiém gi nhudin tir c@y xanh SW. Thong tin: \ Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful y frees, its dificult fori to persuade the villager to see this. A Tam dich: = Nees peer Mae di chinh phi nhgn ra tim quan trong eta ngudn cung cp Séy*xgrf adi dio, that Kho dé thuyét phue nguoi dan nhin thay digu nay. ¥_ Chon dip én B = Question 5. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most jamportant of which is that they can ‘A. make him draw quick profit from them C. keep him from the hot sunshine D. protect him fbi drought and floods Cau 5: Chon dap an D es Loi gid thite: Doc hiéu Giai thich: Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang & 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Cay c6i rat hitu ich cho con ngudi chi yéu theo ba cach, trong 46 quan trong nhat la ching e6 thé A. lam cho con ngudi kiém,duge loi nhuain nhanh chéng tir ching B. cho phép con ngudi a ‘tao chien C. git con nguéi tran ng mat tréi néng bite D. bao vé con ngudi itp hhgo-va 10 Lut ‘Thong tin: 3) Trees are useful to man i fesery important ways: they provide him with wood and other products, they give him shade, and they help t6;prévent drought and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts oie man has not realized that the third of these services is the most, important. een “ Tam dich: Ve Cay xanh rit hitu ich cho con nui bao cdch rat quan trong: ching cung cdp cho mot ngudi g6 va cdc sin pham khée, ching cho ngudi dé bon iiip ngan chan han han va li lut That khong may, é nhieu noi tenlbe par Gob ngudi da khong nhén ra ring loi ich thit ba trong s6 dé li quan trong nhat. Choose D. ore Ce i hitu ich cho con ngudi theo ba fs quan trong: chiing cung ep cho con ngudi g6 vi eée sin phim khéc, ching cho con newdi bing mat, va chitue-€iyp ngan chan han han va I It. That khong may, & nhiéu noi trén thé gi ui di khong nhén ra rang dich vy thir ba trong s6 cde dich vu nay la quan trong nhat. Véi mong. muon i gi nhugn nhanh chéng tir nhiing cai cay, anh ta da chat ching véi s6 lugng én, chi dé thay ring néu Khoa ch cb ching, anh ta da mé ban than nhat ma minh ¢6, Hai nghin nm truée, mot quéc gia gid cé-a hing manh da chit cay cha minh dé dng tau chién, nhis 46 €6 duge mot dé ché. No da gianh duye dé chi inet khong 06 cA c6i, dat dai eta né tro nén kho cin vi cin c6i. Khi dé ché sup dé, dat muse phai d6i mat véi ian doi. Mie dit chinh phi nhiin ra tam quan trong aes cp nhiéu cay xan, nhung rit khé dé thuyét phue ngudi din nhin nhjn digu nay. Newdi dan lang mudfvee@lindé nau thite an vi anh ta e6 thé kiém tign bing céch lim than hoi bin g6 cho ngudi dan thi tran, Anh ay biéng hod qué bat cin trong vige trong va cham séc cdy e6i. Vi vay, trir ki chinh phi cb mot hithiong’kiém soat t6t, hoe c6 thé giéo duc ngudi dan, cae Khu rimg sé din bién mat Dieu nay khong chi c6 nghia la s€ 66 it cy hon. Két{guértfgerehi cin nghiém trong hon. Vi noi na thir€ eta ching pha dat ra, cho phép mua tham vio va ciing'Ket d é cay dé ding, nung noi khéng c6 efy thi dat tres nén kho cimg. Mura mit, gay ra 10 Tut va cuan theo l6p @at mat mau m6, noi cay trong phat trién fC mat bién mit, khéng edn gi ngoai mOt sa mac v6 gid tri. eee ¥_ Chon dap an D (Cj Section 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheep e inh ite the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. t Question 6, Nutritionists recommend that foods from each of the fourbiie groups be eaten on a regularly daily basi A. basic B. regular C.Nutridontsiy4 D. be eaten : Chon dap an B Ona Peet basis: thuong xuyén, déu din Vi da cé tir “daily” roi nén vige c6 ca “regularly” lam eau thira tir va khong phu hop Sita: b6 regularly Tam dich: Cae nha dinh dudng khuyén ring nén 4n cdc loai thyc pham tir mdi trong bén nhém co ban hang ngay Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 9 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) 7 Chon dap an B Question 7. Afier being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied the physiology, biology and anatomy. A. the os Se enrolled Cat D. studied Cau 7: Chon dip an Loi gids oy \ Kién thire: a Rit gon ménh dé wd") th Khi 2 ménh dé 06 cing chr GE dang chit dng, chiing ta o6 thé luge bo chi ngit va chuyén dong tir thanh V_ing (néu 2 hanh déng ng thdi)/Having + VP2 (néu 2 hinh dong khdng xay ra dong théi) Stra: being enrolled — enrolling oa, Tam dich: —_ Sau khi ghi danh vio ww Figo tuéi mudi bay, Freud di nghién edu vé sinh ly hoe, sinh hoc va gidi phau hoe. ed ¥_ Chon dip én B ars Question 8. There were too many books dn the shelves that I didn’t know which one to choose. A. too C.on D. which Cu 8: Chon dap an A 6 Loi gi Kién thite: Cum tir ¢6 dinh, \ thich: \ Céiu tric: so...that...: qué dén néi ma ‘es oe Sita: to0 — so 1 ‘ Tam dich: - DA cé qué nhiéu sach trén gid dén ndi ma sighing nikon chgn quyén nao Chon dap an A Question 9. She won't come home when she hasn't fihjshed’alt-the paperwork. A. She won't come home until she hasn't finished alldthe papefwork Cau: ‘Su phéi hop thi Giai thie = Cau gc: Cé dy sé khéng vé nha khi c6 dy chua hoan thanh tit ga-gée thi tuc gidy to. A. Cé dy s& khéng vé nha cho dén khi c6 dy chua hoan thanh thi tuc gidy ts. + Khéng phi hop nghia B. C6 ay sé khéng ve nha cho dén khi hoan thanh tat ca cdc thi tue gi A C. Co dy sé khGng vé nha cho dén khi c6 dy sé hoan thanh tat ca céc thiLige,gidy td. Khéng phii hyp nghia D. Co dy sé khOng vé nha cho dén khi c6 dy sé hoan thanh tat ca cde tneiye gry to. Khéng phi hop nghia Tam dich: at é dy sé khong vé nha cho dn khi hodn thanh tat cé ede thi tue gidy fi.“ Chon dap én B Question 10. Her son has studied abroad for four years, Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 10 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) ‘A. It's four years since her son studied abroad. B. Her son last studied abroad was four years ago. C. The last time her son studied abroad was four years, D. It's four years agg singe her son studied abroad. Cu 10: Chon dap Pe 5 Loi gidi: a" Kiénthire: Cy Thi cia déng tir “2-7 Giai thich: = Cau géc: Con trai cé AY Go hoc bon nam. A. Da bin nm ké tir i 06 dy di du hoc. B. Con trai 06 dy di ae viseuy cach diy 4 nam, — Khong phit hop nghia C. Lin cudi ciing con ard & nude ngodi li bin nim. —+ Khéng phi hgp nghia D. D6 la bén nim truce mn trai c6 ay di du hoc. —> Khong phii hgp nghia Tam dich: Ba bén nam ké tir khi con tare Khai hoc ¥ Chon dipinB } Question 11. You had better dritk a7 plas of water as soon as you wake up each mong, A. ILis unnecessary that you drip ghiys of water as soon as you wake up each morning B. It is vital that you shouldn't dink 2” glhiss of water as soon as you wake up each morning C. It is important that you had better drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up each morning D. It is a good idea that you drink a/fTis§ of water as soon as you wake up each morning Cfu 11: Chon dip an D SY) & Loi gidi: y eS —. Kién thite: — Déng tir khuyét thiéu Co be a Giai thich: Cau géc: Ban nén udng mét ede nude aetfong thite diy vao méi budi sing A. Ban khéng cin phai uong mot ede nude; thite day vio moi budi sing — Khong phi hgp nghia B. Dieu quan trong la ban khéng nén uéng thot pL gs nny hi thite diy vio mdi budi sing — Khéng phir hop nghia C. Diéu quan trong 1a ban nén udng mot ocso Ge khi thite day vao hop nghia D. Ban nén uéng mot ede nurée ngay sau khi nie Dy méi budi sing Tam dich: Ban nén udng mét cdc nurée ngay sau khi thire diy Yor moi,budi sing budi sang —> Khong phit ¥ Chon dap an D Section 4: Read the following passage and mark the leffer AB, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to cach of the following questions. ¢} When people hear the word "city", they usually imagine torte, neon signs, and lots of air pollution. Thanks to some clever and concerned architects, this image is startige'o change. The concept of green cities aims to bring some beauty from rural environments into urban areas. tris n6t,only about looking better though. Green cities are also trying to improve the efficiency of cities and raige“the’ standard of living for people who stay in them. \ The term "green cities" refers to cities where builders take into aceotiy several environmental factors before those cities are constructed or redesigned. For starters, green cities'gre-desixned to be more physically appealing than traditional cities from the past. In addition, the mobility of-cftizehs should be considered, so public transportation can be more convenient and travel time to work can be*feduced. Energy sources should also be evaluated with the goal of minimizing air pollution, Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 11 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) When it comes to going green, the city of Barcelona is far ahead of its time. Since 1859, its designers have consciously trigé to-cyeate sustainable urban designs. Then in 1992, the city received a well-deserved makeover before hostifig the Olympic Games. In recent years, Barcelona has upgraded its transportation system. This has reduced air pollution’ and more workers are using public transportation instead of their own vehicles. Barcelona also boasts offe ofthe best recycling programs in the world. Visitors will find clear color coded trash bins throughout the city where they can put all of their materials. Question 12. WihieltbFthe following is NOT a goal that a green city builder would have? A. Keeping thg“ir nice and green, B. Helping citizens feel more comfortable. C, Painting every.buifting green. D. Making the city look natural. Cau 12: Chon dips", es Loi gid: Kién thite: Doc hiéu thich: Diéu nao sau day ms 1a mye tiéu ma ngudi xay dymg thanh phd xanh sé c6? A. Gitr cho bau khong hi luén trong xan, B. Giip cong dan cam hit thodimai hon, C. Son mau xanh cho mol ta phd. D. Tgo vé ty nhién cho thinh pk Thong tin: ma The term “green cities” refi oT where builders take into account several environmental factors before those cities are constructed or redeSigned. For starters, green cities are designed to be more physically appealing than traditional cities from the p o the mobility of citizens should be considered, so public transportation can be more convenieng-ayd.trayel time to work can be reduced. Energy sources should also be evaluated with the goal of minimizing air ale Tam dich: Ve i i Thudt ngir“thanh phd xanh” 4m eo 1g thanh phé ma nhimg nha xy dumg phai tinh ton dén céc yeu 16 mdi trudng truée khi thanh phé di ig hoae tai thiét ké. Truéc hét, nhimg thinh phé xanh duge thiét ké canh quan hip dan hon nhing thanh phé“frupgitvhong trong qua khit. Thém vao dé, sy di Iai thudn Igi cua céng dan cing duge can nhac, vi vay giaothdng: gcebig cing co thé tro nén thugn tign hon va théi gian di dén noi im vige c6 thé duge rit ngin. Cée nguén mieten 1g duge tinh ton véi myc tiéu gidm thiéu 6 nhiém khong ao ki. [¥_ Chon dap an C A Question 13. What is true about Barcelona? ‘A. It has never been redesigned C. Itis one of the oldest green cities. B. It is the only green city in Europe. D. It doesn't allow visitors to drive cars. Cau 13: Chon dap an C Dicu gi la ding vé Barcelona? A.N6 chua bao git duge thiét ké lai B.N6 la than phé xanh duy nhat 6 chau Au, C. N6 1a mt trong nhiing thanh phé xanh lau doi nhat. D. N6 khéng cho phép du khach lai xe 6 t6. ‘Thong tin: When it comes to going green, the city of Barcelona is far ahead of its time. Tam dich: Khi nhi “séng xanh”, thanh phé Barcelona da tién xa vot bac trong linh vc nay. ¥_ Chon dap én C Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 12 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Question 14, All of the following are true about Barcelona EXCEPT A. Visitors can put all their trash in one colorful trash bin. B, more people have used public transportation C. air pollution has been redfité D. it is said by some tofhaye pri of the best recycling programs in the world Kién thite: — Doe hiéu Vey Tat cd nhitng diéu sau day dé Ve Barcelona NGOAI TRU" A. du khach c6 thé bo tat ca rac cia ho vao mot thing ric day male sie" B. nhieu ngucs di sir dung phuopG tgaggio thong c6ng eng C. 6 nhiém khong khi da giam D. mot s6 ngudi ndi ring e6 mot 3 Bregshamg trinh ti ché t6t nbd trén thé gidi ‘Thong tin: Visitors will find clear, color-coded se throughout the city where they can put all of their materials. Tam dich: Du khach s@ tim thy nhiing thimng réc Sgefi$8'%6 ma durge t6 mau hip thinh phd dé ho c6 thé vitt rc vio 46. ¥_ Chon dap an A (Coy Question 15. What does the term "mobility*.in-7% ‘A. How visitors move arounD. C. The feelings visitors have. graph 2 mean? B, How much money tourists spend. D. The opinions of people. Cu 15: Chon dap din A 5 Li gi = Kién thire: ort Doc hieu Giai thich: Thuat ngut “mobility” trong doan 2 ¢6 nghia 1a gi? ‘« a khdch di chuyén xung quanh. B. Khich du lich tiéu bao nhiéu tien. C. Nhiing cam xtie ma du khach ¢6. D. ¥ kién cua — mobility: sy luu dong, kha nang di chuyén dé ding\- ‘Thong tin: In addition, the mobility of citizens should be are transportation can be more convenient and travel time to work can be reduced. C- Tam dich: Them vio 46, sy di lai thudin Ii ctia cdng dan ciing duge aie Y vay giao thong céng cng c6 thé trénén. thudn tign hon va thoi gian di dén noi lim vige 06 thé durge rit ¥_ Chon dap in A fon Question 16. The word "they" in paragraph 3 refers to ACG) A. some dustbins in the city B. peopte.whé collect dustbins C. those who run the cit D. people who waft to throw out the trash ‘Cfiu 16: Chon dp 4n D ¥ es Loi gidi: Fa = Doe hiéu Giai thich: Tir “they” A. mot s6 thiing rac trong thanh phd B. ngudi thu gom thiing ric F e C. nhimg nguoi diéu hanh thanh phé D. nhimg ngudi mudn vitt ric Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 13 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) ‘Thong tin: Visitors will find clear, oo — trash bins throughout the city where ¢hey can put all of their materials. Tam dich: Du khach sé tim thay ciety Binge c6 ma mau r6 ring khap thanh phé noi ho e6 thé bo tat ca cac vat ligu cia minh. ¥ Chon dap an D < Question 17. Green cities bripe all f the following benefits EXCEPT ‘A. to make green cities look-aijoh-tetter than the old ones B. to raise the efficiency of oGnesete building C. to raise the living standards.for' jan c citizens D. to bring natural beauty to uibanrreas”\ Cau 17: Chon dap an B J Thanh pho xanh mang Iai tat ca nhongi4ch sau |NGOAL TRU A. lim cho cée thinh pho xanh tring dep du so véi nhimg thanh pho ei B. nang cao higu qua xay dung bé tong | Oo (ning exo me song cho dan think thi Se ‘Thong tin: When people hear the word “city”, they ust ie conerete, neon signs, and lots of air pollution. Thanks to some clever and concerned architects, this aye starting to change. The concept of green cities aims to bring some beauty from rural environments inté“jebai areas. It is not only about looking better though. Green cities are also trying to improve the efficiency of cig) sind aise the standard of living for people who stay in them. - Tam dich: = Khi mgi ngudi nghe thay tir “thanh phd”, ho thud Fades ung ra bé tng, bién higu dn neon va rét nhiéu 6 nhiém khéng khi. Nhé m6t so kién trac su thong min! hinh anh nay dang bat dau thay déi. Khai nigm thanh pho xanh nhim myc dich mang mot s6 vé Gi\truéng néng thon vio khu vue thanh thi. Né a Iai vé dep ty nhién cho d6 thi khong chi li vé nhin t6t hon mae dil, Céc thanh phé xanhiei -y6 ging cai thign higu qua cua ede thanh pho va ning cao mie séng eho ning ngudi song trong dé. - ¥_ Chon dap an B — \ Question 18. When constructing or redesigning green cities\yuety ‘A. to make transportation more costly B. to reduce the cost of solutions to the problem of air polluica, C. to use eco-friendly sources of energy D. to make energy sources more appealing Cu 18: Chon dap an B A. dé lam cho giao thong van tai tén kém hon a" B. dé gidm chi phi cho cic gidi php cho van dé 6 nhiém khéng khi — C. sir dung cde nguén ning long than thign véi mdi trum, o hon ‘Thong tin: Energy sources should also be evaluated with the goal of minimizing air pollution. Tam dich: Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 14 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Cae nguén ning Iugng cling can duge danh gid v6i mye tieu giam thigu 6 nhiém khong khi. Choose B. Dich bai doc i dung dict : ‘i Khi moi ngudi nghe dén.ti “thanh pho”, ho thuémg hinh dung ra bé tng e6t thép, bién higu dén neon, va nhigm khong khi nj Nho vio nhiing kién tric su t@n tam va thong minh, hinh anh nay dang bat dau thay d6i. Khai ica anh diva trén myc dich mang vé dep mdi trudng thon qué dén véi khu vue 46 thi, No khong chi dorphetin J2-¥ige thanh pho trOng dep hon, Ma nhiing thinh pho xanh nay dang e6 ging edi thign higu suat kim vige-a" ting mire song cho ngudi din 6 Thuat ngit“thanh ph¢-Xanb? dm chi dén nhimng thinh pho ma nhimg nha xy dmg phai tinh toén dén cée yéu 16 moi trang truGe hi tifakrpho durge xay dung hose tai thiét ké. Trude het, nhimg thanh pho xanh duge thist ké canh quan hip dan hof nbfig,thanh phé truyén théng trong qua khit. Thém yao d6, su di lai thudn loi cua cng dan eiing durge edn nhac, say ao thong cng cOng c6 thé tré nén thugn tign hon va théi gian di dén noi am vige e6 thé duge rat n -figudn nang lugng cing duge tinh toan voi myc tiéu giam thiéu 6 nhiém khong khi. Khi nhie dén “‘séng xanh™ tha nb 16 Barcelona da tién xa vugt bac trong Tinh vue nay. Ké tir nam 1859, nhiing nha thiét ké thinh ph6 d9,¢6 gang tio ta nhimng thiét ké d6 thi bén vimg. Sau d6 vao nim 1992, thinh pho di dat duge sy thay doi ximg. ee ding cai t6 chite Thé van hi. Trong nhing nam gan diy, Barcelona a nang cap hé thing giao thong, lim gm thigu 6 nhiém khdng khi boi vi ngay edng nhieu ngudi lao 6 cng c vi phuong tign cd nhin ca chinh ho, Barcelona ciing ting cuéng mot trong cic dy an tai ché t6t nhat trén thé gigi, Du khdch sé tim thay nhiing thiing ric sach sé c6 ma durge t6 miu kh thanh phé dé ho 06 thé virt ric Kak ¥_ Chon dap an B Section 5: Mark the letter A, B, C or ‘Drenthe answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in Pronunctati Question 19. A. allowed Bicalled CS. shared D. motivated (Cau 19: Chon dip an D thich: A. allowed /2'laod/ B. called /ko:ld/ C. shared /fead/ D, motivated /’ mavtivertid/ ss — Phuong an D e6 phan gach chan duge phat am 1a (ajekae ‘véi cée phuong an con Iai 6 phan gach chan duge phat am a /d/. C ZA ¥_ Chon dap én D > Question 20. A. romantic B. compose Cau 20: Chon dip in B D. overcome thich: A. romantic /rao' maentik! B. compose /kam' paoz! C. progress /‘prougres! D. overcome /,auva'kam/ — Phuong an B c6 phan gach chan duge phat dm la /a/, khée véi é&e phuong an cdn Iai e6 phn gach chin duge phat am a /av/. Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 15 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Chon dap an Ba. Section 6: Mark thé Igfter-A;‘B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following éxchanges. Question 21. After Patitce's patty. ~ Dick: "I enjoyed fhiyselt = Patrice" ye A. Oh, I'm glad to hear th C. Congratulations! much at your birthday party." B. Oh, that’s kind of you D. It’s a pleasure es Loi gidi: Kién thite: Tinh hudng giao tiép Giai thich: Sau bita tige cia Patrice. Dick: di rat tan huéng tai bie ewigh hat cia ban." Patrick: " ~ A. O, toi rét vui khi nghe digu dd. { > B, O, ban that t6t + Kh6ng phi ho C. Xin chiic mimg! — Khéng phith D. D6 la mot niém vinh hanh cia 61 -& phi hop nghia Tam dich: Sau bita tige cita Patrice. = Dick: "Toi da rat tin hucng tai bit tige sinfi phgt pu Patrick: " O, t6i rat vui khi nghe diéu d6."\ 4 “_} ¥_ Chon dap an A Question 22. At Linda's new house. ( = Sandra: "What a lovely house you have." Linda: * * A. No problem ‘Blanks C. Never mind. D. Thani: yo. Hope you will drop in. dap an D - Tinh hudng giao ti¢p Giai thich: Tai ng6i nha méi cua Linda. : “That la mt ngoi nha ding yéu ciia ban.” ‘A. Khong thinh van d&. —> Khéng phi hop nghia B. Toi nghi vay. Khong phii hgp nghia C. img ban tm — Khong phi hop nghia D. Cam on ban, Hy vong ban s@ ghé vio. Tam dich: Tai ngoi nha méi cua Linda, Sandra: “Thét la mot ngoi nha déng yéu cua ban.” Linda: “Cam on ban. Hy vong ban sé ghé vao.”” ¥_ Chon dip an D Section 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. Question 23. I take my hat off to lan - without him we'd have never finished this project on time. Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 16 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) A. admire B. congratulate C. encourage D. welcome iu 23: Chon dip in A® Tir déng nghia Giai thich: A. ngudng m6 B. chite mimg ee C. khuyén khich "3 D. chao mimg ie = Take (one's) hat off to (sfineone’Gr something): thin phuc ai = admire Tam dich: Toi nga ma trude Ian —néu khg (Bam dy, chiing ti s& khong bao git hoan thanh dy an nay ding han, ¥_ Chon dap an A ca Question 24. Traditional agricultural-fietfiods, which cause no damage to the environment, employed by the local people are highly sustainable A. hazardous B. long-fis C. renewable D. eco-friendl Cu 24: Chon dap an B es Loi gidi: Kién thite: Tur déng nghia Giai thieh: A. nguy hiém B. liu dai C. tai tao D. than thign v6i méi truéng + sustainable (adj) bén vimg = long-lasting OS) } ‘Tam dich: xo Cae phuong phép canh téc truyén thong, khong rm) i trudng, duge ngudi din dia phuong sir dung 6 tinh bén ving cao. ¥ Chon dap én B Section 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answ6sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of | {ip tol wing questions. Question 25. A. maintain B. weather provoke D. debate Cau 25: Chon dap an B Cay as Loi gi ] Kién thite: Trong am Giai thich: A. maintain /mem'temn/ B. weather /'weda(r)/ C. provoke /pra' vavk/ D. debate /di'beit/ — Phuong 4n B cé trong am roi vao am tiét 1, khac vi cdc pina wy trong 4m roi vao am tiét 2. Chon dap an B Question 26. A. economic B. disadvantage C. environment D. tion Cu 26: Chon dap an C 5 Loi gid Kién thite: Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 17 250 DE. THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Trogim 2 Gia iets A. etertmiceét:ko'npmik/ B, disadVaattage /,disad’ vantids/ . envifonmient /m'varronmant/ D. ees stent terjn/ — Phuong afi C-¢6 trong am roi vao am tiét 2, khée véi cdc phuong an con Iai trong Am roi vo am tiét 3 a Aig ie Section 9: Mark-the Tetter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in mfeasiig’to-the underlined part in each of the questions. Question 27. The' hayeto be intact in their original boxes or they're not worth anything. A. damaged \~ ‘|B. outdated C. perfect D. chaotic C4u 27: Chon dip 7 a us Loi gidi Kién thite: 2} Tir trai nghiia S ay Giai thich: Ao, A. hur hong »\ B. 16i ther \S 7 CC. hoan hao La ~ D. hén logan fon — intact (adj) cdn nguyén sess ged Tam dich: : Dé choi phai cdn nguyén ven WEN ban dau hode ching khong e6 gid tri gi ¥_ Chon dap an A es Question 28, Although Valentine’s'Bay-Hig}bScome a global industry with more than eighty million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are\unckeat- i lost in the mists of time, ‘A.a long time ago and unforgettable B. new enough for everyone to confirm C. traced back to the ancient peopl D. still a mystery to everybod Céu 29: Chon dap an B Le A, m6t thai gian dai trude day va khOng th B. di méi dé moi nguéi xe nhan C. c6 ngudn géc tir ngudi ¢6 dai D. van con 1a mét bi an déi véi moi nguéi 3 —> the mists of time: mét thoi gian dai true day Tam dich: Mic dit Ngay Valentine da trd.thnh mot nginh ebiig BBhiép ton edu véi hon 80 trigu béng hing dure bin trén todn thé gidi, nhung nguon géc cia ngiy nay khong r9.xathg va an gidu trong thoi gian dai va kh dé nhé 1. ‘arkho dé nhé 1 >< new enough for anyone to confirm ¥_ Chon dap én B Section 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 29. She was that her children should have the best possible education. A. determination B. determined C. determine D. determiner Cfu 29: Chon dip an B s Loi gidi: Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 18 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Kién thie: Tit loai Giai thich: a Sau dong ti tobe 2s ‘pling tinh tir Tam dich: “a C6 da quyét ame cat cn cf nba co ita gid duc tt nhl co tad Y Chon dip B? Question 30. Urbaaizaopargarams are being in many parts of the worlds, espeially in densely populated regions with limfted Jand and resources. A. carried out \_CBestruggled for C. brought back D. happened Cu 30: Chon dip an AC Kign thite: \ s Cum dong tir > thich: Vv AA. carried out: hoa thin, tinea B. struggled for: dau tranh, cig gi? C. brought back: goi lai D. hapiy en ra Tam dich: >) Cée chuong trinh d6 thi héa dang, ‘alee ‘thie hign 6 nhiéu noi trén thé cur nhung han ché vé dat dai va tai nguySit, FS, Iie bigt 1a 6 nhiing ving dng dn ¥_ Chon dap An A Lads) Question 31. Many scientists blame global in the atmosphere rather than letting it esc ing on industrial that trap infrared the heat A. polluted B. pollutants { C. polluters. D. pollution ‘Cau 31: Chon dap an B xv en oT (Qs) ‘Tir vung pa ois a Giai thieh: . veh A. polluted (adj) bj 6 nhiém 3 B. pollutant (n) chat gay 6 nhiém C. polluter (n) nguéi gay 6 nhiém D. pollution (n se Daiyém Tam dich: Nhicu nha khoa hoe dé Idi cho su néng Jén toan nee a chat 6 nhiém céng nghiép gitt nhiét héng ngoai trong khi quyén thay vi dé né thoat ra ngoai khong gian{_ (7) ¥_ Chon dap an B Question 32. My daughters are like ballet. } A.chalk and cheese __B, part and parcel . tipssdnd downs D. salt and pepper days - one loves baseball and the other loves Céu 32: Chon dip an A Pea is Loi gidi Kién thite: Thanh nga thich: A. chalk and cheese: khic nhau, khic bigt B. part and parcel: khang khit, khOng thé tach roi ie “) C. ups and downs: kho’ing thoi gian gian thang trim D. salt and pepper: (t6c) 16m dém den, xém va tring Tam dich: Cie con gai ciia t6i ngay nay khée nhau - mt dita thich bong chay va dita kia thich mia ba 1é Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 19 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) 7 Chon dap an A Question 33. My family live in small house. There is no dining room so we have dinner in kitchen A. a/ no article/ the Céu 33: Chon dap an A 8 Lit gidi: Kién thie: Mao tir C.a/a/ the D. the/ no article/ the th Khi ngudi ndi dé cap dén mot déi An, ~ a small house Have dinner: dn t a" Ching ta str dung "The' Khi danh ti ch “anging/sy vat durge c4 ngudi ndi va ngudi nghe biét r6 d6i tong nao dé, —» the kitchen aN Tam dich: aa Gia dinh toi sng trong mét ngdi nh nln png &n nén ching t6i &n t6i trong bép. ng hole chura xéc dinh durge thi ching ta ding Mao tir bat dinh A, ¥ Chon dap én A Question 34. His eldest brother, John, had a career in the diplomatic service. A. distinguished B. generous C. respectful D. talented (C4u 44: Chon dap an A ss Loi giai . Kién thite: 4 \ Cum tir ¢6 dinh °} thich: on A. xuiit sic an Ee B. hao phong A C. t6n trong C D. tai nang a, — distinguished career: sw nghiép xuat sic \ 4) Tam dich: Anh ca cita 6ng, John, d& cé mot sw nghiép xudt sic trong Nets ig giao. [¥_ Chon dap an A Question 35, awareness of environmental issues is ios ping sustainable living at the forefront of people's minds, and an opportunity to educate people and spreadaté world to help protect nature. ‘A. Causing B. Raising C. Producihg-—. fu 25: Chon dap an B es Loi gid Kién thie: ‘Su két hop tir thie Raise awareness: nang cao nbn thite Tam dich: Nang cao nhén thite vé cde van dé méi trang la chia khéa dé duy tri cite figbbén ving 6 vi tri hing dau trong suy nghi ciia moi ngudi, dong thdi ld co h6i dé gido duc moi ngudi v: .b6 thong digp giip bio ve thign nhién, ¥_ Chon dap an B Question 36. is a demographic and social process whereby people iigye frpm urban areas to rural areas, Cs A. Development B. Counter urbanization __C. Industrialization _“_D. Urbanization CAu 26: Chon dip An B es Loi gid Kién thite: Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 20 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) A.sit phat B. phan dd, C. cong nghiep he D. d6 thi hoa“ Tamdich: (7 _ Phan 46 thi hoa’ Ja fot qué trinh nhan khdu hoc va xa h@i, theo dé moi ngudi di chuyén tir khu vue thinh thi én khu vue néng thor ¥_ Chon diphin Bo, Question 37. Unsafe for 775,000 deaths each-gpar A, progress < discrimination C. sanitation D. conservation Cau 37: Chon dip in CO ss Loi gidi Kién thite: Tir vung Giai thich: A. tién bd. B. phan bigt déi xtr C.v@ sinh D. bio tn Tam dich: ‘Vé sinh khdng an toan, mot trong o ing site khée va méi truéng Ién nhit thé gidi, 1d nguyén nhan gay 14 775.000 ea tir vong mdi nim. “ ¥_ Chon dap anC <= Question 38. While Steve Jobs ‘at high school, he met Steve Wozniak, who also loved electronics. 4 A. studied B. was studyh 7 . is $ i D. had studied CA 38: Chon dap an C , one of the world's largest health and environmental problems, is responsible Thi cia d6ng tir thich: Diing thi qua khir tiép dign 4é dign ta hanh, askelion) Ixy ra trong qua khir thi cé hnh déng khae xen vio, hanh dng dang xay ra chia thi qua khit tiép dién, doe ‘xen vao chia thi qué khir don. ‘Tam dich: an Khi Steve Jobs dang hoe trung hoe, ng da gip Stéve Wpzhiak, ngudi cing yéu thich dign tr. ¥_ Chon dap an C ATV Question 39. He insisted that the baby aftertiis grandfather. A. be named B. names \CiShamed D. name Cu 39: Chon dip an A Giai thich: S + insist/ask/advise/... + that + § + (should) + VO... Tam dich: Anh dy khang khang rang dita bé duge dat theo tén ca éng ndi, ¥_ Chon dap én A Question 40. Many families have added low-flow toilet and reduced garden watering, can reduce their water usage and save money. Website: THAY CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 21 0 DE THI THU’ THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) A. what B. which C. that D. why Cau 40 Dai tir quan he \s Giai thich: ¢ Ding dai tr quan he “whighs Tam dich: — Nhigu gia dinh da thém nha yes sir dung va tiét kigm tién, ¥_ Chon dap én B Question 41. The book is both li the subject. A. worldwide and represents a useful contribution to the literature in C. thought-provoking D. fast-growing Céu 41: Chon dap dn C zs Loi gic ién thire: Tir vung Giai thich: A. trén todn thé gigi B. liu dai C. kich thich tw duy D. phat trién nhanh Tam dich: Cuédn sdch vira sing dng vira kich thich tu ic Tmt dong gép hitu ich cho vin hoe trong chu dé nay. ¥_ Chon dap an C LOA Question 42. After moving to cities, rural people become Jess They start to get used to changes and new ideas. \ A. prestigious B. conservative D. progressive Tir vung Giai thich: c. truyén théng D. lay tién Tam dich: Sau khi chuyén dén céc thanh phd, ngudi dan ndng thon tre nén { aot ck hon. Ho bit dau lam quen v6i nhing thay déi va nhiing y tuéng méi M3 ¥_ Chon dip 4nB ry Question 43. The windmill in good working order A. although B. because Cir (Cau 43: Chon dap an A Lién tir Giai thich: A. although: mae dit B. because: bai vi Cif néu 50 CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 22 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) D. so: vi vay Tam dich: COi xay gid van hoat dong t6t mac di né da khéng duge sir dung tir nhiing nam 1950. [Chon dap an A Section 11: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D'On,your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the follow{ng senfences. Question 44, I last saw her 2 years ago? She Was\working in New York then. A. When I saw her 2 years ago, she WoskadFin New York. B. When I was last seeing her 2 years.ago, sjie worked in New York. C. When I was last seeing her 2 years\ugos’sheywas working in New York. D. When | last saw her 2 years ago, shefasondrking in New York. Cfiu 44: Chon dip én D es Loi git Cau g6e: Lin cudi cing t6i nhin théy 6 iy wi on Lite d6 6 dy dang lam vige 6 New York. A. Khi tdi gap c6 dy 2 nam trude, cé dy Lim vie New York. + Sai thi B. Khi tdi gap cé dy lan cudi céch day 2 nam, cay lah, viée & New York. — Sai thi C. Khi t6i gap ¢6 dy lan cudi cach day 2 nim, c6 dy dang lim vige & New York Sui thi D. Khi téi gap cé ay lan cudi cach day 2 nam, c6 ay dang lim viée New York. Tam dich: s Khi tdi gap cé dy lan cudi cach day 2 nam, cé ay dang/tamivige 6 New York. Y_ Chon dap an D AS Question 45, We left a message for his neighbor. We wanted. A. We left a mes B. We left a message for his neighbor so that he would krigyé C. We left a message for his neighbor in order for he to knéw we'dEome. D. We left a message for his neighbor so that we wanted hiniforkAsy we'd come, Cu 45: Chon dap an B (ay \ 6 Loi gid x tit ‘ Kién thie: NN Lién tir L454 thiehs ee Cau géc: Chiing ti 48 dé lai tin nhin cho ngudi hang xém cua anh’ ene 101 muén anh dy biét ching t6i sédén, ‘A. Chiing t6i da dé la loi nhiin cho ngudi hing x6m cia anh dy mie di in 2 ¥6i mudn anh dy biét ring ching t0i sé dén, Kh6ng phi hop nghia oh) B. Ching ti da dé lai ldi nhin cho ngudi hing xém etia anh dy 4& anh aie ning 16i sé dén, C. Ching t6i da dé Iai tin nhan cho hang x6m cua anh ay dé anh ay biét ox sé dén, — Sai céu tric: in order to. D. Ching t6i da dé lai tin nhn cho hang x6m cita anh Ay dé ching t6i anudh bie ring ching t6i sé dén. = Sai nghia i A Wits i Tom dich: Ching ti 4 48 igi Ii nbn cho ngudi hing xém cia anh dy d8 arly bifhching ts dé, ¥_ Chon dap an B Section 12: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don Your anter sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Water is indeed essential for all life on, in, and above the Earth. This i up (46) of water. Think of what you need to survive, Facebook? Naturally, everyone would concentrate on water here. Water is of major importiice to all living things Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: ‘Trang 23 0 DE THI THU’ THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) in some (47) up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. (48) Mitchell and others (1945), the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about, 83% water. The skin (49) 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even fatery: 31%. yours ‘must consume a certain amount of water to survive. Of course, this varies according to age and gendér andegiso by (50) _____ someone lives, Generally, an adult male needs about 3 liters (3.2 quarts) p&¥day while an adult female needs about 2.2 liters (2.3 quarts) per day. All of the water a person needs does not lige Ssqie from drinking liquids, as some of this water is contained in the food we eat. B mostly C. nearly D. almost important ea you are made up mostly of water. Tam dich: Diéu nay quan eer ¥_ Chon dap an AS, Question 47. } A. people B.ofganisms C. regions Cau 47: Chon dap in B Giai thieh: Angui B. sinh vat C. ving D. truéng hop Thong tin: Water is of major importance to all 1 ing-things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes Tam dich: Nuéc ¢6 tim quan trong lin déi voi bis ching [a tir nuéc. inh vat, t6i 90% trong Iuong co thé cua Chon dap én B Question 48. A. According to B. Because of D. Thanks to Cf 48: Chon dip an A Giai thich: A. according to: theo nhu. B. because of: béi vi C. inspite of: me dat D. thanks to: nhé co, 0 CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 24 250 DE THI THU THPTQG TIENG ANH 2023 (GIAI CHI TIET) Thong tin: According to Mitchell and,ethers (1945), the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. a“ Tam dich: Ct Theo Mitchell va nhim; 83% 1a nude. Chon dap an A = Question 49. A. includes C. contains D. consists Cu 49: Chon dap an C Tir ng Giai thich: A. bao gam B. kim cho C.chira D. bao gém Thong tin: g The skin contains 64% water, muscles one are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31% Tam ie LON | Da chia 64% nude, co va thin li 79%, thane i xyong ciing chira nude: 31%. Y_ Chon dap an C a, Question 50, A. what B. that D. where i Dai tir quan hé Giai thieh: ee ‘Thong tin: 5 Of course, this varies according to age and gender, and alge by-fhere someone lives. Tam dich: ‘Tat nhién, digu nay thay déi tay theo dé tudi va gidi tinh, c ‘theo noi séng ciia mot ngudi ndo dé, Choose D. — Dich bai doe rg ~\ Noi dung dic! : f Oy z Nute thye sy ean thiét cho moi sy séng trén, trong va trén Trai day bh nay quan trong véi ban vi co thé ban cha yéu la nuée. Hay nghi vé nhimg gi ban 6n tai, thye sy chilean ton tai. Mén an? Nuée uéng? Hang khong? Facebook? Duong nhién, moi ngudi sé tip trung vao nude Oday. Nyéc c6 tim quan trong lén d6i voi moi sinh vat sng; 6 mét $6 loai orgianism, t6i 90% trong lugng co thé oe Ae Ja tir nude. Cé ti 60% co thé nguéi trudng thanh la nude. Theo Mitchell va nhimg ngudi khac (1945), nao va tim bao gm 73% Iii Da chita 64% mute, co va than la 79%, thém chi xuong ciing chia aarait i : MGi ngay con ngudi phai tiéu thy m6t Iugng nude nhat dinh dé tn t igh, diéu nay thay déi ty theo 46 tudi va gidi tinh, cfing nhur theo noi séng cia m6t ngudi ndo a6. Théng\thudrfg, nam gidi truéng thinh can khoang 3 lit (3,2 lit) mdi ngay trong khi phy nit trang thanh can khoang 2,2 lit (2,3 lit) moi ngay. Tat ea Igng nude ma mot ngudi can khéng nhat thiét phai dén tir viée udng chat long, vi mét phan nude nay c6 trong thyc pham ching ta an. phdi cé khoang 83% la nuréc. an D ¥ Chon Website: CO CAN FILE WORD LIEN HE: Trang 25

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