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| was doing (past continuous) TARATT It is 6 o’clock now. Sarah is at home. She is watching television. At 4 o'clock she wasn’t at home. She was at che sports club. She was playing tennis. She wasn’t watching television. she began playing playing was/were + -ing is the past continuous positive negative question I 1 I he | vas | doing he | was not | doing was | 2° | doing? she watching, she | (wasn’t) | watching she | watching? it phying ES playing it | playing? we running bad _ | running we | Tanning? you | were | living you ieworeat) living were | you | living? they etc. | | they et they ete © What were you doing at 11.30 yesterday? Were you working? © “What did he say?” ‘Idon't know. I wasn’t listening’ © It was raining, so we didn’t go out © In 1985 we were living in Canada. © Today she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing trousers, © I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Spelling (live > living / ran > running / lie > lying etc.) > Appendix 5 am/is/are + -ing (present) —> was/were + ~ing (past): ° . . Pm working (now). I was working at 10.30 last night. It isn’t raining (now) It wasn’t raining when we went out What are you doing (now)? What were you doing at three o'clock? I was doing and I did (past continuous and sinaple) = _ 18.4 13.2 13.4 UNIT EXERCISES 1 3 Look at the pictures. Where were these people at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon? And what were they doing? Write two sentences for each picture. 4 CATHERINE 5 MR AND ,; MRS HALL Y ithe cinema / EL the station / jwatch a film his car / drive wait for a train the park / walk 1 Ann tas ab home., She. was, matching TV. 2. Carol and Jack They 3 Tom ws id 4 5 6 Andyou? I Sarah did a lot of things yesterday morning. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 8.10—8.25 8.30- 9.10 9.30— 10.00 10.20- 11.00 | 11.30— 12.00 12.30— 1,00 1 At9.45 she was washing her car. 4 Av12.50 2 At i145 she « iisoimonmess 5 VANRAS: 3 At9 o'clock 6 At 10.30 Complete the questions. Use was/were -ing. Use whal/where/why if necessary. 1 | (you/live) Where. were. you living in 19902 In London. 2 | (you/do) at2 o'clock? | | Iwas asleep. 3 | Giv/rain) .... scsnanancnn When you got up? | | No, it was sunny. 4 | (Ann/drive) so fast? | | Because she was ina hurry. 5 | (Lim/wear) a suit yesterday? | | No, a ‘T-shirt and jeans. Look at the picture. You saw Joe in the street yesterday afternoon. What was he doing? Write positive or negative sentences. (wear / a jacket) He. wasn’t wearing a. jacket. ary / a bag) 3 (go / to the dentist) 4 (eat / an ice-cream) 5. (carry / an umbrella) 6 {go / home) 7 (wear / a hat) 8 (ride / a bicycle) [35 | was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple) Jack was readinga book, ‘The phone rar . He answered the phone. What happened? The phone rang. (past simple) What was Jack doing when the phone rang? 1 (pase continuous He was reading a book Seestcaneaaie) What did he do when the phone rang? \ Goase sing Hestopped seadiigaidariewered dieplione, | @tsmrl) Jack began reading before the phone rang, So: When the phone rang, he was reading. he began, the phone he stopped he answered reading rang reading the phone 5 ~ HE WAS READING: Pe B past sinple past continuous @ A: What did you do yesterday morning?|_ | @ A: What were you doing at 10.30? B: We played tennis. (from 10 to 11.30) B: We were playing tennis. beginning end beginning (10 o'clock} (11.30) (10 o'clock) P| e090 we played swe'wers playing {complete action) (unfinished action) © Jack read a book yesterday, (= from @ Jack was reading a book when the beginning to end) phone rang, © Did you watch the film on television @ Were you watching television when | last night? phoned you? © Ic didn’t rain while we were on holiday.| | @ It wasn’t raining when I got up. @ I started work at 9 o'clock and finished at 4.30, At 2.30 [was working, @ [twas raining when we went out, (= it started raining before we went out) @ I saw Lucy and Steve this morning, They were waiting at the bus stop. @ Jenny fell asleep while she was reading, (36] Tid (past simple) = EERE] Twas doing (past continuous) = ERY while = PTY EXERCISES UNIT 14 ~ 14.1 Lookatthe pictures and put the verbs in the correct form, past continuous or past simple. 1 Carol .broke._.. (break) her arm last week. It (happen) : when she (paint) her room. She (Gall) off the ladder. The train (arrive) a at the station and Paula (get) off. Two friends of hers, John and Jenny, (wait) to ~ meet her. Yesterday Sue (walk) along the road when she (meet) Jim. a He . (go) to the station to catch a train and he (carry) a bag. They (stop) to talk for a few minutes _.14.2 _ Putthe verb into the past continuous or past simple. 1 A: What Were you doing... (you/do) when the phone ...F*Q.. (ring)? B: 1..was.watdhing... (watch) television 2 A: Was Jane busy when you went to see he 5 B: Yes, she (study). 3 A: What time (the post / arrive) this morning? fl B: It (come) while | (have) breakfast. 4 A: Was Margaret at work today? B: No, she (not/go) to work. She was ill 5 A: How fast (you/drive) when the police (stop) you? P B: I don’t know exactly but I {not/drive) very fast. OA (your team / win} the football match yesterday? B: No, the weather was very bad, so we (not/play) 7 A: How... (you/break) the window? B: We (play) football. 1 (kick) the ball and it (hit) the window: “wa 8 A: : (you/see) Jenny last night? B: Yes, she (wear) a very nice jacket. 9 A: What (you/do) at 2 o'clock this mornin; B: [was asleep. 10 AD 1 (lose) my key last night. B: How (you/get) into your room? - ALI (climb) in through a window. rey I have done (present perfect 1) He has cleaned his shoes. (= his shoes are clean now) [Lvs sd ~ 22 i am info ‘They are at home. They are going out. They have gone out. (= they are not at home now) B has cleaned / have gone etc. is the present perfect (have + past participle): ‘pasi participle al . cleaned t cleaned? we | have (ve) finished have 1 ¥€ | finished? | regular verhs you [ have not (haven’t) | Appendix 2-3), For example: the same: buy | bought / [ have bought have + he had / he has had different: break > L broke / I have broken see = you saw / you have seen fall — it fell / ic has fallen go ~> they went / they have gone C We use the present perfect for an action in the past with a result now: @ [ve lost my passport. (= I can't find my passport 10) FIEEESE] present perfect and postsimple => BIER] icregular verbs = RENNES unit in EXERCISES 15 15.1 Lookat the pictures. What has happened? Choose from: goto bed cleamhisshees stop raining close the door fall down have a bath a before now i 1 ~ He has cleaned. his shoes... 2 n 3 — 4 6 15.2 Complete the sentences with a verb from the list. break buy decide finish forget go go invite see not/see take tell 1 ‘Can Ihave this newspaper?” “Yes, 1 ve. finished... wich it! 21 some new shoes. Do you want to see them? 3. ‘Where is Liz?! ‘SRE vcemnnnnen cenenn OU 4. I’m looking for Paula. you her? 5 Look! Somebody that window. n 6 ‘Does Lisa know that you're going away? *Y@3, Venn her? 7 Ican't find my umbrella. Somebody it. A 8 I'm looking for Sarah. Where she sesre 9. T know that woman but I her name. 10 Sue is having a party tonight. She a lot of people. 11 What are you going to do? you 2 ? 12 ‘Where are my glasses?’ ‘I don’t know. them. [39 lve just... I've already... | haven’t... yet (present perfect 2) A pve just just =a short time ago © A: Are Diane and Paul he B: Yes, they've just arrived. @ A: Are you hungry? B: No, I’ve just had dinner. © A: Is Tom here? B: No, I’m affraid he’s just gone They have just arrived. (= he has just gone) B ve already ... already = before you expected / before I expected @ A: What time are Diane and Paul coming? B: They've already arrived. (= before you expected) © Its only nine o'clock and Ann has already gone to bed. (= before I expected) @ A: John, this is Mary. B: Yes, [ know. We've already met. C thaven’t ... yet / Have you ... yet? yet = until now You can use yet in negative sentences and questions. Yet is usually at the end. yet in negative sentences: © A: Are Diane and Paul here? B: No, they haven’t arrived yet. (but B expects Diane and Paul to arrive soon) © A: Does John know that you're going away? B: No, haven't told him yet. (but B is going to tell him soon) © Margaret has bought a new dress but she hasn’t, ‘worn it yet. yet in questions: © A: Have Diane and Paul arrived yet? B: No, not yet. We're still waiting for thet © A: Has Linda started her new job yet? B: No, she starts next week: © A: This is my new dress B: Oh, its nice, Have you worn it yet? 40] present perfect => word onder => [MIE] still, yet and already => 16.1 ‘164 EXERCISES Write a sentence with just for each picture. 1 They've just. arrived. 2 He 3 They 4 The race Complete the sentences. Use already + present perfect. ao ‘What time is Paul arriving? Do Sue and Bill want to see the film? Don't forget to phone ‘Tom. When is Martin going away? Do you want to read the newspaper? When does Linda start her new job? Aueune He's already arrived. No, they it I He I She Write a sentence with just (They've just ... /She’s just ... etc.) or a negative sentence with yet (They haven't... yet /She hasn't... yet etc.). ee oh) a : afew iinutes ago minutes ago Ghe / go / out) - ‘She Masn’t. gone out yet. (che bus / go) The bus now afew tilites ago (the bus / go) a few snintes ago afew hisses ago (he / open / it) (they / finish /their dinner) now a few miinutes ago (it / stop / rainin, ‘Write questions with yet. 1 Your friend has got a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her: Have you started. your new, job yet? 3. Your friend must write a letter. Perhaps she has written it now. You ask her: 2 Your friend has some new neighbours, Perhaps he has met them. You ask him: you 4 ‘Tom was trying to sell his car. Perhaps he has sold it now. You ask a friend about Tom: UNIT 16

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