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Essentials of Oceanography 11th

Edition Trujillo Test Bank

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Essentials of Oceanography, 11e (Trujillo)
Chapter 7 Ocean Circulation

Match the term or description with the appropriate phrase. You may use each answer once, more
than once or not at all.

A) seasonal wind pattern

B) water mass found in the Sargasso Sea
C) net water movement to the left or right of the direction of the wind
D) movement of water from the bottom to the top of the water column
E) unit of current velocity
F) water flow driven by gravity and modified by the Coriolis force
G) movement of water from the top to the bottom of the water column

1) downwelling
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

2) Ekman transport
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

3) geostrophic current
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

4) upwelling
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

Answers: 1) G 2) C 3) F 4) D

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Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. You may use each answer once, more than
once or not at all.

A) tropical latitudes
B) cold current, northern hemisphere, temperate latitudes
C) northern hemisphere, temperate latitudes, warm current
D) cold current, southern hemisphere, temperate latitudes
E) cold current, polar latitudes, southern hemisphere

5) Benguela Current
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

6) California Current
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

7) Canary Current
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

8) Gulf Stream
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

9) Kuroshio Current
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

10) West Wind Drift

Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

Answers: 5) D 6) B 7) B 8) C 9) C 10) E

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11) Surface or wind-driven currents move water primarily in a vertical direction in the ocean.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.1 How Are Ocean Currents Measured?
Essent'l Concept: 7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ocean currents are measured

12) A Doppler flow meter is a scientific instrument used to measure current flow rates.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.1 How Are Ocean Currents Measured?
Essent'l Concept: 7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ocean currents are measured

13) Dynamic topography can be used to determine current direction and velocity.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.1 How Are Ocean Currents Measured?
Essent'l Concept: 7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ocean currents are measured

14) Surface currents affect about 90% of the world's ocean water.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

15) Surface ocean currents are vertical currents in the water column that are density-driven.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

16) The circular movement of surface water currents driven by the major wind belts are called
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

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17) Western boundary currents such as the Gulf Stream transport warm water from the tropics
towards higher latitudes.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

18) An eastern boundary current is generally narrow and swift.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

19) In the northern hemisphere, Ekman transport pushes surface water to the right of the wind
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

20) The five subtropical gyres exhibit geostrophic flow, related to pressure gradients, friction,
and the Coriolis effect.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

21) Downwelling may be the result of winds blowing parallel to a coastline or the convergence
of surface currents.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

22) The main current in Antarctic waters is the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, also called the
West Wind Drift.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

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23) The West Wind Drift occurs at 60°N around the Arctic Circle.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

24) The Gulf Stream moves water away from the equator; the Benguela Current moves some of
this same water back toward the equator.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

25) Monsoons are seasonal pressure systems that develop at lower latitudes over continents,
which cause changes in seasonal winds and precipitation patterns.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

26) Thermohaline circulation is wind-driven.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

27) Deep ocean currents often move cold, dense water away from the poles.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

28) During its time in the deep ocean, deep water can become enriched in oxygen.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
29) Deep ocean water does not travel across the equator.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

30) Deep ocean water masses have characteristic temperatures and salinities.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

31) The densest ocean water is North Atlantic Deep Water.

Answer: FALSE
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

32) Deep ocean currents are driven primarily by ________ and modified by ________.
A) density differences; the Coriolis effect and land
B) density differences; differences in salinity and temperature
C) latitude; differences in salinity and land
D) wind; the Coriolis effect and land
E) wind; gravity and density
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.1 How Are Ocean Currents Measured?
Essent'l Concept: 7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ocean currents are measured

33) Surface ocean currents are driven primarily by ________ and modified by ________.
A) density differences; the Coriolis effect and land
B) density differences; differences in salinity and temperature
C) latitude; differences in salinity and land
D) wind; the Coriolis effect and land
E) wind; gravity and density
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
34) Which of the following statements is true of surface ocean currents?
A) Surface currents concentrate warm water in the center of the gyre at mid latitudes.
B) Surface currents form circular patterns in the major ocean basins called "gyres."
C) Surface currents occur within and below the pycnocline.
D) Surface currents transport cold water toward the poles.
E) Surface currents transport warm water toward the equator.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

35) Equatorial currents are driven by the:

A) Coriolis force.
B) density.
C) Ekman transport.
D) trade winds.
E) westerlies.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

36) Identify the mismatched pair from the choices below.

A) Agulhas Current, West Australia Current
B) Brazil Current, Benguela Current
C) Canary Current, Gulf Stream
D) Kuroshio Current, California Current
E) Labrador Current, Humboldt Current
Answer: E
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
37) Compared to an eastern boundary current in a gyre, which of the following statements is true
for a western boundary current?
A) deeper current
B) increased current velocity
C) warmer water
D) narrower current
E) All of the above statements are true of western boundary currents.
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

38) Which of the following is a western boundary current?

A) Benguela Current
B) Brazil Current
C) Canary Current
D) California Current
E) Peru Current
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

39) Compared to western boundary currents, eastern boundary currents are:

A) broad and deep.
B) broad and slow.
C) deep and swift.
D) narrow and deep.
E) shallow and swift.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

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40) Which of the following is not an eastern boundary current?
A) California Current
B) Canary Current
C) Gulf Stream
D) Peru Current
E) W. Australian Current
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

41) The Ekman spiral is caused by:

A) density differences in the water column.
B) the wind and gravity.
C) the wind and the Coriolis effect.
D) the pycnocline.
E) pressure gradients.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

42) Which type of current flow moves in a circular path around a subtropical convergence,
reflecting Ekman transport, gravity, and the Coriolis effect?
A) counter-current circulation
B) density-driven circulation
C) geostrophic circulation
D) Langmuir circulation
E) thermohaline circulation
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

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43) In the southern hemisphere, the direction of Ekman transport is always:
A) at a 45° angle from the wind direction.
B) perpendicular to the wind direction.
C) to the east of the wind direction.
D) to the left of the wind direction.
E) to the right of the wind direction.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

44) Geostrophic circulation within a gyre driven by:

A) density and the wind.
B) gravity and the Coriolis effect.
C) temperature and pressure.
D) the wind and pressure.
E) salinity and gravity.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

45) Western intensification causes:

A) a steeper slope of surface water in the western section of the gyre as compare to the eastern
section of the gyre.
B) equatorial countercurrents.
C) the center of the gyre to be shift to the west.
D) very swift western boundary currents.
E) All of the above statements are the result of westward intensification.
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

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46) Surface waters are pushed away from land and replaced by nutrient-rich bottom water
A) convergence.
B) downwelling.
C) land breezes.
D) sea breezes.
E) upwelling.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

47) Strong upwelling occurs in all of the following except:

A) between the North and South Equatorial Currents.
B) in areas of surface current divergence
C) in the area surrounding the Galapagos Islands.
D) where deep ocean water currents are formed.
E) where water is constantly pushed away from a coastline.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

48) Which of the following is true of surface water circulation near Antarctica?
A) A gyre is formed here.
B) Two circumpolar currents dominate it, one current that moves water to the east and one
current that moves water to the west.
C) It is dominated by water flow directly away from the polar region toward the north.
D) The surface ocean has no strong currents.
E) The circulation of water around the Antarctic continent is driven by density differences.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
49) All are true of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current except:
A) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current contributes to the development of Antarctic bottom water
in the Weddell Sea.
B) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current contributes to upwelling off the Antarctic coast producing
an area of high primary productivity in Antarctic summer.
C) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current flows in a counterclockwise direction around the southern
hemisphere at 60°S latitude.
D) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current flows in the opposite direction to the East Wind Drift, a
current the flows close to the Antarctic continent.
E) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is created by the prevailing winds at that latitude.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

50) When a meander from the Gulf Stream pinches off and isolates a body of water within the
North Atlantic gyre, the body of water is called a:
A) cold core ring.
B) cyclonic circulation.
C) geostrophic circulation.
D) Langmuir cell.
E) warm core ring.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Skill: Knowledge
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

51) During winter months, monsoon winds over the Indian Ocean:
A) flow from land to sea and are dry.
B) flow from land to sea and are wet.
C) flow from sea to land and are dry.
D) flow from sea to land and are wet.
E) the direction of airflow is unchanged but precipitation increases.
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

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52) The El Niño Southern Oscillation can best be described as:
A) relative changes between two different atmospheric pressure systems at high altitude.
B) the relationship between sea surface temperature and changing atmospheric pressure.
C) tidal differences between coastal Peru and Darwin, Australia.
D) variation in wind speed over the Pacific Ocean.
E) wind speed and wind direction differences along the equator.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

53) The worldwide effects of El Niño include all of the following except:
A) coral reef deaths in the Pacific Ocean.
B) crop failure in the Philippines.
C) drought in the U.S. Gulf coastal states.
D) increased Pacific cyclone activity.
E) water shortages in Sri Lanka.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

54) Thermohaline circulation is driven by:

A) density differences.
B) the Coriolis effect.
C) latitude.
D) longitude.
E) wind.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

55) Compared to Antarctic Bottom Water, North Atlantic Deep Water is:
A) colder.
B) denser.
C) higher in nutrients.
D) higher in salinity.
E) lower in oxygen.
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
56) The arrangement of water masses in the southern Atlantic Ocean from the surface to the
bottom is:
A) Antarctic Bottom Water, Antarctic Intermediate Water, North Atlantic Deep Water.
B) Antarctic Intermediate Water, Antarctic Bottom Water, North Atlantic Deep Water.
C) Antarctic Intermediate Water, North Atlantic Deep Water, Antarctic Bottom Water.
D) North Atlantic Deep Water, Antarctic Bottom Water, Antarctic Intermediate Water.
E) North Atlantic Deep Water, Antarctic Intermediate Water, Antarctic Bottom Water.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

57) Sources of deep water in the ocean include all of the following except:
A) southern subpolar latitudes.
B) northern subpolar latitudes.
C) subtropical convergences.
D) Arctic convergence.
E) Antarctic convergence.
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

58) Deep-water circulation brings dense, cold, oxygen-rich water from the surface to the deep
ocean because of:
A) greater rates of photosynthesis in deep water.
B) greater dissolution of oxygen in colder water than warmer water.
C) increases in pH with depth.
D) decreases in pH with depth.
E) greater volcanic out-gassing at the ocean surface.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

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Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of
words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

A. Gulf of Alaska
B. Indian
C. North Atlantic
D. South Atlantic
E. South Pacific
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

A. Agulhas Current
B. Benguela Current
C. California Current
D. Canary Current
E. West Australian Current
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

A. Gulf Stream
B. Kuroshio Current
C. North Equatorial Current
D. Peru Current
E. Somali Current
Answer: D
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

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A. California Current
B. Canary Current
C. Gulf Stream
D. North Atlantic Current
E. North Equatorial Current
Answer: A
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

A. Australian drought
B. decreased fish stock in coastal Peru
C. flooding rains in southeastern U.S.
D. Peruvian upwelling stops
E. strong trade winds
Answer: E
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

A. thermohaline circulation
B. density-driven circulation
C. Antarctic Bottom Water
D. Kuroshio Current
E. North Atlantic Deep Water
Answer: D
Diff: 4
Skill: Analysis
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
65) Briefly describe the different ways that ocean currents are measured.
Answer: Ocean current measurements consist of measurements of velocity and direction and
velocity for surface and subsurface current flow. Both surface and subsurface currents and be
measured directly or indirectly. Direct methods of ocean currents are floating devices that are
can be tracked over time or fixed devices. Indirect methods consist of determining the internal
distribution of water density and the corresponding pressure gradient, radar/satellite altimeters to
produce dynamic topography maps, and Doppler flow meters to determine subsurface water
Diff: 1
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

66) Compare and contrast western boundary currents and eastern boundary currents.
Answer: Western boundary currents carry warm water from the equator northward along the
western side of an ocean basin. Eastern boundary currents carry cool water from the poles
southward along the eastern side of an ocean basin. Western boundary currents are fast and
relatively deep and narrow in contrast to eastern boundary currents which are slow, shallow and
broad by comparison.
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
67) Describe the location of the western boundary and eastern boundary current within a gyre.
How is the direction of these currents related to heat distribution of the Earth's oceans?
Answer: The purpose of a gyre is to transport heat from lower latitudes resulting from an excess
of solar input to cooler, higher latitudes where there is a deficit of solar heating. Western
boundary currents transport warm water from the equator toward the poles whereas the eastern
boundary currents transport cool water from the poles toward the equator. Gyres exist to balance
the Earth's heat budget by redistributing heat from lower latitudes to higher latitudes.
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

68) Distinguish between upwelling and downwelling.

Answer: Upwelling is the upward vertical movement of cold, nutrient-rich, and oxygen-rich
water from the ocean bottom and/or beneath the pycnocline toward the ocean surface.
Downwelling is the movement of warm, nutrient-depleted, and oxygen-depleted water from the
ocean surface downward. Upwelling is associated with highly productive areas of the ocean,
while downwelling is associated with low primary production.
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
69) Briefly describe the effects of severe El Niño events.
Answer: Severe El Niño events can be associated with ecological and economic disaster. In
areas that normally experience upwelling, specifically the tropical eastern Pacific, a strong El
Niño event brings warm water into an area and may even result in downwelling instead of
upwelling. Marine life dependent upon upwelling of nutrient-rich waters is adversely affected.
Areas normally experiencing arid conditions may receive above-normal precipitation, while
normally wet areas may experience the opposite effect.
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin

70) Discuss and compare the forces that are responsible for creating surface and thermohaline
circulation in the oceans. Include in your answer the ultimate source of energy that drives both
circulation systems.
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.1 How Are Ocean Currents Measured?
Essent'l Concept: 7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how ocean currents are measured

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
71) Discuss the relationship between Ekman transport and geostrophic flow within a gyre. How
does this relationship contribute to western intensification?
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.2 How Are Ocean Surface Currents Organized?
Essent'l Concept: 7.2 Explain how ocean surface currents are organized

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
72) Discuss the biological impact of upwelling and downwelling on marine ecosystems. Provide
examples of marine systems that are impacted by these processes in your answer.
Diff: 3
Skill: Application
Section: 7.3 What Causes Upwelling and Downwelling?
Essent'l Concept: 7.3 Describe upwelling and the conditions that produce it

73) Describe the El Niño Southern Oscillation. What global environmental effects characterize
an El Niño event? What global environmental effects characterize a La Niña event?
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.4 What Are the Main Surface Circulation Patterns in Each Ocean?
Essent'l Concept: 7.4 Describe the main surface circulation patterns in each ocean basin
Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.
74) Describe the circulation of deep ocean water.
Diff: 2
Skill: Comprehension
Section: 7.5 What Deep-Ocean Currents Exist?
Essent'l Concept: 7.5 Discuss the origin and characteristics of deep-ocean currents

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