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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State University

College of Business and Management
Sorsogon City Campus
Sorsogon City
BS EN 1SO 9001:2015

On October 20, 2023, we have a convention in Albay Astrodome. We gathered in the
school campus at 5 o’clock in the morning to get ready to go to Albay Astrodome. We have
been instructed what are we going to wear in that convention. We are so excited (I’m
talking about me and my three friends) we are so excited to attend that kind of convention
and it was really worth it to come. We arrived at the destination I think it was at 7:30 in the
morning. I eat breakfast that’s why I don’t get dizzy. We were given an envelope with blank
paper 3pcs. Inside of it and 1-piece sharp pencil. I got a color blue pencil! Everything that I
have has a lots of meaning for me. The first program ofcourse there is an intermission no.
and then first speaker is a female speaker. I forgot the name but she discussed about her
experiences as a successful cabin crew and she travels around the world and I want to
experience it too. By the way not only our school is present in that convention but there are
I think 12 schools/universities around Bicol Region.
There are different competitions for the schools like, cake decoration, table
decoration, catering, airline competition, tour guiding competition and there is a pageant.
There are three in total for the speakers on that convention and the very special guests
speaker is a known person and she is Wilma Doesn’t. She discussed a lot informative ideas
and a very helpful messages for all of us like giving yourself worth, prioritize yourself, about
the relationships with your family and love one. I really enjoy listening to Ms. Wilma Doesn’t.
There are intermission no. that I really enjoy watching. Everyone is so excited to watch the
pageant because we love cheering our candidates for Mr. Ms. Hospitality and Tourism 2023.
And the very best part of attending events and convention is the favorite part which is the
giving of snacks and foods even though I really don’t appreciate the taste of the foods I eat
it because it’s a food and I believe that every food is a blessing so I just enjoy eating it
especially the Greenwich pizza. I love it!
After some discussion about future career of a hospitality and tourism we are waiting
for a winner for every competition. Our school Sorsogon State University is hakot award on
that day. Me and my friends enjoyed taking pictures of ourselves before, during and after
the convention. And we are so proud that the overall champion is the Sorsogon State
University! Below is my pictures in that convention as part of the narrative documentation.

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