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Read the following instructions very carefully and follow
1) Tris queston paper consists of 33 them:
2 Queston paper is divided into FIVE sections-
Section-A, B, C, D, E
3) h section ACuestion No1to 12 multiple choice questions carrying one mark each and question No.
to 16 asserion and reason questions carry 1
mark each
4) in section B do any Fve from the given Six questions, which are very short answer type carrying 2
marks each
5) in section Cvery short answer type carrying 3 marks each.
5 in section D Questions are case based, which carrying 4 marks.
7) In section E Questions are Long answered type, Do any 3 from the given 5 questions carrying5 marks

The following questions are multiple choice question with one correct answer, Each
question carries 1mark (1x16=16)
1) Which of the following will have lowest vapour pressure
( Aniline(457K)
2 The Pressure gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to it's
á) Mole fracion
(b) Molar Mass
(c) Boiling point of liquíd
(d) Molar mass of solvent
3) Whlch of the following conditions is correct for an ldeal solution?
( Hmix=0 and Vmix=0
(b) Hmic0 and Vmie0
(c) Hmix<0and Vmix<0
(d) None of these
4) An electrochemical cell can behave like an electrolytic cell when.
(a) Ecell=0 (b) Ecell>Eext
c) Ecell=Eext tEext<Ecell >
5) The amount of electricity required toproduce 1mole of zinc from zincsulphate solution will be
(a) 3F bj2F
c) 1F (d) 4F
6) While charging the lead storage battery... .
(aPbSO., anode is reduced to Pb b) PbSO, cathode is reduced to Pb
c) PbSO, cathode is oxídised to Pb d) PbSO. anode is oxidised to PbO,
7) The order of reaction Hz(g) +Clzg)’ 2HCi(g)
(aZero (b) 1 (d) 3

8) Which one of the following halides contain Csp°-X bond?
(a)Allyl halide
(b)Alkyl halide me requir
(c) Benzyl halide % compl
e the str
(gWinyl halide
9) Inversion of configuration is observed in
(a)SN2 (b)SN1
(c)Both SN1 and SN2 (d) None of these
10) The enantiomers differ only in
(a) Boiling point
(5) Rotation of polarised light
(c) Melting point tt
(d) Rotation of polarised light
11) Thé oxidation of Toluene to
a) Etards reaction benzaldehyde by cromylchloride is called
( Riemer -Tiemann reaction
(c) Cannizzaro's reaction
(d) None of these
CeHs-CHO+C6H5COCH, dil NaOH>
(a) CsHs-CH=CHCsHs
No. 13 tó 16 are
Assertion Reasoning based questions, which consist of two
Reason(R). Answer these questions selecting the statements- Assertion(A),
a Both
b) Both A and R are
(A) and Reason(R) are appropriate
true and R is the correctoption given below.
explanation ofA explanation
true but R is not the correct of A.
c) Ais true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
13) Assertion(A) :For a zero order
Reason(R) :Rate of reaction forreaction the unit of rate
zero order reaction is constant and rate of reaction are same
Assertion(A):Presence of a nitro independent of concentration of reactant.
nucleophilic substitution. group ortho or para position increases
towards the reactivity of
Reason(R):Nitro group, being an electron with haloarene
benzene ring. drawing group decreases the electron
15) Assertion (A) :In alcohols, the boiling point density over the
Reason(R):There is the decrease in van derdecreases with decrease in branching of the
decrease in the surface area. waal force between the carbon chain
number of carbon atoms with te
16) Assertion (A) :Aldehyde and ketone both react with
Tollen's reagent to form silvermirror
Reason(R) :Both aldehyde and ketone contain a carbonyl ct
group. e
This section contains 5 questions with SECTION-B

are very short answer type and internal choice in one question. The it
carry 2marks following
17) Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction,
Zns) +2Ag a) ->Zn (a9) +2Ags
each(2x5marks=10marks) questions or
takes place. Further show
Which of the electrode is negatively charge?
The carriers of the current in the cell?
ii) Individual reaction at each electrode

2| Page
Time roquired for a particular reaction to be half
90% cormpletiorn of this eacion? cormpleted is 653 seonds, cacate tis tirne re t
9 write the structuralforrnula of A, B, C and D in the
folloing sequrcs f reaclion
CH. CHS KOH Peroxide Dry ete
20) Dry ether
How are the following conversions carried out?
a) propene to Propan-2-ol

b) Reaction of propanal with Ethyl rnagnesiurn chloride to

21) Write the products of the folloing reaction

Write the reaction involved in the following reaction
() Clermmensen reduction
(i) Rosenmund Reaction
The section contains 7 question with internal choice in 1 question. The following questions are
short answer type and carry 3marks each. (7«3-21)
22) Henry's law constant for the molality of methane in benzene at 298k is 4.27410'rnm Hg, Calculate the
solubility of methane in benzene at 298K under 760mmHg
Determine the osmotic pressure of a solution prepared by dissolving 2.32x10g of KsO, in 2L of
solution at 25 degree celsius, assuming that KSO, is completely disssociated. (R=0.082L atrnKmor)
23) Conductivity of 0.00241 Macetic acid is 7.896x 1 0 Scm,calculate it's rnolar conductivity, if Mn for acetic
acid is 390.5 scm'mol', what is it's dissociation constant?
24) The rate constant for a first order reaction is 60s,how much time will it take to reduce the concentration
of reactant to 1/10th of it's initial value
25) Give reasons for the following observation
(I) Para-dibromobenzene has higher melting point than those of the and m- isornerisn
(i0) Out of chlorobenzene and chloromethane which is more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution
(iii) Ethyl iodide undergoes Sn2 reaction faster than ethyl bromide
26) What is meant by hydroboration-oxidation reaction? llustrate it with an example of ethene to yield

(27) How will you convert

(a) Phenol to 4-bromophenol
Phenol to 2-hydroxy benzoic acid

28) Write the chemical equation to illustrate the following name
() Wolf -Kishner reaction reaction
(i) Aldol condensation
() Cannizzaro teacion
Read the following passage given below and answer the following
29) Boling pOint or treezing point of liguid questions.(1+1+2=4)
solution would be affected by the dissolved solids in the
liquid phase. Asoluble solid ii solution has the effect of raising it's
Is Treezing point. The addition of non-volale
boiling point andepressing
substances to a solvent
pressure and the added solute particles atfect the fomation of pure decreases vapour
to many researches the decrease in freezing point
solvent crystals. According
directly correlated to the concentration of
Solute dissolved in the soivent. This phenomenon is
it is usetuB for several appiication such as
expressed as freezing point depressIon and
freeze concentration of liquid food and to find the
molar mass of an unknown solute in the solution. Freeze
tood concentration method where water is concentration is a high quality liquid
removed by forming ice crystals, this is done by
cooling the liquid food below the freezing point of
The freezing point depression is reffered as a the solution's identity.
colligative property and it IS
along with vapour pressure lowering, boiling point
to the molar concentration of the solution (m).
physical characteristics of solution that depend onlyelevation, and osmotic pressure. These are
on the identity of the solvent and the
concentration of the solute. The characters are not depending on the
Answer the following question solute's identity
(.) Name any two concentration terms which are
What iscan't Hoff factor? independent of the temperature?
Molality of an aqueous solution of urea is 4.44mol/kg. what will be
solution. the mole fraction of urea in a
WWhat do you understand by 20%
(w/v) Solution of NaOH
30) Chemistry is about change where
chemicals with well defined properties are converted in to
other substances. Scientists are converted into
feasibility, extent and rate of reaction for understandingsubstances. Scientists try to find out the
the chemical reaction. The rate
for any chemical reaction is the
expression that provides a relationship between the rateequation
reaction and reactants participating in the chemical reaction. If the
concentration of the reacting species, it is called the equation is dependent on the
We integrate the differential rate differential
rate equation.
equation to get the relation between concentration at different
points and rate constant integrated rate equation were
the rate of reaction from concentration time graph. introduced due to difficulty in determining
Read the passage and answer the following questions
Answer the following question
O )The decomposition of nitrogen pentaoxide
2N,Os(9)- 4NOZ9) +O29)
Is a first order reaction. The plot of
log[N,Os]vs time(min) has slope=0.01389.calculate the rate
constant k for the reaction
(i) Draw the plot of tu2 VS [A] for zero order reaction.
(ii) For afirst order, how is the rate of reaction is affected if the
initial concentration of eactant is

Give the relation between half life andconcentration of reactant for first order

SECTION-E (5x3=15)
he following questions are long answer type and carry 5 marks each.
|H2 (1bar), Pl)
Calculate the emf of the following cell at 25 dearee celsius Z.,1Zn0.1M) I|H'(0.01M)
(Given E Zn2+1Zn=-0.76V, E H+/H2=0.00V)
migration of of a solute
ions, why does the conductivity
i) State Kohlrausch law of independent
decreases with dilution? takes place
potential of galvanic cell in which the following reaction
) Calculate the standard cell
() 2Crs +3Ca" (ag) .->2Cr+3Cd
() Fe?,(aq) +Ag (ag) >Fe (a9) +Ags)
for these reaction.
(iv)Calculate Delta G and equilibrium constant
(v) State Faraday's first law of electrolysis from molten sodium chloride in
one minute by a
chlorine should be deposited
(vi) HowW many molecule of
current of 300mA? a spontaneous redox.
Electrochemical cell, What should be sign of E call and DeltaG'for the following
(vii) Define
depict the preparation of haloalkane Or haloarene from each of
Write a chemical reaction to
(1) Ethyl Alcohol
(ii) Toluene
(ii) Aniline
(iv) Propene
What happen when
() Chlorobenzene is subjected to
(ii) Methyl bromide is treated with sodium in the presence of dry ether
(iii) Methyl chloride is treated with
(iv) Chloro benzene with acyl chloride
33) How are the following conversions carried
() Propene to Propan-2-ol
() Benzyl chloride to Benzyl alcohol
(ii) Ethyl magnesium chloride to
What happens when
phenol reacts with bromine water
(b) Ethanol react with CH,COC/Pyridine
Ethanol react with aceticacid.



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