Human Resource Development: Course Outline

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Last updated: 10 August 2010



COURSE OUTLINE Human Resource Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Programme Title:

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Professional and Vocational Education)

Academic Year:
2010 2011

Programme Code(s):

Mode of Study:

Elective Studies

Subject Area:
Professional and Vocational Education

Social Sciences

Year Group:
Year One/Two


10. Course Title:

Human Resource Development

11. Course Code:


12. Status:

13. Credit Point(s):


14. Pre-requisite Course(s):


15. Course Coordinator(s):

Dr. Man Wing Yan, Thomas


16. Course Synopsis:

This course provides participants the opportunity to examine trends and issues surrounding workforce demand and human resource development (HRD). This examination will help participants to develop a critical understanding on how the HRD meets the workforce demand within an organisational setting.

17. Aim:
This course aims to examine the growing field of human resource development (HRD) and its role in meeting the workforce demand for profit and non-profit organizations.

18. Course Objectives: To enable participants to a. examine and critically reflect on current issues in workforce demand; b. examine the roles of HRD in meeting the workforce demand in organisations; c. apply theories of HRD to human competence development; and d. develop a knowledge of theory and practice in response to the ever-changing workforce

19. Course Content: a. Current issues of workforce demand in the global and local
contexts: e.g. competencies required in knowledge-based society, demand for flexible workforce and lifelong learning, globalisation and diversified labour market; Trends in the development of human competence; Key concepts of human resource management, e.g. Human resource planning, job analysis and design, recruiting and selection, performance management, training and development; The HRD functions for profit and non-profit organisations: Identifying HRD needs, developing HRD policy, budgeting and financing for HRD, assessing HRD effectiveness; Roles and advancements of human resources training and development in contexts: cooperative training, corporate universities, on-site vs. off-site forms of HRD, distance training and technology, equality and diversity issues in HRD; Learning process and HRD: learners readiness, adult learning styles and adult learning patterns.

b. c. d. e.


Total: 20. Teaching & Learning Activities:

30 hours

Debate, group discussion, case analysis, lecture, Internet searching, team-based problem solving activities, as well as seminars and open forums with invited speakers from the workplace and other educational institutions. (This course will be 40% online and 60% faceto-face.)

21. Assessment: a. Individual project on identification of trends and issues in

workforce demand relevant in the participants own working environment. He/she is required to evaluate the impacts of these trends and issues in their own organisation. A group project about analysing the authentic HRD needs demonstrated in the context of local or international organisations. They will also be required to suggest an action plan to meet the immediate and future needs.

40 %


60 %


22. Required Text:

Gilley, J.W., Eggland, S.A. & Maycunich, A. (2002), Principles of human resource development (2nd ed). Cambridge, Mass. : Perseus.

23. Recommended Reading:

Borghans, L. (2000). Educational innovation in economics and business: Business education for the changing workplace. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Brewer, E. W.; Campbell, A. C. & Petty, G. C. (2000). Foundations of workforce education: historical, philosophical, and theoretical applications. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co. DeSimone, R.L., Werner, J.M. & Harris, D.M. (2002). Human Resource Development, (3rd ed.), Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers. Dessler, G. (2003). Human resource management (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall Harrison, R. & Kessels, R. (2004). Human resource development in a knowledge economy: an organisational view. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Hodkinson, P. & Issitt, M. (1995).The challenge of competence: Professionalism through vocational education and training. London: Cassell. Knowles, M.S., Holton III, E.F. and Swanson, R.A. (1998). The adult learner: the definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Houston, Tex: Gulf Pub. Co. Levine (1998). Working in the twenty-first century: Polices for economic growth through training, opportunity and education. Armonk, New York: Sharpe Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2003). Human resource management (10th ed.). Mason, Ohio: Thompson Learning/South-Western. Markham, T. and Lenz, B. (2002). Ready for the world, Educational leadership. 59: 76-80. Marsh, C., & Willis, G. (2003). Curriculum: Alternative approaches, ongoing Issues. (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice-Hall Velde, C. (2001). International perspectives on competence in the workplace : Research, policy, and practice. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers. Winch, C (2000). Education, work and social capital: Towards a new conception of vocational education. London: Routledge (2001) (2002)

24. Other Information (If any):

Journals: Education + Training Human Resource Development Quarterly Human Resource Management Journal Journal of European Industrial Training Journal of Vocation Education and Training Training & Development Worldwide Web: Society for Human Resource Management: American Society for Training and Development: Centre for Advanced Human Resource Studies: Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management: Equal Opportunity Commission, HKSAR:


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