OAuth Report

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Security Analysis on Development of an

Application using Open Authorization (OAuth)

1st Raghu Vardhan Chakali 2nd Sai Sandeep Ponna 3rd Sri Janani Ramesh
Master of Computer Science Master of Computer Science Master of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick University of New Brunswick University of New Brunswick
raghuvardhan.chakali@unb.ca saisandeep.ponna@unb.ca sri.janani.ramesh@unb.ca

4th Venkata Sai Abhishek Regulagedda

Master of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick

Abstract—"Open Authorization" (OAuth) enables a website right permissions to access the user’s data. VCs issue can
or application to utilize users’ credentials to access resources be resolved by incorporating OAuth tokens into them. VC
of other applications. Proper Encryption standards are needed encoding will be done by JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and uses
to exchange the access tokens between the servers. In this
project, We propose a solution for an android application to JWT –based mechanisms for proving VC possession. Open
communicate with the resource owner to get the third-party Authorization 2.0 is like OAuth that is used to access resources
tokens via the Application Programmable Interface (API) key. in a resource server. The authorization decisions are made by a
While transferring the key between the resource owner and client trusted entity known as the authorization server. In most cases,
it is necessary to encrypt and decrypt it. In order to provide the authorization server and the resource server are controlled
security, We added Encrypted shared preferences instance to
secure the data stored in shared preferences. under the same administrative authority, hence it is sufficient
Index Terms—API key, end-to-end encryption, Secure OAuth to encode authorization decisions in opaque bearer tokens and
enforce them using simple Access Control Lists (ACL). For
I. I NTRODUCTION instance, take the authorization server as a social networking
website and the resource can be a profile of a specific user.
The Open Authorization 1.0 protocol is identified through
RFC5848 [6] and the Open Authorization 2.0 protocol Web Application Programmable Interfaces APIs enable
is identified through RFC6749 [6] which obsoletes its data and resource sharing with various third-party, web,
predecessor that allows an application to access a resource cloud and mobile applications [8]. Open Authorization and
usually an entity owned by a human user and authorizes a API keys are used to manage the authorization aspects
third-party to access protected resources. OpenID Connect of such integrations. Due to their static nature in design,
is an extension of OAuth that adds an authentication coarse and context-insensitive capabilities cause issues
layer using identity details. OAuth 2.0 requires roles to with some security aspects. To overcome these issues, it
complete the protocol which can be achieved by involving is important to make use of a framework that supports
interactions between both OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect transparent externalization of authorization functionality
that require a pre-established trust establishment while for access control of web API resources. This framework
the protocol operates. OpenID Connect requires human [8] uses the notion of a knowledge graph, which is a
interaction because of the identity layer. This identity dynamic database, and applies an integral, model-based
information is transferred through JavaScript Object Notation view that has a combination of service descriptions,
(JSON) Web Token (JWT) [1]. OAuth 2.0 specification data formats, security policies, and service interactions.
does not mandate resource server and authorization
server exist separately, they can exist in a single system. Many websites provide APIs for accessing the stored
user Information on their site, hence for additional security
Verifiable credentials (VC) [5] are used to provide tamper- OAuth protocol generates an access code that the user
proof credentials that can be verified cryptographically. VCs can pass on to the clients which could be used to
have strong encoding properties, but their functionality is authenticate when the user tries to access the Intended
limited because of the lack of standards in exchanging VCs. Information this Is known as delegated authorization.
Open Authorization is a kind of token-based authentication
that helps organizations to share information across third-party In mobile applications, desktop applications, and client-
websites without exposing their users’ credentials. OAuth server web applications OAuth 2.0 specify the handling of
ensures that the website requesting the information has the delegated authorization. To handle specific client needs the
OAuth 2.0 defines much authorization flows [9]. To name most OAuth implementations [15]. They [15] proposed
some, authorization code flow, Implicit Grant flow, resource an application-based OAuth Manager framework, that
owner password credentials flow, and client credentials flow. provides a secure, light, and fast OAuth flow for mobile
Irrespective of the strict protocols and different remediation applications that are based on the concept of privilege
proposed at the time, many OAuth-based services are still separation. Auth provides a secure, lightweight, and fast
vulnerable to different security flaws [10]. When considering OAuth flow for mobile applications that are based on
the different client-side parameters these protocols aren’t the concept of privilege separation and described the
detailed enough to cover all the possible attacks. CSRF attack design and security assumptions of each of the main
against the redirect URI is one of the most tangible attacks OAuth flows in apps, such as using an embedded web
on the implementations of the OAuth. For the mitigation of component, a browser, and using a provider installed app.
the vulnerability, two effective defense mechanisms are: To
all the state-changing requests CSRF token is to be validated Online service providers frequently utilize Open Standard
and this includes additional headers with XMLHttpRequest for Authorization (OAuth) to control the authentication
[10]. These two mechanisms are considered as they were and authorization processes. Web View renders, displays,
most repeatedly used on a large dataset. Because it is widely and offers additional browsing features for HTML pages.
used for authorization and authentication In experience, It was discovered to be susceptible to a wide variety of
there are numerous studies to assess safety OAuth 2.0 has attacks, including JavaScript injection attacks. Effective
been released, and there is some practical attack detected [11]. security cue design has received some attention in mobile
web browsers and to a lesser extent in Web View [14].
As Open Authorization 2.0 provides very little privacy Users pay less attention when using mobile devices,
for the users’ especially in federated login (Single Sign-on) according to an early study. The security status light is a
systems [7], the identity provider can learn a great deal about new visual indication that other researchers have proposed
users’ web browsing patterns. This addresses privacy issues (SSLight). Even though they believe they are not safe,
that concern a few users. Simple browser-based mitigations mobile users commonly use third-party programmers to
are insufficient, modifying protocol behavior is the only connect to their internet accounts. This research [14]
option to mitigate this problem. OAuth 2.0 helps in the demonstrated that several of the security cue designs for
management of users’ passwords in an organization as well OAuth-Web View embedded mobile apps are very observable,
as saving users the inconvenience of re-entering attributes easily understood, and useful in informing users of the risks.
that are instead stored by Identity Providers (IdPs) and
provided to Relying Party (RP) websites as required. The Many millions of users routinely use Google, Facebook,
registration process for OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect and Microsoft to log in to websites supporting OAuth 2.0
gives the information of RP in the form of client_id, and/or OpenID Connect. Many real-world implementations of
client_secret, redirect_uri to the IdP [7]. It is still not OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect are vulnerable to cross-site
clear to mitigate this exchange of information between the request forgery (CSRF) attacks. Since OAuth 2.0 appeared
RP and IdP and it remains an issue for further research. in 2012 [13], it has been widely used for single sign-on
(SSO). Websites use OAuth 2.0 to simplify user password
Allowing one Web service to act on our behalf with another management and save users from reentering attributes that are
has become increasingly important as social Internet services instead held by identity providers (IdPs) and introduced a new
such as blogs, photo sharing, and social networks have become class of mitigations that can prevent such attacks [13].
widely popular. OAuth, a new protocol for establishing
identity management standards across services, provides II. D ETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT
an alternative to sharing our usernames and passwords. In Open Authorization: Clients are given "safe delegated
the November/December issue, Jeremy Grant from the US access" to server resources via OAuth on behalf of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology describes resource owner. It outlines a procedure that resource owners
NIST’s National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace may use to grant unauthorized third parties access to their
(NSTIC) initiative [12]. Internet identity management is an server resources without giving away their credentials. With
umbrella that covers several related problems which stem the permission of the resource owner, OAuth simply enables
from our use of multiple Internet services that come from an authorization server to give access tokens to third-party
different providers [12]. OAuth began as a community effort clients. In this case, the resource owner is “The Movie DB”
among numerous companies that provide Internet services. and the third-party client is our mobile application called
“The Movie App”. When we register ourselves with the
Mobile apps frequently use the Open standard for resource owner, it validates and then issues an access token
Authorization (OAuth) for acquiring access to user resources as shown in Figure 1. The access token is a pass that is used
on distant service providers that examine various OAuth by the resource owner’s server to authorize the request. The
implementations used by the top resource providers’ SDKs access token provided here is an API Key. The third-party
for smartphones and present potential attacks against client (i.e, Movie App), whenever it is requesting the data
from the DB, the API key is added in the header payload To use Stetho we have to add this dependency as shown in
along with the other required fields. The resource owner, after Figure 3.
receiving the request, authorizes the request with the access
token, which is an API Key. After successful authorization,
it responds with the requested data in a JSON format.

Fig. 3: Network Interceptor using Stetho Dependency

After adding all the application and network interceptors,

our HTTP client should be as shown in Figure 4. Now
everything is set for us to intercept the calls and capture
the response. All we need to do is, to make requests to the
resource owner. As we are requesting data, we make GET calls
from our application by using ROOM. Room is a persistence

Fig. 1: Access token Validation

Retrofit: Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Java and

Android that aims to make accessing RESTful web services
simpler. By default, Retrofit 2 relies on OkHttp as the network-
ing layer and is constructed on top of it. Retrofit uses a POJO Fig. 4: Application and Network Interceptors
(Plain Old Java Object), which must be predefined for the
JSON Structure, to automatically serialize the JSON response. library, part of the Android Architecture Components. It makes
We need a converter to first convert JSON into Gson before it easier to work with SQLiteDatabase objects in your app,
serializing it. The following dependencies must be added to decreasing the amount of boilerplate code and verifying SQL
our build.grade file as shown in Figure 2. queries at compile time[ref]. In other words, it makes our life
easier in writing SQL queries without writing boilerplate code.

We append the required fields to the base URL along

with the access token. The API key is stored in the app
through encrypted shared preferences. It is used to generate
Fig. 2: Retrofit Dependencies the encryption keys that are used for encrypting keys and
values. To use Secured Shared Preferences, we need to add
the dependency as shown in Figure 5
OkHttp has a strong mechanism called interceptors
that can monitor, rewrite, and retry calls. Generally
speaking, interceptors fall into one of two categories:

Application Interceptors: We must execute addInterceptor() Fig. 5: Encrypted Shared Preferences Dependency
on OkHttpClient.Builder in order to register an
application interceptor. These can be used to timeout To encrypt the keys, we use PrefKeyEncryption-
a read or write request after a particular interval. Scheme.AES256_SIV and to encrypt its corresponding
value, we use PrefValueEncryptionScheme.AES256_GCM,
Network Interceptors: Use addNetworkInterceptor() rather Encrypted shared preferences are secured using AES 256.
than addInterceptor to register a Network Interceptor (). The The resource owner authorizes the call with the access token
network interceptor we used here is Stetho. This will allow and will only respond with the data if the authorization
us to intercept the network calls going out from this app is successful as shown in Figure 7. If not, it gives us an
and capture the response. To brief about Stetho, For Android unauthorized request error saying “Invalid API Key: You
apps, Stetho is a well-developed debug bridge. When activated, must be granted a valid key” as shown in Figure 6. Here
developers have access to the Chrome Developer Tools feature, we have demonstrated the same call from our application
which is a native component of the Chrome desktop browser. and also through postman. When we make a call from our
application, it responds with the requested data. But in the
other case, the authorization failed and it did not provide us
with any data. The service provider usually provides data in
JSON format as shown in Figure 8 and we model it as per
our requirement. Since we are using Kotlin, we convert the
JSON to GSON and then map it to the User Interface (UI).

Fig. 8: Data in JSON format

generated if and only if the resource owner permits them

to do so. Depending on the protocol, issued tokens may
vary. A single authorization server can serve multiple clients.

Fig. 6: Invalid API key error OAuth 2.0 and OpenID connect help to generate a
token response that contains the ID token [6]. The
client can validate the token and authenticate the
end-user identified through claims present in the ID
token. OpenID connect further resembles grant types
defined by OAuth 2.0, merely defining ways to obtain
authorization grants and present them to the authorization
server thus enhancing the roles of trust establishment.

With emerging cloud technologies, it is necessary to secure

shared resources. Using bearer tokens or hard-to-guess URLs
is not sufficient to provide security, so the usage of Open
Authorization with Verifiable Credentials (VC) provides
proper security [5]. When the resource server is independent
of the authorization server using an Access Control List
(ACL) is cumbersome, so encoding the access control tokens
to describe the access rights of their holds is a solution.
VCs are cryptographically secure which preserves privacy
and machine-verifiable means to provide access credentials.
Fig. 7: Successful authorization 200 OK response. However, using VCs alone could lead to standardization
issues, which will be mitigated by using Open Authorization.
III. R ELATED W ORK I N THIS AREA A VC architecture contains a verifiable data registry that
Open Authorization 2.0 roles [6] represents the Resource acts as a database of VC schema, revocation list, and public
owner which owns a resource stored in a remote location keys which are needed to issue credentials by the issuing
that can be human (end-user) or non-human, it is mandatory authority. Then those credentials and the auxiliary info will
that a resource owner must be a human for OpenID Connect. be passed to the holder who sends them to the verifier who
On the other hand, a Resource Server is an entity that stores has auxiliary info to verify the holders’ credentials. By
resources owned by resource owners. Access to the resources leveraging this organizations can share the resources while
is done by OAuth 2.0 tokens which are formally referred to protecting some through providing role-based access tokens
as access tokens. The client is an application that expects [5]. Each access token has a token generation endpoint
permission to access resources from a resource server. This that can be invoked by clients to obtain an access token.
permission is granted by the resource owner. The application
verifies this permission to a resource server by using an Proving the possession of key needs OAuth Demonstration
access token. The authorization server is a central server that of proof-of-possession at the Application layer (DPoP) [5].
issues valid tokens to a client application. These tokens are DPoP has been designed for HTTP communication in which
key holders can send their HTTP requests with a header enables RPs to verify an end-user identity by relying on an
called DPoP proof. A DPoP proof is a JSON Web Signature authentication process performed by an OpenID provider.
(JWS) signed using the key of the user. Therefore, JWS During these two operations, the access tokens and identity
header contains a “dpop+jwt” field which is a digital signature tokens are the key [7]. Thus, IdP learns about the web access
algorithm and a JWK public key. The JWS payload includes behavior of a single user by determining the identity of RPs.
at least a unique identifier (which can be a sufficiently large By using this information, IdP could deliver personalized
random number), the HTTP method of the request, the HTTP advertisements. For example, if a user uses Facebook to
URI of the request, and the time when the request was log in to a movie website, then Facebook can use this
created. Then the client requests to perform an operation on a information to show personalized movie ads to the user.
resource by providing a DPoP proof and the obtained access
token, then the Resource Request verification will be done. Developers repurposed OAuth for authentication even
though it was initially intended for authorization. As a result,
Open Authorization token introspection allows a Resource the OAuth standard protocol never specifies how to carry out
Server to query a token endpoint implemented by the Access OAuth authentication, and developers must come up with a
Server to know the state of the access token and its metadata solution on their own. Typically, they just altered the final
of it. The token introspection endpoint responds with a JSON step of the OAuth protocol, which uses the user’s resources to
object that contains a field named active which represents identify the user [3]. OAuth is also used in social login. The
the current state of the token. The major disadvantage most popular social login OAuth is Facebook with 45% users
of this approach is communication overhead since the followed by Google with 37% users [2]. Considering the
Resource Server needs to send a query for the status of each example of Facebook OAuth, The built-in Facebook Android
token, thus incorporating Verifiable Credentials to verify SDK first asks the system if the Facebook app is already
the revocation of the token ultimately to know the status installed; if so, the OAuth flow will go through the Facebook
is beneficial. This scheme preserves privacy and efficiency [5]. app; if not, an embedded WebView will be utilized [4].

Web APIs now exhibit more persuasive context with Pai et al [9] formalize the OAuth Protocol using a
IoT and mobile devices with the emerging web and cloud method called knowledge flow analysis. In the form
services [8]. Conventional authorization methods are not of predicate logic, they formulated the OAuth protocol
sufficient, for instance, take Open Authorization, which into a set of formulas. But in this model Reverse
establishes the interactions for communicating resource engineering would lead to revealing the passwords.
requirements and credentials among different systems. Access
scopes are built as opaque data references and specified Chari et al. [9] present an analysis of the authorization
in natural language which makes it not possible for a code mode of OAuth 2.0 using the universal composability
machine to understand and autonomously derive or adjust security framework. Based on the OAuth 2.0 Protocol
the meaning of a provided scope. OAuth does not have a internet draft proposal they [9] implemented the server-side
model to manage security policies, especially regarding the authorization flows, also here to improvise the security
structure of APIs and the exposed data it is intended to protect. they add a compulsory need in the communication channel
between the client application and the authentication
It is necessary to support companies in integrating server must be encrypted by a functionality like SSL.
multilateral data sharing within their services by providing a
fully externalized, pluggable, flexible, and context-sensitive The related works on OAuth and CSRF attacks can be
authorization management solution that integrates well categorized into three groups namely, CSRF mitigation,
with existing protocols and technologies which can be protection tools, and security analysis [10]. The technique
achieved by leveraging the concept of a knowledge graph to of analyzing and validating the referrer header field allows
interconnect representations of web service resources, their OCSRF initiated from the domain which falls under the
organizational structure, requests, and interactions occurring in attacker’s control from execution. (citation), throughout the
the system with entities describing security functionalities [8]. popular web frameworks, the authors provided an evaluation
of broad security for CSRF mitigations. They [10] figured
In OAuth 2.0 used for SSO systems, the resource server out 16 different existing defense mechanisms by dividing the
and authorization server together play the IdP role; the client CSRF attacks from literature and non-literature resources. In
plays the role of RP, and the resource owner corresponds four categories they were distinguished namely, Origin checks,
to the user [7]. OAuth 2.0 protocol flows have a Resource request unguessability, SOP for cookies, and User Intention.
owner password and client credentials grant that reveal the
users’ IdP account credentials to the resource owner. No OAuth addresses the problem of giving services unrestricted
browser interaction is done during these phases; the client access to our credentials. It has the target service create
directly talks to the authorization server. OpenID Connect an access token that we can give out that allows only
adds an Identity layer to the OAuth 2.0 protocol which limited access. This means we can authorize specific
actions and only those specific actions without giving authenticate and authorize third-party applications. There
unrestricted or permanent access. The resource owner is are crucial differences between the two application types
the entity that owns the information the client needs to in terms of maintaining the integrity of the authorization
access. OAuth is an enormous improvement over giving pages and assuring the confidentiality of the authentication
Gmail login credentials directly to Facebook. But OAuth pages’ data. However, the difference might not be well
still leaves some things exposed, and attacks against the realized by mobile and web users. Thus, finding an effective
tokens themselves are vulnerable. The more we can put the security cue design to be used in alerting users of OAuth-
request into plain language, the more likely it is that we’ll Web View related risks. The Red Background and Traffic
be working with informed consent. The OAuth Working Light designs were more effective than the Toast Password
Group has approved the OAuth 2.0 protocol specification, design in making participants, not log in. These findings
which is moving through the IETF’s process. We’ll likely [14] suggest the need to harden mobile applications
see it published as a proposed standard in the future [13]. against attacks that aim at compromising users’ privacy.

Security has been the contribution in the context of A CSRF attack takes place during a continuous conversation
general-purpose computing and communications systems. between a target website and a target UA (used by a target
To implement the security, they [15] have proposed to user). The web browser might submit an HTTP/HTTPS
use the privilege separation concept to ensure that the request to an RP and IdP in response to the malicious content.
client application has no control over the user-agent and A 2017 OWASP report states that 5% of web applications
removed the critical OAuth components and implemented have CSRF vulnerabilities [13]. Without the user’s permission,
it in a separate application (secure sandbox), known as an attacker may be able to obtain authorization to access
OAuth Manager. This helps to get rid of the attacks OAuth-protected resources by conducting CSRF attacks
that a malicious application can directly affect the device. against the OAuth 2.0 redirect Uri. Attacks of this nature are
both Authorization Code Grant and Implicit Grant susceptible.
Generally, in mobiles, an Embedded web browser compo-
nent is used as a UI view component that can be embedded in A Referrer header can be used to mitigate CSRF
a mobile app to display online content within the hosting app. attacks against RPs using redirect Uri. An authorization
This traditional method also uses the OAuth flow for client response is typically only generated after a user clicks on
apps, but it is prone to attacks like stealing the User Creden- an IdP-rendered grant button. The RP can detect this is
tials, modifying the interface, and tampering with the data. an attack by examining the domain in the RFC header
The system Native browser is subject to all the same attacks which points to the RP domain. In practice, major IdPs
as an embedded web browser’s OAuth flow. To overcome these such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft, implement an
problems an OAuth manager framework is introduced [15]. ’automatic authorization granting’ feature. As in II-C3, the
OAuth manager is a framework that provides a secure, access token in the Implicit Grant Flow is not immediately
light, and fast authorization flow for mobile applications transferred when the UA is redirected to the RP [13].
that is based on the concept of privilege separation.
For developers, it is better to use the OAuth manager CSRF attacks against redirect Uri in OAuth 2.0 and OpenID
framework to consider users’ privacy when implementing Connect could be mitigated by a new class of mitigations for
OAuth, and to avoid using WebView-based OAuth [15]. CSRF attacks. The approach [13] is practical and straightfor-
ward to implement and requires no changes to the IdP service.
A good security cue design must be noticeable,
understandable, and effective. seven different security IV. C ONCLUSION
cue designs were proposed/borrowed and tested [14]. Apps
have an OAuth-WebView implementation to connect them In this paper, we described the original purpose of OAuth,
to Facebook. The applications have been uploaded to an which is delegating the authorization. But in later stages, the
online emulator service called appetize.io. The security cue developers also started using OAuth to delegate the authen-
design mainly concentrated on login pages (the authentication tication as well. Many tech giants like Facebook, Google,
and the authorization pages) on the web applications and Github, and others have started providing this service. This
the mobile applications and took reviews from the public does not stop here, many resource owners are now providing
(a group of 465 members) to know what and how they their services with the help of Open Authorization. We need to
feel about the security cues were. The security cue designs validate ourselves to get an access token. Once an access token
that were used in the authentication page: Red Background is received, you can delegate the API services. It is very much
and a Message, Traffic Light, Red Border, and Toast required that the API Token is stored on the device. So, the
Password. Highlights Permissions, Traffic Light, and Red security of the API token depends on the practices followed
Line designs were proposed for the authorization page [14]. by the developer. In this project, we used encrypted stored
preferences to store API keys. The secured stored preferences
OAuth is used in both the web and mobile contexts to are AES256 encrypted.
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