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Character of Lucrezia

This is an analytical essay on Lucrezia who is the wife of Andrea. This gives clear understanding on the central
character of the dramatic monologue. This helps you in answering the assignment work; essay type questions
and can help in writing annotations. The headings will help you in remembering the outline character of her.

Andrea del Sarto is famous painter who has kept his love Lucrezia as his inspiration to draw various paintings.
She is the model for his paintings and her smile can create ripples in the heart of Andrea. In the ripples, he feels
love of Lucrezia and thinks the love only belongs to him and in her love, he wants to be submerged. He is in love
with her upside down. Only that love can help him lead good life or bad life. It is in this situation, Lucrezia goes
as she likes, leaving Andrea del Sarto to his fate.

Rare beauty

Lucrezia is beautiful woman. Even though she is widow, Andrea marries her for beautiful stature. He compares
her face with moon. He says everyone likes the moon. Just like that she is liked by everyone. Her ears are so
beautiful that ornaments also spoil her beauty. The pearl hung to ear also seems less beautiful. She has
beautiful face and lips which are revered by Andrea. She is taken as model for Andrea’s paintings. Thus she is
praised by Andrea. She paints Virgin Mary picture taking her as model. Her smile is so beautiful that it
energizes him very much to get inspired and draw wonderful pictures. That is the reason he is upside down in
her love. From youth he loves her nd his love for her is not at all submitted to alteration.


Lucrezia is beautiful but she has no inner beauty as seen outside. Andrea del Sarto is a technical painter. Her
out ward design and anatomy is superb but lacks soul in his paintings. It is because the person who is providing
inspiration is like that. She has perfect outward appearance but lacks beautiful soul. That is the reason Andrea
fails. Andrea loses everything for the sake of her. He marries her at the time she is widow. This is not
remembered by her. He leaves his job of painting at France to be at her. She could not remember this sacrifice.
Later, he embezzles money to build a house for her is also not remembered. Thus she is not faithful at all in any
circumstance. He is not in a position to go out just due to satiate her desires of being rich which has made him
embezzle. He should have been among the Leonardo, Michael Angelo, Rafael; Nagging wife like her could not
let him excel in art anymore. Still she asks for his money to pay off the debts of her lover. When he whistles she
leaves the place even Andrea convinces her to stay with him a single evening to sit beside him. She says it is
waste of time for her.

Careless attitude

Andrea del Sarto paints as quickly as possible if he is inspired. But his problem is that he cannot be inspired by
blames or praises. He is inspired by Lucrezia only. But she does not know about the art but only knows to ask
money. This makes him paint and sell. Then he keeps the money into hands of her which is a great bliss for him.
He wants her to be in smile mode always. It energizes him very much than any other thing. She smiles when he
praises her. But it will not take a moment that she is smiling just because she wants money. Even, Andrea is
ready to buy her smiles. He tries to say that he is great painter. Once, the paint drawn by Andrea is spoilt by her
carelessness. But Andréa says that he can do it easily again.


Andrea loves her so much. He provides everything what she wants. But he cannot understand why she is
leaving him even he pours his love on her. What can her lover give, while he cannot provide it? Even the money
to pay off the debts of lover, is being asked to provide by Andrea. She wants to leave him even he clearly loves
her. He always regrets that he has nagging wife rather than loving wife. At the same time, he propels him to
deceive the king. Andrea has deceived the king and shunned the name and fame, still he is ready to leave
heavenly city painting opportunity for the sake of her. At last, Lucrezia leaves him and at last Andrea dies due to

The deviator
Andrea del Sarto is keen to serve God through his painting. His service will be appreciated from the kings and
popes so that he can gain name and fame. This is the objective of him. In the beginning, he lacks the support as
said by Michael Angelo. But later he is given an opportunity. The opportunity came through Francis I of France.
He enjoyed the presence of king near him and courtiers who looked at his picture astonishingly. He has thought
that he is reaching his goal. He thinks this kind of service will also elate his wife. But she does not like art for
Gods service. Art for money is important for her. Even though, she does not know anything about painting.
Andrea clearly explains her. But all attempts are futile. But Lucrezia is successful in deviation of the aim of his
life. His worship of God has altered to the way for more money earning.

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