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Nama : Prabowo Adi Kusuma

NIM : 044574825


Example of Export and Import Policy

In international trade, there are several policies regarding the export and import of
goods. The following are examples of export and import policies:
1. Dumping Politics
Dumping politics is a policy where goods are exported and sold abroad at a
cheaper price in order to dominate the market. Dumping politics can be interpreted
as a price discrimination policy and can kill foreign markets where the product is
sold cheaper.
The aim of dumping politics is to increase overseas markets and kill competition.
This method is often used by companies to gain huge profits.
Dumping politics occurs so that domestic purchasing prices do not decrease. There
are several types of dumping politics, namely as follows:
• Sporadic Dumping
Sporadic Dumping is dumping carried out in the short term. The aim of Sporadic
dumping is to prevent the accumulation of goods in the domestic market due to
excess production of a good.
• Persistent Dumping
Persistent Dumping is a practice that is carried out continuously and permanently.
This is done because of market differences between importing and exporting
countries or also known as international price discrimination.
• Predatory Dumping
Predatory Dumping aims to cripple its rivals. So, when prices in competing
countries fall, the dumper will increase the price of his product according to his
2. Rates
Tariffs are taxes imposed on objects or goods that will enter the territory of a
country. All goods entering a country or region will be subject to tax rates
according to the value of the goods.
3. Free Trade Policy
The free trade policy is an agreement between the two countries that does not make
any regulations regarding the buying and selling of goods. So, trade between
countries allows for the flow of commodities that can enter and leave the region
without any obstacles.
4. Import Restrictions or Import Quotas
Import restrictions are imposed if a country experiences an increase in its
production process. Import quotas are direct restrictions on the number of goods
This method is used so that domestic products are not eroded by the presence of
products from foreign countries, so that local traders can compete in a healthy
Apart from that, the way to limit the entry of goods is by installing tariff barriers
and quotas which are useful for improving the balance of payments.
5. Export Subsidies
Export subsidies are a government policy implemented to encourage exports of
goods and reduce sales of goods in the domestic market.
Export subsidies are funds provided by the Government to companies so they can
increase the amount of goods exported.
The domestic market itself uses direct payments, low interest loans, tax wishes on
exporters, or advertising in other countries with government funding.
That is a complete explanation of the meaning of exports and imports, objectives,
as well as examples of policies in export and import activities.


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