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BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA


Page 1 of 9
BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

SOAL LATIHAN PAKET 1 fish population , and protecting areas of the lake
where fish spawn. Since natural resources can be
Read the following sentences and answer the the tool by which the people of Tanzania work
questions below! themselves out of poverty, it is essential that these
resources are managed well. By integrating health
Passage 1 (for questions no. 1 – 4) services with conservation activity, we can begin to
heal the suffering in western Tanzania, for people
Protecting Lake Tanganyika and the land alike.

Hidden away in the mountains of western Tanzania 1. In paragraph 1, the author asks, “how can
is one of the largest lakes in the world: Lake we expect people who cannot save their
Tanganyika. Environmentalists want to protect the own children to care about saving the
beauty and biological diversity of this area from the environment?” this question suggests that
harmful effects of overfishing and deforestation. worrying about the environment is a/an
However, in order to do this, they need the ………………….
cooperation of people in the nearby village of a. Luxury
Mahale. In this impoverished community, malaria b. Outrage
and typhoid are rampant, there is little access to c. Mistake
doctors, and 13% of children die before age 5. How d. Misunderstanding
can we expect people who cannot save their own e. None all above
children to care about saving the environment?
While it is true that the Mahale villagers are 2. As used in paragraph 1, which is the best
suffering, environmentalists argue that Lake antonym for rampant?
Tanganyika is in an equally critical condition. This a. Safe
lake is home to hundreds of fish species found b. Calm
nowhere else on the globe. Eighty mammal species c. Motionless
live in the surrounding forests and mountains. d. Limited
Ninety percent of Tanzania’s endangered e. None all above
chimpanzees reside in this area. Irreparable damage
to this ecosystem will result in untold losses. 3. According to the passage, what percentage
Furthermore, environmentalists see the destruction of Tanzania’s endangered chimpanzees live
of the environment as a direct function of the in the forests surrounding Lake
villagers’poverty; as the fish population decreases, Tanganyika?
people are forced to clear more land to grow rice a. 5
and corn. As they clear more land, the soil run – off b. 13
from deforestation further reduces the fish c. 80
population, making it even more difficult for d. 90
people to survive on fishing alone. This vicious e. 100
cycle harms both the Mahale villagers and the
environment. 4. The author concludes that in western
To meet their objective of protecting Lake Tanzania, the problems of poverty and
Tanganyika, environmentalists are now using a environmental destruction are
multifaceted approach in Mahale: helping the a. Identical
villagers gain access to healthcare, educating b. Unsolvable
fishermen and farmers about the impact of c. Connected
deforestation and their own role in the dwindling d. Opposed

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BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

e. None all above

Passage 2 (for questions no. 8 – 17)

5. Based on its use in the final paragraph, it
can be understood that multifaceted One of the greatest concerns of landscapers is tree
belongs to which of the following word disease. Ash trees are among the most common
groups? trees in North America, and they are also very
a. Novel, original, innovative susceptible to disease and decline.
b. Rare, peculiar, uncommon One cause of decline in ash trees is ash yellows.
c. Varied, assorted, diverse This disease infects mainly white and green ash in
d. Adaptable, versatile, pliant the Northern United States. Ash yellow is caused
e. None all above by a phytoplasma: virus – like pathogens that are
spread by insects. Ash yellows leads to a gradual
6. Based on information in the passage, it can decline in tree health for about two to ten years
be understood that environmentalists most before the tree dies. Some common symptoms
likely decided to help the villagers gain include short internodes and tufting of foliage at
access to healthcare because ……. branch ends, pale green or pale - yellow leaves,
a. Learning that so many children were defoliation, and a sparse canopy. Cankers may also
dying made environmentalists realize form on the branches and trunk.
that saving lives is more important than Unsightly “witches’ broom” sprouts might appear
saving the lake on the branches, but it is more common for them to
b. Helping to address the villagers’ most appear on the trunk. The trunk may also develop
pressing problem could encourage the cracks if the tree is infected with ash yellows.
villagers to help preserve the Rarely does an ash tree recover from ash yellows.
environment Experts guess that this disease is more common
c. Saving the villagers’ lives would than most homeowners realize because witches’
directly result in less overfishing of the brooms and yellowing are not always visible on the
lake and less destruction of the infected trees. Sometimes cankers and cracks are
surrounding forests the only signs of the disease. The term ash decline
d. Offering healthcare could be a way for is used to refer to a tree with more than one
the environmentalists to live in the condition. Ash decline may involve the ash yellows
community and provide a valuable disease or another problem called verticillium wilt.
service. Ash decline is often used to describe any decline in
e. No information stated. health that is unexplainable. Ash decline involves
branch tip death, defoliation, and a slow decline
7. The information presented in this passage over a number of years. Trees with ash decline may
can best be described as …….. appear to recover in the spring and decline again in
a. A problem and a solution July and August. Verticillium wilt on ash can also
b. A question with two answers result in cankers and dieback similar to ash yellow.
c. An analysis of underlying causes Trying to diagnose a tree is difficult because
d. An explanation of a relationship symptoms could be caused by a variety of
e. None all above problems. Sick ash trees may suffer from
verticillium wilt, ash yellows, environmental
stress, or a combination of these ailments. Ash
yellows has been a known disease in the United
States since the 1930s. however, the disease was

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not distinguished from general ash decline

involving environmental factors until the 1980s. in
the last eighty years, North America has been a 9. The passage likens verticillium wilt to ash
significant decline in some of its ash trees. yellows in that:
No single factor has been proven to cause ash a. Both diseases share the symptoms of
decline. Ash yellows and environmental factors cankers and dieback
may work together to create ash decline. Studies b. Verticillium is likely to be a cause of
show that ash yellows is often detected where ash yellows in white and green ash
environmental factors like water shortage or insect trees.
damage are present. c. Poor watering and fertilization
A survey of several Mildwestern states found that techniques can cause verticillium wilt
some ash decline was found to be independent of and ash yellows
ash yellows. The droughts in the 1980s may have d. Verticillium wilt and ash yellows were
caused the decline of ash trees in the Midwest. Cold discovered around the same time period
winter temperatures may also play a role in decline. and kill a similar number of trees
Ash trees are important in the ecology of North e. None all above
American forests. The decline of these trees may
have a severe impact on the health of other plant 10. The difficulty in diagnosing disease in an
and animal communities. Green ash provides ash tree is due to all of the following
nesting sites for several species of birds and other EXCEPT:
wild creatures. a. similar diseases that have similar
Insects and fish flourish in the cool waters made symptoms
possibly by the shade of ash trees. Green and white b. some ash trees in decline may be
ash are also very popular in landscaping. Their unhealthy due to environmental
decline could result in reduced property values. conditions rather than diseases.
Ash trees also represent a valuable hardwood c. More than one factor could be
resource. An estimated 275 million feet of ash contributing to an ash tree’s decline
lumber is harvested annually. In the Northeastern d. Sick ash trees are difficult to test
United States, about 33 percent of the commercial because they decline so rapidly
forest area includes ash trees. There are no known e. None all above
cures for the diseases mentioned. Experts
recommend removing very sick trees while 11. The passage states that ash yellows is
keeping healthy trees well - watered and fertilized. caused by:
Dead limbs should also be removed to maintain the a. Insufficient water
health of ash trees. b. Virus – like pathogens
c. Insects that eat or destroy the leaves of
8. According to the passage, many scientists the ash trees
feel that most ash decline is likely caused: d. Cankers, witches’ brooming, and
a. Almost exclusively by ash yellows cracking in the tree trunk
b. By a combination of disease and e. None all above
environmental factors
c. By improper watering and fertilization 12. According to the passage, the author
by homeowners believes that:
d. By a combination of ash yellows and a. Landscapers should never use ash trees
verticillium wilt only in landscaping designs’
e. None all above

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b. Ash trees are the most important tree in 16. According to the passage, what is NOT a
North America characteristic of the disease ash yellows?
c. Ash trees are important because they a. The pathogens that cause the disease are
can provide a home for some wildlife spread by insects
d. Ash trees are essential to ecosystems b. It causes a gradual decline in the tree’s
because they lock in heat from the sun health
to warm shady forests c. Its symptoms include a sparse canopy
e. None all above and defoliation
d. It turns the leaves of ash trees bright
13. According to the passage, which of the yellow.
following is an argument for NOT blaming e. None all above.
ash decline solely on ash yellows?
a. Most of ash decline is caused by 17. Which of the following are accurate
verticillium wilt, not ash yellows statements about the ash trees, according to
b. A study cited in the passage proves that the passage?
only environmental factors have I: ash trees with ash yellows diseases are
impacted ash decline in recent years, easily cured
c. A study mentioned in the passage II: ash trees infected with ash yellows
shows that drought and weather may usually die after having the disease for two
contribute to ash decline to ten years.
d. Verticillium wilt, ash yellows and III: ash trees infected with ash yellows do
environmental conditions all contribute not usually recover
to ash decline equally IV: ash trees infected with ash yellows
e. None all above sometimes appear to recover in the spring.
a. I, II, III, and IV
14. As it is used in the passage, the word b. II and III only
“flourish” most nearly means: c. I and IV only
a. Decorate d. II, III and IV only
b. Prosper e. None all above
c. Decline
d. Swim
e. bloom Passage 3 (for questions no. 18 – 22)

15. the author would likely agree with which of Fog occurs when damp air above the surface of
the following statements? the earth is cooled to the point at which it
a. It is important for research to continue condenses. Of the two types of fog, advection fog
into a cure for ash yellows occurs along the ocean coast or near rivers or
b. Ash yellows is not worthy of continued lakes. This type of fast – moving fog, which may
scientific research cover vast areas, occurs when warm winds blow
c. All ash trees in North America will need across a cold surface of land or water. In this
to be destroyed to stop the spread of collision of heat and cold, the warm air is cooled
disease to the point at which the water vapor condenses
d. Ash trees are not significant to the good into fog. Radiation fog, quite different from
health of plant and animal communities advection fog, is immobile cloud – like moisture
e. None all above generally found hovering over wintertime

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valleys. It occurs on clear nights when the earth’s c. Discuss advection fog
warmth escapes into the upper atmosphere. d. Gives a scientific description of varied
types of precipitation
e. None all above

18. According to the passage, fog is found

when wetness in the air is ‘ Passage 4 (for questions no. 23 – 34)
a. Vaporized
b. Cooled Atmospheric pressure can support a column of
c. Dampened water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move
d. Heated water much higher, the sequoia tree can pump
e. Casted away water to its very top, more than 100 meters above
the ground. Until the end of the nineteenth century,
19. In the passage, radiation fog is said to be the movement of water in trees and other tall plants
a. Similar to advection fog was a mystery. Some botanists demostrated that
b. Found in coastal areas’ the living cells of plants in which all the cells are
c. Fast – moving killed can still move water to appreciable heights.
d. Trapped moisture hanging over inland Other explanations for the movement of water in
valleys plants have been based on root pressure, a push on
e. None all above’ the water from the roots at the bottom of the plant.
But root pressure is not nearly great enough to push
20. According to the passage, which of the water to the tops of tall trees. Furthermore, the
following statements about fog is true? conifers, which are among the tallest trees, have
a. Advection fog is caused when cold unusually low root pressures.
winds blow across a heated land surface If water is not pumped to the top of a tall tree, and
b. Advection fog is the type of fog that if it is not pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we
occurs in small valleys on clear nights’ may ask, how does it get there? According to the
c. Radiation fog occurs when the cooled currently accepted cohesion – tension theory, water
atmosphere meets with heat from the is pulled there. The pull on a rising column of water
earth in a plant results from the evaporation of water at
d. Radiation fog generally moves quickly the top of the plant. As water is lost from the
across vast areas of land. surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or
e. None all above tension, is created. The evaporated water is
replaced by water moving from inside the plant in
21. According to the passage, advection fog is unbroken columns that extend from the top of a
found … plant to its roots. The same forces that create
a. In valleys surface tension in any sample of water are
b. In the ocean responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken
c. Near bodies of water columns of water. When water is confined in tubes
d. Only in small, enclosed areas of very small bore, the forces of cohesion (the
e. None all above attraction between water molecules) are so great
that the strength of a column of water compares
22. The author’s purpose in this passage is to with the strength of a stell wire of the same
a. Explain the different types of fog diameter. This cohesive strength permits columns
b. Describe where different types of fog of water to be pulled to great heights without being
are found broken.

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28. Which of the following statement does the

23. How many theories does an author passage support?
mention? a. Water is pushed to the tops of trees
a. One b. Botanists have proven that living cells
b. Two act as pumps
c. Three c. Atmospheric pressure draws water to
d. Four the tops of tall trees
e. Five d. Botanists have changed their theories of
24. The passage answers which of the how water moves in plants
following questions? e. None all above
a. What is the effect of atmospheric
pressure on foliage? 29. The word “it” in the passage refers to …
b. When do dead cells harm plant growth? a. Top
c. How does water get to the tops of trees? b. Tree
d. Why is root pressure weak? c. Water
e. None all above d. Cohesion – tension theory
e. None all above
25. The word ‘demonstrated’ in the passage is
closest in meaning to 30. The word “there” in the passage refers to …
a. Ignored a. Treetops
b. Showed b. Roots
c. Disguised c. Water columns
d. Distinguished d. Tubes
e. Differentiated e. Water tensions

26. What do the experiments mentioned in 31. What causes the tension that draws water
italicised sentences in the passage? up?
a. Plant stems die when deprived water a. Humidity
b. Cells in plant stems do not pump water b. Plant growth
c. Plants cannot move water to high c. Root pressure
altitudes d. Evaporation
d. Plant cells regulate pressure within e. Nature attracts
e. None all above 32. The word “extend” in the passage is closest
in meaning to
27. How do botanists know that root pressure is a. Stretch
not the only force that moves water in b. Branch
plants? c. Increase
a. Some very tall trees have weak root d. Rotate
pressure e. Move
b. Root pressures decrease in winter
c. Plants can live after their roots die 33. According to the passage, why does the
d. Water in plant’s roots is not connected water travel through plants in unbroken
to water in its stem. columns?
e. None all above a. Root pressure moves the water very
rapidly ‘

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b. The attraction between water molecules

in strong 39. Since the time the former revolutionary
c. The living cells of plants push the water leader took up (a) a new position as (b) the
molecules together president of the country, he has been
d. Atmospheric pressure supports the concerning (c) about the legitimacy of his
columns. (d) presidency. No error (e).
e. None all above.
40. Mr. Cook has admitted that him (a)
borrowing (b) is worse (c) than he
34. Why does the author mention steel wire in previously thought (d). no error (e).
the text? 41. Physicians believe what (a) lack of sleep
a. To illustrate another means of pulling affects (b) how one retains (c) information
water (d) no error (E).
b. To demonstrate why wood is a good
building material 42. Approximately two – thirds (a) of the
c. To indicate the size of a column of earth’s surface (b) is (c) covered by body of
water seawater that is interconnected (d). no error
d. To emphasize the strength of cohesive (e).
forces in water
e. None all above. 43. Economics (a) are not (b) a formal method
(c) of representational argument because
immutable laws are involved (d). no error
Find the mistakes! (e).
Choose the word which is grammatically incorrect!
This part is for questions no. 35 – 55. 44. Learning to sing acceptably (a) is (b) more
difficult (c) than to dance adequately
35. Equipment (a) failures or malfunctions (b) enough (d). no error (e).
caused by defects in workmanship or power
surges disrupts (c) local service of electric 45. The new secretary ordered (a) three trays of
power (d) no error (e) foods (b) for the first meeting (c) of the task
force (d). no error
36. Professor Al Rowland’s pioneering study,
which (a) proves that the men who were 46. Azaleas are sweetly smelling (a) flowers
exposed to atomic blasts developed (b) that blossom (b) between (c) February
serious genetic damages, have been (c) and(d) June. No error (E)
drawing media attention (d). no error
47. Despite (a) his slow start, Rafael Nadal is
37. An increasing number of women want (a) the player whom (b) we think is (c) most
to fitter (b), but few have (b) the likely to win (d) the Wimbledon crown. No
determination for sticking (c) to an error (e).
appropriate (d) regimen of diet and
exercise. No error (e). 48. Blocks (a) from the (b) stadium, we could
hear (c) the people to cheer (d). no error (E)
38. In some religious (a), people pray or reads
(b) religious texts before and after eating 49. West Virginia spends more money than any
(d). no error (e). state (a) in the nation when it comes to

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medical care (b), veteran compensation,

and (c) other outlays (d). no error (e)

50. If you are interested (a) in learning (b) more

about the four – step behavioural approach,
one should read (c) Jeffrey Schwartz’s (d)

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FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Page 1 of 12

BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

PEMBAHASAN SOAL deforestation and their own role in the dwindling

fish population , and protecting areas of the lake
LATIHAN PAKET 1 where fish spawn. Since natural resources can be
the tool by which the people of Tanzania work
Read the following sentences and answer the
themselves out of poverty, it is essential that these
questions below!
resources are managed well. By integrating health
services with conservation activity, we can begin to
Passage 1 (for questions no. 1 – 7)
heal the suffering in western Tanzania, for people
and the land alike.
Protecting Lake Tanganyika

Hidden away in the mountains of western Tanzania

1. In paragraph 1, the author asks, “how can
is one of the largest lakes in the world: Lake
we expect people who cannot save their
Tanganyika. Environmentalists want to protect the
own children to care about saving the
beauty and biological diversity of this area from the
environment?” this question suggests that
harmful effects of overfishing and deforestation.
worrying about the environment is a/an
However, in order to do this, they need the
cooperation of people in the nearby village of
a. Luxury
Mahale. In this impoverished community, malaria
b. Outrage
and typhoid are rampant, there is little access to
c. Mistake
doctors, and 13% of children die before age 5. How
d. Misunderstanding
can we expect people who cannot save their own
e. None all above
children to care about saving the environment?
Jawaban: A
While it is true that the Mahale villagers are
Pembahasan: dari teks: In this
suffering, environmentalists argue that Lake
impoverished community, malaria and
Tanganyika is in an equally critical condition. This
typhoid are rampant, there is little
lake is home to hundreds of fish species found
access to doctors, and 13% of children
nowhere else on the globe. Eighty mammal species
die before age 5. How can we expect
live in the surrounding forests and mountains.
people who cannot save their own
Ninety percent of Tanzania’s endangered
children to care about saving the
chimpanzees reside in this area. Irreparable damage
environment? Dari sini dapat
to this ecosystem will result in untold losses.
disimpulkan bahwa menjaga
Furthermore, environmentalists see the destruction
lingkungan itu adalah suatu hal yang
of the environment as a direct function of the
villagers’poverty; as the fish population decreases,
people are forced to clear more land to grow rice
2. As used in paragraph 1, which is the best
and corn. As they clear more land, the soil run – off
antonym for rampant?
from deforestation further reduces the fish
a. Safe
population, making it even more difficult for
b. Calm
people to survive on fishing alone. This vicious
c. Motionless
cycle harms both the Mahale villagers and the
d. Limited
e. None all above
To meet their objective of protecting Lake
Jawaban: D
Tanganyika, environmentalists are now using a
Pembahasan: rampant: tidak dapat
multifaceted approach in Mahale: helping the
terkendali. Yang merupakan lawan kata
villagers gain access to healthcare, educating
dari kata tersebut adalah:
fishermen and farmers about the impact of
- Safe = aman

FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Page 2 of 12

BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

- Calm = tenang of deforestation and their own role in

- Motionless = diam the dwindling fish population , and
- Limited = terbatas protecting areas of the lake where fish
3. According to the passage, what percentage 6. Based on information in the passage, it can
of Tanzania’s endangered chimpanzees live be understood that environmentalists most
in the forests surrounding Lake likely decided to help the villagers gain
Tanganyika? access to healthcare because …….
a. 5 a. Learning that so many children were
b. 13 dying made environmentalists realize
c. 80 that saving lives is more important than
d. 90 saving the lake
e. 100 b. Helping to address the villagers’ most
Jawaban: D pressing problem could encourage the
Pembahasan: Ninety percent of villagers to help preserve the
Tanzania’s endangered chimpanzees environment
reside in this area. Irreparable damage c. Saving the villagers’ lives would
directly result in less overfishing of the
4. The author concludes that in western lake and less destruction of the
Tanzania, the problems of poverty and surrounding forests
environmental destruction are d. Offering healthcare could be a way for
a. Identical the environmentalists to live in the
b. Unsolvable community and provide a valuable
c. Connected service.
d. Opposed e. No information stated.
e. None all above Jawaban: B
Jawaban: C Pembahasan: Since natural resources
Pembahasan: dari teks: Furthermore, can be the tool by which the people of
environmentalists see the destruction of Tanzania work themselves out of
the environment as a direct function of poverty, it is essential that these
the villagers’ poverty; resources are managed well.

5. Based on its use in the final paragraph, it 7. The information presented in this passage
can be understood that multifaceted can best be described as ……..
belongs to which of the following word a. A problem and a solution
groups? b. A question with two answers
a. Novel, original, innovative c. An analysis of underlying causes
b. Rare, peculiar, uncommon d. An explanation of a relationship
c. Varied, assorted, diverse e. None all above
d. Adaptable, versatile, pliant Jawaban: A
e. None all above Pembahasan: dari teks dapat dilihat
Jawaban: C bahwa di paragraph 1 -3 penulis
Pembahasan: environmentalists are mengutarakan masalah tentang
now using a multifaceted approach in kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan
Mahale: helping the villagers gain oleh masyarakat yang kurang sadar
access to healthcare, educating akan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan,
fishermen and farmers about the impact lalu di paragraph berikutnya sampai

FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Page 3 of 12

BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

selesai, penulis menyajikan solusi States since the 1930s. however, the disease was
untuk permasalahan tersebut. not distinguished from general ash decline
involving environmental factors until the 1980s. in
the last eighty years, North America has been a
Passage 2 (for questions no. 8 – 17) significant decline in some of its ash trees.
No single factor has been proven to cause ash
One of the greatest concerns of landscapers is tree decline. Ash yellows and environmental factors
disease. Ash trees are among the most common may work together to create ash decline. Studies
trees in North America, and they are also very show that ash yellows is often detected where
susceptible to disease and decline. environmental factors like water shortage or insect
One cause of decline in ash trees is ash yellows. damage are present.
This disease infects mainly white and green ash in A survey of several Mildwestern states found that
the Northern United States. Ash yellow is caused some ash decline was found to be independent of
by a phytoplasma: virus – like pathogens that are ash yellows. The droughts in the 1980s may have
spread by insects. Ash yellows leads to a gradual caused the decline of ash trees in the Midwest. Cold
decline in tree health for about two to ten years winter temperatures may also play a role in decline.
before the tree dies. Some common symptoms Ash trees are important in the ecology of North
include short internodes and tufting of foliage at American forests. The decline of these trees may
branch ends, pale green or pale - yellow leaves, have a severe impact on the health of other plant
defoliation, and a sparse canopy. Cankers may also and animal communities. Green ash provides
form on the branches and trunk. nesting sites for several species of birds and other
Unsightly “witches’ broom” sprouts might appear wild creatures.
on the branches, but it is more common for them to Insects and fish flourish in the cool waters made
appear on the trunk. The trunk may also develop possibly by the shade of ash trees. Green and white
cracks if the tree is infected with ash yellows. ash are also very popular in landscaping. Their
Rarely does an ash tree recover from ash yellows. decline could result in reduced property values.
Experts guess that this disease is more common Ash trees also represent a valuable hardwood
than most homeowners realize because witches’ resource. An estimated 275 million feet of ash
brooms and yellowing are not always visible on the lumber is harvested annually. In the Northeastern
infected trees. Sometimes cankers and cracks are United States, about 33 percent of the commercial
the only signs of the disease. The term ash decline forest area includes ash trees. There are no known
is used to refer to a tree with more than one cures for the diseases mentioned. Experts
condition. Ash decline may involve the ash yellows recommend removing very sick trees while
disease or another problem called verticillium wilt. keeping healthy trees well - watered and fertilized.
Ash decline is often used to describe any decline in Dead limbs should also be removed to maintain the
health that is unexplainable. Ash decline involves health of ash trees.
branch tip death, defoliation, and a slow decline
over a number of years. Trees with ash decline may 8. According to the passage, many scientists
appear to recover in the spring and decline again in feel that most ash decline is likely caused:
July and August. Verticillium wilt on ash can also a. Almost exclusively by ash yellows
result in cankers and dieback similar to ash yellow. b. By a combination of disease and
Trying to diagnose a tree is difficult because environmental factors
symptoms could be caused by a variety of c. By improper watering and fertilization
problems. Sick ash trees may suffer from by homeowners
verticillium wilt, ash yellows, environmental d. By a combination of ash yellows and
stress, or a combination of these ailments. Ash verticillium wilt only
yellows has been a known disease in the United e. None all above

FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Page 4 of 12

BIDANG : Bahasa Inggris SMA

Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: dari teks: No single factor
has been proven to cause ash decline. 11. The passage states that ash yellows is
Ash yellows and environmental factors caused by:
may work together to create ash decline. a. Insufficient water
b. Virus – like pathogens
9. The passage likens verticillium wilt to ash c. Insects that eat or destroy the leaves of
yellows in that: the ash trees
a. Both diseases share the symptoms of d. Cankers, witches’ brooming, and
cankers and dieback cracking in the tree trunk
b. Verticillium is likely to be a cause of e. None all above
ash yellows in white and green ash Jawaban: B
trees. Pembahasan: dari teks: Ash yellow is
c. Poor watering and fertilization caused by a phytoplasma: virus – like
techniques can cause verticillium wilt pathogens that are spread by insects.
and ash yellows
d. Verticillium wilt and ash yellows were 12. According to the passage, the author
discovered around the same time period believes that:
and kill a similar number of trees a. Landscapers should never use ash trees
e. None all above in landscaping designs’
Jawaban: A b. Ash trees are the most important tree in
Pembahasan: dari teks: Verticillium North America
wilt on ash can also result in cankers c. Ash trees are important because they
and dieback similar to ash yellow. can provide a home for some wildlife
d. Ash trees are essential to ecosystems
10. The difficulty in diagnosing disease in an because they lock in heat from the sun
ash tree is due to all of the following to warm shady forests
EXCEPT: e. None all above
a. similar diseases that have similar Jawaban: C
symptoms Pembahasan: The decline of these trees
b. some ash trees in decline may be may have a severe impact on the health
unhealthy due to environmental of other plant and animal communities.
conditions rather than diseases. Green ash provides nesting sites for
c. More than one factor could be several species of birds and other wild
contributing to an ash tree’s decline creatures. Insects and fish flourish in
d. Sick ash trees are difficult to test the cool waters made possibly by the
because they decline so rapidly shade of ash trees.
e. None all above
Jawaban: D 13. According to the passage, which of the
Pembahasan: dari teks: Trying to following is an argument for NOT blaming
diagnose a tree is difficult because ash decline solely on ash yellows?
symptoms could be caused by a variety a. Most of ash decline is caused by
of problems. Sick ash trees may suffer verticillium wilt, not ash yellows
from verticillium wilt, ash yellows, b. A study cited in the passage proves that
environmental stress, or a combination only environmental factors have
of these ailments. impacted ash decline in recent years,

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c. A study mentioned in the passage maka dikarenakan belum ada

shows that drought and weather may ditemukan pencegahan/ obat untuk
contribute to ash decline mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dapat
d. Verticillium wilt, ash yellows and disimpulkan bahwa penting bagi
environmental conditions all contribute peneliti untuk melanjutkan penelitian
to ash decline equally untuk bisa mengobati ash trees.
e. None all above
Jawaban: C 16. According to the passage, what is NOT a
Pembahasan: dari teks: A survey of characteristic of the disease ash yellows?
several Mildwestern states found that a. The pathogens that cause the disease are
some ash decline was found to be spread by insects
independent of ash yellows. The b. It causes a gradual decline in the tree’s
droughts in the 1980s may have caused health
the decline of ash trees in the Midwest. c. Its symptoms include a sparse canopy
and defoliation
14. As it is used in the passage, the word d. It turns the leaves of ash trees bright
“flourish” most nearly means: yellow.
a. Decorate e. None all above.
b. Prosper Jawaban: D
c. Decline Pembahasan: dari teks: Ash yellow is
d. Swim caused by a phytoplasma: virus – like
e. bloom pathogens that are spread by insects.
Jawaban: B Ash yellows leads to a gradual decline
Pembahasan: flourish artinya tumbuh in tree health for about two to ten years
dengan subur. Yang memiliki arti yang before the tree dies. Some common
sama adalah: symptoms include short internodes and
a. menghiasi tufting of foliage at branch ends, pale
b. tumbuh subur green or pale - yellow leaves,
c. menurun defoliation, and a sparse canopy.
d. berenang
e. mekar 17. Which of the following are accurate
statements about the ash trees, according to
15. the author would likely agree with which of the passage?
the following statements? I: ash trees with ash yellows diseases are
a. It is important for research to continue easily cured
into a cure for ash yellows II: ash trees infected with ash yellows
b. Ash yellows is not worthy of continued usually die after having the disease for two
scientific research to ten years.
c. All ash trees in North America will need III: ash trees infected with ash yellows do
to be destroyed to stop the spread of not usually recover
disease IV: ash trees infected with ash yellows
d. Ash trees are not significant to the good sometimes appear to recover in the spring.
health of plant and animal communities a. I, II, III, and IV
e. None all above b. II and III only
Jawaban: A c. I and IV only
Pembahasan: dari teks dinyatakan d. II, III and IV only
bahwa ash trees itu sangatlah penting, e. None all above

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Jawaban: D earth is cooled to the point at which it

Pembahasan: statement II benar karena condenses.
ditemukan dalam teks : Ash yellows leads
to a gradual decline in tree health for about
two to ten years before the tree dies. 19. In the passage, radiation fog is said to be
Statement III benar karena diteks a. Similar to advection fog
dinyatakan “Rarely does an ash tree recover b. Found in coastal areas’
from ash yellows.” c. Fast – moving
Statement IV benar karena diteks d. Trapped moisture hanging over inland
dinyatakan: Trees with ash decline may valleys
appear to recover in the spring and decline e. None all above’
again in July and August. Maka, yang tidak Jawaban: D
dinyatakan diteks adalah statement I karena Pembahasan: dari teks: Radiation fog,
diteks dinyatakan bahwa “. There are no quite different from advection fog, is
known cures for the diseases mentioned.” immobile cloud – like moisture
generally found hovering over
wintertime valleys.
Passage 3 (for questions no. 18 – 22)
20. According to the passage, which of the
Fog occurs when damp air above the following statements about fog is true?
surface of the earth is cooled to the point at a. Advection fog is caused when cold
which it condenses. Of the two types of fog, winds blow across a heated land surface
advection fog occurs along the ocean coast b. Advection fog is the type of fog that
or near rivers or lakes. This type of fast – occurs in small valleys on clear nights’
moving fog, which may cover vast areas, c. Radiation fog occurs when the cooled
occurs when warm winds blow across a atmosphere meets with heat from the
cold surface of land or water. In this earth
collision of heat and cold, the warm air is d. Radiation fog generally moves quickly
cooled to the point at which the water vapor across vast areas of land.
condenses into fog. Radiation fog, quite e. None all above
different from advection fog, is immobile Jawaban: C
cloud – like moisture generally found Pembahasan: pilihan A salah karena:
hovering over wintertime valleys. It occurs advection fog occurs along the ocean
on clear nights when the earth’s warmth coast or near rivers or lakes. This type
escapes into the upper atmosphere. of fast – moving fog, which may cover
vast areas, occurs when warm winds
18. According to the passage, fog is found blow across a cold surface of land or
when wetness in the air is ‘ water.
a. Vaporized Pilihan B salah karena advection fog
b. Cooled occurs along the ocean coast or near
c. Dampened rivers or lakes.
d. Heated Pilihan D salah karena “Radiation fog,
e. Casted away quite different from advection fog, is
Jawaban: B immobile cloud.
Pembahasan: dari teks: Fog occurs Pilihan C benar karena It occurs on
when damp air above the surface of the clear nights when the earth’s warmth
escapes into the upper atmosphere.

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If water is not pumped to the top of a tall tree, and

if it is not pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we
may ask, how does it get there? According to the
21. According to the passage, advection fog is currently accepted cohesion – tension theory, water
found … is pulled there. The pull on a rising column of water
a. In valleys in a plant results from the evaporation of water at
b. In the ocean the top of the plant. As water is lost from the
c. Near bodies of water surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or
d. Only in small, enclosed areas tension, is created. The evaporated water is
e. None all above replaced by water moving from inside the plant in
Jawaban: C unbroken columns that extend from the top of a
Pembahasan: advection fog occurs plant to its roots. The same forces that create
along the ocean coast or near rivers or surface tension in any sample of water are
lakes. responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken
columns of water. When water is confined in tubes
22. The author’s purpose in this passage is to of very small bore, the forces of cohesion (the
a. Explain the different types of fog attraction between water molecules) are so great
b. Describe where different types of fog that the strength of a column of water compares
are found with the strength of a stell wire of the same
c. Discuss advection fog diameter. This cohesive strength permits columns
d. Gives a scientific description of varied of water to be pulled to great heights without being
types of precipitation broken.
e. None all above
Jawaban: A 23. How many theories does an author
Pembahasan: dalam teks ini, penulis mention?
ingin menjelaskan perbedaan antara 2 a. One
jenis fog yaitu advection fog dan b. Two
radiation fog. c. Three
d. Four
Passage 4 (for questions no. 23 – 34) e. Five
Jawaban: C
Atmospheric pressure can support a column of Pembahasan: 1. Some botanists …, 2.
water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move Other explanations for the movement of
water much higher, the sequoia tree can pump water ….., 3. According to the currently
water to its very top, more than 100 meters above accepted cohesion – tension theory,
the ground. Until the end of the nineteenth century,
the movement of water in trees and other tall plants 24. The passage answers which of the
was a mystery. Some botanists demostrated that following questions?
the living cells of plants in which all the cells are a. What is the effect of atmospheric
killed can still move water to appreciable heights. pressure on foliage?
Other explanations for the movement of water in b. When do dead cells harm plant growth?
plants have been based on root pressure, a push on c. How does water get to the tops of trees?
the water from the roots at the bottom of the plant. d. Why is root pressure weak?
But root pressure is not nearly great enough to push e. None all above
water to the tops of tall trees. Furthermore, the Jawaban: C
conifers, which are among the tallest trees, have Pembahasan: teks diatas membahas
unusually low root pressures. tentang bagaimana air bisa sampai ke

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seluruh tanaman (toptree). Maka, d. Water in plant’s roots is not connected

pertanyaan yang tepat untuk jawaban to water in its stem.
tersebut adalah C (bagaimana air bisa e. None all above
sampai ke bagian teratas dari sebuah Jawaban: A
pohon?) Pembahasan: dari teks: Furthermore,
the conifers, which are among the
25. The word ‘demonstrated’ in the passage is tallest trees, have unusually low root
closest in meaning to pressures.
a. Ignored
b. Showed 28. Which of the following statement does the
c. Disguised passage support?
d. Distinguished a. Water is pushed to the tops of trees
e. Differentiated b. Botanists have proven that living cells
Jawaban: B act as pumps
Pembahasan: demonstrated artinya c. Atmospheric pressure draws water to
menunjukkan, maka pilihan yang tepat the tops of tall trees
yang bersinonim dengan kata tersebut d. Botanists have changed their theories of
adalah: a. mengabaikan how water moves in plants
b. menunjukkan e. None all above
c. menyamar Jawaban: D
d. membedakan Pembahasan: dari teks dapat
e. membedakan disimpulkan sebelumnya para ahli
berpendapat bahwa sel yang
26. What do the experiments mentioned in mengalirkan air dari akar ke bagian
italicised sentences in the passage? teratas tanaman berubah pendapat
a. Plant stems die when deprived water bahwa ada satu yang bisa melakukan
b. Cells in plant stems do not pump water hal yang sama yaitu evaporation.
c. Plants cannot move water to high
altitudes 29. The word “it” in the passage refers to …
d. Plant cells regulate pressure within a. Top
stems b. Tree
e. None all above c. Water
Jawaban: B d. Cohesion – tension theory
Pembahasan: cells of plants in which all e. None all above
the cells are killed can still move water Jawaban: C
to appreciable heights. Jadi, dapat Pembahasan: If water is not pumped to
disimpulkan bahwa sel- sel pada the top of a tall tree, and if it is not
tanaman bukan memompa, melainkan pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we
mengalirkan air. may ask, how does it get there.

27. How do botanists know that root pressure is 30. The word “there” in the passage refers to …
not the only force that moves water in a. Treetops
plants? b. Roots
a. Some very tall trees have weak root c. Water columns
pressure d. Tubes
b. Root pressures decrease in winter e. Water tensions
c. Plants can live after their roots die Jawaban: A

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Pembahasan: If water is not pumped to d. Atmospheric pressure supports the

the top of a tall tree, and if it is not columns.
pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we e. None all above.
may ask, how does it get there. Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: dari teks: The same forces
31. What causes the tension that draws water that create surface tension in any
up? sample of water are responsible for the
a. Humidity maintenance of these unbroken
b. Plant growth columns of water. When water is
c. Root pressure confined in tubes of very small bore, the
d. Evaporation forces of cohesion (the attraction
e. Nature attracts between water molecules) are so great.
Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: The pull on a rising 34. Why does the author mention steel wire in
column of water in a plant results from the text?
the evaporation of water at the top of the a. To illustrate another means of pulling
plant. water
b. To demonstrate why wood is a good
32. The word “extend” in the passage is closest building material
in meaning to c. To indicate the size of a column of
a. Stretch water
b. Branch d. To emphasize the strength of cohesive
c. Increase forces in water
d. Rotate e. None all above.
e. Move Jawaban: D
Jawaban: A Pembahasan: dari teks: are so great that
Pembahasan: unbroken columns that the strength of a column of water
extend from the top of a plant to its compares with the strength of a stell
roots. Kata extends dikalimat ini artinya wire of the same diameter. This
terbentang / berada. Maka, yang cohesive strength permits columns of
memiliki sinonim dengan kata extend water. Dari teks dapat disimpulkan
adalah: bahwa steel wire memiliki kekuatan
a. Terbentang yang kuat sama dengan kekuatan
b. Cabang desakan air.
c. Meningkatkan
d. Berputar
e. Bergerak Find the mistakes!
Choose the word which is grammatically incorrect!
33. According to the passage, why does the
water travel through plants in unbroken 35. Equipment (a) failures or malfunctions (b)
columns? caused by defects in workmanship or power
a. Root pressure moves the water very surges disrupts (c) local service of electric
rapidly ‘ power (d) no error (e )
b. The attraction between water molecules Jawaban: C
in strong Pembahasan: disrupts seharusnya diubah
c. The living cells of plants push the water menjadi disrupt karena mengacu pada kata
molecules together failurs / malfunctions (plural noun). Maka,

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kata gantinya adalah they. Dalam present

tense, jika subjek they, maka diikuti dengan 40. Mr. Cook has admitted that him (a)
V1. borrowing (b) is worse (c) than he
previously thought (d). no error (e).
36. Professor Al Rowland’s pioneering study, Jawaban: A
which (a) proves that the men who were Pembahasan: him ➔ his karena ada kata
exposed to atomic blasts developed (b) kerja admit yang seharusnya admit + Ving
serious genetic damages, have been (c) (gerund), maka admit + borrowing.
drawing media attention (d). no error Borrowing berubah menjadi noun, maka
Jawaban: C sebelum noun, seharusnya diikuti dengan
Pembahasan: have been seharusnya diubah adjective, maka him diubah menjadi his
menjadi has been karena yang menjadi (possessive adjective).
acuan adalah pioneering study (pronoun =
it). Maka, dalam present perfect tense, it + 41. Physicians believe what (a) lack of sleep
has been. affects (b) how one retains (c) information
(d) no error (E).
37. An increasing number of women want (a) Jawaban: A
to fitter (b), but few have (b) the Pembahasan: what ➔ that karena jika what
determination for sticking (c) to an yang digunakan, kalimat tersebut menjadi
appropriate (d) regimen of diet and salah, karena di awal kalimat sudah ada
exercise. No error (e). subject + verb (Physicians believe what)
Jawaban: C Sedangkan pada kalimat setelahnya juga
Pembahasan: for sticking seharusnya terdapat S + V (lack of sleep affects), agar
diubah menjadi to stick, karena sebelumnya kalimat tersebut menjadi benar, maka harus
sudah ada kata kerja “have determintation”, dipisah dengan kata penghubung klausa,
maka setelahnya diberikan preposisi ‘to” yaitu that.
kemudian V1.
42. Approximately two – thirds (a) of the
38. In some religious (a), people pray or reads earth’s surface (b) is (c) covered by body of
(b) religious texts before and after eating seawater that is interconnected (d). no error
(d). no error (e). (e).
Jawaban: B Jawaban: D
Pembahasan: reads ➔ read karena subjek Pembahasan: that ➔ which karena
kalimat adalah people (plural noun) dimana mengacu pada kata ‘body of seawater”
dalam present tense: they + v1. (noun).

39. Since the time the former revolutionary 43. Economics (a) are not (b) a formal method
leader took up (a) a new position as (b) the (c) of representational argument because
president of the country, he has been immutable laws are involved (d). no error
concerning (c) about the legitimacy of his (e).
(d) presidency. No error (e). Jawaban: B
Jawaban: C Pembahasan: economics merupakan
Pembahasan: concerning ➔ concerned scientific knowledge (pronoun: it) bukan
about karena yang menjadi subject kalimat bentuk plural dari economic. Maka, are ➔
adalah orang (he), maka setelahnya diikuti is.
seharusnya diikuti oleh adjective, maka
Ving diubah menjadi V3 (past participle).

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44. Learning to sing acceptably (a) is (b) more 49. West Virginia spends more money than any
difficult (c) than to dance adequately state (a) in the nation when it comes to
enough (d). no error (e). medical care (b), veteran compensation,
Jawaban: D and (c) other outlays (d). no error (e)
Pembahasan: parallelism; subjek kalimat Jawaban: A
(learning) is more difficult than … Pembahasan: any state ➔ any other states
(seharusnya diisi dengan S2, dimana S2 karena membandingkan Virginia (a state)
seharusnya parallel dengan S1 (Ving), dengan state lain, maka jawaban yang tepat
maka to dance ➔ dancing. seharusnya any other states.

45. The new secretary ordered (a) three trays of 50. If you are interested (a) in learning (b) more
foods (b) for the first meeting (c) of the task about the four – step behavioural approach,
force (d). no error one should read (c) Jeffrey Schwartz’s (d)
Jawaban: B book.
Pembahasan: foods merupakan Jawaban: C
uncountable noun, jadi tidak dapat diubah Pembahasan: one ➔ you karena di awal
menjadi bentuk plural, maka kata foods ➔ kalimat sudah diberikan subjek “you” dan
food. kalimat nya setara, jadi masih mengacu
pada subjek yang sama yaitu you.
46. Azaleas are sweetly smelling (a) flowers
that blossom (b) between (c) February
and(d) June. No error (E)
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: kata smelling seharusnya
diikuti dengan adjective, jadi sweetly
seharusnya diubah menjadi sweet.

47. Despite (a) his slow start, Rafael Nadal is

the player whom (b) we think is (c) most
likely to win (d) the Wimbledon crown. No
error (e).
Jawaban: B
Pembahasan: whom ➔ who karena yang
menjadi acuan adalah Rafael Nadal
(subjek/ person).

48. Blocks (a) from the (b) stadium, we could

hear (c) the people to cheer (d). no error (E)
Jawaban: A
Pembahasan: blocks ➔ blocked karena
diawal kalimat berfungsi sebagai noun
dapat dibentuk dari Ving (present
participle) atau V3 (past participle). Past
participle menjadi pilihan yang tepat karena
mengandung makna pasif yaitu diblok /

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