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Eva Carcelen Esteve 3033853

Exposure: Assignment 1

Which growth did you experience and what challenges still lie ahead of you?

This last 4 years I improved a lot in many of the competencies of the training profile. Ofcourse I
still have a long way to improve so many other competencies and learn other ones.

My technical skills are improving a lot with the neep of my teacher. I still need to continue with it
because you are never good enough and you can always improve. in the ones I noticed that I’ve growth a
lot are in 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.8. This ones are the more obviouss of all. That doesn't mean that I didn't
improve in the other fields, I did, and quite a lot, but as always it can be better.

My communication skills are much better. Before I couldn't be with people I don't know, I wasn't
good at talking, etc. But right now I try to work in different spaces, people, talk about what I think, what I
want, accept things I can improve, listen to feedbacks and not being scared of telling what I think. My
improvements are more notorious in 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6.

My organizational skills were always very good but with this few years I needed it to be even more
organised than before to have time to do everything I needed to do. The fields I noticed that growth are
6.1, 6.3 and 6.5.

Last, my teaching skills were 0 before coming to study here. I was not interested at all in teaching.
And now, it's everything I want to do. I still have a long journey in the teaching field but I improved in the
fields 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

I still struggle with some fields in my technical skills like being technically proficient in the violin
playing and having a varied repertoire. I struggle with my creative skills, I don't think is my strongest point
but still working on it.

How have you consciously steered your own growth?

With the time I learned that it's impossible to do all the things you need to do. It was a Must learn
how to prioritise some activities, ensembles, assignments and my own daily violin practice. I wrote down
in different notebooks my day to see what I did and then organised what I still needed to do.

My teaching and communication skills improved together. Thanks to some subjects in school, the
internship, ensembles, etc. They helped me to be interested in other topics I've never plan to be interested
in and then I got motivated to learn each day more.

Which points for development/challenges are you focusing on at the moment?

I'm still focus in improve my technical skills with the violin due to all the problems I had last year
with my mental health. I feel that I was stuck with the violin so I want to improve and be confident with
my playing again.
Eva Carcelen Esteve 3033853

I'm focusing in teaching too. I am going to continue learning in a school so I will have the
opportunity to observe, help and do lessons to different groups with different ages. I will be able to use
different teaching approaches and being able to improvise too.

What do you need to let go and/or what do you need to stop?

I need to let go the past and stop sabotaging myself. Focus more on myself and less in what the
others will think or say about me. Because that i t's making me to not enjoy what I do, that is playing the

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