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UT-4A_Paper-1 (Code-A) JEE (Advanced) CoE (XII)-2022-23

18. A disc of radius R carrying charge Q is rotated about its central axis with angular speed, . Magnetic field
 Q
at centre of disc is 0 . Value of n is ____. (Consider uniform distribution of charge)
19. Two infinitely long wires are carrying currents I1 = 10 A and I2 = 20 A in opposite directions as shown. If
the magnetic field at point P is n × 10–7 T, then the value of n is ____.

20. A current enters a conducting loop at P and leaves at Q. Magnetic field at centre O of the circle due to
 B 1
PRQ and PSQ is B1 and B2 respectively. If   , then  is
2 B2


Matching List Type

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has two lists (List-I : P, Q, R and S; List-II : 1, 2,
3 and 4). In general, every entry in List-I may match with only one entry in list-II. The options for the correct match
are provided as (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
21. Match the List-I having a number of species and some chemical reaction with the List-II having chemical
properties and gases produced in the chemical reactions
List-I List-II
(P) NaN3 (1) All N-N bond lengths are same
(Q) HN3 (2) All N-N bond lengths are different
(R) HN3 + Li (3) NH3
(S) N2O + NaNH2 (4) NH3 + N2
(A) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (3), S  (4) (B) P  (2), Q  (1), R  (4), S  (3)
(C) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (4), S  (3) (D) P  (2), Q  (1), R  (3), S  (4)
22. Match the List-I having a number metal extraction processes with List-II having the reactions involved in
these processes.
List-I List-II
(P) van Arkel process (1) 2Al2O3 + 3C  4Al + 3CO2

(Q) Mond’s process (2) ZrI4   Zr  2I2

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JEE (Advanced) CoE (XII)-2022-23 UT-4A_Paper-1 (Code-A)

(3) Ni  CO 4 Ni  4CO

(R) Hall-Heroult process
(S) Mac Arthur forrest cyanide process (4) 2Na|Ag(CN)2| + Zn  Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag

(A) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (3), S  (4) (B) P  (4), Q  (1), R  (2), S  (3)
(C) P  (2), Q  (3), R  (1), S  (4) (D) P  (4), Q  (3), R  (1), S  (2)
23. Match the compounds given in List-I with their uses given in List-II
List-I List-II
(P) S2Cl2 (1) Poor Fluorinating agent
(Q) SF4 (2) Used as rocket fuel
(R) H2O2 (3) Used to purify drinking water
(S) O3 (4) Used for preparing mustard gas
(A) P  (4), Q  (2), R  (1), S  (3) (B) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (3), S  (4)
(C) P  (4), Q  (1), R  (2), S  (3) (D) P  (2), Q  (1), R  (4), S  (3)

One or More Options Correct Type

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of
which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

24. Consider the following reaction

Metal + HNO3  Metal nitrate + Nitrogen oxide
Identify the correct combination(s) among the following
(A) Fe + Dilute HNO3 (20%)  NO

(B) Zn + Dilute HNO3 (20%)  N2O

(C) Cu + Concentrated HNO3 (70%)  NO2

(D) Pb + Dilute HNO3 (20%)  NO

25. The ores which can be concentrated by magnetic separation method
(A) Wolframite (B) Chromite
(C) Magnetite (D) Calamine
26. Identify the correct statement(s) among the following
(A) The size of 3d orbital of P in PH3 is larger than that of P in PF3 molecule
(B) PF3 is covalent and BiF3 is ionic
(C) N-F bond energy is same as N-Cl bond
(D) Both Li3N and Mg3N2 are largely covalent

27. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) In hydraulic washing, gangue particles are washed away with water whereas ore particles are left
(B) In froth floatation method, the work of collector is to reduce the wettability of the ore particles with oil
(C) The work of depressant in froth floatation process is to prevent one of the two sulphide ores from
coming to the froth
(D) The complex formed in the leaching of Ag with NaCN is Na[Ag(CN)2]
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 [9]
UT-4A_Paper-1 (Code-A) JEE (Advanced) CoE (XII)-2022-23

28. Which of the following is/are correct?

(A) TeO2 is oxidizing while SO2 is reducing in nature
(B) Rhombic sulfur is stable below 369 K and transforms to monoclinic surface above this temperature
(C) At 1000 K, Sulfur exists as a paramagnetic species
(D) Ammonolysis of S2Cl2 in inert solvent gives S4N4
29. Identify the correct statement(s) about ICl3.
(A) It exists as I2Cl6 at room temperature
(B) Its dimer has a planar structure
(C) It shows appreciable electrical conductivity in liquid state
(D) It undergoes self-ionization in liquid state

Paragraph Type

This section contains 3 paragraphs each describing theory, experiment and data etc. Six questions relate to
three paragraphs with two questions on each paragraph. Each question pertaining to a particular passage should
have only one correct answer among the four given choices (A), (B), (C) and (D).

Paragraph for Q. Nos. 30 and 31

Copper is extracted from its sulphide ore by heating with silica in reverberatory furnace. Copper is
produced in the form of copper matte. Copper matte is then charged into silica lined converter. Some
Silica is also added and hot air blast is blown to obtain metallic copper.
30. Copper Matte contains
(A) Cu2S and FeO (B) Cu2O and FeS
(C) Cu2S and FeS (D) Cu2O and FeO
31. For the reaction given below
FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3
Identify the correct option
(A) FeO is gangue and FeSiO3 is flux (B) FeO is gangue and SiO2 is slag
(C) FeO is flux and SiO2 is slag (D) SiO2 is flux and FeSiO3 is slag
Paragraph for Q. Nos. 32 and 33

Xenon fluorides can act as fluoride donor and fluoride acceptors. These are also very good oxidising and
fluorinating agents.

32. Consider the following reaction

XeF4 + SbF5  (Cationic part) (anionic part)

The hybridization of central atom of cationic part and anionic part of the product are

(A) sp3d2, sp3d2 (B) sp3d, sp3d2

(C) sp3d, sp3d (D) sp3d2, sp3d

33. How many moles of oxygen gas are released when 3 moles of XeF4 undergo complete hydrolysis?
(A) 3 (B) 1.5
(C) 2 (D) 2.5

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 [10]

JEE (Advanced) CoE (XII)-2022-23 UT-4A_Paper-1 (Code-A)

Paragraph for Q. Nos. 34 and 35

Heating of Cl2 gas with freshly precipitated HgO in the presence of dry air produces a yellow brown gas X.
Gas X is soluble in water and explodes in the presence of reducing agents or NH3.

34. Gas X is

(A) Cl2O (B) ClO2

(C) Cl2O7 (D) ClO3

35. How many moles of N2 gas releases when 6 moles of X explode with excess of ammonia?

(A) 2 (B) 3

(C) 4 (D) 6


Matching Column Type

This section contains two questions. Each question contains two columns, Column I and Column-II. Column-I
has four entries (A), (B), (C) and (D), Column II has five entries (P), (Q), (R), (S) and (T). Match the entries in
Column I with the entries in Column-II. One or more entries in Column-I may match with one are more entries
in Column-II. The ORS contains a 4 × 5 matrix whose layout will be similar to the one shown below:
For each entry in Column-I, darken the bubbles of all the matching entries. For example, if entry (A) in
Column-I matches with entries (Q), (R) and (T), then darken these three bubbles in the ORS. Similarly, for
entries (B), (C) and (D)
(A) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)
(B) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)
(C) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)
(D) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T)

36. Match the Column-I having a number of oxoacids of sulphur with Column-II having different linkage
present in them.
Column-I Column-II
(Oxoacids) (Linkages)
(A) Oleum (P) O-O linkage
(B) Thiosulphuric acid (Q) S-O-S linkage
(C) Caro’s acid (R) Four S = O linkage
(D) Marshall acid (S) S = S linkage
(T) Two S = O linkage

37. Match the metals/elements given in Column-I with the refining process given in Column-II employed for
their purification
Column-I Column-II
(A) B Ans A(T); B(Q, S); C(P, Q); D(Q. R) (P) Vapour phase refining
(B) Zn (Q) Electro refining
(C) Ni (R) Poling
(D) Sn (S) Distillation
(T) Zone refining
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 [11]
UT-4A_Paper-1 (Code-A) JEE (Advanced) CoE (XII)-2022-23

Integer Value Correct Type
This section contains 3 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a double-digit integer, ranging from 00
to 99. The answer will have to be appropriately bubbled in the ORS as per the instructions as follows. Examples- If
the correct answer to question numbers X, Y and Z (say) are 76, 0 and 9 respectively, then mark 76, 00 and 09 in
OMR respectively

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

38. Consider the following reaction

P4  5O2 
 x 

The number of P – O bonds breaking in the hydrolysis of 3 molecules of x is

39. Certain amount of chlorine is treated with 8 moles of ammonia to produce a compound x along with a
gas y. The remaining amount of chlorine is further treated with excess of fluorine at 200-300°C to
produce 6 moles of an another compound Z. How many moles of Cl2 are taken initially?

40. The sum of the oxide and oxy salt ores among the following is
Bauxite, Rutile, Chromite ore, Magnetite, Galena, Cryolite, Carnalite, Siderite, Calamine, Malachite,
Baryte, Gypsum, Copper pyrite. oxy salt - carbonate + sulphate + nitrate



Matching List Type

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has two lists (List-I : P, Q, R and S; List-II : 1, 2,
3 and 4). In general, every entry in List-I may match with only one entry in list-II. The options for the correct match
are provided as (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
41. Let f(x) = (2x – 1) (2x – 2) and g(x) = 2sinx + cos2x in [0, ]
List-I List-II
(P) f increases on (1) log  3 / 2 , 

(Q) f decreases on (2)  – ,log  3 / 2  


 
(R) g decreases on (3)  0, 
 6
 5 
(S) g increases on (4)  ,  
 6 
(A) P  (2), Q  (1), R  (3), S  (4)
(B) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (4), S  (3)
(C) P  (2), Q  (1), R  (4), S  (3)
(D) P  (1), Q  (2), R  (3), S  (4)

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 [12]

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