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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

Berilah tanda silang (x) huruf a, b, c, dan d di depan jawaban yang benar!
1. Rudi likes fruit salad. It means Rudi likes … food.
a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Spicy
d. Salty
2. Hanan likes food with a litte bit more salt. It means that Hanan likes … food.
a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Spicy
d. Salty
3. What does lemon taste like?
a. Sweet
b. Sour
c. Spaicy
d. Salty
4. My sister brings … of candy.
a. A slice of
b. A pair of
c. A bar of
d. A handful of
5. I want … of pizza.
a. A slice of
b. A pair of
c. A bar of
d. A handful of

The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.

It is Hari’s birthday. He is so happy. His friends are coming. They give him a lot of presents.
Adi gives a pair of shoes. Hima gives a pair of cool glasses. Hani gives a pile of books. The
foods in Hari’s place are special. There are a slice of cake, a bowl of bakso, a handful of
candy, and many more.
6. What kind of occasion does Hari have?
a. Birthday
b. Graduation
c. Anniversary
d. Housewarming
7. What does Hari feel?
a. Hungry
b. Sad
c. Angry
d. Happy
8. What does Adi give to Hari?
a. A pair of shoes
b. A jar of jam
c. A pair of glass
d. A bowl of soup
9. Are there foods in Hari’s place?
a. Yes, there are
b. No, there are not
c. Yes, there is
d. No, there is not
10. The food that s not mentioned in the text is …
a. A slice of cake
b. A piece of cheese
c. A handful of candy
d. A bowl of bakso
11. Fried rice is a …. Food
a. Spicy
b. Bitter
c. Sour
d. Sweet
12. Andy is thirsty. He wants ….
a. A glass of water
b. A glass of bakso
c. A bar of chocolate
d. A plate of fried rice
13. I want to eat … of cereal.
a. A box of
b. A pack of
c. A slice of
d. A pint of
14. Tatang is making a …. of fried rice now.
a. Plate
b. Bowl
c. Bottle
d. Glass
15. Rp. 10.000 . How much does a kilogram of garlic cost?
a. Ten thousand rupiahs
b. Eleven thousand rupiahs
c. Twelve thousand rupiahs
d. Thirteen thousand rupiahs
16. Rp. 300.000. How much money is it?
a. One hundred rupiahs
b. Two hundred rupiahs
c. Three thousand rupiahs
d. Three hundred thousand rupiahs

How much is it?

a. Fifty thousand rupiahs
b. ten thousand rupiahs
c. twenty thousand rupiahs
d. sixty thousand rupiahs


How much is it?

a. One hundred thousand rupiahs
b. Two hundred thousand rupiahs
c. Three hundred thousand rupiahs
d. Four hundred thousand rupiahs


How much is it?

a. One thousand rupiahs
b. Two thousand rupiahs
c. Three thousand rupiahs
d. Six thousand rupiahs


a. One hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs

b. Two hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs
c. Three hundred and sixty thousand rupiahs
d. Four hundred thousand rupiahs
B. Fill in the following blanks with the correct answer!
Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!
1. My Father’s tea is without sugar.
So, it tastes …
2. I don’t like soursop. It tastes ...
3. This fried rice is full of sambal. It tastes …
4. Rp. 50.000 = ……………..
5. Rp. 10.000 = ……………..
6. Rp. 13.000 = ……………..
7. Rp. 500 = ……………..
8. Fried rice is a ………… food
9. Sandra likes candy because it tastes ………
10. I want …………….. of pizza
C. Answer the following questions with the correct answer!
Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!
1. Write the taste of food in English!
2. Write the correct quantity nouns!
(Tulislah quantity noun yang benar)
a. ….. chocolate
b. ….. fried rice
c. ….. sugar
d. ….. mineral water
3. Translate the sentences below into Indonesian!
a. A box of cereal is thirty thousand rupiahs
b. A hand of banana is ten thousand rupiahs
4. Complete the conversation below appropriately!
a. Hi, Amar. What is your favorite food?
b. Mother : Noni, take a ……. of salt and add it to the dough. Not to much.
Noni : Okay, Mom.
5. Rp. 125.000, How much is it? ….
Rp. 170.000, How much is it? ….

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