Erreurs Fréquentes en Anglais

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Erreurs fréquentes en anglais – Exercices

Voici des exemples d’erreurs souvent faites et qu’il faut éviter !

Corriger ces phrases en essayant de comprendre la faute puis traduisez-les.

1) Next summer, I will go at Spain.

2) When I’m alone, I listen music.
3) What your problem?
4) I am agree with you.
5) Gun control is a big issue in USA.
6) It’s a problem very important.
7) He said me that he agrees with me.
8) For conclude, I will say that money rules the world.
9) We must arrive to make people aware of this issue.
10)The UK will exit the EU. It’s population will be in trouble.
11)They are a lot of inequalities in the world.
12)As a lawyer, he wins a lot of money.
13)It depends of the weather.
14)It’s a very interested topic.
15)I’m very exciting about that.
16)There were a lot of dead because of tuberculosis.
17)We must act for save the planet.
18)Even if I have fifteen years, I understand this problem.
19)The text speaks about global warming.
20)The three first documents are about sport.
21)When I will go home, I will do my homework.
22)I think no.
23)In my mind, the titanic sank because of the fire in Belfast.
24)It’s more easy to understand this.
25)In this picture, I notice people who yell.

Compléter ce tableau avec des synonymes (au moins 4)pour éviter les répétitions.
good bad important because problem think see

40 verbes courants à connaitre et à en connaitre le preterit :

Try: Run:
Think: Want:
Believe: Lose:
Worry: Start:
Happen: Convince:
Call: Send:
Meet: Allow:
Help: Bring:
Come: Stop:
Walk : Buy:
Avoir: Savoir :
Etre : Faire :
Apprendre : Prendre :
Lire : Donner :
Ecrire : Pouvoir :
Dire : Aller :
Parler : Manger :
Ecouter : Boire :
Entendre : Oublier
Comprendre : Sortir :

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